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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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Awwwwwwwwww... now isn't that cute?!

All the right wing, neo- fascist, upright Americans on this forum, whining and moaning about the Nazi- bully, not being able to exercize his freedom of speech!

The same guy, who wants to ban all Muslims from the country, who advocates for violence against protesters at his rallys, who want to exrcize their freedom of speech, who wants to sue the press for unfavorable articles...

It would be so funny, if it weren't so sad!

Take a day off, guys and went your anger with an assault- rifle, you proudly own to kill squirrels, at a gun range!

America is becoming more and more of joke, every day!

Yet somehow you can't seem to handle your uncontrollable urge to insult America and the American people every day.

Taking a day off might do you some good, as well.

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What we have to understand is that Trump winning does not equate to Trump caring about us. I don't think he cares much about anyone other than himself and family.

If caring about others is a prerequisite for running for president then none of them are qualified.

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Trump probably means well and his bark is worse than his bite. If he really does mean well and wants to bring back America in a positive way,

he is going to realize pretty fast that there is so much money involved in keeping the status quo that it will just wear him out in the end.

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Trump probably means well and his bark is worse than his bite. If he really does mean well and wants to bring back America in a positive way,

he is going to realize pretty fast that there is so much money involved in keeping the status quo that it will just wear him out in the end.

He doesn't mean well. He's a psychopathic demagogue appealing to most disgustingly awful aspects of white racist American culture. If he wins there will be race war. Back away from the madness. Learn from history.


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An excerpt from this morning's Nation newspaper....

When protesters interrupted a rally in Iowa last month, he encouraged supporters to "knock the crap out of them," while in Las Vegas when a protester disrupted his speech the billionaire said he would like to "punch him in the face."

99% of people would think the same thing or want to do the same thing. Few would say it in public because they are afraid what others would think about them. Trump is just guilty of not having a filter between his brain and mouth.

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"We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

So because you don't want Trump in you assault people at his rally, attack police, block ambulances, rip up Trump signs and disallow him expressing his freedom of speech.

The Chicago university students are more like the Charlie Hebdo terrorists than supporters of democracy. Those terrorists used violence to shut down a newspaper expressing freedom of speech. These violent activists in Chicago did the same.

Sounds like Chicago is a pretty scary place to live if that is how you treat people with opposing views.

You're out of line. The Charlie Hebko gunmen went and murdered innocents. That's too big a stretch - to compare them with demonstrators.

I hope I am also "out of line" in 6 months when these violent extremists do not go through with their wishes.

People are lining up to joke about assassinating Trump. The same people that violently attack innocent people at Trump rallies are stating they don't want the type of person Trump is visiting their cities!! To put it into context violent extremists dictate who can visit their city by violently attacking people they don't like. Sounds more like Syria than Chicago.


I pray "I am out of line" my dear friend. I pray your right.


Edited by djjamie
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"We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

So because you don't want Trump in you assault people at his rally, attack police, block ambulances, rip up Trump signs and disallow him expressing his freedom of speech.

The Chicago university students are more like the Charlie Hebdo terrorists than supporters of democracy. Those terrorists used violence to shut down a newspaper expressing freedom of speech. These violent activists in Chicago did the same.

Sounds like Chicago is a pretty scary place to live if that is how you treat people with opposing views.

You're out of line. The Charlie Hebko gunmen went and murdered innocents. That's too big a stretch - to compare them with demonstrators.

I hope I am also "out of line" in 6 months when these violent extremists do not go through with their wishes.

People are lining up to joke about assassinating Trump. The same people that violently attack innocent people at Trump rallies are stating they don't want the type of person Trump is in their cities!!


I pray "I am out of line" my dear friend. I pray your right.

Frankly, I believe that Trump is America's last chance. If he fails, then the entire country will be submerged in a tsunami of illegals from every corner of the globe. According to Clinton and Sanders, already, anyone who doesn't kill somebody or rob a bank has the right to live in the US. The two of them make Angela Merkel look like Charles Martel.

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The illegal alien problem is overblown. It's not even a top issue with Trump supporters. Trumpism is about a fascist cult of personality. It's no coincidence that the psychopathic demagogue looks and acts so much like Mussolini.

Looks? What say you all politicians are vetted by a phrenologist before standing for office?

P.s The Mexicans already call him Burrito Trumpolini.

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Trump probably means well and his bark is worse than his bite. If he really does mean well and wants to bring back America in a positive way,

he is going to realize pretty fast that there is so much money involved in keeping the status quo that it will just wear him out in the end.

He doesn't mean well. He's a psychopathic demagogue appealing to most disgustingly awful aspects of white racist American culture. If he wins there will be race war. Back away from the madness. Learn from history.


My mind isn't made up yet on Trump. He is a little rough around the edges and is unfiltered when he speaks and needs to do better with that, but he may still be on the up and up. He is a New Yorker, and if you have ever been to New York, you will understand. They are often very loud and in your face, but at the same time very easygoing and fun to get along with.

What I have noticed so far is that "other" organizations are sending in the "troops" to disrupt his speeches, knowing there is going to be some sort of altercations to make him look bad and it has happened often. I don't think he is nearly as bad as many fear and also not nearly as great as so many hope for. People have short memories. Obama tried to do a lot of good in his years only to be blocked at every corner by the Republicans with their "either your with us or against us" approach on just about every decent proposal he has ever put forward They totally paralyzed his Presidency, and as a result, a guy like Trump rises and looks favourable.

If he tones it down a little, he may be a decent President, since nothing else seems to be working in Washington anyway.

Edited by steve654
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You haven't figured it out after 3200 odd posts to TVF mate what I kinda represent?

I support people that are able to express freedom of speech peacefully (see my signature) without violent extremists repressing the peaceful peoples ability to do that.

Wether the message is degrading or wrong is beside the point. They should be able to present that message to the majority and minority without fear of violence.

By removing any ability for others to represent that freedom that DEMOCRACY allows them by violently attacking them is UNDEMOCRATIC.

Get it? or will I be attacked for presenting my views on TVF?

Hypocritical is representing democracy yet defending people that violently attack freedom of speech.

Edited by seedy
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The wrong temperament entirely for a president.

You mean they have nothing on him to blackmail, he isn't bought and paid for and he isn't supported by the Republican elite and mainstream media that opposes him? Yeah that would not fit the mold.

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The illegal alien problem is overblown. It's not even a top issue with Trump supporters. Trumpism is about a fascist cult of personality. It's no coincidence that the psychopathic demagogue looks and acts so much like Mussolini.

You really need to cut back on those meds prior to posting. tongue.png

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"We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

So because you don't want Trump in you assault people at his rally, attack police, block ambulances, rip up Trump signs and disallow him expressing his freedom of speech.

The Chicago university students are more like the Charlie Hebdo terrorists than supporters of democracy. Those terrorists used violence to shut down a newspaper expressing freedom of speech. These violent activists in Chicago did the same.

Sounds like Chicago is a pretty scary place to live if that is how you treat people with opposing views.

You're out of line. The Charlie Hebko gunmen went and murdered innocents. That's too big a stretch - to compare them with demonstrators.

I hope I am also "out of line" in 6 months when these violent extremists do not go through with their wishes.

People are lining up to joke about assassinating Trump. The same people that violently attack innocent people at Trump rallies are stating they don't want the type of person Trump is in their cities!!


I pray "I am out of line" my dear friend. I pray your right.

Frankly, I believe that Trump is America's last chance. If he fails, then the entire country will be submerged in a tsunami of illegals from every corner of the globe. According to Clinton and Sanders, already, anyone who doesn't kill somebody or rob a bank has the right to live in the US. The two of them make Angela Merkel look like Charles Martel.

"Frankly, I believe that Trump is America's last chance"

Sure , last chance, but last chance for what?

" make America great again" Make America great for whom?

Give it up, white uneducated males, the demographics are against you, and Trump can not change the demographics for you,

and get an education, a High school diploma just does not cut it anymore.

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I actually feel bad for Trumps supporters, if must be very scary for them,

For the most part.

Uneducated, Their jobs shipped abroad, the only people they could feel superior to, growing in numbers, heck one of them is even president.

Not a very good place to be

.But I am afraid with Trump they are grasping at straws.

The buggy whip industry is not coming back, "those people" are not going away,

Your only way forward is an adequate education,,

and Bernie is the only one who is offering to increase the public education to include a college degree. like it is in all those countries you want to compete against, get a good job, get your dignity again, not by putting other people down, but by improving your self

Trump is not your solution, and Hillary would be just an other 4-8 years of the same.

Do you have an other 4-8 years to waste???

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So what percentage of American voters are poorly educated white racists? 30 at most?

Didn't get George Wallace elected.

I see Trump being nominated. Cruz is a disgusting 2nd choice so he's lucky about that. But I don't see the math for beating Hillary.

Edited by Jingthing
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So what percentage of American voters are poorly educated white racists? 30 at most?

Didn't get George Wallace elected.

I see Trump being nominated. Cruz is a disgusting 2nd choice so he's lucky about that. But I don't see the math for beating Hillary.

I said it from day one, Trump has a high floor, the 30% you are referring to and I agree,but a low ceiling.

Frankly, I dont know what he is doing, and I am not sure he does either, perhaps he is cough up in the moment and the adulation.

I used to think that Trump was taking a shot at the white house, and worst come to worst, build up his brand , but the way things look , he is not doing either.

Not only he is not going to the white house, he is damaging his brand.

Edited by sirineou
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"We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

So because you don't want Trump in you assault people at his rally, attack police, block ambulances, rip up Trump signs and disallow him expressing his freedom of speech.

The Chicago university students are more like the Charlie Hebdo terrorists than supporters of democracy. Those terrorists used violence to shut down a newspaper expressing freedom of speech. These violent activists in Chicago did the same.

Sounds like Chicago is a pretty scary place to live if that is how you treat people with opposing views.

There is absolutely no equivalency between the circumstances of the Trump rally in Chicago and the Charlie Hebdo atrocity. None at all. To even suggest such is offensive. It is the kind of offensive language that we have come to expect from the Trump supporters who claim that they are just telling the 'truth'. Twelve people were slaughtered on 7 January 2015, mostly cartoonists but also police officers, other journalists and building staff. They were slaughtered because they exercised true free speech; necessary speech. Trump does not even come close to filling any one of their shoes. Your disrespect to those killed on that day because of their beliefs and commitment to a liberal society is anathema. It is shameful. It demonstrates that Trump people feel they have license to just say anything. They are empowered by the Clown in Chief. He set the tone from the beginning. More and more people are realising that he must be held accountable for this farce.

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Bravo to you Trump! Looking closely at the film when Trump is approached on stage one can see clearly Trump first perceives the threat behind him in the eyes of those in front of him. Next he pivots around toward the threat, reversing himself slightly in a near couch. Without break, Trump leans in (now behind him) TOWARD the threat! With one spin Trump perceives, responds, and moves toward the threat.

Yes, America can definitely benefit from Trump. Obama is correct- Obama did roll out the carpet for Trump. Its the only thing Obama has done right, though not surprisingly a result of his US loathing.

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The Trump debacle and the Paris attacks most certainly have a commonality. They only differ in outcomes, not intention. The intention is the suppression and/or punishment for offensive speech/ideas.

However, I can still also see where others might argue there is no connection, not yet, not palpable yet, and only based on appeals to emotion. Without dead bodies, for this example, the brownshirt supporters take intellectual refuge in saying there is no connection between Trumps fiasco and such things as the Paris Charlie H attacks- "Outrageous, how dare you, offensive...etc" In any event, it is a moot point. There is only one way this situation will evolve- more violence or Trump's capitulation to banditry.

Trump folding will validate the brownshirt tactics, and further violence will also.... validate the brownshirt tactics.You see, its really the similar phenomena you see in EU now. Protesting your own abuse is offensive to those who abuse you.

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Sure thing. Trump is a typical New Yorker. Is that what you're going with?

He does seem to have that endearing quality of a bombastic and somewhat abrasive personality that I have encountered in many, mostly blue collar, New Yorkers over the years

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