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Highways Police patrolman seen taking bribe from truck driver is facing probe


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The culprit will be punished so just what does that mean given the track record of slaps on the wrist.

He should be dismissed, criminally charged and handed a very appropriate punishment to act as a deterrent but !

my guess is that this means that the policeman only took the money because the bad truck driver bribed him thus the driver will get a 500 baht fine and a warning. We will discover that the policeman notified his boss the day of the event but his boss forgot. Or this was just a setup to see if the driver would bribe the policeman but the driver drove off too quickly before the policeman could take action.
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There is video evidence (Thais STILL haven't caught up with the 21st century and the fact that there are now cameras everywhere) and they know the culprit. So why does it need a panel? Get him into his bosses office, fire him and hand him over to the non-highway police to be charged with corruption and intimidation.

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"The commander assured that both the suspect and the victim would be fairly treated and the culprit would be punished."

Who is the victim? The truck driver who handed over the bribe??

The Police bosses must be disgusted and shocked that there is such a bad apple in their rank and file,,,,yep.....who do they think we are?

Edited by Radar501
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The horrors, the audacity, the flagrant flaunting of the rules, the dishonesty... hang on a minute... I forgot

that this is Thailand.... transfer to inactive post with full pay.....

Look, the truck driver asked the Policeman if he was hungry so offered to shout him a lunch, the police man was so thrilled and chatted away and forgot to write the ticket, slaped wrist sufficient.

I took a Thai Taxi to BK once which got pulled over at the Toll gates by a patrolman, the only probe was into my pocket for 200BHT, the driver was warned that next time a ticket would cost him 400BHT.

The driver never repaid me either.

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The word bribe is normally used in the context of someone voluntarily making an offer to pay as a persuasion to do something. I doubt very much the truck driver would have been offering anything. I suggest it was more of a case of blackmail by the patrol officer. There is a subtlety in the description of what probably took place and the seriousness of the respective actions.

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"Pol Maj-Gen Somchai Kaosamran, commander of Highways Police Command, said Thursday he knew the identity of the patrolman in question but declined to name his name until the charge against the suspect can be verified"

​Knows the patrol however needs to verify, doesn't the video evidence verify it? Whats left to do except to wait for all the bad press to die down so once again a policeman gets away with the crime?

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Any of us getting stopped by the MiB when we've a dash-cam fitted..

...Wait till the officer slowly lowers himself to your door-window, then slowly but surely reach for the camera & turn it to face him..now you've got him in the view-finder..see what he does..?

(Tho' that's normally the time he hits you with a bogus/trumped-up traffic offence he say's he saw you commit).

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Ok,so in theory then,i can go into police station and complain to the officer that i was stopped by a policeman on the motorway (giving time date and place of incident).i will complain most strongly that this is evidence of obvious corruption and my wife and kids can verify as to what took place.Then after giving the officer at the station my name and address and my visa status,i can go home and sit in my front room feeling completely safe from any reprisals or visits from strangers.

Yup! i can feel absolutely safe in the knowledge that i have done my bit for the anti corruption squad.???

But i would still run a mirror under my car,every morning.

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