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Wife transferring my money

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

Why you say this is.

I know few family where pay family in low.

ANother thinks its almost happened in family there wife from families with more lower income (class)

And it is rare in Thailand.
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I hope the OP resolves his trust issue with his wife. If the relationship turns sour as a result of this problem then a UK divorce could obviously ensue. That would make the £6k seem a trifling sum...

My feeling is that for many Thai ladies, marrying a Westerner and going to live in a foreign country is just a job. They play the role of wife and say and do what is expected of them. But at the end of the day it is just a job and their loyalty is to the family. I even hear Thai ladies use the word คู่อุปถัมภ์ (koo-upatam) about their relationship with their husband, which means 'couple in a relationship for support'.

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

Why you say this is.

I know few family where pay family in low.

ANother thinks its almost happened in family there wife from families with more lower income (class)

And it is rare in Thailand.

no, never!

A thai man will never, ever give one single satang of his salary to his family in law.

The thai wife will give money to her parent on her salary!

But of course, on the other hand, farang husband are expected to take care of the whole village!cheesy.gif

why foreigner doesn't have any self respect, why do they lower themself to be treated like dog???

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

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My advice to any man getting involved with a lady from another country (not only Thailand) is to learn the language.

Learning to speak, read and write Thai is really not that difficult if you put a little effort into it. You will then be able to understand the conversations she is having with friends and family, and you'll get a feeling for how the family regard you. I suspect it would be a revelation to most guys.

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I think contemporary western culture has interfered with some people's notions of what it means to be responsible and to take on the burden of making decisions.

I am talking about radical, contemporary feminism.

Learning Thai, being indulgent, helping her family are all activities that if one chooses to engage will make you 'jai dii', but they are unlikely to earn one much respect.

In my opinion, Thai people have not evolved sufficiently in the areas of initiative, confidence and all sorts of other areas. The Thai IQ is an average of 90 in comparison to Britain where the average is 100. That is an enormous difference.

We know today that education makes the brain more active and agile, in fact 5 years of post compulsory education can make ones brain remain active for a further 5 years and delay the onset of alzheimers etc . . .

I don't believe Thai people are innately less intelligent, please don't misconstrue, but they are conditioned both socially, religiously and pedagogically to be at once submissive to superiors and arrogantly nationalistic.

Some simple observations make this clear. The largest, in my opinion, indication is the failure of Thais, even educated Thais, who work in companies that are foreign owned and whose professional credibility depends upon their use of the English language correctly to spell English words even for advertising purposes.

How many times have we all seen this happen? Menus, banners, signs and awards and the list goes on and occurs even in events designed to attract Thais to learn English at a given facility.

If you or i were writing in Thai I am sure we would ask a Thai person, right? This never happens in reverse!

Do you know what's worse?

That the foreigners who oversee the Thai staff are so terrified of appearing less than culturally sensitive that they DO NOTHING to correct the mistakes!

The same applies with our wives and girlfriends. We can enrich their lives buy sharing some of our cultural staples just as much as they enrich ours but i don't feel we as westerners should be adopting too many Thai customs. Perhaps in their purest forms they help people interact but so often cultural mores like Grenj Jai are used as an excuse to lie/avoid the truth.

I am not immune; my own partner of 5 years and despite my western education and experience still takes the advice of her friends over mine.

This happens and of course we can indulge the small absurdities of living with a younger Thai partner but not as regards big issues.

The chap who commented above that farangs are suckers has it right in many respects.

In the west my kind of patriarchal world view would be laughed at or inspire a host of feminists and their male supporters to break into a tirade of abuse but patriarchy is not bad when it does not involve misuse of power and is part of a responsibility for one's partner/family.

Thai men would rarely accept the things foreign men do but they are also more likely to be abusers. However, I do think 'treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen' is probably less likely to result in the loss of one's economic health.

Maybe I'm wrong, but giving a wife or girlfriend power over one's finances just seems foolhardy or masochistic.

In all my 'romances' in the west and in Thailand I never met a woman who would take any kind of financial responsibility for her actions.

Just my opinion . . . .and experience.

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

edit : double post

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

so in your 8 years here how many thai men did you meet

who bought a house for their in-law?

who bought a pick up for their in-law?

who send every month several thousands baht?

i am really curious to know?

and also how many thai men did marry a bar girl, or marry a thai woman with children, or give sind sod to a divorced girl?

fleecing foreigner in thailand is a huge industry in thailand!

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

so in your 8 years here how many thai men did you meet

who bought a house for their in-law?

who bought a pick up for their in-law?

who send every month several thousands baht?

i am really curious to know?

and also how many thai men did marry a bar girl, or marry a thai woman with children, or give sind sod to a divorced girl?

fleecing foreigner in thailand is a huge industry in thailand!

Who forces these foreigners to splash cash around ?

Blaming Thai people for unwise spending decisions made by foreigners seems somewhat OTT.

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

so in your 8 years here how many thai men did you meet

who bought a house for their in-law?

who bought a pick up for their in-law?

who send every month several thousands baht?

i am really curious to know?

and also how many thai men did marry a bar girl, or marry a thai woman with children, or give sind sod to a divorced girl?

fleecing foreigner in thailand is a huge industry in thailand!

Who forces these foreigners to splash cash around ?

Blaming Thai people for unwise spending decisions made by foreigners seems somewhat OTT.

Farang penis usually.

It often dick tates.

Edited by stoneyboy
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You can prosecute a spouse in the UK for taking money out of a joint account???

Not if she has drawing rights which she will have

Didn't you read what the OP said, she took his ATM Card without his knowledge & because she knew the pin, she withdrew money without him knowing...

IF he gave her/she knew his PIN, he gave her his approval to access his account.

Wrong. She used his card without his knowledge. That's theft.

No bank anywhere, or police for that matter, will consider it theft, especially when it is his wife.

He gave the pin number out, his own concious decision...which is why banks harp on about never giving anyone else your PIN.

In any case OP, surely you must know the Thai persona?

Once they have your money you will never get it back.

If you knew Thais then surely you would know that money would have been gone hours after it hit the account.

Sorry to say this but i just cant fathom why anyone would give a thai wife the pin of a personal account,

whats more i cant believe the OP and posters replying can even think for a nanosecond that the funds havent been spent/dispersed amongst family, and are just sitting in some thai account for a rainy day.


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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

Why you say this is.

I know few family where pay family in low.

ANother thinks its almost happened in family there wife from families with more lower income (class)

And it is rare in Thailand.

no, never!

A thai man will never, ever give one single satang of his salary to his family in law.

The thai wife will give money to her parent on her salary!

But of course, on the other hand, farang husband are expected to take care of the whole village!cheesy.gif

why foreigner doesn't have any self respect, why do they lower themself to be treated like dog???

You wrong.

How much you can bet on this is?

And you have some wrong.

If wife not have salary... so its mean not give money family? ...

I say in Thailand not many mix maried.

I mean different finacial class.

Not many have "fast money"(as Chima for examle)

So not realy big diference children and parents income. So children cant give so much.

But its in cultiral support family, and not only Thai. In many asian same.

I know Thai who give for she lover money as for family. Rent she home, give money for children for mom.

So how much you can bet?:)

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

so in your 8 years here how many thai men did you meet

who bought a house for their in-law?

who bought a pick up for their in-law?

who send every month several thousands baht?

i am really curious to know?

and also how many thai men did marry a bar girl, or marry a thai woman with children, or give sind sod to a divorced girl?

fleecing foreigner in thailand is a huge industry in thailand!

I know minimum 3 thai guys they lover( not wife) bilding home for mother father from money what give guys. Wife this is guys from same financial class so family have may be even more whan children.

And know one guys who take from another class wife.

So yes she give family money for buy ground and bild house. Give mpney sister for open shop.


Thai guys(and not only Thai, many asian) who have money do not like married with woomen even divorsed and if children its very small chance.

And in Thailand do not Like mixed with another class. And do not many fast money as in China so no big chance married poor girl with children with Thaiguy who have money.

But still can be lover.

But farang do not care about this is things.

So its chance. And even farang poor for motherland in Thailand its guys with money. What why this is happened and that why many farang come to Thailand.;)

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

so in your 8 years here how many thai men did you meet

who bought a house for their in-law?

who bought a pick up for their in-law?

who send every month several thousands baht?

i am really curious to know?

and also how many thai men did marry a bar girl, or marry a thai woman with children, or give sind sod to a divorced girl?

fleecing foreigner in thailand is a huge industry in thailand!

I know minimum 3 thai guys they lover( not wife) bilding home for mother father from money what give guys. Wife this is guys from same financial class so family have may be even more whan children.

And know one guys who take from another class wife.

So yes she give family money for buy ground and bild house. Give mpney sister for open shop.


Thai guys(and not only Thai, many asian) who have money do not like married with woomen even divorsed and if children its very small chance.

And in Thailand do not Like mixed with another class. And do not many fast money as in China so no big chance married poor girl with children with Thaiguy who have money.

But still can be lover.

But farang do not care about this is things.

So its chance. And even farang poor for motherland in Thailand its guys with money. What why this is happened and that why many farang come to Thailand.wink.png

anyone can translate me this in english?

is there anyone here who speak the same language than ardokano because google translator can not identify it?coffee1.gif


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Why you say this is.

I know few family where pay family in low.

ANother thinks its almost happened in family there wife from families with more lower income (class)

And it is rare in Thailand.

no, never!

A thai man will never, ever give one single satang of his salary to his family in law.

The thai wife will give money to her parent on her salary!

But of course, on the other hand, farang husband are expected to take care of the whole village!cheesy.gif

why foreigner doesn't have any self respect, why do they lower themself to be treated like dog???

You wrong.

How much you can bet on this is?

And you have some wrong.

If wife not have salary... so its mean not give money family? ...

I say in Thailand not many mix maried.

I mean different finacial class.

Not many have "fast money"(as Chima for examle)

So not realy big diference children and parents income. So children cant give so much.

But its in cultiral support family, and not only Thai. In many asian same.

I know Thai who give for she lover money as for family. Rent she home, give money for children for mom.

So how much you can bet?smile.png

i understand only this sentence

So how much you can bet?smile.png

well i can bet that your issan wife, speak english better than you, for a start!

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

so in your 8 years here how many thai men did you meet

who bought a house for their in-law?

who bought a pick up for their in-law?

who send every month several thousands baht?

i am really curious to know?

and also how many thai men did marry a bar girl, or marry a thai woman with children, or give sind sod to a divorced girl?

fleecing foreigner in thailand is a huge industry in thailand!

I know minimum 3 thai guys they lover( not wife) bilding home for mother father from money what give guys. Wife this is guys from same financial class so family have may be even more whan children.

And know one guys who take from another class wife.

So yes she give family money for buy ground and bild house. Give mpney sister for open shop.


Thai guys(and not only Thai, many asian) who have money do not like married with woomen even divorsed and if children its very small chance.

And in Thailand do not Like mixed with another class. And do not many fast money as in China so no big chance married poor girl with children with Thaiguy who have money.

But still can be lover.

But farang do not care about this is things.

So its chance. And even farang poor for motherland in Thailand its guys with money. What why this is happened and that why many farang come to Thailand.wink.png

anyone can translate me this in english?

is there anyone here who speak the same language than ardokano because google translator can not identify it?coffee1.gif


It's an OK English for a non native and he is also mostly correct.

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Had a Thai wife for 18 years & still do not share my PIN with her on my accounts.

We also have shared accounts which is OK. Over what period of time did she take this money

Do you not check your balances?

The other ops are correct. Forgive & forget (change your pin TODAY,

or as the Tankee boy says "cut her loose".

Will the money be in the Thai account or is the other sim card here milking it as it comes in?

Good Luck in whatever decision you come to

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come on people you don't know these people, so you can not judge what this guy should do.

I assume you are all adults and these things are much more complicated than that...they are married for 12 years it isn't a few months relationship.

It is a open forum but we might restrain ourselves a bit and help eachother without making judgments like "show the thief the door"etc. Marriage can be a complicated matter also sometimes financially.

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Major thai banks have London branches at least Bangkokbank and SCM do.........

You and your wife with passbook and passport could visit.....

The Bangkok bank in London does not offer a retail banking service. Never heard of the SCM bank .............

But you can transfer money from a uk bank account for onward transfer to your Bangkok Bank account in Thailand

I know I do it regularly

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If your one of those people that don't give your wife money every month well what do you expect.

Off topic,

If I were living in the UK (as OP is), I would expect her to get a job, and pay NI for her pension.

Like every other normal person.

In Thailand (cos my wife is a uni student), I pay her fees, and give her 100bht pocket money for every day she attends uni, and provide her with food and accommodation.

If she wants more she can work for it, after uni finishes she will be getting a job.

I think lot of Thai woman will be jealous of this "thrilled" guy. A husband who give her money monthly wow!

And most of Thai woman will call you stinky! ขี้เหนียวมาก ใจดำ งก

But in the long run.. What is better than to teach someone to stand by their own feet. She will thanks you for that . :)

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

From 8 years of observing Thai families , this is not at all correct.

Thai peoples behaviour is just as varied as any other nationality .

so in your 8 years here how many thai men did you meet

who bought a house for their in-law?

who bought a pick up for their in-law?

who send every month several thousands baht?

i am really curious to know?

and also how many thai men did marry a bar girl, or marry a thai woman with children, or give sind sod to a divorced girl?

fleecing foreigner in thailand is a huge industry in thailand!

I know minimum 3 thai guys they lover( not wife) bilding home for mother father from money what give guys. Wife this is guys from same financial class so family have may be even more whan children.

And know one guys who take from another class wife.

So yes she give family money for buy ground and bild house. Give mpney sister for open shop.


Thai guys(and not only Thai, many asian) who have money do not like married with woomen even divorsed and if children its very small chance.

And in Thailand do not Like mixed with another class. And do not many fast money as in China so no big chance married poor girl with children with Thaiguy who have money.

But still can be lover.

But farang do not care about this is things.

So its chance. And even farang poor for motherland in Thailand its guys with money. What why this is happened and that why many farang come to Thailand.wink.png

anyone can translate me this in english?

is there anyone here who speak the same language than ardokano because google translator can not identify it?coffee1.gif


It's an OK English for a non native and he is also mostly correct.

No it's not and for a non-native like me it is hard to understand.

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It's an OK English for a non native and he is also mostly correct.

sorry i dont mean to be rude with Mr Ardokano, but he talk like a bar girl. whistling.gif (no insult!)

And i failed to decypher his messages, but i got the feeling He is certainly a nice human being.

You, Thegirlfromanotherforum, can understand "thinglish", certainly because you got intensive course with your issan wife.laugh.pnglaugh.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope I'm not boring people with what is probably a common story.

When confronted, should told me that she had lost the money gambling, I knew this wasn't true, she values money and wouldn't waste it like that, then it was she transferred the money to her Thai account as she was worried for her future and felt she needed a nest egg. I don't yet have that and will need to work for the next 10 yrs. For some reason that didn't ring true either, so talked with her again today and she told me that she transferred the money to her mothers account so that some repairs could be done to the family home and an extension to her brothers shop.

Financially, we had a reasonable 2015, during our annual holiday last Sept to Thailand we decided we could afford to give her Mum & Dad a gift of B50,000 and also bought the family a large flat screen TV, this is above what we normally would give them annually. We also pay for her brother's pick up, bought on the deal that was offered by the government 3 or 4 years ago, this is B10,000 / mth. This was bought to help him with his shop.

I really feel we are doing our bit to help but why are these people so greedy !! And why is she so influenced by them ?

By and large she's a really good girl, my friends and family like her very much and I love her but I'm from Aberdeen, where money and trust is very important. So where we are now is that I've said B300,000 buys a lot of building work in the village and I need them to return half the money and have given them 2 weeks to do so. If not, with the way I'm feeling at the moment then she can join them.

Thanks for all the replies

paid for her brother's pick up eh.we all now about the BROTHER.gigglem.gif

Pee Chai Ching Ching sa doooayclap2.gif clap2.gif


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