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Two passengers killed, 20 injured in charter bus crash in Maha Sarakham


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So sad... RIP (which just doesn't cut it.)

A few weeks ago I wondered (aloud... On a post) how frequently I would have to write RIP in regards to these senseless and avoidable deaths, over the next few months

Hell... Posters are writing that they KNEW that this section of road was very dangerous, yet the professional bus drivers seem unable to process the risk vs speed equation... <deleted>

Anyway.... The only solution seems to be a dedicated RIP key for Thai sold computers, as no one else (with the capacity to act proactively) seems to care, which is even sadder and (criminally) negligent.

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this really is getting too much, just about every day now we read one of these stories involving these buses, something has to be done and done quickly no more stuffing around , so many young lives being lost needlessly. I recall reading just a couple of weeks ago that the government had instructed these buses were to be examined and certified in respect of their stability. all we get is excuses about brakes failing or some other lame excuse being put forward . it is absolutely evident even to everyone that on just about every occasion when a bus crashes that the fault is entirely due to driver error , over tired, or stoned off their face. DOESN'T ANYONE IN AUTHORITY IN THIS COUNTRY HAVE THE GUTS TO DO SOMETHING POSITIVE TO STOP THIS CARNAGE, accidents happen in every country certainly but definitely not to the same extent as is happening here

Agreed. But a crackdown on bus drivers regarding their driving hours and proficiency. Holding a licence does not make one a proficient driver. Tests for alcohol and drugs, prior and during a driving stint. Why does the present regime not do something about it? It would certainly give it kudos. But then...........

NOTE! You are not allowed to mention the present regime in a detrimental way. So be careful.

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It only gives an overview , no detail or street view to see why it is such a dangerous road.

no roads in the world are dangerous ;

the driver must adapt his driving to the conditions;

night, rain, rough road, fog...and so on ...

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It only gives an overview , no detail or street view to see why it is such a dangerous road.

no roads in the world are dangerous ;

the driver must adapt his driving to the conditions;

night, rain, rough road, fog...and so on ...

Mmmm.... Don't know about that.

There the boys were, in a bus (oops), driving to the work site, when the hill alongside the road collapsed into a mud slide.... The rear view showed no more road behind them, and no more village alongside the road.... Seconds earlier and the boys too, would have been brown bread.

Saw similar deals in the US with unexpected rock falls onto otherwise good roads, in the Rocky Mountain area.

So... Schmitt does happen

But I accept most of what you say.... As poor driver judgement is rampant within the public/ private transportation section... And now, this includes the baht buses, after the earlier report of the bus driver turning on his passenger, wielding a sign (weapon)

Edited by farcanell
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That's the 2nd bus in a couple of days that has "Skidded" off the road,

was there ice on the road,was it raining , or just driving faster than their

abilities, plus I thought a while ago they were going to make bus operators

install seat belts for all passengers,what happened that idea?

regards Wrgeordie

As the bus was moving I would think no matter what the speed it was beyond the drivers capabilities

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Another example of crap reporting from ThaiPBS (in addition to their prolific misspelling and shudder-inducing grammar...obviously no native-speaker editor on staff):

The bus was not a charter. It was the regular bus line from Udon-Thani to Roi Et which passes through Khon Kaen and Mahasarakham.

The accident didn't occur before dawn. It occurred at 7:39am, in broad daylight, an hour after dawn.

The bus did not ram a tree. Clear photos show no tree within 50 meters. The bus simply went out of control (no other traffic around) after hitting the median curb, turned over on its side, and skidded about 50 meters before landing in an open ditch. All the windows broke out on the driver's side through which passengers were also ejected, and one crushed by the bus.

The bus was not all students going to Mahasarakham. It was a regular mix of passengers (including students) who take this route (two monks--one of whom died, a pregnant mother who died, etc.)


I have taken this route/bus line perhaps a hundred times over a decade.

Generally, the drivers for this company are inconsiderate nutters: excessive speed (the most frequent offence), erratic lane changes, passing other vehicles on hills and blind curves, texting and talking on their hand phones, smoking (choking the passengers directly behind them), and tailgating. In the afternoons, the aisle and front bus steps are packed with standing passengers who are jammed in like sardines. The driver is totally unable to see his left rearview mirror, and one sudden braking would throw at least five passengers through the front windshield. Incidentally, in this accident, rather than assist the dying and injured, the driver did a runner, and still hasn't been found. No surprise there, of course.

Usually, the seatbelts are inaccessible (tied up under the seat). The two or three times I could get to my seatbelt, I buckled up to the smirks and snickers of fellow Thai passengers around me. Didn't bother me a bit. There is absolutely no concept of the death and mayhem that result when passengers are flung about the inside (or ejected) from a crashing bus. Incidentally, every bus in this company posts warning signs on the inside to use seat belts, or face a stiff fine (I think it's 2,000B). Form but no substance.

Lacking: training of drivers, mechanical speed governors, and enforcing road laws for buses; safety education of passengers. As to seatbelts, all it would take would be 4-5 policemen, going through all the buses in the fleet, and fining the company for every seat belt missing or tied up under the seats. Big windfall for the BIB. But maybe the white envelopes contain even more filthy lucre.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Found this short clip on LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=745_1457518682

Not a sole around him! And the jack holes watching and making noises as if its a movie!! Disgusting the whole lot!

yes, seems it was funny to the collective brain power of a used condom of those watching - sick<deleted>'s, but unfortunately normal for some people.

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Found this short clip on LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=745_1457518682

Not a sole around him! And the jack holes watching and making noises as if its a movie!! Disgusting the whole lot!

yes, seems it was funny to the collective brain power of a used condom of those watching - sick<deleted>'s, but unfortunately normal for some people.

Seemed to be.... I wondered briefly, if they would produce flash score cards... Then chastised myself, as I don't understand Thai, and what was actually being said... But it did seem inappropriate at the time

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another bus accident can we put it down to bad driving? there does appear to be a lot of accidents involving buses these days .

Sometimes these charter buses do incredulous trips. My 'nephew' was on one that came overnight from Tak to Pattaya, spent the day in Pattaya and set off back that night. I doubt they had a relief driver......

Nephew was exhausted and he slept most of the trip.

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I drove that road twice a day for 6 months. It's lethal.

you mean, if you would have 2 students !!

I mean your own kids in the car,

you also would drive crazy fast around the curves !


Driver was not in fault !

Heavy rain now there of rain making !

So we have to claim the pilots to make rain in curves of the street !!

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this really is getting too much, just about every day now we read one of these stories involving these buses, something has to be done and done quickly no more stuffing around , so many young lives being lost needlessly. I recall reading just a couple of weeks ago that the government had instructed these buses were to be examined and certified in respect of their stability. all we get is excuses about brakes failing or some other lame excuse being put forward . it is absolutely evident even to everyone that on just about every occasion when a bus crashes that the fault is entirely due to driver error , over tired, or stoned off their face. DOESN'T ANYONE IN AUTHORITY IN THIS COUNTRY HAVE THE GUTS TO DO SOMETHING POSITIVE TO STOP THIS CARNAGE, accidents happen in every country certainly but definitely not to the same extent as is happening here

To answer your question no, it's them or their ilk making the money.

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