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After Chicago scuffles Donald Trump forced to cancel his latest rally in Ohio


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Perhaps it's good in some ways to keep letting Trump spew his immature rants. There's a good chance he'll be beaten in November. Cruz is the alternative right now, and Cruz is even more right-wing than Trump - though it's hard to tell. Whereas Cruz is consistently Right Wing, Trump vacillates like a weather vane in a tempest. It's hard to tell which one would be worse for America. However, Trump would be easier to beat in November, so let Trump be Trump, and hope that no one else gets hurt in the interim.

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Perhaps it's good in some ways to keep letting Trump spew his immature rants. There's a good chance he'll be beaten in November. Cruz is the alternative right now, and Cruz is even more right-wing than Trump - though it's hard to tell. Whereas Cruz is consistently Right Wing, Trump vacillates like a weather vane in a tempest. It's hard to tell which one would be worse for America. However, Trump would be easier to beat in November, so let Trump be Trump, and hope that no one else gets hurt in the interim.

Utterly devastating for Clinton, because it encapsulates the core of the matter in just a few seconds.


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puk, puk, puk, pukak! Try me little boy. Not speaking to anybody in general, as was the above post, right...lol. Just more right wing subject change, won't work.

Here is a bit of info for those oh so ill-informed on the right, if they have the guts to read. http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/35263-setting-the-record-straight-five-misconceptions-about-the-trump-rally-in-chicago

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Some fringe people really crack themselves up inside their own frame of reference.

That must be something like 131 ROFLMAO emoticons this year to date, never mind going back a dozen or more years.

Edited by Publicus
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Republicans have trouble countering HRC on issues or policy, so they devolve to mocking her with a tape loop of her making some animal sounds. Ha ha ha.

I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire. How many right wing TV political satirists can you name? I think the answer is zero.

On the other hand, there are at least a dozen popular liberal political satirists: All the late night talk show hosts, and several others. Being effective at political satire takes wit and a knowledge of the issues. Republicans have neither, though they try mightily to be witty. They're good at name-calling though.

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Republicans have trouble countering HRC on issues or policy, so they devolve to mocking her with a tape loop of her making some animal sounds. Ha ha ha.

I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire. How many right wing TV political satirists can you name? I think the answer is zero.

On the other hand, there are at least a dozen popular liberal political satirists: All the late night talk show hosts, and several others. Being effective at political satire takes wit and a knowledge of the issues. Republicans have neither, though they try mightily to be witty. They're good at name-calling though.

As I'd noted, I rarely post mutally reinforcing stuff (despite the wrong claims of some on the right) but reading the above did a lot to call attention to central matters that often get overlooked in the everyday prattle from over there.

Comedians and political cartoonists etc exaggerate to make their point and it's a time-trusted technique in a myriad of ways in various uses. Still, the right, in addition to being a self-caracature, is a self parody of the highest order. It would be hysterically amusing if it were at all funny.

Rightists jump up and down about some who are anti-fascists and who demonstrate and protest yet the right defends the violence provoking blasts of Benito Trump as if his freedom of speech were all that mattered. This is not only one-sided, imbalanced, promotiive of same, it is OTT.

It is but one item in the body of evidence of how the fringe right has exaggerated and regularly OTT misperceptions and misinterpetations of society, government, politics and economics/finance and the like. It is what puts them so far over to the fringe. The far right fringe.

Normal people who are the vast and broad American mainstream and centrist middle are measured, seek balance, want forward moving solutions and other such rational consistencies. The fringe right wants however to restore the good old dayze and ways that can never be resurrected, such as carrying people out on a stretcher.

The evangelical crowd is number one for instance because they take the resurrection stuff literally. In a classic instance of the point being made here, evangelicals apply their notions of resurrection inappropriately and in the extreme to society, politics, government, the culture etc etc.

The fringe lunar right in another specific instance has been hollering for decades to abolish the US Department of Education. The right wants the states to run education entirely and autonomously. The long and the short of it is that about half the states, mostly of small populations in the South and the Great Plains out to the Mountain West, would formally teach creationism and, further, they would be cheerfully unmoored from the legal regularities that accompany federal funds sent in by those wicked and scheming Godless science types in Washington.

No one present as far as one knows is qualified or competent to make some sort of a clinical diagnosis of the far right personality, one-by-one, so one needs to restrict himself to entering a subjective statement on the socio-political aspects of it all. The bottom line is that a certain percentage of any human society are extreme...in the extreme. And they are loud about it not to mention unrelentingly determined to dominate and to prevail. After all, the right are certain right is on their side.

Edited by Publicus
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Some fringe people really crack themselves up inside their own frame of reference.

That must be something like 131 ROFLMAO emoticons this year to date, never mind going back a dozen or more years.

Haha! Your mate Pinot is the forum emoticon king, have you not noticed? Oh wait... he's a Democrat so he's overlooked saai.gif ...yawn

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Republicans have trouble countering HRC on issues or policy, so they devolve to mocking her with a tape loop of her making some animal sounds. Ha ha ha.

I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire. How many right wing TV political satirists can you name? I think the answer is zero.

On the other hand, there are at least a dozen popular liberal political satirists: All the late night talk show hosts, and several others. Being effective at political satire takes wit and a knowledge of the issues. Republicans have neither, though they try mightily to be witty. They're good at name-calling though.

Nonsense Boomer, the video was quite witty I thought if you can put aside your political bias for a minute. It probably is a bit OTT to spoof HRC's shrillness but anything goes in American politics it looks. I'm sure that there are just as many vids spoofing DT's hair etc and if you are not too emotionally bound to one side or another you should be able to laugh at either. The only distraction to the video was the unnecessary loop so I agree with you on that.

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Republicans have trouble countering HRC on issues or policy, so they devolve to mocking her with a tape loop of her making some animal sounds. Ha ha ha.

I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire. How many right wing TV political satirists can you name? I think the answer is zero.

On the other hand, there are at least a dozen popular liberal political satirists: All the late night talk show hosts, and several others. Being effective at political satire takes wit and a knowledge of the issues. Republicans have neither, though they try mightily to be witty. They're good at name-calling though.

As I'd noted, I rarely post mutally reinforcing stuff (despite the wrong claims of some on the right) but reading the above did a lot to call attention to central matters that often get overlooked in the everyday prattle from over there.

Comedians and political cartoonists etc exaggerate to make their point and it's a time-trusted technique in a myriad of ways in various uses. Still, the right, in addition to being a self-caracature, is a self parody of the highest order. It would be hysterically amusing if it were at all funny.

Rightists jump up and down about some who are anti-fascists and who demonstrate and protest yet the right defends the violence provoking blasts of Benito Trump as if his freedom of speech were all that mattered. This is not only one-sided, imbalanced, promotiive of same, it is OTT.

It is but one item in the body of evidence of how the fringe right has exaggerated and regularly OTT misperceptions and misinterpetations of society, government, politics and economics/finance and the like. It is what puts them so far over to the fringe. The far right fringe.

Normal people who are the vast and broad American mainstream and centrist middle are measured, seek balance, want forward moving solutions and other such rational consistencies. The fringe right wants however to restore the good old dayze and ways that can never be resurrected, such as carrying people out on a stretcher.

The evangelical crowd is number one for instance because they take the resurrection stuff literally. In a classic instance of the point being made here, evangelicals apply their notions of resurrection inappropriately and in the extreme to society, politics, government, the culture etc etc.

The fringe lunar right in another specific instance has been hollering for decades to abolish the US Department of Education. The right wants the states to run education entirely and autonomously. The long and the short of it is that about half the states, mostly of small populations in the South and the Great Plains out to the Mountain West, would formally teach creationism and, further, they would be cheerfully unmoored from the legal regularities that accompany federal funds sent in by those wicked and scheming Godless science types in Washington.

No one present as far as one knows is qualified or competent to make some sort of a clinical diagnosis of the far right personality, one-by-one, so one needs to restrict himself to entering a subjective statement on the socio-political aspects of it all. The bottom line is that a certain percentage of any human society are extreme...in the extreme. And they are loud about it not to mention unrelentingly determined to dominate and to prevail. After all, the right are certain right is on their side.

While you do your best to to make objective analysis from your ivory tower in Academia, you cannot claim balance and to speak on behalf of the "American mainstream centrist middle" when your opinions are from the fringe left. It's just not possible.

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Some fringe people really crack themselves up inside their own frame of reference.

That must be something like 131 ROFLMAO emoticons this year to date, never mind going back a dozen or more years.

Haha! Your mate Pinot is the forum emoticon king, have you not noticed? Oh wait... he's a Democrat so he's overlooked saai.gif ...yawn

Posters who've been around a bit of time such as Member Number 131 (in nestled quote), just to ID one of many of us, get used to other posters. As to newer posters there's always an introduction period whether the newguy has properly introduced himself or whatever.

Long time posters make posts with the background of other posters well in mind. Conversely, newer posters who are always welcome to moi and other posters have missed a lot about longer term posters and the content of our posts; and also in respect of some certain matters of style (or absence thereof ).

So it can get mildly risky to either group to declare other posters have patterns, which almost everyone does have, or has or has not expressed a view on some particular matter at one time or another. However, a few of the new guyz can tend strongly to form precipitous judgements and draw hasty conclusions based on insufficient knowledge and information of the other guy, longer term posters in particular.

For instance, while it might become readily apparent a given poster is left, center, right, to one degree or another, it is also a matter of considering each and every poster's nominal politics in comparason to the poster's real politics. Some posters are Democrats but are pretty conservative Democrats. Other Republicans are moderate, meaning some degree right of center.

Still other posters who pronounce and declare they haven't any nominal political identity, i.e., affiliation with a political party, do in fact have a real in the flesh political philosophy and ideology. The real politics of the so-called independents are the politics of the right, almost always. Almost all of 'em are in fact far right. Further, they are far out fringe right. Moreover, they range from being fringe far out rightwinghers to being fringe whingenuts of a lunar influence. Too many of the whole of 'em are socio-cultural and political outliers who are radically distant from the centrist moderate middle of society as a whole.

Yes, when a new guy walks into a room of strangers and sees someone on one side of it with a HRC button and simultaneously sees someone on the another side with a red make America grate again cap, we get a good idea of the measure of the guy when he smiles on the grater and extends his hand to the grater as he strides over to make the grater his new friend as if he'd known the guy all his life.

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Republicans have trouble countering HRC on issues or policy, so they devolve to mocking her with a tape loop of her making some animal sounds. Ha ha ha.

I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire. How many right wing TV political satirists can you name? I think the answer is zero.

On the other hand, there are at least a dozen popular liberal political satirists: All the late night talk show hosts, and several others. Being effective at political satire takes wit and a knowledge of the issues. Republicans have neither, though they try mightily to be witty. They're good at name-calling though.

As I'd noted, I rarely post mutally reinforcing stuff (despite the wrong claims of some on the right) but reading the above did a lot to call attention to central matters that often get overlooked in the everyday prattle from over there.

Comedians and political cartoonists etc exaggerate to make their point and it's a time-trusted technique in a myriad of ways in various uses. Still, the right, in addition to being a self-caracature, is a self parody of the highest order. It would be hysterically amusing if it were at all funny.

Rightists jump up and down about some who are anti-fascists and who demonstrate and protest yet the right defends the violence provoking blasts of Benito Trump as if his freedom of speech were all that mattered. This is not only one-sided, imbalanced, promotiive of same, it is OTT.

It is but one item in the body of evidence of how the fringe right has exaggerated and regularly OTT misperceptions and misinterpetations of society, government, politics and economics/finance and the like. It is what puts them so far over to the fringe. The far right fringe.

Normal people who are the vast and broad American mainstream and centrist middle are measured, seek balance, want forward moving solutions and other such rational consistencies. The fringe right wants however to restore the good old dayze and ways that can never be resurrected, such as carrying people out on a stretcher.

The evangelical crowd is number one for instance because they take the resurrection stuff literally. In a classic instance of the point being made here, evangelicals apply their notions of resurrection inappropriately and in the extreme to society, politics, government, the culture etc etc.

The fringe lunar right in another specific instance has been hollering for decades to abolish the US Department of Education. The right wants the states to run education entirely and autonomously. The long and the short of it is that about half the states, mostly of small populations in the South and the Great Plains out to the Mountain West, would formally teach creationism and, further, they would be cheerfully unmoored from the legal regularities that accompany federal funds sent in by those wicked and scheming Godless science types in Washington.

No one present as far as one knows is qualified or competent to make some sort of a clinical diagnosis of the far right personality, one-by-one, so one needs to restrict himself to entering a subjective statement on the socio-political aspects of it all. The bottom line is that a certain percentage of any human society are extreme...in the extreme. And they are loud about it not to mention unrelentingly determined to dominate and to prevail. After all, the right are certain right is on their side.

While you do your best to to make objective analysis from your ivory tower in Academia, you cannot claim balance and to speak on behalf of the "American mainstream centrist middle" when your opinions are from the fringe left. It's just not possible.

While you do your best

If I were doing my best you'd know it. Dealing with the far out fringe rightwhinge does not require any kind of best.

Nor are my views extreme or fringe.

I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK.

I am not a socialist. I am a practicing capitalist, a believer in a regulated capitalism as further described in the next sentence as follows:: I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism. Still, if I had to vote for Bernie, which I fully expect would never come to pass, I would do it with a great and profound trepidation.

Anyone who thinks I'm left much less fringe left is broadcasting from a lunar orbit. On its dark side.

Btw, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader in any of your politically unaffiliated and "independent-minded" posts. Not enough political pinball perhaps. Either that or it's a definite and real Tilt.

Still waiting...

Edited by Publicus
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Republicans have trouble countering HRC on issues or policy, so they devolve to mocking her with a tape loop of her making some animal sounds. Ha ha ha.

I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire. How many right wing TV political satirists can you name? I think the answer is zero.

On the other hand, there are at least a dozen popular liberal political satirists: All the late night talk show hosts, and several others. Being effective at political satire takes wit and a knowledge of the issues. Republicans have neither, though they try mightily to be witty. They're good at name-calling though.

As I'd noted, I rarely post mutally reinforcing stuff (despite the wrong claims of some on the right) but reading the above did a lot to call attention to central matters that often get overlooked in the everyday prattle from over there.

Comedians and political cartoonists etc exaggerate to make their point and it's a time-trusted technique in a myriad of ways in various uses. Still, the right, in addition to being a self-caracature, is a self parody of the highest order. It would be hysterically amusing if it were at all funny.

Rightists jump up and down about some who are anti-fascists and who demonstrate and protest yet the right defends the violence provoking blasts of Benito Trump as if his freedom of speech were all that mattered. This is not only one-sided, imbalanced, promotiive of same, it is OTT.

It is but one item in the body of evidence of how the fringe right has exaggerated and regularly OTT misperceptions and misinterpetations of society, government, politics and economics/finance and the like. It is what puts them so far over to the fringe. The far right fringe.

Normal people who are the vast and broad American mainstream and centrist middle are measured, seek balance, want forward moving solutions and other such rational consistencies. The fringe right wants however to restore the good old dayze and ways that can never be resurrected, such as carrying people out on a stretcher.

The evangelical crowd is number one for instance because they take the resurrection stuff literally. In a classic instance of the point being made here, evangelicals apply their notions of resurrection inappropriately and in the extreme to society, politics, government, the culture etc etc.

The fringe lunar right in another specific instance has been hollering for decades to abolish the US Department of Education. The right wants the states to run education entirely and autonomously. The long and the short of it is that about half the states, mostly of small populations in the South and the Great Plains out to the Mountain West, would formally teach creationism and, further, they would be cheerfully unmoored from the legal regularities that accompany federal funds sent in by those wicked and scheming Godless science types in Washington.

No one present as far as one knows is qualified or competent to make some sort of a clinical diagnosis of the far right personality, one-by-one, so one needs to restrict himself to entering a subjective statement on the socio-political aspects of it all. The bottom line is that a certain percentage of any human society are extreme...in the extreme. And they are loud about it not to mention unrelentingly determined to dominate and to prevail. After all, the right are certain right is on their side.

While you do your best to to make objective analysis from your ivory tower in Academia, you cannot claim balance and to speak on behalf of the "American mainstream centrist middle" when your opinions are from the fringe left. It's just not possible.

While you do your best

If I were doing my best you'd know it. Dealing with the far out fringe rightwhinge does not require any kind of best.

Nor are my views extreme or fringe.

I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK.

I am not a socialist. I am a practicing capitalist, a believer in a regulated capitalism as further described in the next sentence as follows:: I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism. Still, if I had to vote for Bernie, which I fully expect would never come to pass, I would do it with a great and profound trepidation.

Anyone who thinks I'm left much less fringe left is broadcasting from a lunar orbit. On its dark side.

Btw, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader in any of your politically unaffiliated and "independent-minded" posts. Not enough political pinball perhaps. Either than it's a Tilt.

Still waiting...

"I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism."

Can you elaborate on this statement a bit, please. Or is it elaborate enough as it stands?

I'm particularly interested in your use of such exact, self-defining terms as "notions" and "commonwealth".

Edited by MaxYakov
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Ask yourself this question, if Trump wins the primary is the Republican base going to support him with hundreds of millions of dollars ? You know he lends his campaign money and has only given a very small amount. Trump is not willing to risk hundreds of millions of dollars and not win. His support base is really not that big. 50% or more of his own party won't give him 5 cents and 80% of democrats won't help either. So, if he only has 150 million and Hillary has 700 million do you really think his message is so strong that with 5 to 1 spending by Hillary he can even keep his base ? I don't think he can win as he is only mouth and won't even GIVE to his own campaign.

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I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire.

Oh really? I find this political advertisement very amusing:

I saw that video. I would really love to see HRC lose.

However, that video is childish and strongly suggests misogyny to me. It looks like something middle school boys would create and giggle at. How clever! Will they draw in mustaches and genitalia next?

Surely, they can come up with a better attack ad. Still, maybe they know their demographics.

HRC's camp came out with a comeback and a better ad:


Trump's response in the ad is so ridiculous that political comedians can just quote him directly.

I cannot believe that I am defending HRC, but Trump has gone beyond the pale.

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I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire.

Oh really? I find this political advertisement very amusing:

<video snipped out>

I saw that video. I would really love to see HRC lose.

However, that video is childish and strongly suggests misogyny to me. It looks like something middle school boys would create and giggle at. How clever! Will they draw in mustaches and genitalia next?

Surely, they can come up with a better attack ad. Still, maybe they know their demographics.

HRC's camp came out with a comeback and a better ad:


Trump's response in the ad is so ridiculous that political comedians can just quote him directly.

I cannot believe that I am defending HRC, but Trump has gone beyond the pale.

Makes one wonder how many times Hillary's own words will be featured in upcoming attack ads.

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Well, at least you always get things right on China.

You're very kind in this respect so I' like you to be the first to know I've been quietly lobbying via email to the CCP to dump Xi Jinping and to appoint me in charge, since 2013. And now everyone knows.

So far I'm encouraged cause my efforts in this crusade to reverse China have won more supporters in the 85 million member CCP (7 of my former uni students) than do my posts in general at ThaiVisa, which anyway has an albeit smaller universe. So maybe one endorser at TVF would be good...u know anyone??

CCP is hate obsessed with Hillary Clinton from her time as SecState when she gave an interview in the US to say the people of China are going to rise up against the CCP and throw the bums out (didn't of course say 'bums'). Soon. HRC introduced the Pivot to the Pacific, more recently aka Rebalance to Asia which CCP sees as the extension of Washington's containment policy of the Cold War. CCP may well be right. In fact, this is the only time CCP has ever been right ('cept for 7 of 'em).

SecDef Ashton Carter who Barack got the arm to appoint is a hard nosed hard liner on defense and he's my kind of guy. Obama got around Carter when he appointed Chuck Hegel but then Chuck got run out pretty quickly in favor of Carter, who's served with or formally advised 11 secsdef going back to stealth and high tech weaponry champion Wm Perry in the Jimmy Carter administration of the otherwise deaf, dumb, blind. (Best former Potus ever.)

Trump has no clue and neither does Cruz up there on their nuclear armed flying carpets looking down for women and children and for sand to make glow. Bernie on defense and foreign policy is equally deaf, dumb, blind...outright daft; just not the wildman menace Trump is. Rubio would make a good Pentagon mascot. Kasich needs to stay in Ohio where he can be chums with the National Guard (all of which he's gonna need in Cleveland in July).

Ashton Carter last year ended 15 years of US strategic ambiguity to put Putin behind Door Number One, CCP behind Door Number Two, atatollahs behind Door Number Three. If Ash has his long sought way he'll throw open the door in Pyongyang too with a pinpoint real blast on its nuclear facilities (conventional armed Trident III missiles and B-2 stealth delivered new Massive Ordinance Penetrator 30,000 pounders Carter's ordered up and is stockpiling for Iran too).

The prospect of HRC as commander in chief with Carter continuing as secdef shrivels the nads of the whole assortment of 'em out there. Putin's already pulling out of Syria and CCP is gonna see what it looks like down there on the bottom of the sea. Everybody knows Ash Carter is there and that Hillary is coming, slowly but surely. CCP pays no mind to Trump.

Edited by Publicus
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As I'd noted, I rarely post mutally reinforcing stuff (despite the wrong claims of some on the right) but reading the above did a lot to call attention to central matters that often get overlooked in the everyday prattle from over there.

Comedians and political cartoonists etc exaggerate to make their point and it's a time-trusted technique in a myriad of ways in various uses. Still, the right, in addition to being a self-caracature, is a self parody of the highest order. It would be hysterically amusing if it were at all funny.

Rightists jump up and down about some who are anti-fascists and who demonstrate and protest yet the right defends the violence provoking blasts of Benito Trump as if his freedom of speech were all that mattered. This is not only one-sided, imbalanced, promotiive of same, it is OTT.

It is but one item in the body of evidence of how the fringe right has exaggerated and regularly OTT misperceptions and misinterpetations of society, government, politics and economics/finance and the like. It is what puts them so far over to the fringe. The far right fringe.

Normal people who are the vast and broad American mainstream and centrist middle are measured, seek balance, want forward moving solutions and other such rational consistencies. The fringe right wants however to restore the good old dayze and ways that can never be resurrected, such as carrying people out on a stretcher.

The evangelical crowd is number one for instance because they take the resurrection stuff literally. In a classic instance of the point being made here, evangelicals apply their notions of resurrection inappropriately and in the extreme to society, politics, government, the culture etc etc.

The fringe lunar right in another specific instance has been hollering for decades to abolish the US Department of Education. The right wants the states to run education entirely and autonomously. The long and the short of it is that about half the states, mostly of small populations in the South and the Great Plains out to the Mountain West, would formally teach creationism and, further, they would be cheerfully unmoored from the legal regularities that accompany federal funds sent in by those wicked and scheming Godless science types in Washington.

No one present as far as one knows is qualified or competent to make some sort of a clinical diagnosis of the far right personality, one-by-one, so one needs to restrict himself to entering a subjective statement on the socio-political aspects of it all. The bottom line is that a certain percentage of any human society are extreme...in the extreme. And they are loud about it not to mention unrelentingly determined to dominate and to prevail. After all, the right are certain right is on their side.

While you do your best to to make objective analysis from your ivory tower in Academia, you cannot claim balance and to speak on behalf of the "American mainstream centrist middle" when your opinions are from the fringe left. It's just not possible.

While you do your best

If I were doing my best you'd know it. Dealing with the far out fringe rightwhinge does not require any kind of best.

Nor are my views extreme or fringe.

I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK.

I am not a socialist. I am a practicing capitalist, a believer in a regulated capitalism as further described in the next sentence as follows:: I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism. Still, if I had to vote for Bernie, which I fully expect would never come to pass, I would do it with a great and profound trepidation.

Anyone who thinks I'm left much less fringe left is broadcasting from a lunar orbit. On its dark side.

Btw, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader in any of your politically unaffiliated and "independent-minded" posts. Not enough political pinball perhaps. Either than it's a Tilt.

Still waiting...

"I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism."

Can you elaborate on this statement a bit, please. Or is it elaborate enough as it stands?

I'm particularly interested in your use of such exact, self-defining terms as "notions" and "commonwealth".

Not clear regret to say.

Meaning that if "notions" and "commonwealth" are in fact "self-defining" terms, what in respect of my use of 'em would be of interest or any curiousity.

Technically, commonwealth translates from res republica, meaning of course Republic -- from, of, by, for the people. No monarchy. In the leadup to the American Revolution, MA, PA, VA declared themselves commonwealths, i.e., George III wuz told to ride back out of town on the same horse that rode him in (so to speak).

Commonwealth in the USA means good-bye to history. Or just bye-bye forget the good cause there's so little good in history. Think the future. Live the present, Learn from the consistently grim past.

Yes, in a commonwealth we still collect taxes, however, we make our laws for the common good as per Jeremy Bentham. The laws of a commonwealth are indeed for the common good, not just for the wealthy estate owners, merchants and those with a hefty political clout etc.

Bernie Sanders more than anyone running for Potus socks this to the USA today. Taxes and laws for the common good, yes. For the stressed middle class and the struggling socio-economically oppressed, the crassly politically displaced. Taxes and laws for us by us, rather by and only for, the Kotch Bros or Soros or Wall Street or the big banks, global corporations; the bought and paid for elected politicians.

Commonwealth has nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is the government ownership and operation of the means of transportation, communication, production. The US government owning Amtrak is for instance not socialism per se or in any way whatsoever. Obamacare run by the privately owned insurance companies supervised by federal laws, rules, regulations is not socialism. Obmacare and also things such as no out of pocket costs of higher (tertiary) education and literally everything else Bernie is hollering to promote are the purusit of commonwealth, not socialism.

To anticipate your fingers leaping to the keys -- to include a mass leaping of fingers to the board by the whackjob right, Bernie Sanders is simply not qualified to be Potus as the massive and sudden extent of commonwealth-ism he advocates is a budget buster in the USA. Hey, Bernie's guyz here won't like this either, but it's past time they faced the reality of it.

Now that youse guyz are indeed pounding the keyboard, it is easily said HRC is best positoned to deal with the kinds of contemporary challenges Bernie raises to include Donald Trump too. Bernie comes from an intense but rational point of origin, purpose and goal. Trump is a uniqe American fascist who for reasons specific to him has a limited appeal to the vast majority, largely because Trump also thinks the Constitution applies some of the time and in only some instances. Benito Trump is an outright 21st century American fascist and as such he is inherently doomed in politics or government; society.

Bernie is more the future of the USA in contrast to Trump, who is a blast into that awful past of history and its bad old dayze. The industrial 'isms' were birthed during the second half of the 19th century -- capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism. Bernie's notions and purposes, goals, extend much deeper into some positives of history, i.e., USA in 1776 and France 1789. Trump in his pathetic mind can only see back into a more recent time, in Europe only, during the 1920s and 1930s. The United States has never entertained Trump's wild and radicial notions and it isn't going to start now with him or anyone else -- not ever.

Hillary Clinton is the moderate, measured, experienced and qualified pair of hands America knows it needs and in the present time. America needed and wanted Barack Obama at the time and under the circumstances. Likewise HRC now and going forward.

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Republicans have trouble countering HRC on issues or policy, so they devolve to mocking her with a tape loop of her making some animal sounds. Ha ha ha.

I hate to break it to Republicans, but they're bereft when it comes to political satire. How many right wing TV political satirists can you name? I think the answer is zero.

On the other hand, there are at least a dozen popular liberal political satirists: All the late night talk show hosts, and several others. Being effective at political satire takes wit and a knowledge of the issues. Republicans have neither, though they try mightily to be witty. They're good at name-calling though.

As I'd noted, I rarely post mutally reinforcing stuff (despite the wrong claims of some on the right) but reading the above did a lot to call attention to central matters that often get overlooked in the everyday prattle from over there.

Comedians and political cartoonists etc exaggerate to make their point and it's a time-trusted technique in a myriad of ways in various uses. Still, the right, in addition to being a self-caracature, is a self parody of the highest order. It would be hysterically amusing if it were at all funny.

Rightists jump up and down about some who are anti-fascists and who demonstrate and protest yet the right defends the violence provoking blasts of Benito Trump as if his freedom of speech were all that mattered. This is not only one-sided, imbalanced, promotiive of same, it is OTT.

It is but one item in the body of evidence of how the fringe right has exaggerated and regularly OTT misperceptions and misinterpetations of society, government, politics and economics/finance and the like. It is what puts them so far over to the fringe. The far right fringe.

Normal people who are the vast and broad American mainstream and centrist middle are measured, seek balance, want forward moving solutions and other such rational consistencies. The fringe right wants however to restore the good old dayze and ways that can never be resurrected, such as carrying people out on a stretcher.

The evangelical crowd is number one for instance because they take the resurrection stuff literally. In a classic instance of the point being made here, evangelicals apply their notions of resurrection inappropriately and in the extreme to society, politics, government, the culture etc etc.

The fringe lunar right in another specific instance has been hollering for decades to abolish the US Department of Education. The right wants the states to run education entirely and autonomously. The long and the short of it is that about half the states, mostly of small populations in the South and the Great Plains out to the Mountain West, would formally teach creationism and, further, they would be cheerfully unmoored from the legal regularities that accompany federal funds sent in by those wicked and scheming Godless science types in Washington.

No one present as far as one knows is qualified or competent to make some sort of a clinical diagnosis of the far right personality, one-by-one, so one needs to restrict himself to entering a subjective statement on the socio-political aspects of it all. The bottom line is that a certain percentage of any human society are extreme...in the extreme. And they are loud about it not to mention unrelentingly determined to dominate and to prevail. After all, the right are certain right is on their side.

While you do your best to to make objective analysis from your ivory tower in Academia, you cannot claim balance and to speak on behalf of the "American mainstream centrist middle" when your opinions are from the fringe left. It's just not possible.

While you do your best

If I were doing my best you'd know it. Dealing with the far out fringe rightwhinge does not require any kind of best.

Nor are my views extreme or fringe.

I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK.

I am not a socialist. I am a practicing capitalist, a believer in a regulated capitalism as further described in the next sentence as follows:: I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism. Still, if I had to vote for Bernie, which I fully expect would never come to pass, I would do it with a great and profound trepidation.

Anyone who thinks I'm left much less fringe left is broadcasting from a lunar orbit. On its dark side.

Btw, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader in any of your politically unaffiliated and "independent-minded" posts. Not enough political pinball perhaps. Either that or it's a definite and real Tilt.

Still waiting...

Then you haven't read my posts very carefully. I have said I am uncertain about Trump because he seems to be a bit thin on policy to date and he's a wild card and an unknown. I don't think I've even praised him once except for saying I like him being independent of being bought by special interest donations and the political establishment. Also I have criticized Cruz for receiving donations from banks while his wife works for Goldman Sachs and additionally he said he'd nuke ISIS apparently and Trump hasn't given any such details. There's 2 so you have had an unnecessary wait. I have also praised Sanders for being independent of Wall St, wanting to break up the banks (which Hillary cannot) and I have referred to the USA as an oligarchy, which I have discovered he has said so too. Please read my posts more slowly before you break out from your leash.

I haven't heard any criticism at all from you about Hillary and if you can't it proves my earlier point that it's not possible for you to be objective.

But I too can wait in hope.....

You really struggle with objectivity. For example "I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK." To my knowledge the KKK is not a candidate.

A lot of my criticism of the left comes from what I see is their presumption that they are a more enlightened group i.e. intellectual snobbery seems to be their preserve but who somehow think they can identify with the common man. However their pride in their own education which they like to display frequently actually prevents that. Not sure about the States but In my country they are often called Chardonnay Socialists.Perhaps that is why I like taking them down. I don't often see that attitude from the right. They probably are more inclined to moral superiority in their own minds and the left to intellectual superiority in their imaginings.

How you come to the conclusion that anyone who is or tries to be independent in their thinking and considerate of both sides (I even read your posts) is almost always fringe right (not even just right of center but fringe right) while it is not possible for anyone from the left to be non partisan or centrist you have yet to explain. Rather you show your propensity to again descend into emotional hyperbole and talk about lunar cycles, dark sides and pinball tilts to pad out your argument and you start to lose your credibility again because you just can't help yourself. Pity because it proves that you are fringe left, contrary to what you said, otherwise such embroidery would be not be necessary.

I have also stated that I am right wing for economic reasons and I have never tried to hide it so you're chasing your tail.

But having said that hopefully tempered with an awareness for social justice but not poverty traps because of dependency or inter generational entitlement culture.

BTW I am still waiting for an answer to an invitation to you several days ago to give YOUR reasons why you think Donald Trump has garnered so much popularity but I have heard nothing. Can you do it? Without sneer and smear?

Waiting with baited breath..

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Having read your subsequent post Publicus I have found a commonality at last in that I agree that Jimmy Carter was one of the best Presidents ever and his work in subsequent programs has shown his extreme humanity and I wish him well in his current ill health.

Edit: Gosh there's that endorsement from someone on TV that you've so long waited for! But that's all you're getting for now...

Edited by Linzz
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Hillary is a neocon, neoliberal, bought and sold tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters that no matter how much she "appears" to move from the right to center with a copy of Bernie's message will turn her back on the middle class and working people the 1st day she is in office. Yes, she is right wing, not centrist. The corporate wing on what is left of the Democrat Party is right wing. The Republican party is batshit crazy right wing. If it boils down to Hillary and the Donald may what ever gods exist help America and the world. The Donald is a proto-fascist, a neofascist if you prefer, thug, wanna' be. Like most bullies, he won't stand but his brown shirts are obvious. KKK, oh what a great endorsement, NOT! A bit on the Donald, nope you right wingers won't like even though it comes from a very conservative source. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/economist-trump-presidency-global-risk-220887 http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/economist-trump-presidency-global-risk-220887

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While you do your best to to make objective analysis from your ivory tower in Academia, you cannot claim balance and to speak on behalf of the "American mainstream centrist middle" when your opinions are from the fringe left. It's just not possible.

While you do your best

If I were doing my best you'd know it. Dealing with the far out fringe rightwhinge does not require any kind of best.

Nor are my views extreme or fringe.

I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK.

I am not a socialist. I am a practicing capitalist, a believer in a regulated capitalism as further described in the next sentence as follows:: I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism. Still, if I had to vote for Bernie, which I fully expect would never come to pass, I would do it with a great and profound trepidation.

Anyone who thinks I'm left much less fringe left is broadcasting from a lunar orbit. On its dark side.

Btw, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader in any of your politically unaffiliated and "independent-minded" posts. Not enough political pinball perhaps. Either that or it's a definite and real Tilt.

Still waiting...

Then you haven't read my posts very carefully. I have said I am uncertain about Trump because he seems to be a bit thin on policy to date and he's a wild card and an unknown. I don't think I've even praised him once except for saying I like him being independent of being bought by special interest donations and the political establishment. Also I have criticized Cruz for receiving donations from banks while his wife works for Goldman Sachs and additionally he said he'd nuke ISIS apparently and Trump hasn't given any such details. There's 2 so you have had an unnecessary wait. I have also praised Sanders for being independent of Wall St, wanting to break up the banks (which Hillary cannot) and I have referred to the USA as an oligarchy, which I have discovered he has said so too. Please read my posts more slowly before you break out from your leash.

I haven't heard any criticism at all from you about Hillary and if you can't it proves my earlier point that it's not possible for you to be objective.

But I too can wait in hope.....

You really struggle with objectivity. For example "I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK." To my knowledge the KKK is not a candidate.

A lot of my criticism of the left comes from what I see is their presumption that they are a more enlightened group i.e. intellectual snobbery seems to be their preserve but who somehow think they can identify with the common man. However their pride in their own education which they like to display frequently actually prevents that. Not sure about the States but In my country they are often called Chardonnay Socialists.Perhaps that is why I like taking them down. I don't often see that attitude from the right. They probably are more inclined to moral superiority in their own minds and the left to intellectual superiority in their imaginings.

How you come to the conclusion that anyone who is or tries to be independent in their thinking and considerate of both sides (I even read your posts) is almost always fringe right (not even just right of center but fringe right) while it is not possible for anyone from the left to be non partisan or centrist you have yet to explain. Rather you show your propensity to again descend into emotional hyperbole and talk about lunar cycles, dark sides and pinball tilts to pad out your argument and you start to lose your credibility again because you just can't help yourself. Pity because it proves that you are fringe left, contrary to what you said, otherwise such embroidery would be not be necessary.

I have also stated that I am right wing for economic reasons and I have never tried to hide it so you're chasing your tail.

But having said that hopefully tempered with an awareness for social justice but not poverty traps because of dependency or inter generational entitlement culture.

BTW I am still waiting for an answer to an invitation to you several days ago to give YOUR reasons why you think Donald Trump has garnered so much popularity but I have heard nothing. Can you do it? Without sneer and smear?

Waiting with baited breath..

you haven't read my posts very carefully.

Ah but I have mon ami-mate. It is just that when I posted the above, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader, I wuz referring to fellow posters.

I haven't heard any criticism at all from you about Hillary

The right and the OTT whingenuts especially do so much more than their proper role in in this respect, both in their nominal politics (Republican) and in their real politics (fierce and compulsive reactionaries), I could not possibly match them so why try. A felon on a broom and all the rest of it. My proper focus is on The Fascist Himself. Le grande fromage. (yeah ok, fromage grande)

A lot of my criticism of the left...their pride in their own education which they like to display frequently actually prevents that. Not sure about the States but In my country they are often called Chardonnay Socialists.

Volvo Liberals in the USA thx. More recently aka Latte Liberals.

Certainly liberals partake in their own caricaturing—right-wingers inhale NASCAR fumes, enjoy sex with family members and are crazy about their guns—but without the gusto that their conservative counterparts bring to the game.

No one on the right however sums it all up as does the one witty conservative media guy in the United States who consistently over the past 25 years get this poster to crack a smile....

Columnist Dave Barry drew attention to these stereotypes when he commented, "Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist fascist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco-juice-dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or that ALL blue-state residents are godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts?


On January 20th 1993 and immediately after Bill Clinton took his (first) oath of office on the steps of the Capitol, Dave Barry announced "the failed Clinton presidency" had arrived. His Maimi Herald column is consistently hilarious.

Pity because it proves that you are fringe left,

You've posted that three times so it's true. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. (If you are Aussie, you certainly don't display the standard Aussie humor! If you're from NZ then that would explain it. )

BTW I am still waiting for an answer to an invitation to you several days ago to give YOUR reasons why you think Donald Trump has garnered so much popularity but I have heard nothing

The election is Tuesday, November 8th. Get back to me on Wednesday, November 9th. I'll have my gal call you first thing in the morning Thursday, November 10th.

Btw, I am still waiting for the loony right to give its reasons why Benito Donald Trump is not a uniquely American fascist. Seems youse guyz can't stay on topic.

Edited by Publicus
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I saw that video. I would really love to see HRC lose.

However, that video is childish and strongly suggests misogyny to me. It looks like something middle school boys would create and giggle at. How clever! Will they draw in mustaches and genitalia next?

Surely, they can come up with a better attack ad. Still, maybe they know their demographics.

HRC's camp came out with a comeback and a better ad:


Trump's response in the ad is so ridiculous that political comedians can just quote him directly.

I cannot believe that I am defending HRC, but Trump has gone beyond the pale.

I loathe HRC but I cannot see that this video was anything more then sophomoric. In fact, moronic. Yea, it is entertaining to see her barking like a dog. But there is actually little room for levity and stupidity right now. Like or despise HRC, Trump, etc., people are really scared and many think this is the US' last chance to find the center. Shoulda have a college kid release it outside the official purview. This video adds to the aura of impulsiveness and response-rage.

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Donald Trump is a uniquely American fascist.

Fortunately and predictably, his brand of 21st century fascism has a limited appeal. Fascism is always and everywhere extremism in the extreme and USA has never gone down that road. Indeed, Anglophile society hasn't ever travelled the path of the European continent and of other localised extremisms of either left or right, anti-democratic extremes especially.

It is the case that while Donald Trump is hardly a Republican he is running for Potus as one and that his candidacy is harvesting all of the Republicans' proliferation of destructive extremism that had been initiated by the Moral Majority back in Reagan's time and right on through to the anti-Obama tea party.

In Australia, a haunting image of Mr. Trump hovering over Mount Rushmore sat next to a headline in The Daily Telegraph on Thursday. Anxious experts warned that his presidency would be “a disaster” for the country.

“The words ‘President Trump’ should give Australians pause,” Michael Fullilove, director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy, told the newspaper. “Mr. Trump reflects few of the values that have made America great. And judging from his speeches, he fails to see the advantages that flow to his country from being at the center of the global liberal order.”

Many Americans don't want to be the world's policeman as had long ago been agreed between the capitals of Europe and Washington. Nonetheless, it is undisputed most Americans and the European Union continue to accept and welcome the extant liberal world order. To we who continue a thousands year old value system, classic liberalism is the natural state of human affairs. Fascism is its opposite.

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While you do your best to to make objective analysis from your ivory tower in Academia, you cannot claim balance and to speak on behalf of the "American mainstream centrist middle" when your opinions are from the fringe left. It's just not possible.

While you do your best

If I were doing my best you'd know it. Dealing with the far out fringe rightwhinge does not require any kind of best.

Nor are my views extreme or fringe.

I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK.

I am not a socialist. I am a practicing capitalist, a believer in a regulated capitalism as further described in the next sentence as follows:: I do connect significantly with Bernie Sanders because Bernie's philosophy and policies in the campaign are predicated in the notions and goals of commonwealth, not socialism. Still, if I had to vote for Bernie, which I fully expect would never come to pass, I would do it with a great and profound trepidation.

Anyone who thinks I'm left much less fringe left is broadcasting from a lunar orbit. On its dark side.

Btw, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader in any of your politically unaffiliated and "independent-minded" posts. Not enough political pinball perhaps. Either that or it's a definite and real Tilt.

Still waiting...

Then you haven't read my posts very carefully. I have said I am uncertain about Trump because he seems to be a bit thin on policy to date and he's a wild card and an unknown. I don't think I've even praised him once except for saying I like him being independent of being bought by special interest donations and the political establishment. Also I have criticized Cruz for receiving donations from banks while his wife works for Goldman Sachs and additionally he said he'd nuke ISIS apparently and Trump hasn't given any such details. There's 2 so you have had an unnecessary wait. I have also praised Sanders for being independent of Wall St, wanting to break up the banks (which Hillary cannot) and I have referred to the USA as an oligarchy, which I have discovered he has said so too. Please read my posts more slowly before you break out from your leash.

I haven't heard any criticism at all from you about Hillary and if you can't it proves my earlier point that it's not possible for you to be objective.

But I too can wait in hope.....

You really struggle with objectivity. For example "I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK." To my knowledge the KKK is not a candidate.

A lot of my criticism of the left comes from what I see is their presumption that they are a more enlightened group i.e. intellectual snobbery seems to be their preserve but who somehow think they can identify with the common man. However their pride in their own education which they like to display frequently actually prevents that. Not sure about the States but In my country they are often called Chardonnay Socialists.Perhaps that is why I like taking them down. I don't often see that attitude from the right. They probably are more inclined to moral superiority in their own minds and the left to intellectual superiority in their imaginings.

How you come to the conclusion that anyone who is or tries to be independent in their thinking and considerate of both sides (I even read your posts) is almost always fringe right (not even just right of center but fringe right) while it is not possible for anyone from the left to be non partisan or centrist you have yet to explain. Rather you show your propensity to again descend into emotional hyperbole and talk about lunar cycles, dark sides and pinball tilts to pad out your argument and you start to lose your credibility again because you just can't help yourself. Pity because it proves that you are fringe left, contrary to what you said, otherwise such embroidery would be not be necessary.

I have also stated that I am right wing for economic reasons and I have never tried to hide it so you're chasing your tail.

But having said that hopefully tempered with an awareness for social justice but not poverty traps because of dependency or inter generational entitlement culture.

BTW I am still waiting for an answer to an invitation to you several days ago to give YOUR reasons why you think Donald Trump has garnered so much popularity but I have heard nothing. Can you do it? Without sneer and smear?

Waiting with baited breath..

you haven't read my posts very carefully.

Ah but I have mon ami-mate. It is just that when I posted the above, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader, I wuz referring to fellow posters.

I haven't heard any criticism at all from you about Hillary

The right and the OTT whingenuts especially do so much more than their proper role in in this respect, both in their nominal politics (Republican) and in their real politics (fierce and compulsive reactionaries), I could not possibly match them so why try. A felon on a broom and all the rest of it. My proper focus is on The Fascist Himself. Le grande fromage. (yeah ok, fromage grande)

A lot of my criticism of the left...their pride in their own education which they like to display frequently actually prevents that. Not sure about the States but In my country they are often called Chardonnay Socialists.

Volvo Liberals in the USA thx. More recently aka Latte Liberals.

Certainly liberals partake in their own caricaturing—right-wingers inhale NASCAR fumes, enjoy sex with family members and are crazy about their guns—but without the gusto that their conservative counterparts bring to the game.

No one on the right however sums it all up as does the one witty conservative media guy in the United States who consistently over the past 25 years get this poster to crack a smile....

Columnist Dave Barry drew attention to these stereotypes when he commented, "Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist fascist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco-juice-dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or that ALL blue-state residents are godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts?


On January 20th 1993 and immediately after Bill Clinton took his (first) oath of office on the steps of the Capitol, Dave Barry announced "the failed Clinton presidency" had arrived. His Maimi Herald column is consistently hilarious.

Pity because it proves that you are fringe left,

You've posted that three times so it's true. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. (If you are Aussie, you certainly don't display the standard Aussie humor! If you're from NZ then that would explain it. )

BTW I am still waiting for an answer to an invitation to you several days ago to give YOUR reasons why you think Donald Trump has garnered so much popularity but I have heard nothing

The election is Tuesday, November 8th. Get back to me on Wednesday, November 9th. I'll have my gal call you first thing in the morning Thursday, November 10th.

Btw, I am still waiting for the loony right to give its reasons why Benito Donald Trump is not a uniquely American fascist. Seems youse guyz can't stay on topic.

In a nutshell: Little address, much deflection.

Oh well...there are rules and then there are rules and then there are none

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