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It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump


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While not limited, as a problem, to the US, having 1% of the population controlling 90% of the nation's wealth must be addressed. This is the single most critical issue for the American middle, working class continuation of representative democracy. It has severely torn the social fabric. We can no longer believe that, through our work, slowly but surely we will be better off in the future when our income is stagnant or shrinking and the wealth gathers even more to the 1%.

Perhaps that is bad, but the Democrats' way of fixing it with redistribution is flat out wrong. Instead, if you want more people to "share in the wealth" how about making it easier for people to start a business? In some European countries the citizens can establish a company in 5 minutes online. There are many entrepreneurs who are under 20 years old.

There are plenty of surveys out there - the World Bank comes to mind - that compare the ease of doing business around the world. Currently, the USA ranks 7. The evil destructive socialist nations of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finlad respectively rank 3, 8, 9, and 10.


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Obama is one of the weakest pressies US ever had, imo;,I don't listen to the bloke anymore... though I don't really understand US politics, the election is really way off in November? Why all the fuss and charades? It's like watching a movie!

Edited by daveAustin
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Obama Administration

Employment - Tick

Affordable Health Care - Tick

Iran Agreement - Tick

Budget Surplus - Tick

Action on Climate Change - Tick

GDP Growth - Tick

But of course rusted on Republicans have to follow the mantra - "everything Obama does is to be opposed, that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal"

I admire rational peoples attempt at defending the obvious but you really are wasting your time. For Republican ideologues Obama = Evil and no amount of evidence will convince them differently.

As Obama points out this culture has spawned Trump and even the establishment GOP know this and are desperately trying to get rid of him. Trumps popularity is only within the far Right Wing Republican Party not in the general electorate. In the general electorate polls show Trump is a loser with a capital 'L'. Trump is fast becoming the longest political Party suicide note ever written.

Yep. The Obama regime is a roaring success.

1. Employment - Tick

While the unemployment rate is down, the labor force participation rate at 62.9% is at its lowest point since 1978, with some 94,298,000 Americans not counted as unemployed.

2. Affordable Health Care - Tick

Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/01/obamacare-premiums-to-soar-3-times-faster-than-feds-claim/#ixzz42lwbOPQW

3. Iran Agreement - Tick

What agreement? Iran has never signed the agreement. Obama made an agreement with himself.

4. Budget Surplus - Tick

What budget surplus? The 2015 fiscal budget had a deficit of $428,900,000,000. The US government has not had a budget surplus since 2001.

5. Action on Climate Change - Tick

I'll give you this one. Obama has signed more Executive Orders and Executive Actions and his various government agencies have instituted more rules changes on the environment than any previous President in recorded history. However, fully 30% of Americans don't think global warming is real.


6. GDP Growth - Tick

The 4th quarter GDP growth rate of 1% tied the US with Slovakia and Hungary for 43rd place. That's something to be proud of?


Finally you make this claim..."As Obama points out this culture has spawned Trump...'

Something else to consider is is Obama's culture has also spawned Black Lives Matter, student unrest in the liberal university community, Bernie Sanders, Libya and Bill Ayers emerging from beneath his rock to spew more hatred.

Obama has been a real force for good. Approaching super hero status as we speak.cheesy.gif

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Obama Administration

Employment - Tick

Affordable Health Care - Tick

Iran Agreement - Tick

Budget Surplus - Tick

Action on Climate Change - Tick

GDP Growth - Tick

But of course rusted on Republicans have to follow the mantra - "everything Obama does is to be opposed, that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal"

I admire rational peoples attempt at defending the obvious but you really are wasting your time. For Republican ideologues Obama = Evil and no amount of evidence will convince them differently.

As Obama points out this culture has spawned Trump and even the establishment GOP know this and are desperately trying to get rid of him. Trumps popularity is only within the far Right Wing Republican Party not in the general electorate. In the general electorate polls show Trump is a loser with a capital 'L'. Trump is fast becoming the longest political Party suicide note ever written.

Yep. The Obama regime is a roaring success.

1. Employment - Tick

While the unemployment rate is down, the labor force participation rate at 62.9% is at its lowest point since 1978, with some 94,298,000 Americans not counted as unemployed.

2. Affordable Health Care - Tick

Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/01/obamacare-premiums-to-soar-3-times-faster-than-feds-claim/#ixzz42lwbOPQW

5. Action on Climate Change - Tick

I'll give you this one. Obama has signed more Executive Orders and Executive Actions and his various government agencies have instituted more rules changes on the environment than any previous President in recorded history. However, fully 30% of Americans don't think global warming is real.


There's too much nonsense here to waste my time on all of it but I particularly enjoyed #2. I guess this is what's called news from the future. Did they get this info from Michael Fox?

#5 was pretty great, too. "30% of Americans don't believe global warming is real." Hey, 42% of Americans believe in Creationism. Another 31% believe God guided it. So much for Evolution. And even if percentage mattered, you think 30% is a lot? I guess if Trump gets that percentage of the vote in November, you'll call it a victory.

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Obama Administration

Employment - Tick

Affordable Health Care - Tick

Iran Agreement - Tick

Budget Surplus - Tick

Action on Climate Change - Tick

GDP Growth - Tick

But of course rusted on Republicans have to follow the mantra - "everything Obama does is to be opposed, that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal"

I admire rational peoples attempt at defending the obvious but you really are wasting your time. For Republican ideologues Obama = Evil and no amount of evidence will convince them differently.

As Obama points out this culture has spawned Trump and even the establishment GOP know this and are desperately trying to get rid of him. Trumps popularity is only within the far Right Wing Republican Party not in the general electorate. In the general electorate polls show Trump is a loser with a capital 'L'. Trump is fast becoming the longest political Party suicide note ever written.

Yep. The Obama regime is a roaring success.

1. Employment - Tick

While the unemployment rate is down, the labor force participation rate at 62.9% is at its lowest point since 1978, with some 94,298,000 Americans not counted as unemployed.

2. Affordable Health Care - Tick

Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/01/obamacare-premiums-to-soar-3-times-faster-than-feds-claim/#ixzz42lwbOPQW

5. Action on Climate Change - Tick

I'll give you this one. Obama has signed more Executive Orders and Executive Actions and his various government agencies have instituted more rules changes on the environment than any previous President in recorded history. However, fully 30% of Americans don't think global warming is real.


There's too much nonsense here to waste my time on all of it but I particularly enjoyed #2. I guess this is what's called news from the future. Did they get this info from Michael Fox?

#5 was pretty great, too. "30% of Americans don't believe global warming is real." Hey, 42% of Americans believe in Creationism. Another 31% believe God guided it. So much for Evolution. And even if percentage mattered, you think 30% is a lot? I guess if Trump gets that percentage of the vote in November, you'll call it a victory.

I remain hopeful that after you make another 186 posts, we will be able to find one with some semblance of intelligent thought.

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While not limited, as a problem, to the US, having 1% of the population controlling 90% of the nation's wealth must be addressed. This is the single most critical issue for the American middle, working class continuation of representative democracy. It has severely torn the social fabric. We can no longer believe that, through our work, slowly but surely we will be better off in the future when our income is stagnant or shrinking and the wealth gathers even more to the 1%.

Perhaps that is bad, but the Democrats' way of fixing it with redistribution is flat out wrong. Instead, if you want more people to "share in the wealth" how about making it easier for people to start a business? In some European countries the citizens can establish a company in 5 minutes online. There are many entrepreneurs who are under 20 years old.


I certainly would promote being open to many ideas. As to redistribution, well, in the light of full disclosure, I am now under Social Security and Medicare (taking from today's workers and redistributing to those retired). I did not have an issue with paying out of my paycheck in order that my parents generation would have this financial safety net.

Agree and hope still something there by the time I'm ready to retire

The only one looking at expanding the SSS revenue by increasing or eliminating the max contribution amounts is Bernie

That is what is needed to maintain viability long term

How can max payment of 7254 ever be enough?


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OP: "It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump."

Yes. Left wingers to include Obama don't take out their hostility on Republicans.

They just bomb Libya, take out Qaddafi and give the country to ISIS when they are feeling hostile. whistling.gif

BTW Obama is right, but it isn't the GOP elite who are so hostile to Obama. It's the guy on Main Street who lost his job to China, Mexico, or an illegal who is hostile toward both sides of the aisle.


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Obama is one of the weakest pressies US ever had, imo;,I don't listen to the bloke anymore... though I don't really understand US politics, the election is really way off in November? Why all the fuss and charades? It's like watching a movie!

The election cycle in the USA is painfully long for two reasons

1. It generates $$$biliions in revenue to the media and their Oligarch owners and...

2. We want to provide entertainment to our friends across the pond to feed their obsession over all things American

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Look at all the Time and US News and World Report and other magazine covers over the years portraying Obama as the "Savior," the "Second Coming," the "Messiah."

"Its personal?" Of course it is personal. Obama was elected on a cult of personality, the first in what will likely be the future manner of elections as the US is now hopelessly balkanized/divided by Progressive (Socialism).

"Its personal?" What an outrageous but self evident assertion from the man who effectively ran his office little different than any other petty despot. Its personal because Obama made everything personal. Obama "personal[ly]" waded into every race issue in America. "If I had a son..." and "It was stupid of the police to..." etc, etc.

"Its personal" because Obama personalized everything with his narcissistic rage leaking across the polices and fiat laws of the political landscape. Obama is a piece garbage. Obama was elected entirely because of personality. Capitalizing on great oratory skills and appearing on the political landscape at a time when America was at its most racially reflective, Obama personalized the entire process. This was made evident in his wife "personal[izing" the experience as well. "This is the first time I have been proud to be an American."

Obama is correct, all of America's problems, those he inherited and made worse, and those he butchered, are a referendum on him "personal[ly]."

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Blaming Obama for the messes in Libya and elsewhere is low class. The M.East and N.Africa are going to be basket cases in the best case scenarios. Obama has held back on taking dynamic action on Libya and on putting troops in Syria. With any of the top 3 Republican contenders, they'd be committing masses of military. Cruz already mentioned possibly Nuking the M.East. Trump is such a loose cannon and flip-flopper, there's no telling what he would want to do from minute to minute. with him wanting to assert his large dick size and, along with his hot-headed impulsiveness, all hell could break loose.

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Here's are thumbnail sketches of the past US presidents since Nixon, in relation to major scandals:

Nixon: campaigned with promised to get out of the war in Vietnam. The US did get out, but no for about 5 more years after Nixon got in. Watergate. After lying for many months, it was finally proven that Nixon and his aides were rotten to the core. The only president to resign.

Ford: Pardoned Nixon, effectively proving that there are people who are above the law.

Carter: No scandals, but had the misfortune to be president during the Iran-Hostage crisis. Walter Cronkite described him as "the most articulate of all the presidents I've met."

Reagan: US hostages were released on the day of his inauguration. It's suspected that Reagan's top aides may have made a deal to keep the hostages jailed in order to facilitate Reagan getting elected. Iran-Contra, which was similar to Watergate in several ways, mostly because the two scandals involved Republican presidents who had to lie for months. It was effectively the US's first female presidency, because Nancy Reagan controlled her husband in most policy decisions. At press conferences, little half moon circles were taped on the stage, to indicate where Reagan needed to place his shoes while standing. Reagan initiated "Star Wars" which was a $1 trillion boondoggle which accomplished nothing except made some of his corporate buddies very rich.

Bush Sr: No big scandals, but he did raise taxes after promising in his campaign, "Read My Lips, No New Taxes!"

Bill Clinton: Lowered the deficit. His biggest scandal was having sex with Monica Lewinski. Americans wouldn't have cared that much, except Republican witch hunters blew it up to make it sound like Clinton had a bevy of chained 11 year old sex slaves in the White House basement. Tempest in a teacup.

Bush Jr: He and Cheney sent American soldiers to die in the dunes under the false premise of WMD. If the CIA and ww intel were wrong, then he can use that as an excuse.

Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

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Blaming Obama for the messes in Libya and elsewhere is low class. The M.East and N.Africa are going to be basket cases in the best case scenarios. Obama has held back on taking dynamic action on Libya and on putting troops in Syria. With any of the top 3 Republican contenders, they'd be committing masses of military. Cruz already mentioned possibly Nuking the M.East. Trump is such a loose cannon and flip-flopper, there's no telling what he would want to do from minute to minute. with him wanting to assert his large dick size and, along with his hot-headed impulsiveness, all hell could break loose.

You and others may like to read an article in The Atlantic describing 'The Obama Doctrine'; personally I find the article provides excellent insight.


Considering some of Trump's business enterprises use offshore outsourcing and very low cost immigrant labour (e.g. his Florida resort only employs 17 born US nationals, versus nearly 280 immigrants). I fail to understand why US citizen's put any trust in him & that his policies will translate into reality if he gains Office - I guess the old adage applies 'bullshit baffles brains'

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While not limited, as a problem, to the US, having 1% of the population controlling 90% of the nation's wealth must be addressed. This is the single most critical issue for the American middle, working class continuation of representative democracy. It has severely torn the social fabric. We can no longer believe that, through our work, slowly but surely we will be better off in the future when our income is stagnant or shrinking and the wealth gathers even more to the 1%.

Perhaps that is bad, but the Democrats' way of fixing it with redistribution is flat out wrong. Instead, if you want more people to "share in the wealth" how about making it easier for people to start a business? In some European countries the citizens can establish a company in 5 minutes online. There are many entrepreneurs who are under 20 years old.


I certainly would promote being open to many ideas. As to redistribution, well, in the light of full disclosure, I am now under Social Security and Medicare (taking from today's workers and redistributing to those retired). I did not have an issue with paying out of my paycheck in order that my parents generation would have this financial safety net.

Agree and hope still something there by the time I'm ready to retire

The only one looking at expanding the SSS revenue by increasing or eliminating the max contribution amounts is Bernie

That is what is needed to maintain viability long term

How can max payment of 7254 ever be enough?


You cannot address the wealth disparity through confiscation (which what essentially taxation is) with threat of imprisonment. It's taxation and wastage of other people's money that causes the wealth gap not the rich that cause it. Whatever happened to "thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods"? But politicians believe they have a right and it sure does keep them in power, privilege and lifestyle.

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Numerous off-topic posts and replies removed. Continued posting about Iran is off-topic and will result in suspensions.

If you are unable to articulate a reasonable response to the OP, then it might be time to stop posting for a while. You may do that voluntarily and avoid having some assistance in stopping.

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NY Times article yesterday http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/upshot/the-geography-of-trumpism.html the typical Trump supporter is described:

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

Reading just on this page, it's a good thing we don't let the absolutely-do-nothing Republicans define success. We let the World define success and Obama is looked on as a world-wide success. His approval ratings continue to rise here at home.

Republicans desperately need to tear down the accomplishments of Obama (and HRC) because they have NOTHING to offer. They have a pathetic history of doing NOTHING over the last 7 years except unsuccessfully working to stop Obama from accomplishing his goals. If they get an another opportunity, they'll tear the economy and country apart again.

Where was America when Obama took over from Bush and where are we now? Shall we follow the Republicans and their corrupt Mussolini wannabe back to the Bush era? Let a dedicated birther be President of the United States? Of course not, no one wants that except the low-information, racist Trumpeteers or the latest Republican flavor of the month.

You read the hostility and hatred in post after post by the pathetic wingnuts trying their best to rewrite history. I love watching Obama smack down these tools. The Republicans are a world wide laughing stock. Everyday another incredible goof!

Republicans are simply delusional, la la la la la.

President Hillary Clinton, get used it to it boys.

Edited by Pinot
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Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

His division of the American people, interesting, how did he achieve that?

Using the Saul Alinsky tactics he learned as a community organizer. He turned blacks against whites, the have-nots against the haves, the poor against the rich, Hispanics against the immigration laws, non-gun owners against gun owners, and so on. Obama is all about divide and conquer!

That's silly

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

His division of the American people, interesting, how did he achieve that?

Using the Saul Alinsky tactics he learned as a community organizer. He turned blacks against whites, the have-nots against the haves, the poor against the rich, Hispanics against the immigration laws, non-gun owners against gun owners, and so on. Obama is all about divide and conquer!

That's silly

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

Very informative post, Jamie.

I'll bet you have hundreds more just like it stored and ready to whip out at a moment's notice.thumbsup.gif

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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

The Benghazi Video Cover-up.

The lie: the attack was caused by a video someone put online that no one watched. The Goal was to ensure Obama's reelection in 2012. This is a lie both Barack Obama and Hillary 2016 Clinton told to family members of those killed and to the American people - a disgrace that should have forced both from office and kept Hillary from running for president. This lie was made up to give these two politicians cover for the awful mishandling of the attack. Hillary made sure the YouTube movie maker stayed in jail for months, despite not taking part in anything illegal.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

Coming soon. Part II. Lie of the Year: Obamacare Nightmare.

Captured suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.[25]


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Using the Saul Alinsky tactics he learned as a community organizer. He turned blacks against whites, the have-nots against the haves, the poor against the rich, Hispanics against the immigration laws, non-gun owners against gun owners, and so on. Obama is all about divide and conquer!

That's silly

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

Very informative post, Jamie.

I'll bet you have hundreds more just like it stored and ready to whip out at a moment's notice.thumbsup.gif

Succinc. Precise. To the point. The comment strikes the perfect mix of brevity and perspicacity.

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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

The Benghazi Video Cover-up.

The lie: the attack was caused by a video someone put online that no one watched. The Goal was to ensure Obama's reelection in 2012. This is a lie both Barack Obama and Hillary 2016 Clinton told to family members of those killed and to the American people - a disgrace that should have forced both from office and kept Hillary from running for president. This lie was made up to give these two politicians cover for the awful mishandling of the attack. Hillary made sure the YouTube movie maker stayed in jail for months, despite not taking part in anything illegal.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

Coming soon. Part II. Lie of the Year: Obamacare Nightmare.

Here is actually what Hillary Clinton said: "Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind." I got this information from the socialist website known as Breitbart.co

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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

The Benghazi Video Cover-up.

The lie: the attack was caused by a video someone put online that no one watched. The Goal was to ensure Obama's reelection in 2012. This is a lie both Barack Obama and Hillary 2016 Clinton told to family members of those killed and to the American people - a disgrace that should have forced both from office and kept Hillary from running for president. This lie was made up to give these two politicians cover for the awful mishandling of the attack. Hillary made sure the YouTube movie maker stayed in jail for months, despite not taking part in anything illegal.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

Coming soon. Part II. Lie of the Year: Obamacare Nightmare.

Here is actually what Hillary Clinton said: "Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind." I got this information from the socialist website known as Breitbart.co[/size]

The quote is from BARACK OBAMA - not Hillary - and clearly says so. We don't know exactly what Hillary said to the families of the men killed at Benghazi, because she implies that they are all lying.

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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

I don't know what you consider a major scandal so your bars might be very high. You might require at least one murder for a scandal to be called a scandal but most of us consider anything that happened under his watch by people he appointed into a position of influence as belonging to him. Since you are a superfan, I'm certain you will not agree with the following.

1. Fast and Furious gun running program.

2. IRS targeting of conservatives and conservative organizations.

3. AG Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress, the only sitting Cabinet member ever charged with contempt.

4. "If you like your doctor..." lies in order to sell Obamacare.

5. Obamacare itself.

6. Justice Department prying into James Rosen and the Associated Press' private phone records.

7. VA scandal (admittedly this started long before his term. He has done nothing to correct it.)

8. Solyndra

9. Healthcare.gov roll out costing taxpayers billions.

10. Air war against Libya at the urging of Hillary (We came, we saw, he died.) Clinton

11. Benghazi (Not Hillary but where was he, what was he doing and why did he lie after the attack?)

12. Hillary Clinton (Where to start? Benghazi and personal server might have brought down most administrations.)

13. Adding $10 Trillion to the national debt in just over seven years.

These are just a few quickies that come to mind. I'm sure you will disagree but hopefully there is at least one person that reads this and says..."Maybe this isn't the most transparent administration in our history".

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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

The Benghazi Video Cover-up.

The lie: the attack was caused by a video someone put online that no one watched. The Goal was to ensure Obama's reelection in 2012. This is a lie both Barack Obama and Hillary 2016 Clinton told to family members of those killed and to the American people - a disgrace that should have forced both from office and kept Hillary from running for president. This lie was made up to give these two politicians cover for the awful mishandling of the attack. Hillary made sure the YouTube movie maker stayed in jail for months, despite not taking part in anything illegal.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

Coming soon. Part II. Lie of the Year: Obamacare Nightmare.

Captured suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.%5B25%5D


He was lying. He was an attention seeking nut. You left this sentence out:

Subsequent investigations determined that there was no such protest and that the attacks were premeditated

Hillary Clinton's deleted emails revealed that she knew there was no spontaneous demonstration within a few hours, but she continued to lie about it for weeks. ​

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

The Benghazi Video Cover-up.

The lie: the attack was caused by a video someone put online that no one watched. The Goal was to ensure Obama's reelection in 2012. This is a lie both Barack Obama and Hillary 2016 Clinton told to family members of those killed and to the American people - a disgrace that should have forced both from office and kept Hillary from running for president. This lie was made up to give these two politicians cover for the awful mishandling of the attack. Hillary made sure the YouTube movie maker stayed in jail for months, despite not taking part in anything illegal.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

Coming soon. Part II. Lie of the Year: Obamacare Nightmare.

Here is actually what Hillary Clinton said: "Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind." I got this information from the socialist website known as Breitbart.co[/size]
The quote is from BARACK OBAMA - not Hillary - and clearly says so. We don't know exactly what Hillary said to the families of the men killed at Benghazi, because she implies that they are all lying.

Really? What follows is what I cut and pasted from Breitbart.com. I can't quote more of it because of Thaivisa quotation rules. So, if I'm wrong, more fool me for trusting Breitbart. "10:08 p.m. – Referring specifically to Benghazi, Hillary Clinton issues a statement blaming a YouTube video for the violence. She makes no reference to terrorism. Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet...


Here's another confirmation of what Breitbart posted from factcheck.org.

Clinton: Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation....


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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

I don't know what you consider a major scandal so your bars might be very high. You might require at least one murder for a scandal to be called a scandal but most of us consider anything that happened under his watch by people he appointed into a position of influence as belonging to him. Since you are a superfan, I'm certain you will not agree with the following.

1. Fast and Furious gun running program.

2. IRS targeting of conservatives and conservative organizations.

3. AG Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress, the only sitting Cabinet member ever charged with contempt.

4. "If you like your doctor..." lies in order to sell Obamacare.

5. Obamacare itself.

6. Justice Department prying into James Rosen and the Associated Press' private phone records.

7. VA scandal (admittedly this started long before his term. He has done nothing to correct it.)

8. Solyndra

9. Healthcare.gov roll out costing taxpayers billions.

10. Air war against Libya at the urging of Hillary (We came, we saw, he died.) Clinton

11. Benghazi (Not Hillary but where was he, what was he doing and why did he lie after the attack?)

12. Hillary Clinton (Where to start? Benghazi and personal server might have brought down most administrations.)

13. Adding $10 Trillion to the national debt in just over seven years.

These are just a few quickies that come to mind. I'm sure you will disagree but hopefully there is at least one person that reads this and says..."Maybe this isn't the most transparent administration in our history".

I'm glad someone addressed this in more depth. Claiming that Obama had no scandals is nonsense.

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Obama: No major scandals during his 2 terms.

The Benghazi Video Cover-up.

The lie: the attack was caused by a video someone put online that no one watched. The Goal was to ensure Obama's reelection in 2012. This is a lie both Barack Obama and Hillary 2016 Clinton told to family members of those killed and to the American people - a disgrace that should have forced both from office and kept Hillary from running for president. This lie was made up to give these two politicians cover for the awful mishandling of the attack. Hillary made sure the YouTube movie maker stayed in jail for months, despite not taking part in anything illegal.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

Coming soon. Part II. Lie of the Year: Obamacare Nightmare.

Captured suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.%5B25%5D


He was lying. He was an attention seeking nut. You left this sentence out:

Subsequent investigations determined that there was no such protest and that the attacks were premeditated

Hillary Clinton's deleted emails revealed that she knew there was no spontaneous demonstration within a few hours, but she continued to lie about it for weeks. ​

Are you talking about deleted emails that no has seen but you or some other deleted emails? Sources please?

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OMG did he wear a pink suite and claim a vest right wing conspiracy also. We also have the Kardashians on TV - I think it is rather a failure of the EPA to keep strange things out of the water that lead to both - long before Trump it was Jarry Springer. You can always tap into a percentage of something - that is how we got the Dem party - an issue in every pot.

Edited by RKASA
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