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Kind-hearted beggar who donated over 1 mil baht to a temple is now out of the temple


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A kind-hearted beggar who once donated over 1 million baht to a temple is now out of the temple


NAKHON PATHOM: -- An elderly beggar who earlier donated more than one million baht of his savings from begging to Wat Rai Khing has been expelled from the temple where he took refuge for several decades.

The beggar, Mr Iam Kampeeranont or Uncle Iam, is now living alone at a small room in front of the temple in Nakhon Pathom province thanks to the support of the social development and human security office.

An official of the office said that the office has not abandoned Uncle Iam but he is now having difficulty to make a living because he is sick and can hardly help himself.

The official who declined to be named admitted that he didn’t know why Uncle Iam was expelled from the temple.

However, another official said that Uncle Iam was removed from the temple because of the government’s new policy banning begging on temple grounds.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/155026

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-15

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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

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A million baht! That should have bought him a lifetime of being cared for by the temple, whether he continued to beg for money, or not. It just goes to show what Thai Buddhism stands for. It surely was not meant to be this way. I would bet money they are throwing the food he normally ate to the dogs who scavenge their. What a shame this man had no forethought to use that million on a younger woman and a house so he had a place to live and a woman to take care of him until he dies.

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So contrary to some popular horror stories old uncle lam not only wasn't under the control of some insidious gang but also managed to accrue a million baht. Nice going uncle pity all your merit making couldn't secure you a spot in the temple. Absolutely disgraceful performance by the way.

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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

1 million baht over 70 years is not a lot of money to earn even for a beggar

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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

1 million baht over 70 years is not a lot of money to earn even for a beggar

It neither stated it was his life savings or in fact even all his savings

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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

1 million baht over 70 years is not a lot of money to earn even for a beggar

You try it

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So contrary to some popular horror stories old uncle lam not only wasn't under the control of some insidious gang but also managed to accrue a million baht. Nice going uncle pity all your merit making couldn't secure you a spot in the temple. Absolutely disgraceful performance by the way.

Hopefully his kindness has secured a better future for him in the next life.

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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

My take on it would be the man ran out of money and was of no use to the monks any more so they kicked him out.

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And yet this corrupt group of scumbags and what they pretend to represent will be worshiped without criticism for all of time. Not exclusively Thai but the bit about kicking him out due to his health is. Thainess God bless em....

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It sounds to me like he gave the money to the temple and then became a beggar, which would make more sense. The word 'several' doesn't mean 'seven' ie seventy years. So I reckon 30-40 years.

No, all the money was from begging at the temple, this guy was a begging star and people used to go to Wat Rai King just to give him money. On some festivals and weekends he could rake in over 100.000 baht. The irony is that begging is no longer allowed on temple grounds, better do away with all those donation boxes then of various sorts. If anyone has been to Rai king they will know it's a theme park of money collecting. As well as giving most of his income to the Wat he also paid for expensive concerts there.

Edited by thai3
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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

I live near the temple and have met uncle lam. He is mentally and physically challenged and loves his Buddhist religion. He feels a part of the temple, and is doing something with his life (other than sitting at home making smart ass comments on a forum) and he collected the million bhat over decades and decades, which he generously gave to the temple.

I don't imagine he was 'thrown out on his ass' as you so eloquently put it. The temple would have sorted him the room (located opposite the temple) so he can still feel part of it, and no doubt he is welcome whenever he wants to go as he was a big part of life there.

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so you give $30000 and expect the temple to keep you for the rest of your life?

It seems to me that his cave is the responsibility of the state.............as for comments on his "youthful good looks" - thank God that person isn't my doctor....what a profoundly daft comment.

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So contrary to some popular horror stories old uncle lam not only wasn't under the control of some insidious gang but also managed to accrue a million baht. Nice going uncle pity all your merit making couldn't secure you a spot in the temple. Absolutely disgraceful performance by the way.

Hopefully his kindness has secured a better future for him in the next life.

I optimistically believe that behind the scenes he will be looked after here and now. His plight will have spread among some good people out there. He has probably been used to living a frugal life and now with a different roof over his head it wouldn't take much to sustain him. Looks like two possible such people near him and are they boxes of food? Forever optimistic is this "Goong Ying". wai2.gif

Lets hope and pray for a Godly/humanitarian follow-up story.

Edited by Goong Ying
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"government’s new policy banning begging on temple grounds."

Um, begging is integral part of monkhood in Buddhism, as known by those of us who get up before noon..... Guess they want the monks to hit the streets as too easy to just sit at temple and take donations? Unable to locate a shred of logic here upon which to build some sort of criticism... return to boggle mode....

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it is a damn shame for this man to be treated in this way especially after giving the temple 1 million baht it is in fact a disgrace by the temple I think the locals should bear this in mind when making future donations .

You hit the nail right on the head.

…should bear in mind when making future donations.

The word “Donate” Thais take literally as the dictionary state. Further search recommends the word GIVE also does not mention anything of receiving anything in return.

When donating in Thailand even to institutes of higher learning you cannot specify how the multimillion Thai Bath donation is to be used. Their attitude is: “Just put the money here on my desk and I will take care of it”. If the “taking care of it” is what the donor’s intentions are is immaterial to Thais. Based on personal experience. Of course being from the Western world, no donation was made.


do·nate [dṓ nàyt, dō náyt]

(past and past participle do·nat·ed, present participle do·nat·ing, 3rd person present singular do·nates)



vti give or present something: to a contribution to a charitable organization or other good cause


vt give body part: to give your own blood, tissue, organs, or reproductive material to be used in the treatment of another person, either while you are alive or after your death

[Late 18th century. Back-formation < donation ]

Word Key: Synonyms

See give.


give [giv]

(past gave [gayv], past participle giv·en [gívvən], present participle giv·ing, 3rd person present singular gives) CORE-MEANING: a verb used to indicate that somebody presents or delivers something that he or she owns to another person to keep or use


No need to list all the many explanations in Black’s Law Dictionary because non mention a single word of receiving anything in return.

[ Old English giefan < Indo-European]

Word Key: Synonyms

give, present, confer, bestow, donate, grant,

CORE MEANING: to hand over something to somebody

give to place something that you are holding in the temporary possession of another person;

Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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so you give $30000 and expect the temple to keep you for the rest of your life?

It seems to me that his cave is the responsibility of the state.............as for comments on his "youthful good looks" - thank God that person isn't my doctor....what a profoundly daft comment.

Hardly costing the temple anything is it???

They beg their food every day, they beg public donations for temple upkeep regularly, They even get their robes donated.

There have been many reports on the ' frugal lifestyle ' some of these monks don't lead!

They didn't say to the old guy, who maybe senile or uneducated, to keep hold of his funds for later life!!!

I can't see him costing very much in the scale of things, he probably is self funding.

He doesn't look like he'll be BEGGING the Abbot for money anytime soon, to hit the local discos and whore houses!

Edited by Scouse123
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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

No one takes notice that he got decades of living in the temple for the money?

Maybe the beggar is a pain in the as.

Who knows.

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