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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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With the U.S. having under 5% of the world's population - the other 95% watches with bated breath - as the Horror ( aka The Donald) unfolds before our very eyes

Stephen King must be salivating about now - having been given fodder for about ten more books

Like manna from heaven

Well, "the world" made their pick known in 2008 and that hasn't worked out too well.

Edited by mopar71
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In a way, it's good to see kids born in the 90's getting some street-cred by protesting and counter-protesting. It's a rite-of-passage and toughens them (and their ideology) up a bit. Better than them sitting for hours staring at a tiny screen, or (as is happening in many places in the US) OD'ing on poor quality heroin/designer drugs. If you had teenage kids, would you rather see them hanging out in a lethargic green cloud in the basement, ....or getting outside, motivated and active with ideas to make America a better place?

Admittedly, very few have been injured thus far at Trump rallies. The rhetoric from all sides for Trump to "cool the hate rhetoric" is mostly to preclude serious mass injuries which may ensue, if the trend snowballs.

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Admittedly, very few have been injured thus far at Trump rallies. The rhetoric from all sides for Trump to "cool the hate rhetoric" is mostly to preclude serious mass injuries which may ensue, if the trend snowballs.

If these kids go inside Trump rallies and start violence to shut him down, the blame is on them, not Trump.

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Media is just playing some folks for fools.

What they want you to believe is that Trump has worked everyone up to the point that people are mobbing the streets, killing each other.....that his "powers of influence" have hypnotized the population of the USA to battle it out.

Look...some guys wanted to tug his pants...one guy flipped a bird and got tapped by a 70 year old man...and Don made a 3 or 4 comments about tossing out the crazy, disrupting, liberal left...who are trying to prevent his right to campaign....

I saw a slight red bruise on one arm..through all the thousands of supporters (and how many disrupters..).

Not one real act of violence, on Trump's part. They show that old guy getting in a lick and he is othe only example out of thousands and thousands that have acted reasonably. It is the liberal left out to cause problems..not Trump. I do admit he is bold and brassy...but I like that.

Clearly the media has some of the weaker minded individuals convinced that Trump has declared war. You fox news hounds are watching the same 2 minutes videos for 10 hours (constantly repeating)...brainwashing you into thinking Trump and his followers are Nazi storm troopers beating innocent people up.

Crazy. get away from fox and your tv and think about the facts. Stop following weak arguments that Trump Supporters are vicious.

Edited by slipperylobster
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When you get thousands of people into an arena at a political rally along with protesters determined to disrupt it, violently if necessary, you will have incidents. The same would happen if conservatives sent hoards over to Clinton/Sanders rallies. The latter doesn't happen because conservatives/Republicans don't attend rallies by candidates they don't support

The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken. They got government permits for their events. Occupy Wall Street camped illegally and had numerous crimes like rape and murder committed and other violence. This is all pretty typical.

"The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken." cheesy.gif

Oh...okay then!

Occupy did what?

Sorry, I am not that informed, but...can you show any links for rape and murder, please?

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When you get thousands of people into an arena at a political rally along with protesters determined to disrupt it, violently if necessary, you will have incidents. The same would happen if conservatives sent hoards over to Clinton/Sanders rallies. The latter doesn't happen because conservatives/Republicans don't attend rallies by candidates they don't support

The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken. They got government permits for their events. Occupy Wall Street camped illegally and had numerous crimes like rape and murder committed and other violence. This is all pretty typical.

"The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken." cheesy.gif

Oh...okay then!

Occupy did what?

Sorry, I am not that informed, but...can you show any links for rape and murder, please?

Indeed you are NOT informed and your misplaced smiley proves it. That the Tea Party protested non-violently, with almost no laws broken, is a FACT. It would be interesting to see you try to prove otherwise.

While it is easy to point to the thousands of ugly, violent, and prejudiced things that so many Occupy Wall Street protesters have done so far, it is tough to put a specific number on them. Thanks to liberal mayors and OWSers intentionally not reporting crimes, many criminals have gotten off scott free.

Instead, I decided to make a list of all the crimes that OWS has committed that I can actually cite with news articles. Therefore, prejudiced or racist vulgarities, and the like, screamed by Occupy protesters have not been included.

And simply because I could, I included the number of Tea Partiers who committed the same crimes. I'll give you a hint at what that number is: it's less than 1 and it is not a negative number.

Enjoy: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2808548/posts

(OWS= 2 murders, 10 murders, 4,000 arrests and so forth.)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The latest news from our friends in the Soros network:


After Encouraging Disruption of Trump Rally, MoveOn.org Now Raising Funds Off That Disruption
By Susan Jones
March 14, 2016 | 10:54 AM EDT
(CNSNews.com) - After encouraging students and local commuity organizers to disrupt Donald Trump's rally in Chicago on Friday, the liberal activists at MoveOn.org are using the disruption -- and the outrage directed at them by Trump supporters -- to raise funds.
In a Saturday email to supporters, MoveOn.org noted that Trump "abruptly cancelled" the Chicago rally "in the face of massive and overwhelmingly peaceful student-led protests." (Those protests, far from being peaceful, required a massive police presence to keep violence to a minimum on both sides.)
"We're being flooded with aggressive emails and social media posts from Trump supporters. Some of them are threatening," MoveOn wrote on Saturday. "We refuse to be intimidated by Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else."
I notice from that last sentence they seem to have the same Fox News phobia that many of our more liberal members have.
Coincidence? I think not.
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Media is just playing some folks for fools.

What they want you to believe is that Trump has worked everyone up to the point that people are mobbing the streets, killing each other.....that his "powers of influence" have hypnotized the population of the USA to battle it out.

Look...some guys wanted to tug his pants...one guy flipped a bird and got tapped by a 70 year old man...and Don made a 3 or 4 comments about tossing out the crazy, disrupting, liberal left...who are trying to prevent his right to campaign....

I saw a slight red bruise on one arm..through all the thousands of supporters (and how many disrupters..).

Not one real act of violence, on Trump's part. They show that old guy getting in a lick and he is othe only example out of thousands and thousands that have acted reasonably. It is the liberal left out to cause problems..not Trump. I do admit he is bold and brassy...but I like that.

Clearly the media has some of the weaker minded individuals convinced that Trump has declared war. You fox news hounds are watching the same 2 minutes videos for 10 hours (constantly repeating)...brainwashing you into thinking Trump and his followers are Nazi storm troopers beating innocent people up.

Crazy. get away from fox and your tv and think about the facts. Stop following weak arguments that Trump Supporters are vicious.

CNN, same thing.

Watching this morning the host asked a guest about trying to limit free speech and...silly me...I thought he was talking about the hundreds of violent, obnoxious leftwing goons that invaded a rally to (successfully) stop the speaker from addressing his supporters.

But no, CNN was talking about the right of the 21st century brownshirts to enter the lecture hall and shut down free speech.

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I want to point out, that the anti-Trump forces are not any more "sophisticated" or less clownish than Trump.

If they anti-Trump people weren't clowns, they would simply attack Trump on the issues.

But, like Trump, they avoid issues and connect with their supporters through emotions. They appeal to the low-information people by telling them that Trump is a "fascist" and "racist". Those kids can't be bothered with details of what Trump's plans are to bring jobs back to the US, or deport illegals, etc. It woudl be over their heads anyway.

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When you get thousands of people into an arena at a political rally along with protesters determined to disrupt it, violently if necessary, you will have incidents. The same would happen if conservatives sent hoards over to Clinton/Sanders rallies. The latter doesn't happen because conservatives/Republicans don't attend rallies by candidates they don't support

The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken. They got government permits for their events. Occupy Wall Street camped illegally and had numerous crimes like rape and murder committed and other violence. This is all pretty typical.

"The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken." cheesy.gif

Oh...okay then!

Occupy did what?

Sorry, I am not that informed, but...can you show any links for rape and murder, please?

Indeed you are NOT informed and your misplaced smiley proves it. That the Tea Party protested non-violently, with almost no laws broken, is a FACT. It would be interesting to see you try to prove otherwise.

While it is easy to point to the thousands of ugly, violent, and prejudiced things that so many Occupy Wall Street protesters have done so far, it is tough to put a specific number on them. Thanks to liberal mayors and OWSers intentionally not reporting crimes, many criminals have gotten off scott free.

Instead, I decided to make a list of all the crimes that OWS has committed that I can actually cite with news articles. Therefore, prejudiced or racist vulgarities, and the like, screamed by Occupy protesters have not been included.

And simply because I could, I included the number of Tea Partiers who committed the same crimes. I'll give you a hint at what that number is: it's less than 1 and it is not a negative number.

Enjoy: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2808548/posts

(OWS= 2 murders, 10 murders, 4,000 arrests and so forth.)

Do you see the part of the quote, that I put in bold?

That is, what I am laughing at!

They protested with almost no laws broken!

Get the irony?

No, probably not!

And by "links", I actually meant credible links!

Not some rightwing- fringe publication, listing some numbers just willy-nilly with no back up!

Here for example: "While it is easy to point to the thousands of ugly, violent, and prejudiced things that so many Occupy Wall Street protesters have done so far, it is tough to put a specific number on them. Thanks to liberal mayors and OWSers intentionally not reporting crimes, many criminals have gotten off scott free."

Doesn't that sound a bit biased to you?

I mean even people like you, who live in their own bubble, would have to admit, that the phrasing of this part, does not promise a lot for a neutral, fact- checked, unbiased "statistic"!

And for not being able to put "specific" numbers on crimes (like public masturbation!)...they are pretty specific, don't you think!

Again: link to an article, by a trusted news media (in the widest possible sense), that reports on rape and/or murder BY OWS- protesters DURING the OWS- protests!

Happy searching- Easter is coming soon!

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The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken. They got government permits for their events. Occupy Wall Street camped illegally and had numerous crimes like rape and murder committed and other violence. This is all pretty typical.

"The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken." cheesy.gif

Oh...okay then!

Occupy did what?

Sorry, I am not that informed, but...can you show any links for rape and murder, please?

Officials move to break up Occupy protests after three deaths in two days
Violence, sex assaults and gunfire spread as demonstrations turn deadly


#Occupy Leftists Conceive Baby in Tent – Child Is Beaten to Death and Dumped on Beach


Note to Occupy Wall Street: Rape, riots, murder, arson, pushing old ladies down the stairs, lice, and crapping in public don’t poll well

Occupy Deaths Make Oakland, Salt Lake City, Burlington Order Camps Closed


You old hippies need to realize that "protesters" in 2016 are not about "flower power" and "free love". The actions of these agitators show they are the real fascists.

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The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken. They got government permits for their events. Occupy Wall Street camped illegally and had numerous crimes like rape and murder committed and other violence. This is all pretty typical.

"The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken." cheesy.gif

Oh...okay then!

Occupy did what?

Sorry, I am not that informed, but...can you show any links for rape and murder, please?

Officials move to break up Occupy protests after three deaths in two days
Violence, sex assaults and gunfire spread as demonstrations turn deadly


#Occupy Leftists Conceive Baby in Tent – Child Is Beaten to Death and Dumped on Beach


Note to Occupy Wall Street: Rape, riots, murder, arson, pushing old ladies down the stairs, lice, and crapping in public don’t poll well

Occupy Deaths Make Oakland, Salt Lake City, Burlington Order Camps Closed


You old hippies need to realize that "protesters" in 2016 are not about "flower power" and "free love". The actions of these agitators show they are the real fascists.

Let me quote from those articles, so you may see, why I have a problem with them:

"Occupy Leftists Conceive Baby in Tent – Child Is Beaten to Death and Dumped on Beach" Occupy LEFTIST...unbiased and neutral, right in the headline!

"It’s weird how a nationwide crime spree centered around Occupy camps can dampen the public mood, huh?" This is an opinion- piece (I assume, by someone, who is not really pro- OWS) and goes well with the "pushing old ladies down the stairs"- crap in the headline!

The rest is a case of suicide, one case of drug- abuse and some shooting, which may or may not be linked to the OWS- movement. As the police say, they don't really know!

And that is 3 major cities!

I would almost bet, that any Lynard Skynard - concert (featuring Ted Nugent) in the Midwest, would have the same number of violent acts committed!

You old hippies?

I was Punk, back in the days!

So I am good with you, because there is "No Future"!

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The latest news from our friends in the Soros network:


After Encouraging Disruption of Trump Rally, MoveOn.org Now Raising Funds Off That Disruption
By Susan Jones
March 14, 2016 | 10:54 AM EDT
(CNSNews.com) - After encouraging students and local commuity organizers to disrupt Donald Trump's rally in Chicago on Friday, the liberal activists at MoveOn.org are using the disruption -- and the outrage directed at them by Trump supporters -- to raise funds.
In a Saturday email to supporters, MoveOn.org noted that Trump "abruptly cancelled" the Chicago rally "in the face of massive and overwhelmingly peaceful student-led protests." (Those protests, far from being peaceful, required a massive police presence to keep violence to a minimum on both sides.)
"We're being flooded with aggressive emails and social media posts from Trump supporters. Some of them are threatening," MoveOn wrote on Saturday. "We refuse to be intimidated by Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else."
I notice from that last sentence they seem to have the same Fox News phobia that many of our more liberal members have.
Coincidence? I think not.

I started to read and thought, what the hell is this?

Oh yeah, another wingnut news organization making up bullshit. A link to a place where news has no basis in reality. CNSNews founded by Brent Bozell, is a complete joke. Their motto is "The Right News, Right Now" cheesy.gifclap2.gif No wonder everything posted by the right is so far out there when this is their source.

Pure unadulterated wingnut bullshit.

I don't care if you make stuff up, we expect it. When you put a link like this, it just confirms it.

Wow, you can smell the desperation.

Edited by Pinot
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The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken. They got government permits for their events. Occupy Wall Street camped illegally and had numerous crimes like rape and murder committed and other violence. This is all pretty typical.

"The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken." cheesy.gif

Oh...okay then!

Occupy did what?

Sorry, I am not that informed, but...can you show any links for rape and murder, please?

Officials move to break up Occupy protests after three deaths in two days
Violence, sex assaults and gunfire spread as demonstrations turn deadly


#Occupy Leftists Conceive Baby in Tent – Child Is Beaten to Death and Dumped on Beach


Note to Occupy Wall Street: Rape, riots, murder, arson, pushing old ladies down the stairs, lice, and crapping in public don’t poll well

Occupy Deaths Make Oakland, Salt Lake City, Burlington Order Camps Closed


You old hippies need to realize that "protesters" in 2016 are not about "flower power" and "free love". The actions of these agitators show they are the real fascists.

Let me quote from those articles, so you may see, why I have a problem with them:

"Occupy Leftists Conceive Baby in Tent – Child Is Beaten to Death and Dumped on Beach" Occupy LEFTIST...unbiased and neutral, right in the headline!

"It’s weird how a nationwide crime spree centered around Occupy camps can dampen the public mood, huh?" This is an opinion- piece (I assume, by someone, who is not really pro- OWS) and goes well with the "pushing old ladies down the stairs"- crap in the headline!

The rest is a case of suicide, one case of drug- abuse and some shooting, which may or may not be linked to the OWS- movement. As the police say, they don't really know!

And that is 3 major cities!

I would almost bet, that any Lynard Skynard - concert (featuring Ted Nugent) in the Midwest, would have the same number of violent acts committed!

You old hippies?

I was Punk, back in the days!

So I am good with you, because there is "No Future"!

Holy mackerel! One weird wingnut article after another. Under the Occupy Protests...article, the first comment reads:

"As I always say... mandatory spaying and neutering of all leftists will solve so many problems."

Lovely. This passes for news for the right.

Yup, these are Trump's people alright.

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With the U.S. having under 5% of the world's population - the other 95% watches with bated breath - as the Horror ( aka The Donald) unfolds before our very eyes

Stephen King must be salivating about now - having been given fodder for about ten more books

Like manna from heaven

Well, "the world" made their pick known in 2008 and that hasn't worked out too well.

On what criteria do you base that?

Financial crisis?


Getting your soldiers home?

A health care system?


Please tell us

Edited by Grouse
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With the U.S. having under 5% of the world's population - the other 95% watches with bated breath - as the Horror ( aka The Donald) unfolds before our very eyes

Stephen King must be salivating about now - having been given fodder for about ten more books

Like manna from heaven

Well, "the world" made their pick known in 2008 and that hasn't worked out too well.

On what criteria do you base that?

Financial crisis?


Getting your soldiers home?

A health care system?


Please tell us

It's just a "gut" feeling. He's a negro you know.

Last week, ABC News published a poll that puts Clinton up 21 points among women over Trump in a head-to-head matchup. One analysis published in Politico suggested Trump would have to win 70 percent of white men voting in November to win — more than any Republican has won, even in landslide victories. (snickers)


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Trump encourages the violence at his rallies with a nod and wink. The sad part is that to his feeble-minded supporters, this American embarrassment is something to be proud of.

If Governor Kasich or a white knight doesn't reveal himself at the convention, the Republican party is going to get destroyed in November. And I'm not just referring to the White House, but the Senate as well.

Reince Priebus needs to be run out of town on a rail for not putting a stop to this months ago. This is setting up to be an unmitigated disaster.

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Here for example: "While it is easy to point to the thousands of ugly, violent, and prejudiced things that so many Occupy Wall Street protesters have done so far, it is tough to put a specific number on them. Thanks to liberal mayors and OWSers intentionally not reporting crimes, many criminals have gotten off scott free."

Doesn't that sound a bit biased to you?

I mean even people like you, who live in their own bubble, would have to admit, that the phrasing of this part, does not promise a lot for a neutral, fact- checked, unbiased "statistic"!

Actually, what is sounds like is the condescending crap you write on this forum every day. It IS sarcastic. However, UNLIKE YOU, they have the facts and figures to back up what they say. The Denver Post, Reuters and ABC News are not "fringe publications, no matter how you wish it so. I guess I gave you too much credit, by thinking that you would realize the links to the articles under the main article were proof of the numbers listed. The truth is that you can't deny that Occupy Wall Street was linked to numerous crimes and thousands of arrests. The Tea Party had almost NONE.

After several weeks of occupation, protesters had made enough allegations of rape, sexual assault and gropings that women-only sleeping tents were set up.[161][162][163][164] Occupy Wall Street organizers released a statement regarding the sexual assaults stating, "As individuals and as a community, we have the responsibility and the opportunity to create an alternative to this culture of violence, We are working for an OWS and a world in which survivors are respected and supported unconditionally... We are redoubling our efforts to raise awareness about sexual violence. This includes taking preventative measures such as encouraging healthy relationship dynamics and consent practices that can help to limit harm.[165


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Trump is undoubtedly a master at hogging the headlines when he wants.

Cancelling the appearance in Chicago might have been part of that, but he wasn't the one who paid for the "protesters" to be there. That was done by the true fascists in America.

paid for the "protesters" to be there

Right wingers and other tellers of tall tales need to provide independent evidence to provide some concrete basis of this wild claim.

Short of any credible evidence, i.e., claims from other than the well funded mass of highly financed rightwhingenut media, this is vacuous right wing rhetoric that has the effect of corrupting the discourse and the political processes in the United States.

Once the system can be wholly discredited it can then be negated, i.e., dismantled and destroyed. The consequent risk to the stability of the political system and process thus becomes more vulnerable to Trump and his unique brand of the limited-appeal new American strongman fascism. To include too many of his enthusiastic true believer followers.

Stop blaming Trump supporters for campaign violence

"...organized groups of left-wing agitators intentionally come to Trump rallies to provoke his supporters. According to the New York Times, the protesters “fling themselves to the ground, forcing law enforcement officers — often outmanned and overwhelmed — to drag them away. They also shout and curse, making obscene gestures.” They should not be surprised when they get a reaction. Walk into a blue-collar bar and start taunting people that way, and you are likely to leave without some of your teeth."


The link is about protesters and law enforcement officers. Police and private security do their job as they should do.

Trump supporters in these incidents are the assailants against other civilians. Trump's assailants are encouraged by Benito Trump to punch people in the face and get obscene rhetoric from Benito about the opposition protesters getting carried out on a stretcher.

No other candidate does anything resembling this thuggery, not Sanders, not Clinton, not Cruz, not Rubio, and certainly not Kasich. (Ben "The Knife" Carson hasn't said much to criticise Trump in his rhetoric nor has "The Knife" criticised the psychopatic thugs physically supporting Trump in these violent assaults.)

Trump speaks openly of paying the legal fees of his mobs of rednecks (don't see Wall Street types at the rallies or attacking anyone physically, as awful as the Wolves of Wall Street are in their antiseptic offices). Trump's campaign openly says it is "looking into" paying the legal expenses of a Trump Thug currently arrested then charges, out on bail.

This would set a precedent in American politics and government unmatched since Richard Nixon called protesters "bums" followed immediately thereafter by the Ohio National Guard under Republican Governor James Rhodes shooting down students protesting at Kent State University, a horror that caused a nationwide strike on university campuses that ended the academic year then and there.

Now Trump is further escalating the violent rhetoric, having received the endorsement of the rapist Mike Tyson who on his release from prison returned to his 60-acre estate. (So maybe the millions and millions of rapists from Mexico might reverse their fate by endorsing Trump!)

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The latest news from our friends in the Soros network:


After Encouraging Disruption of Trump Rally, MoveOn.org Now Raising Funds Off That Disruption
By Susan Jones
March 14, 2016 | 10:54 AM EDT
(CNSNews.com) - After encouraging students and local commuity organizers to disrupt Donald Trump's rally in Chicago on Friday, the liberal activists at MoveOn.org are using the disruption -- and the outrage directed at them by Trump supporters -- to raise funds.
In a Saturday email to supporters, MoveOn.org noted that Trump "abruptly cancelled" the Chicago rally "in the face of massive and overwhelmingly peaceful student-led protests." (Those protests, far from being peaceful, required a massive police presence to keep violence to a minimum on both sides.)
"We're being flooded with aggressive emails and social media posts from Trump supporters. Some of them are threatening," MoveOn wrote on Saturday. "We refuse to be intimidated by Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else."
I notice from that last sentence they seem to have the same Fox News phobia that many of our more liberal members have.
Coincidence? I think not.

I started to read and thought, what the hell is this?

Oh yeah, another wingnut news organization making up bullshit. A link to a place where news has no basis in reality. CNSNews founded by Brent Bozell, is a complete joke. Their motto is "The Right News, Right Now" cheesy.gifclap2.gif No wonder everything posted by the right is so far out there when this is their source.

Pure unadulterated wingnut bullshit.

I don't care if you make stuff up, we expect it. When you put a link like this, it just confirms it.

Wow, you can smell the desperation.

Debate 101 from the left wing radicals.

When you have nothing else, attack the source.

Moveon.org is a wholly owned affiliate of the Soros network.


Here's the latest on the Soros connection.

Soros, Alarmed by Trump, Pours Money into 2016 Race
Zachary Mider
March 15, 2016 — 9:09 PM ICT
The liberal New York financier George Soros, whose effort to unseat President George W. Bush in 2004 shattered political spending records, is returning to big-ticket giving after an 11-year hiatus.
Soros has spent or committed more than $13 million to support Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this election cycle, already more than his total disclosed spending in the last two presidential elections combined.
Soros has expressed alarm over the past few months at the candidacies of Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. In a statement last week about a new group he's funding to increase voting by Latinos and immigrants in the election, he again mentioned the two candidates by name.
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The source on this post will throw the liberal wackos into a real frenzy.


Chicago Cop: Anti-Trump Mob More Aggressive and Destructive than Reported
14 Mar 2016Chicago, IL
The protests launched by militant leftists who shut down Donald Trump’s Chicago rally were far more aggressive and destructive than reported, says a Chicago Police officer.
“It seems the [media] aren’t broadcasting footage of the debris being thrown across Harrison by Sanders/Hillary supporters at Trump fans,” the officer wrote shortly after the canceled Trump event.
The officer, who posed anonymously on the Second City Cop blog, also noted the media didn’t report that protesters were running through parking lots and breaking windows of cars with Trump stickers on them, or that the department called out emergency Incident Teams to cope with the anti-Trump riot at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
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Good points made by Trump...

I must have missed those, can you give us a recap?

Yes...I do mind. Just read my previous post ...that you snipped.

It explains it. (the part you failed to copy and paste)....lol

kidding.....his points were exactly what I wrote.

1. Nobody has been hurt...so why are your panties in a bunch?

2. Police and security handled the crazies....with kids gloves.

3. Opposition is making accusations of inflammatory speeches....but nothing happened...just an old codger socked a young, healthy protestor for flipping the bird.

in other words...Nothing to see....move along...

Not good points at all. Just weak justification for the incendiary drivel this man regurgitates regularly.

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The source on this post will throw the liberal wackos into a real frenzy.


Chicago Cop: Anti-Trump Mob More Aggressive and Destructive than Reported


14 Mar 2016Chicago, IL

The protests launched by militant leftists who shut down Donald Trump’s Chicago rally were far more aggressive and destructive than reported, says a Chicago Police officer.

“It seems the [media] aren’t broadcasting footage of the debris being thrown across Harrison by Sanders/Hillary supporters at Trump fans,” the officer wrote shortly after the canceled Trump event.

The officer, who posed anonymously on the Second City Cop blog, also noted the media didn’t report that protesters were running through parking lots and breaking windows of cars with Trump stickers on them, or that the department called out emergency Incident Teams to cope with the anti-Trump riot at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Entire article here: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/14/chicago-cop-blog-says-that-protests-at-weekend-trump-rally-far-worse-than-reported/

Breitbart... How ironic.

So far up Trump's behind they threw their own reporter to the wolves.

And another 'anonymous source'. Can't you get *anyone* on record?


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The latest news from our friends in the Soros network:


After Encouraging Disruption of Trump Rally, MoveOn.org Now Raising Funds Off That Disruption
By Susan Jones
March 14, 2016 | 10:54 AM EDT
(CNSNews.com) - After encouraging students and local commuity organizers to disrupt Donald Trump's rally in Chicago on Friday, the liberal activists at MoveOn.org are using the disruption -- and the outrage directed at them by Trump supporters -- to raise funds.
In a Saturday email to supporters, MoveOn.org noted that Trump "abruptly cancelled" the Chicago rally "in the face of massive and overwhelmingly peaceful student-led protests." (Those protests, far from being peaceful, required a massive police presence to keep violence to a minimum on both sides.)
"We're being flooded with aggressive emails and social media posts from Trump supporters. Some of them are threatening," MoveOn wrote on Saturday. "We refuse to be intimidated by Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else."
I notice from that last sentence they seem to have the same Fox News phobia that many of our more liberal members have.
Coincidence? I think not.

I started to read and thought, what the hell is this?

Oh yeah, another wingnut news organization making up bullshit. A link to a place where news has no basis in reality. CNSNews founded by Brent Bozell, is a complete joke. Their motto is "The Right News, Right Now" cheesy.gifclap2.gif No wonder everything posted by the right is so far out there when this is their source.

Pure unadulterated wingnut bullshit.

I don't care if you make stuff up, we expect it. When you put a link like this, it just confirms it.

Wow, you can smell the desperation.

Debate 101 from the left wing radicals.

When you have nothing else, attack the source.

Moveon.org is a wholly owned affiliate of the Soros network.


Here's the latest on the Soros connection.

Soros, Alarmed by Trump, Pours Money into 2016 Race
Zachary Mider
March 15, 2016 — 9:09 PM ICT
The liberal New York financier George Soros, whose effort to unseat President George W. Bush in 2004 shattered political spending records, is returning to big-ticket giving after an 11-year hiatus.
Soros has spent or committed more than $13 million to support Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this election cycle, already more than his total disclosed spending in the last two presidential elections combined.
Soros has expressed alarm over the past few months at the candidacies of Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. In a statement last week about a new group he's funding to increase voting by Latinos and immigrants in the election, he again mentioned the two candidates by name.

Trump is trying to buy the United States.

Soros continues to contribute to candidates of his choice, which is his right. No single person with bucks, such as Trump, has the right to buy the USA out of his own pocket. And to do it blatantly and shamelessly.

Trump makes even the grubers such as Koch Bros nervous, even after Citizens United decided for them specifically,

Democrats are billionaires too y'know. Lotsa Democrats are billionaires and also multi-millionaires. They don't like paying for food stamps either. They don't financially support the highly funded mass of well financed rightwhinge media either the way Republican and other right fringenut donors do.

So let's move on dot/period.

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"Occupy Leftists Conceive Baby in Tent – Child Is Beaten to Death and Dumped on Beach" Occupy LEFTIST...unbiased and neutral, right in the headline!

I think Occupy would have worn the leftist badge with honor... http://occupywallst.org/

The present right wing tack is to abuse Occupy and to of course naturally go OTT with it.

This is a direct response to divert attention away from the limited-appeal unique and new American fascism being introduced and promoted by the unique American fascist Donald Trump Himself.

Not even a nice try from over there on the fringe right however.

Someone over there needs to start denouncing the new and unique American fascism introduced as of this campaign. It is killing the Republican party, as anyone should expect it to do.

The mercy killing is welcome both on the far out lunar right and by many other Americans among the vast number who gravitate toward the political center.

So the people who focus wrongly on Occupy need instead to separate from the new American fascism or go down with it and the Republican party in November. Trump y'know is the Original Birther which after he's nominated will be one of the many collars he'll be wearing till November.

No birthers here, right?

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Here for example: "While it is easy to point to the thousands of ugly, violent, and prejudiced things that so many Occupy Wall Street protesters have done so far, it is tough to put a specific number on them. Thanks to liberal mayors and OWSers intentionally not reporting crimes, many criminals have gotten off scott free."

Doesn't that sound a bit biased to you?

I mean even people like you, who live in their own bubble, would have to admit, that the phrasing of this part, does not promise a lot for a neutral, fact- checked, unbiased "statistic"!

Actually, what is sounds like is the condescending crap you write on this forum every day. It IS sarcastic. However, UNLIKE YOU, they have the facts and figures to back up what they say. The Denver Post, Reuters and ABC News are not "fringe publications, no matter how you wish it so. I guess I gave you too much credit, by thinking that you would realize the links to the articles under the main article were proof of the numbers listed. The truth is that you can't deny that Occupy Wall Street was linked to numerous crimes and thousands of arrests. The Tea Party had almost NONE.

After several weeks of occupation, protesters had made enough allegations of rape, sexual assault and gropings that women-only sleeping tents were set up.[161][162][163][164] Occupy Wall Street organizers released a statement regarding the sexual assaults stating, "As individuals and as a community, we have the responsibility and the opportunity to create an alternative to this culture of violence, We are working for an OWS and a world in which survivors are respected and supported unconditionally... We are redoubling our efforts to raise awareness about sexual violence. This includes taking preventative measures such as encouraging healthy relationship dynamics and consent practices that can help to limit harm.[165


Oh, Sunshine...now we are going for wikipedia for sources?

The wikipedia, where every Tom, Dick and Harry can write, whatever they want and that 100% goes unchecked, unless someone else calls you out on your BS?

But okay...there were women, camping in tents and there were sexual assaults...who says, that they were committed by OWS- protesters?

All this hearsay, "maybe" and "could be" is not reliable!

Don't you understand that?

Opinion pieces!

Nothing else!

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