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After Chicago scuffles Donald Trump forced to cancel his latest rally in Ohio


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After Chicago scuffles Donald Trump forced to cancel his latest rally in Ohio


Donald Trump cancelled a campaign rally in Ohio on Saturday a day after violent scenes at an event in Chicago between his supporters and opponents.

A spokesman for the Republican party front-runner said Trump’s secret service security detail could not complete its preparation work in time for a planned event in Cincinnati.

Trump abandoned a similar rally in Chicago (Illinois) on Friday, citing “safety reasons.”

Both Ohio and Illinois are holding Republican party primaries on Tuesday, March 15.

Protests broke out before the billionaire businessman had even arrived at the arena at the University of Illinois.

A campaign statement said the event would be rescheduled for a later, unspecified date.

Windy City Scuffles

Police moved in to defuse the situation as attendees from the pro- and anti-Trump camps began to scuffle in Chicago.

Activists reportedly spent the week preceding the rally working on a plan to disrupt it.

No stranger to hostility

Trump, a contentious character, had experienced disruptions at an earlier rally in St Louis, Missouri, although it still went ahead. He used that occasion to thank former rival Ben Carson for his endorsement.

The real estate mogul is no stranger to hostility. At an event in New Orleans a week earlier, demonstrators supporting the Black Lives Matter movement were forcibly removed from the venue.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-13

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After listening to them all a great deal on CNN for months now - (IMHO), the most well-spoken, intelligent-sounding Republican nominee candidates are in this order - from best to worst:





The Irony is Simply Delicious..

Signed, Pavlov's Dog facepalm.gif

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

George Soros is a gold bug Rancid - Say no more

It ain't going down how we think


Two bugs in a rug

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This riot just shows that America has a presidential candidate who is supported by violent, racist extremists.......and it is Bernie Sanders.

Going by the rhetoric we witness on CNN maybe a few Trump supporters should go to Sanders rally and assault people, attack police, tear up signs, block ambulance access and fire guns into the air and the media can blame Sanders. But at a Trump rally these violent protesters (that are NOT Trump supporters) are just expressing their free speech cry the media. Never mind that their free speech shut down a rally by a man that was trying to express his free speech.

Bunch of hypocrites. Love him or hate him all this will do is increase his voter base.

Ted Cruze said "you don't see this at other rally's". Well Cruze it won't be hard to hire a bunch or Sanders wanna be's to prove you wrong!

Blame it on Trump.

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^^^ For all of those who think Trump is a joke, ask yourself this:

If the ultra left wing believes Trump can't beat Hillary, "Why are they bothering?"

Just because Trump is a jock it does not mean that people dot have the obligation, to point out that the jock is in bad taste.

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Florida closing on 50 percent support for Trump. Four contenders...and it has barely started. Time for a few of these contenders to drop out...as they are just dragging their backsides on the turf.

Chicago has set things on fire...and Trump supporters are in early !

Edited by slipperylobster
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^^^ For all of those who think Trump is a joke, ask yourself this:

If the ultra left wing believes Trump can't beat Hillary, "Why are they bothering?"

Just because Trump is a jock it does not mean that people dot have the obligation, to point out that the jock is in bad taste.

They pointed out the they are in bad taste. They don't believe Trump should have freedom of speech. That's now out in the open. They are exposed.


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^^^ For all of those who think Trump is a joke, ask yourself this:

If the ultra left wing believes Trump can't beat Hillary, "Why are they bothering?"

Just because Trump is a jock it does not mean that people dot have the obligation, to point out that the jock is in bad taste.

They pointed out the they are in bad taste. They don't believe Trump should have freedom of speech. That's now out in the open. They are exposed.



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Florida already 47 percent support for Trump. Four contenders...and it has barely started. Time for a few of these contenders to drop out...as they are just dragging their backsides on the turf.

Chicago has set things on fire...and Trump supporters are in early !

I've been driving by a yard sign for Cruz for weeks now. Cruz went on record blaming Trump for Chicago. Today there are Trump signs stapled over the Cruz signs.

I can't believe that's the only one.


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Florida already 47 percent support for Trump. Four contenders...and it has barely started. Time for a few of these contenders to drop out...as they are just dragging their backsides on the turf.

Chicago has set things on fire...and Trump supporters are in early !

I've been driving by a yard sign for Cruz for weeks now. Cruz went on record blaming Trump for Chicago. Today there are Trump signs stapled over the Cruz signs.

I can't believe that's the only one.


Judging from world war one and two, Must be Italians..thumbsup.gif

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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

I suppose these same radical newscasters such as CNN who blamed Trump would have 30 years ago blamed Reagan for Hinkley or 50 years ago blamed Kennedy for Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

There is in effect a Third World War in process. Those who want democratic nation states are being attacked by the internationalist so called progressive left, who in turn and with malice of forethought ally themselves with the Islamist right. Trumps talk of border fences, jobs for U.S workers and stopping Muslim immigration shows he understands what is going on.
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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

Where did you find this information, especially about the YouTube accounts?

I'd like to read more about this.


Edited by helpisgood
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^^^ For all of those who think Trump is a joke, ask yourself this:

If the ultra left wing believes Trump can't beat Hillary, "Why are they bothering?"

No better question can be asked. I suspect the Democrats and their illegal alien supporting mobs will attack polling places next.

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^^^ For all of those who think Trump is a joke, ask yourself this:

If the ultra left wing believes Trump can't beat Hillary, "Why are they bothering?"

Because it is in their genes coffee1.gif

None of the people involved are extreme left wing. Slightly socialist maybe.

If I were an American, I would not open up the genes can of worms. Do you think it was the top echelons of Europe that emigrated to North America? Think about it.

As stated on another thread, what's going on with Trump has echoes of 1930s Germany. Easy to blame the lot of American middle class (lower class in European terminology) on others such as Mexicans, Muslims etc. Could just as easily be Slavs or Jews or Gypsies. Be careful, it's a slippery slope

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

The man's name is Soros.

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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

Where did you find this information, especially about the YouTube accounts?

I'd like to read more about this.


The hysteria being generated by Trump & his supporters is incredible. The claim about ISIS video is based upon an internet hoax / troll aimed at defaming the protester 'Dimassimo'.

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These mobs consist of muslims, mexicans, and communists (to judge from their flags, banners, signs, and own words), and they are proving that what Trump has been saying is correct. Unchecked immigration, illegal immigration, and the absence of visa/travel security measures aimed at muslims results in a direct threat to American society and democracy. The importation of these mobs is creating scenes more in common with South America, Central America, and the narco-trafficking politics of Mexico. Trump was right about The Wall. And to call for the application of American law in deporting these criminals. Deport. Deport. Deport. And then Deport some more.

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