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Ive got women less than half my age interested in me. Amazing thailand

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I have women aged in the early twenties interested in me. This would never happen back home.

Im not self deluded and realise when I look at myself in the mirror that Im only just taller than tom cruise and better looking than woody allen.

I am married and thus have no intention of pursuing any these admirers. Is anybody else in the same situation?

Its duly noted that I don't live in Pats and the Thai ladies Im referring to are students and have normal jobs etc. (i.e. the non pay for play variety)

Have a great day in Amazing Thailand.

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Actually it does happen back home, especially young western women are very proactive these days, the older girls well...just forget them.

I did have one woman half my age trying to get my attention once in a Hua Hin mall while the TGF went off doing something, but alas lot harder at Central and Paragon, maybe i don't look like i have money.

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Looking young for one's age has nothing to do with what anyone tells us.

Anyone who really does look young for their age should already know by experience from the reactions of other people, so they shouldn't need to be told.

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It is like a dog chasing a car. Once he has caught it, he has no idea what to do with it. Having relationships with the young can get tedious at a certain point. Many forty year olds still look twenty something. Can't share nor understand your excitement.

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If you are stupid enough to believe they are interested in YOU, then I would say you have a big problem with reality. ALL Thai women have only interest in how much $$ they can extract from you for their family and theirselves. Period.

There is no exception. If they see financial benefit to having a relationship with you, they will pursue it aggressively.

If you operate in Thailand under the assumption you are the one special case this does not apply, you are a fool.

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Some of my Thai wife's girlfriends and cousins are in their early twenties and are setting age limits for the Farrang they want to find at 40 - 65. Most of these girls are stunning and from good families, never worked in bars or would do.

They constantly ask us to find them a partner because none of them are interested in Thai men. When I suggest it they say they feel sick.

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Good luck with that potential money pit.

It's generally about security not love. Some repeat tourists and expats never seem to understand that or don't want to believe it and are in denial. Have you asked her if she is married, has a Thai boyfriend or several cell phones? Has the mom been sick yet and she needs to leave for a week? :)

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