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Chinese in campervans spark frustration in Thailand


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Advice to people camping in China:

  • Bring Everything You Need: like I said before, these aren’t campgrounds.
  • You’re hiking in wilderness that may not have fresh water available.
  • Don’t get caught without the things you need.

So I suppose that the Chinese visiting Thailand will do the same and very little spending will go into the infrastructure of small shops.


Hey tom,
Great article. Really useful for us.

Pitching our tent is the one thing we are slightly anxious about on our upcoming expedition in Thailand (we leave in just under 2 weeks!).

But your article has given good tips and in many ways will be a reminder to just relax and ask a local!!



Edited by laislica
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What is missing in this panic is that these Chinese tourists will actually spend money in local businesses unlike the flag following brigade. They will need to buy fuel, food and water, then if there was actually the infrastructure they would camp in camping grounds.

I wonder what actual campervan experience you have?

You seem to have an opinion that they will spend money>

Do you have facts to back that up or is it conjecture?

Motivation to buy is to gain almost total freedom where you roam.

Almost total freedom as to when and for how long.

To minimise spending on food, booze and hotels.

To meet fellow travelers.

I did it for about 5 years and can tell you this:

They are expensive to buy and maintain.

Once you have one you will use it to the max.

Stocking up for a journey with everything that is cheaper in your home country.

Only buying in the cheapest supermarkets for beer etc.

Drink on the beach - (at home) not in bars with new travelling friends you meet.

Cook food at home, save money.

Wild camp, do not stay in expensive camp grounds.

Empty your Porta Potty where ever no one if looking!

In China it is acceptable to use human feces to fertilise edible crops so why not in Thailand?

What about the toxic toilet chems I hear you ask.

What about them - I don't have to live here - I'm a quality Tourist!

Creating travelling companionship's for security....

I've seen it all - to the point where I tried to hide the fact that we lived in campsites in a campervan!

May I suggest you Google like this:-

How spent two months camping for €19

or just Google Wild Camping in Thailand.

You will soon understand that campervans are to save not spend money.

How fat do you think the local shop keepers will get of the daily purchase of a few veggies and a bit of fruit?

Wait until you can't enjoy beautiful beaches and view points because of them.

It doesn't take long.

Here are some images of wild camping in Thailand.


Thanks to the Mod who showed me how to write this without referring to countries other than Thailand.

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Blows my mind how insular they can be..

They spend millions per year on promoting tourism.. Then when tourists come in a way they cant maximise the cash extraction... they cry foul..

Tourists come with negatives.. These tourists are perhaps not spending the way you want.. Get over it and yourselves..

most of the Chinese drive like lunatics
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Blows my mind how insular they can be..

They spend millions per year on promoting tourism.. Then when tourists come in a way they cant maximise the cash extraction... they cry foul..

Tourists come with negatives.. These tourists are perhaps not spending the way you want.. Get over it and yourselves..

Well how insular are the Chinese then? Thais (and other foreigners) can't drive their vehicles to China and so far the Chinese have been given a free pass.

So glad the Thai Land Transport Department will soon ban Chinese campervans and impose restrictions on foreign cars registered in countries with which Thailand does not share an agreement on traffic rights. This mainly means China, because no other non-ASEAN country has any many vehicles driving on Thai roads.

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The author of this article didn't do any proper research.

"There is no question of shutting out motor traffic from China."

"The Thai authorities plan instead to tighten regulations for foreign vehicles in the coming months, possibly making motorists buy more comprehensive insurance to protect all parties in case of accidents."

Umm...no. Actually, they will ban motorhomes and motorcycles altogether (except for those few registered in Laos, Malaysia and Singapore) countries with which Thailand shares an agreement. This will mean an end to Chinese motorhomes on Thai roads.

The other new requirements will be 10 days advance notice to bring a foreign car in, yes more comprehensive insurance, travel itineraries need to be submitted, a temporary driver's licence obtained etc. So no, Chinese vehicles won't be banned altogether as such (except for motorhomes and motorcycles) but they will need to obtain advance permission, just like Thais need to when driving their vehicles to China.

The Bangkok Post article from March 15 has all the details. Other articles from last month outline similar things, except that under the original plan, foreign motorcycles were still being allowed.

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I'm visiting a friend in BKK. Last night at 2 am I was woken hop by screaming Chinese in the hall. There wash't a fight. The middle aged tourists were having a chin wag. This morning, the Chinese bus tour group descended on the buffet, like locusts.. I am staying at a decent 4*, not some budget dump.

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The point of the article seems to be lost in the usual tirade of Chinese bashers

The policeman made a lovely narration of bringing food and then having a jamming session enjoying it with a lovely couple and their kid.

You don't do that if the person is obnoxious !

For every spitting crazy Chinese ( I'm not a big fan and yes I'm Chinese too) , there are lots of gentle souls who are great and really love Thailand and behave very very politely.

The litmus test will be the current generation in their 20s and their children to come ....the Chinese would be out in full force of manners

In the meantime , there are tons of polite Chinese ....seek them out and have a cultural exchange you will find it fulfilling

I hosted an American Friend in 3 Chinese cities last week and he is a typical mid west TOP executive of a USA company ....he came with his own notions of China and brought an armband of fears

He left telling me after 6 days he is amazed ...just amazed at the kindness and sophistication of the Chinese he has met ...and yes he was impressed by the high speed trains too

China may be a nice country and yes I have many nice Chinese friends.

HOWEVER, that doesn't change the fact that Chinese motorists shouldn't be allowed to bring in their own cars to Thailand. Fortunately, the Thai LTD is planning to stop Chinese (and other foreign) motorhomes and motorcycles from entering the country. Also, Chinese cars will need advance permission to drive here.

Much the same as China asks from Thai and other foreign motorists. The Chinese have been abusing the privilege of driving here for a long time, meanwhile the Chinese authorities haven't allowed us much leeway. 2 years ago or so a foreign group who were amongst the first to drive independently in China without a guide had their vehicle confiscated as they went "off course" presumably into Tibet or something. And yet the Thais haven't applied any restrictions to these freeloaders coming here? Absolutely outrageous they have been allowed to get away with this double standard for so long. Fortunately not for much longer.

Also, where does one get as much time as the guy from Shandong (near the Russian border) driving down to Thailand by car? Does this guy have a job? I mean, how can he get such a long holiday to drive like what 5000-7000km one way?

Chinese should just get on planes and then get on a tour bus like most of the rest of their compatriots do. Their eyes opening wider and getting giddy with excitement, like a 5 year old at the prospect of driving their LHD cars down to Thailand will fortunately largely become a thing of the past. Their presence exacerbates pollution, road congestion and is a known cause of road accidents, particularly in the north. They often stop wherever they want (in Chiang Mai during CNY, 3 Chinese cars just parked 100m past the intersection of Huay Kaew and that road that goes to the hospital, they have no concept of safety and their selfishness was there for everyone to see - every other vehicle had to go around them into the opposing lane - even beeping my horn at them didn't faze them).

The Vietnamese and the Burmese have long had more sense than the Thais. These countries have never allowed Chinese cars in, except with advance permission and a guide and rightfully so.

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