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It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump


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Yes. MY quote was Barack Obama - the original quote - and it was labeled clearly. For some reason, YOU are the one who started changing the subject to Hillary.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

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Yes. MY quote was Barack Obama - the original quote - and it was labeled clearly. For some reason, YOU are the one who started changing the subject to Hillary.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - President Obama

Now i understand what you were saying about whose quote it is.

Now what about this line : Hillary made sure the YouTube movie maker stayed in jail for months, despite not taking part in anything illegal.

The maker of the video was a career criminal who was out on parole. He violated his parole. He was sent back to prison. You could look it up.

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Are you talking about deleted emails that no has seen but you or some other deleted emails? Sources please?

Are you for real? It was reported widely. I guess all you read is crazy far left blogs.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed an internet video for the Benghazi attacks in her conversations with family members of those killed despite having told a foreign leader two days earlier that the video played no role and having emailed daughter Chelsea that a terrorist group had carried out the attack.

The summary of Clintons conversation on September 12, 2012, with Egyptian prime minister Hesham Kandil reported that Clinton told him that there had been no protest in Libya and that the attack was not related to a controversial internet video that would later become the centerpiece of the Obama administrations public narrative on the Benghazi attacks.

​She knew the truth, but lied about it, over and over again.

"We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film, Clinton explained, according to a memo prepared by a State Department note-taker to record the conversation. It was a planned attack not a protest. She added later: Based on the information we saw today we believe the group that claimed responsibility for this was affiliated with al Qaeda."


Edited by Ulysses G.
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NY Times article yesterday http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/upshot/the-geography-of-trumpism.html the typical Trump supporter is described:

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

Reading just on this page, it's a good thing we don't let the absolutely-do-nothing Republicans define success. We let the World define success and Obama is looked on as a world-wide success. His approval ratings continue to rise here at home.

Republicans desperately need to tear down the accomplishments of Obama (and HRC) because they have NOTHING to offer. They have a pathetic history of doing NOTHING over the last 7 years except unsuccessfully working to stop Obama from accomplishing his goals. If they get an another opportunity, they'll tear the economy and country apart again.

Where was America when Obama took over from Bush and where are we now? Shall we follow the Republicans and their corrupt Mussolini wannabe back to the Bush era? Let a dedicated birther be President of the United States? Of course not, no one wants that except the low-information, racist Trumpeteers or the latest Republican flavor of the month.

You read the hostility and hatred in post after post by the pathetic wingnuts trying their best to rewrite history. I love watching Obama smack down these tools. The Republicans are a world wide laughing stock. Everyday another incredible goof!

Republicans are simply delusional, la la la la la.

President Hillary Clinton, get used it to it boys.

And then, there are the typical Democrat Party voters and protesters.

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Starting now, further nonsensical, combative and argumentative posts which are off-topic will result in a lengthy suspension.

You have been warned and you might want to re-read the OP and stay on topic.

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What shows the hypocrisy of Republicans is that they claim that they are the party of personal responsibility. Yet now, they're saying it's not our fault. It's Obama's. I guess, in their minds, Obama is the Devil, and the Devil made them do it. Maybe not surprising coming from the party whose candidates reject the Theory of Evolution and Anthropogenic Global Warming.

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Obama Administration

Employment - Tick

Affordable Health Care - Tick

Iran Agreement - Tick

Budget Surplus - Tick

Action on Climate Change - Tick

GDP Growth - Tick

But of course rusted on Republicans have to follow the mantra - "everything Obama does is to be opposed, that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal"

I admire rational peoples attempt at defending the obvious but you really are wasting your time. For Republican ideologues Obama = Evil and no amount of evidence will convince them differently.

As Obama points out this culture has spawned Trump and even the establishment GOP know this and are desperately trying to get rid of him. Trumps popularity is only within the far Right Wing Republican Party not in the general electorate. In the general electorate polls show Trump is a loser with a capital 'L'. Trump is fast becoming the longest political Party suicide note ever written.

Yep. The Obama regime is a roaring success.

1. Employment - Tick

While the unemployment rate is down, the labor force participation rate at 62.9% is at its lowest point since 1978, with some 94,298,000 Americans not counted as unemployed.

2. Affordable Health Care - Tick

Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/01/obamacare-premiums-to-soar-3-times-faster-than-feds-claim/#ixzz42lwbOPQW

5. Action on Climate Change - Tick

I'll give you this one. Obama has signed more Executive Orders and Executive Actions and his various government agencies have instituted more rules changes on the environment than any previous President in recorded history. However, fully 30% of Americans don't think global warming is real.


There's too much nonsense here to waste my time on all of it but I particularly enjoyed #2. I guess this is what's called news from the future. Did they get this info from Michael Fox?

#5 was pretty great, too. "30% of Americans don't believe global warming is real." Hey, 42% of Americans believe in Creationism. Another 31% believe God guided it. So much for Evolution. And even if percentage mattered, you think 30% is a lot? I guess if Trump gets that percentage of the vote in November, you'll call it a victory.

I remain hopeful that after you make another 186 posts, we will be able to find one with some semblance of intelligent thought.

Others opposite your side can look forward to the poster's next 131 posts especially.

And then many many more that embalm the far out extremist fringe lunatic right.

Soon to be interned.

Thank god.

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NY Times article yesterday http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/upshot/the-geography-of-trumpism.html the typical Trump supporter is described:

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

Reading just on this page, it's a good thing we don't let the absolutely-do-nothing Republicans define success. We let the World define success and Obama is looked on as a world-wide success. His approval ratings continue to rise here at home.

Republicans desperately need to tear down the accomplishments of Obama (and HRC) because they have NOTHING to offer. They have a pathetic history of doing NOTHING over the last 7 years except unsuccessfully working to stop Obama from accomplishing his goals. If they get an another opportunity, they'll tear the economy and country apart again.

Where was America when Obama took over from Bush and where are we now? Shall we follow the Republicans and their corrupt Mussolini wannabe back to the Bush era? Let a dedicated birther be President of the United States? Of course not, no one wants that except the low-information, racist Trumpeteers or the latest Republican flavor of the month.

You read the hostility and hatred in post after post by the pathetic wingnuts trying their best to rewrite history. I love watching Obama smack down these tools. The Republicans are a world wide laughing stock. Everyday another incredible goof!

Republicans are simply delusional, la la la la la.

President Hillary Clinton, get used it to it boys.

And then, there are the typical Democrat Party voters and protesters.

The two demonstrating protesters are everything the Trump party members are not, as presented by the quoted poster who himself cites an article from the (commie prevert) NYT....

Yes, the typical Trump fellow traveller...

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

The quoted poster's link..


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NY Times article yesterday http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/upshot/the-geography-of-trumpism.html the typical Trump supporter is described:

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

Reading just on this page, it's a good thing we don't let the absolutely-do-nothing Republicans define success. We let the World define success and Obama is looked on as a world-wide success. His approval ratings continue to rise here at home.

Republicans desperately need to tear down the accomplishments of Obama (and HRC) because they have NOTHING to offer. They have a pathetic history of doing NOTHING over the last 7 years except unsuccessfully working to stop Obama from accomplishing his goals. If they get an another opportunity, they'll tear the economy and country apart again.

Where was America when Obama took over from Bush and where are we now? Shall we follow the Republicans and their corrupt Mussolini wannabe back to the Bush era? Let a dedicated birther be President of the United States? Of course not, no one wants that except the low-information, racist Trumpeteers or the latest Republican flavor of the month.

You read the hostility and hatred in post after post by the pathetic wingnuts trying their best to rewrite history. I love watching Obama smack down these tools. The Republicans are a world wide laughing stock. Everyday another incredible goof!

Republicans are simply delusional, la la la la la.

President Hillary Clinton, get used it to it boys.

And then, there are the typical Democrat Party voters and protesters.

Here are the facts about the so-called "Obamaphone" from Snopes.com. It begins with the inauguration of the service under that leftist president:


  • The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan; it was expanded in 1996, during the administration of Bill Clinton; and its first cellular provider service (SafeLink Wireless) was launched by TracFone in 2008, during the administration of George W. Bush. All of these milestones were passed prior to the advent of the Obama administration."
  • http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/cellphone.asp
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NY Times article yesterday http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/upshot/the-geography-of-trumpism.html the typical Trump supporter is described:

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

Reading just on this page, it's a good thing we don't let the absolutely-do-nothing Republicans define success. We let the World define success and Obama is looked on as a world-wide success. His approval ratings continue to rise here at home.

Republicans desperately need to tear down the accomplishments of Obama (and HRC) because they have NOTHING to offer. They have a pathetic history of doing NOTHING over the last 7 years except unsuccessfully working to stop Obama from accomplishing his goals. If they get an another opportunity, they'll tear the economy and country apart again.

Where was America when Obama took over from Bush and where are we now? Shall we follow the Republicans and their corrupt Mussolini wannabe back to the Bush era? Let a dedicated birther be President of the United States? Of course not, no one wants that except the low-information, racist Trumpeteers or the latest Republican flavor of the month.

You read the hostility and hatred in post after post by the pathetic wingnuts trying their best to rewrite history. I love watching Obama smack down these tools. The Republicans are a world wide laughing stock. Everyday another incredible goof!

Republicans are simply delusional, la la la la la.

President Hillary Clinton, get used it to it boys.

And then, there are the typical Democrat Party voters and protesters.

Here are the facts about the so-called "Obamaphone" from Snopes.com. It begins with the inauguration of the service under that leftist president:


  • The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan; it was expanded in 1996, during the administration of Bill Clinton; and its first cellular provider service (SafeLink Wireless) was launched by TracFone in 2008, during the administration of George W. Bush. All of these milestones were passed prior to the advent of the Obama administration."
  • http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/cellphone.asp

You seem to be missing the point. Here is another article, the problem wasn't that the program existed, but the cost in expansion over the past few years, $819 million in 2008, to $2.2 billion in 2012. http://www.newsmax.com/US/obama-phone-costs-billions/2013/02/12/id/490022/

Notice the fourth paragraph from the bottom, mentioning the FCC expected to weed out 15%, but found 41% couldn't prove eligibility.

Just another example of incompetence in the government.

Edited by beechguy
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You seem to be missing the point. Here is another article, the problem wasn't that the program existed, but the cost in expansion over the past few years, $819 million in 2008, to $2.2 billion in 2012. http://www.newsmax.com/US/obama-phone-costs-billions/2013/02/12/id/490022/

Notice the fourth paragraph from the bottom, mentioning the FCC expected to weed out 15%, but found 41% couldn't prove eligibility.

Just another example of incompetence in the government.

Exactly. I usually like Snopes, but the wording of that article was pure propaganda. It does not matter where the program originated. It matters how it has been abused by the Obama administration.

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NY Times article yesterday http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/upshot/the-geography-of-trumpism.html the typical Trump supporter is described:

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

Reading just on this page, it's a good thing we don't let the absolutely-do-nothing Republicans define success. We let the World define success and Obama is looked on as a world-wide success. His approval ratings continue to rise here at home.

Republicans desperately need to tear down the accomplishments of Obama (and HRC) because they have NOTHING to offer. They have a pathetic history of doing NOTHING over the last 7 years except unsuccessfully working to stop Obama from accomplishing his goals. If they get an another opportunity, they'll tear the economy and country apart again.

Where was America when Obama took over from Bush and where are we now? Shall we follow the Republicans and their corrupt Mussolini wannabe back to the Bush era? Let a dedicated birther be President of the United States? Of course not, no one wants that except the low-information, racist Trumpeteers or the latest Republican flavor of the month.

You read the hostility and hatred in post after post by the pathetic wingnuts trying their best to rewrite history. I love watching Obama smack down these tools. The Republicans are a world wide laughing stock. Everyday another incredible goof!

Republicans are simply delusional, la la la la la.

President Hillary Clinton, get used it to it boys.

And then, there are the typical Democrat Party voters and protesters.

Here are the facts about the so-called "Obamaphone" from Snopes.com. It begins with the inauguration of the service under that leftist president:


  • The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan; it was expanded in 1996, during the administration of Bill Clinton; and its first cellular provider service (SafeLink Wireless) was launched by TracFone in 2008, during the administration of George W. Bush. All of these milestones were passed prior to the advent of the Obama administration."
  • http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/cellphone.asp

I would challenge you to find any reference where these government issued phones were ever called "Clinton phones" or "Bush phones".

Failing that, they will forever be known as "Obama phones" and no amount of crying in your beer can alter that fact.

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NY Times article yesterday http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/upshot/the-geography-of-trumpism.html the typical Trump supporter is described:

HE is white, with no high school diploma, lives in a mobile home, with a blue collar job, has a history of voting for segregationists and is unemployed. Yup, that about paints the Trump supporter I imagined. Any of you Trumpsters see yourself in that description? Come on, be honest.

Reading just on this page, it's a good thing we don't let the absolutely-do-nothing Republicans define success. We let the World define success and Obama is looked on as a world-wide success. His approval ratings continue to rise here at home.

Republicans desperately need to tear down the accomplishments of Obama (and HRC) because they have NOTHING to offer. They have a pathetic history of doing NOTHING over the last 7 years except unsuccessfully working to stop Obama from accomplishing his goals. If they get an another opportunity, they'll tear the economy and country apart again.

Where was America when Obama took over from Bush and where are we now? Shall we follow the Republicans and their corrupt Mussolini wannabe back to the Bush era? Let a dedicated birther be President of the United States? Of course not, no one wants that except the low-information, racist Trumpeteers or the latest Republican flavor of the month.

You read the hostility and hatred in post after post by the pathetic wingnuts trying their best to rewrite history. I love watching Obama smack down these tools. The Republicans are a world wide laughing stock. Everyday another incredible goof!

Republicans are simply delusional, la la la la la.

President Hillary Clinton, get used it to it boys.

And then, there are the typical Democrat Party voters and protesters.

Here are the facts about the so-called "Obamaphone" from Snopes.com. It begins with the inauguration of the service under that leftist president:


  • The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan; it was expanded in 1996, during the administration of Bill Clinton; and its first cellular provider service (SafeLink Wireless) was launched by TracFone in 2008, during the administration of George W. Bush. All of these milestones were passed prior to the advent of the Obama administration."
  • http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/cellphone.asp

I would challenge you to find any reference where these government issued phones were ever called "Clinton phones" or "Bush phones".

Failing that, they will forever be known as "Obama phones" and no amount of crying in your beer can alter that fact.

Some people are merely ignorant. The don't know the facts. There are others who do know the facts and persist in ignoring them. We call those people willfully ignorant. Anyone, if ignorance, willful or otherwise, is bliss, you must be a very happy man.

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And then, there are the typical Democrat Party voters and protesters.

Here are the facts about the so-called "Obamaphone" from Snopes.com. It begins with the inauguration of the service under that leftist president:


  • The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan; it was expanded in 1996, during the administration of Bill Clinton; and its first cellular provider service (SafeLink Wireless) was launched by TracFone in 2008, during the administration of George W. Bush. All of these milestones were passed prior to the advent of the Obama administration."
  • http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/cellphone.asp

I would challenge you to find any reference where these government issued phones were ever called "Clinton phones" or "Bush phones".

Failing that, they will forever be known as "Obama phones" and no amount of crying in your beer can alter that fact.

Some people are merely ignorant. The don't know the facts. There are others who do know the facts and persist in ignoring them. We call those people willfully ignorant. Anyone, if ignorance, willful or otherwise, is bliss, you must be a very happy man.

I've known about this phone program for several years...and have still never heard it called a Clinton phone or Bush phone.
Now do you want to answer my challenge or are you going to rely on throwing around personal insults to win a point.
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Some people are merely ignorant. The don't know the facts. There are others who do know the facts and persist in ignoring them. We call those people willfully ignorant. Anyone, if ignorance, willful or otherwise, is bliss, you must be a very happy man.

I would challenge you to find any reference where these government issued phones were ever called "Clinton phones" or "Bush phones".

Failing that, they will forever be known as "Obama phones" and no amount of crying in your beer can alter that fact.

I've known about this phone program for several years...and have still never heard it called a Clinton phone or Bush phone.
Now do you want to answer my challenge or are you going to rely on throwing around personal insults to win a point.

I think among the comparatively few people who know about this, it is called an "Obamaphone." The only reason I know about it at all is that some right winger forwarded me it.. Because I have a lot of time to kill, I did what I usually did, and looked it up. As usual the email that accompanied it was full of falsehoods.. You can see those lies for yourself on snopes.com

The question is, why do you think that it being called an Obamaphone is significant? What do you think it proves?

I used to visit the Southern USA and one expression that was common down there is to "jew someone down." The usage came into being because of the belief that Jews are stingy and try to get something for less than fair value. So does that usage say anything true about Jews? I don't think so. I think it's foul, but it says a lot about someone who knowingly uses it. The same goes for right wingers who use the phrase "Obamaphone." It tells us lots about them, but nothing at all about Obama

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Exactly. I usually like Snopes, but the wording of that article was pure propaganda. It does not matter where the program originated. It matters how it has been abused by the Obama administration.

Are you familiar with the Wall Street Journal, that left-wing rag owned by that Saul Alinsky redux, Rupert Murdoch? Had you bothered to read the Wall Street Journal article that Breitbart drew from, you would not have seen any mention of the Obama administration being involved in it. It's a program administered by the FEC. The rules governing it were a carryover from at least the Bush administration if not before. If anybody was pushing it, it was the phone companies that stood to make a a little something from it.

The FCC said it is investigating allegations that some Lifeline providers [phone companies]violated the rules, though it declined to comment on that probe. Carriers that don't properly confirm eligibility can be fined up to $150,000 for each violation for each day of a continuing violation, up to a maximum of $1.5 million. In egregious cases, a carrier could lose its ability to participate in the program.

Some phone company execs were subsequently fined and jailed for abuses. I guess that was Obama's way of saying thanks.

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It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump

Most divisive president ever. There isn't hostility to Obama specifically so much as his total failure to perform. thumbsup.gif

I owe you an apology. I realize now that my math was faulty. Actually, George W. Bush was much more of a uniter than Barack Obama. At this stage in his presidency, Bush managed to unite about 70% of the country against him. Right now, Obama has the country divided roughly 50/50. In fact, I think the Bush unfavorability record was unmatched by any other modern president. He truly was a great uniter.

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Exactly. I usually like Snopes, but the wording of that article was pure propaganda. It does not matter where the program originated. It matters how it has been abused by the Obama administration.

Are you familiar with the Wall Street Journal, that left-wing rag owned by that Saul Alinsky redux, Rupert Murdoch? Had you bothered to read the Wall Street Journal article that Breitbart drew from, you would not have seen any mention of the Obama administration being involved in it. It's a program administered by the FEC. The rules governing it were a carryover from at least the Bush administration if not before. If anybody was pushing it, it was the phone companies that stood to make a a little something from it.

The FCC said it is investigating allegations that some Lifeline providers [phone companies]violated the rules, though it declined to comment on that probe. Carriers that don't properly confirm eligibility can be fined up to $150,000 for each violation for each day of a continuing violation, up to a maximum of $1.5 million. In egregious cases, a carrier could lose its ability to participate in the program.

Some phone company execs were subsequently fined and jailed for abuses. I guess that was Obama's way of saying thanks.

Please don't give me YOUR version of ANYTHING. Provide a link from a CREDIBLE source proving your allegations. Frankly, I don't believe a word you say without conclusive evidence. When you cut and paste a paragraph without a link - as above. I wonder what you are hiding.

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Please don't give me YOUR version of ANYTHING. Provide a link from a CREDIBLE source proving your allegations. Frankly, I don't believe a word you say without conclusive evidence. When you cut and paste a paragraph without a link - as above. I wonder what you are hiding.

I forgot to include the llink. I've also learned something: you don't know how to use Google. Here's the link: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887323511804578296001368122888

By the way, those Obama lovin' lamestread media types at the Wall Street Journal managed to write a whole article without writing "Obamaphone" even once. Don't tell Chuck D. He'll be devastated.

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You seem to be missing the point. Here is another article, the problem wasn't that the program existed, but the cost in expansion over the past few years, $819 million in 2008, to $2.2 billion in 2012. http://www.newsmax.com/US/obama-phone-costs-billions/2013/02/12/id/490022/

Notice the fourth paragraph from the bottom, mentioning the FCC expected to weed out 15%, but found 41% couldn't prove eligibility.

Just another example of incompetence in the government.

Exactly. I usually like Snopes, but the wording of that article was pure propaganda. It does not matter where the program originated. It matters how it has been abused by the Obama administration.

Getting routine for certain people to say they've been sitting on the fence not sure about something, or sort of liking certain aspects of something, then on one arbitrary event take a hard right turn off into the deep. Never to return to whatever ambiguity may have existed and for whatever previously unstated or short time.

Expecting more of it indeed from more others too. Cause it seems to be a fashion unique to this election and its campaign.

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Gee, the OP is about Obama saying that hostility toward him led to Trump.

Someone must have given Obama some wake-up pills.


How many days till the actual election? 240ish? Waaay too much time in a race that has reached this fevered pitch already. I would expect some major development from one or even both sides in that time. Too much at stake for the monied interests.

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  • 1 month later...

Since many of you liberals seem to think Obama doesn't "spin" his messages, do you think the following is "fact" or "spin"?


Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a 's*** show'
Tim Walker, Nigel Morris
12 hours ago
Barack Obama has sharply criticised David Cameron for the UK’s role in allowing Libya to become a “shit show” after the fall of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in an unprecedented attack on a British leader by a serving US President.
Mr Obama said that following a successful military intervention to aid rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring revolt, Libya was left to spiral out of control – due largely to the inaction of America’s European allies.
In a candid US magazine interview, Mr Obama said: “When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong… there’s room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya’s proximity, being invested in the follow-up.”
He can't lay the blame on Bush so he goes to the next easy target.
What say you Brits..and other Euros?

Well, let's see; you Eurps are closer to Libya, are you not? So, you think the UK had no role with Libyan rebels? How do you blame Bush, he wasn't in power. So, it's obviously fact, Cameron's foot fits.

Oh, I get it, it's a bit like the "N" word, eh" You Brits can bad-mouth Cameron, but an American cannot?

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Since many of you liberals seem to think Obama doesn't "spin" his messages, do you think the following is "fact" or "spin"?


Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a 's*** show'
Tim Walker, Nigel Morris
12 hours ago
Barack Obama has sharply criticised David Cameron for the UK’s role in allowing Libya to become a “shit show” after the fall of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in an unprecedented attack on a British leader by a serving US President.
Mr Obama said that following a successful military intervention to aid rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring revolt, Libya was left to spiral out of control – due largely to the inaction of America’s European allies.
In a candid US magazine interview, Mr Obama said: “When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong… there’s room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya’s proximity, being invested in the follow-up.”
He can't lay the blame on Bush so he goes to the next easy target.
What say you Brits..and other Euros?

Well, let's see; you Eurps are closer to Libya, are you not? So, you think the UK had no role with Libyan rebels? How do you blame Bush, he wasn't in power. So, it's obviously fact, Cameron's foot fits.

Oh, I get it, it's a bit like the "N" word, eh" You Brits can bad-mouth Cameron, but an American cannot?

I can't seen anyone stopping you. You can bad mouth Cameron as much as you like.

In fact you'll be hard pushed to find anyone who'd defend him I think.


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Gee, the OP is about Obama saying that hostility toward him led to Trump.

Someone must have given Obama some wake-up pills.


How many days till the actual election? 240ish? Waaay too much time in a race that has reached this fevered pitch already. I would expect some major development from one or even both sides in that time. Too much at stake for the monied interests.

This is the most intense campaign for Potus since....probably since 1968 which itself was one of the two or three tumultuous political years of the century.

Only Trump and Clinton can maintain the intensity this campaign got into right from the start last summer. (Bernie too but he's not going to be the nominee.)

The campaign is full of Trump berating other candidates in the R party and in the D party. It's Trump berating and hammering just about everyone in the society except for the losers who support him. Then it's the other candidates and the many particular groups of the society fighting back against Trump.

It's central to the strategy of any political campaign not to "peak" too early, too soon ahead of election day. The candidate that peaks too soon almost always gets to go back home after the election.

Not only is Trump likely to peak too soon ahead of election day November 8th, this whole campaign is going to hit a crescendo well ahead of voting day. It's going to fall flat of its own wild chaos because the voters are going to hit their limit of being berated and burdened by this intensity and tumult. It's just too extreme and for too long.

We'll see what develops after voters and the country get fed up with the madness and begin to tune it out. We'll see then how well Trump's bash 'em and smash 'em campaign predicate can sustain itself. My bet is that it can't and it won't.

It's very likely voters on election day will tell Donald Trump to go away and to go back to where he came from. Let the country get back to some semblance of normal to include reasonable reforms enacted with a due deliberation and a considered approach and purpose.

People are not radical in their nature nor are they wild or reckless in choosing their Potus.

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Obama has been the greatest driving force behind Smith & Wessons spectacular sales over the past 7 years.

Yes, all the foolish red necks who believed the rumors that they themselves started that Obama was going to take a way their beloved guns.

There was even a point where it was difficult to buy ammunition because the worrysome rednecks bough all that was available and the manufacturers could not keep up with demand.

Obama had nothing to do with the unavailability of ammunition and he has never done a thing to take away anyone's beloved gun.

In fact, he signed a bill that allows people to carry guns in national parks.

That falls under the category of increasing the rights of gun owners.

Yes, the uninformed and gullible started rumors that led to increased gun and ammunition sales,

and the NRA and the gun and ammunition manufacturers love them for their foolishness.

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Gee, the OP is about Obama saying that hostility toward him led to Trump.

Someone must have given Obama some wake-up pills.


In a round about way, yes.

I think the overt childish, whining brat like behavior of the GOP since Obama has been in office has convinced the public that the traditional GOP members are not mature enough to lead the country and forced them to look for an outsider...like Trump.

R.I.P. G.O.P.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out!

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