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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns

JILL COLVIN, Associated Press
MICHAEL TARM, Associated Press

CHICAGO (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled one of his signature rallies on Friday, calling off the event in Chicago due to safety concerns after protesters packed the arena where it was to take place.

The announcement the billionaire businessman would postpone the rally until another day led a large portion of the crowd inside the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion to break out into raucous cheers. Many rushed onto the floor, jumping up and down with their arms up in the air.

"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui, 20, a student at the school who was among those celebrating. "We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

Some supporters of the Republican front-runner started chanting "We want Trump! We want Trump!" in response to the celebrations, and there were some isolated physical confrontations between members of the crowd. Chicago police said there were no immediate arrests.

As Trump attempts to unify a fractured Republican Party ahead of next week's slate of winner-take-all primary elections, the confrontations between his legion of loyal supporters and protesters who accuse him of stoking racial hatred have intensified at his rallies.

A North Carolina man was arrested after video footage showed him punching an African-American protester being led out of a rally in that state on Wednesday. At that event, the billionaire real estate mogul recalled a past protester as "a real bad dude."

"He was a rough guy, and he was punching. And we had some people — some rough guys like we have right in here — and they started punching back," Trump said. "It was a beautiful thing."

At Trump's rally earlier Friday in St. Louis, he was repeatedly interrupted by protesters. Police there charged nearly three dozen people with general peace disturbance.

In a telephone interview after postponing his event in Chicago, Trump said he didn't "want to see people hurt or worse" at the rally, telling MSNBC that, "I think we did the right thing."

Trump said the anger on display in Chicago wasn't directed at him or his campaign, but rather was a manifestation of the public's deep frustration with economic conditions in the country.

"Our businesses are being taken away from us, our businesses are being moved out of the country," Trump said on Fox News. "This is a demonstration against economic conditions on both sides."

But many of the protesters in Chicago said they were there to specifically to stop Trump from speaking.

"Our country is not going to make it being divided by the views of Donald Trump," said Jermaine Hodge, a 37-year-old lifelong Chicago resident who owns a trucking company. "Our country is divided enough. Donald Trump, he's preaching hate. He's preaching division."

Dozens of University of Illinois at Chicago faculty and staff had petitioned university administrators earlier in the week to cancel the rally, citing concerns it would create a "hostile and physically dangerous environment" for students.

One Trump supporter at the Chicago rally said Trump had created the environment that led to Friday night's melee by holding the event at the school — a civil and immigrant rights organizing hub with large minority student populations.

Hours before the event in Chicago was scheduled to start, hundreds of people lined up to get into the arena. Trump backers were separated from an equally large crowd of anti-Trump protesters by a heavy police presence and barricades.

Once inside, some supporters and protesters engaged in a handful of intense verbal clashes. For the first time during his White House bid, the crowd at one of his events appeared to be an equal mix of those eager to cheer on the real estate mogul and those overtly opposed to his candidacy.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-12

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"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui, 20, a student at the school who was among those celebrating. "We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

Actually Kamran Siddiqui, it is you who represent everything America is not. Third World thuggery like this is what the Clintons, Sanders, and GOP elite are really all about. And this is especially what the open borders fanatics want to turn America into, a Third World conglomeration of competing hordes, corrupt, filled with bribery, and Third World style campaign violence.

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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

Yes. This is a Nazi style racist movement. Pure evil.

No point in beating around the Bush. George or otherwise. People all over the world see this for what it really is.

Edited by Jingthing
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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

I'm happy to hear your comments. And, I'm actually celebrating the Third Worlders who invaded the US and shut down an American political rally without a peep from the police. Why? Because this will translate into a landslide for Trump in the next primary election. Also the American electorate is seeing what will happen to this country firsthand if illegals are not deported and they bring their totalitarian mindset to America.

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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

I'm happy to hear your comments. And, I'm actually celebrating the Third Worlders who invaded the US and shut down an American political rally without a peep from the police. Why? Because this will translate into a landslide for Trump in the next primary election. Also the American electorate is seeing what will happen to this country firsthand if illegals are not deported and they bring their totalitarian mindset to America.

Sure Chicago full of "Third-Worlders who have invaded the U.S."cheesy.gif


And just as funny is Steely Dan's avatar, guy, your party's Newspeak is shutting down your individual thinking synapse. Sure, everyone who is not a right-whinger is the enemy. We're out to get you dude!!! angry.png

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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

Yes. This is a Nazi style racist movement. Pure evil.

No point in beating around the Bush. George or otherwise. People all over the world see this for what it really is.

Oh, really? Then what were the people who carried around a Mexican flag at an American political rally, while holding signs for La Raza? What exactly is La Raza, hmmm?

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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

I'm happy to hear your comments. And, I'm actually celebrating the Third Worlders who invaded the US and shut down an American political rally without a peep from the police. Why? Because this will translate into a landslide for Trump in the next primary election. Also the American electorate is seeing what will happen to this country firsthand if illegals are not deported and they bring their totalitarian mindset to America.

Sure Chicago full of "Third-Worlders who have invaded the U.S."cheesy.gif


Don't know much about the US, in general, or Chicago, in particular, do you.

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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

I'm happy to hear your comments. And, I'm actually celebrating the Third Worlders who invaded the US and shut down an American political rally without a peep from the police. Why? Because this will translate into a landslide for Trump in the next primary election. Also the American electorate is seeing what will happen to this country firsthand if illegals are not deported and they bring their totalitarian mindset to America.

Sure Chicago full of "Third-Worlders who have invaded the U.S."cheesy.gif


Don't know much about the US, in general, or Chicago, in particular, do you.

So then why are you making uneducated posts. You admit right there you do not know what you are talking about.

Me? Yes, 91% of the population American White-Black-Latino.

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Trump is reaping what he sews. He likes to get spirited responses from the crowd. He likes the drama and divisiveness, except now it's getting out of hand. He's like to script it all, but.....

Trump is reaping victory!

Yes, he's won most of the primary states thus far. He's around 100 delegates ahead of Cruz. However, it's all among Republicans. There are more Dems than Reps nationwide, so the contest that counts the most - takes place on Nov. 8. Many Dems are hoping Trump wins the nomination, because they know he'll lose to either HRC or Sanders.

But you missed the point I was making about "....reaping what he sows." I was referring to crowds getting out of hand, not election results, though that too, could fit.

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He doesn't even have majority support among Republicans the right wing party. He's doing a successful hostile takeover of that party with shrewd cynical tactics. Divide and conquer. One on one against Hillary will be a different thing.

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This is absolutely exactly where this has been heading for weeks, the mistreatment of protesters, silent and otherwise, at Trump's klan rallies.

The guy who calls himself the "uniter" finally gets called on his hypocrisy and has to cancel a rally because of it. Then he tries to deflect the TRUTH and blames it on lack of jobs!

His racist supporters can slink back to the suburbs now. Mission accomplished.

Well done Chicago.

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Indeed the regressive left are so full of hate they are blind to the massive own goal they have just scored. Obama's buddy and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was there, just in case people had failed to get the message.


And Rahm Emanuel is still the mayor. Just another thug.

This was a pre-planned attack by those who hate American law. There were lots of Mexicans with Mexican flags and Muslims. Those people hijacked the inside of the building so that there could be no "free speech" or peaceful assembly.

Trump's people were denied their own meeting. Left wing people love to stifle free speech that they disagree with. Just watch them blame Trump for this instead of blaming the invaders. This was private property - a rented hall but the rights of those who actually rented it and had the right to be there were trampled.

Leftists will always support trampling rights if they disagree with someone. They know nothing of free speech that's disagreeable to them.

I can just hear the cries of "foul" if Trump supporters did something like this to a Hillary or Bernie rally. The same people who are blaming Trump for this would of course blame the invaders.

They would call them fascists. Anyone they disagree with is now a fascist.


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Trump denies his rallies to his own supporters as a cynical policy of deception. He is a master con artist. His campaign promises entry passes to massively more people the venues can fit. Like he's selling a new kind of donut. Americans stop being such stupid suckers. He is banking in most Americans being morons. Resist Trumpist fascism.

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One Trump supporter at the Chicago rally said Trump had created the environment that led to Friday night's melee by holding the event at the school — a civil and immigrant rights organizing hub with large minority student populations.

Of course he did.

He will next be talking about how his right to incite supporters to punch people in the face is under assault or some such nonsense.

With free speech comes responsibility, but he doesn't have an iota of it.

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Trump's statements at his many rallies connect directly to this Trump riot.

Trump has indeed brought back the "good old days" when Americans were physically tough on one another at political rallies. Trump promotes the politically correct posture of the right wing. His crowds/mobs cheer his every menacing statement.

Here is the link documenting Trump's repeated advocacy at his many rallies to punch someone in the face and of his noting that in the old days a protester got carried out on a stretcher. "Knock the crap out of him...I'll pay for the legal fees."

Etc etc etc....


The link is to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC in her program this morning (our time) which is certain to set the rightwhingenuts off a-howling for the next 12 hours, if not for the next 12 months. Which is good.

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He doesn't even have majority support among Republicans the right wing party.

He will though. The more the left tell outrageous lies about him and deny him free speech, the more support he will get. I just decided to support him myself.

Only you know why you are now supporting him (though you have been hedging your bets for a long time just in case - saying he isn't your choice, but generally defending him throughout the threads). But my assertion about most other Republicans changing their tune is that they are just giving up the fight, know he will be the candidate and acquiescing. Eventually, all party people will line up behind the candidate, as much as they might dread the idea.

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This is absolutely exactly where this has been heading for weeks, the mistreatment of protesters, silent and otherwise, at Trump's klan rallies.

The guy who calls himself the "uniter" finally gets called on his hypocrisy and has to cancel a rally because of it. Then he tries to deflect the TRUTH and blames it on lack of jobs!

His racist supporters can slink back to the suburbs now. Mission accomplished.

Well done Chicago.

Chicago politics, that's the progressives in a nutshell.
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He will though. The more the left tell outrageous lies about him and deny him free speech, the more support he will get. I just decided to support him myself.

Then you support a bigot, a racist, a guy who makes jokes about handicapped people

(Trump despicably ridiculed Krauthammer, a man paralyzed from the waist down, as "a guy that can't buy a pair of pants.")

demeans women, that's what you stand for when you say you support this guy. You don't get a pass on all that because you like one policy of his.

Nice to know you're that kind of person. You should be proud of yourselfclap2.gif

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The left wingers are failing to catch on that every attack on Trump causes him to get stronger with Main Street Americans. Every time they think they sucker punched him he wins more primaries. The corrupt GOP establishment has tried everything they can think of the destroy him and he gets stronger.

Main Street is catching on. These are the Wall Street donors and the illegal aliens and the Muslims and the haters and political panderers and all else that's rotten with America attacking one guy. When he is attacked for the things Main Street believes in, he gains supporters. The behavior of the thugs at that rally will turn most Americans off to them.

This attack tonight will work to Trump's advantage. The stupid leftists can't see it ahead of time and they keep playing into his hand. He went to his hotel tonight the happiest candidate in the country on the planet.

Thank you leftists for all of your hard work and for keeping Trump front and center in the news. Thank you for showing the country what rude and controlling <deleted> you are. thumbsup.gif


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He doesn't even have majority support among Republicans the right wing party.

He will though. The more the left tell outrageous lies about him and deny him free speech, the more support he will get. I just decided to support him myself.

Only you know why you are now supporting him (though you have been hedging your bets for a long time just in case - saying he isn't your choice, but generally defending him throughout the threads). But my assertion about most other Republicans changing their tune is that they are just giving up the fight, know he will be the candidate and acquiescing. Eventually, all party people will line up behind the candidate, as much as they might dread the idea.

Nope. I am not a "party person". I am an independent and I would not support Ted Cruz, if he was the nominee. I would sit the election out, although I might vote for Bernie if he was the democratic nominee.

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What policies? He changes every 5 minutes and he has almost no real knowledge to back up his BS anyway. Trumpism isn't about policies. It's about a cult of the strong leader the demagogue the fascist. Now Americans can better understand how the German people got sucked in by the Nazis. Still plenty of time to prevent this horror show even assuming he will be nominated.

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