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Got chatting to a couple of guys from the U.K, last night, to find it was their first time to Thailand asking them if they we're here for the girls or the temples, or both, got a reply that shocked me, they tell me their here not for the girls one said, "i wouldnt dream of going with a hooker" or for the sights, but their here to buy and smoke ganja, plus look for this "yaba" drug they heard about on T.V, obviously i tried to warn them of the dangers and penalties of being caught with either drug, and just got laughed off as they wouldnt beleive it was a big deal, i soon left them to their fate, this is by far the worst reason i have heard for coming to Thailand, and to any one reading this who is planing to come here, Dont get involved with dope, it is a big deal this is not europe

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Guest IT Manager

Did they look like druggies or deadshits?

I have been approached in a restaurant in CM for information on where to buy Opium, so it does happen. I always wonder if people really are that stupid or are the setting up some kind of sting.


I was approached in a bar in CM on New years eve by a straight looking american guy asking me if i knew where to get opium or ganga,,,looked like a narc to me so i gave him a stern lecture on doing drugs in Thailand!

Guest IT Manager

Whether he was a narc or a druggie, you should have given him a lecture. It pisses me off to see these nutters who think that everyone comes to Thailand for cheap drugs etc... :o



i heard 2 guys yesterday asking my business partner something about drugs, i heard him say don,t bother,

farang or thai i see that crap in my bar the undercover tourist policeman who visits will be informed.

it annoys me already how people have no respect for peoples business's (livelyhood)

this is a great country and they only come here for drugs.

what a waste.


There was a nice article in the Post yesterday about 2 Tiwanese, who got life in Prison for possesion of heroin, The reason they got life was they plead guilty, if not they would have got the death penalty.


I'm not defending its use,but it was not that long ago that the police turned a blind eye to drug use,you only have to read about the full moon party's a few years ago,and thais openly selling just about every drug available,also samui and other islands ganja was openly smoked.

So its not surprising that some westerners still think of Thailand like that.Most European countries now tolerate ganja,I just read recently that Berlin has made it legal to smoke it.


Ganja used to be an ingredient of Thai cigarettes, this ended at the request of the Amrican government because of GI's comming here for R&R during the Vietnam war. The tolerance to ganja lingered on for a long time and it's only recently that the cops have been comming down hard on users.

Ganja used to be an ingredient of Thai cigarettes, this ended at the request of the Amrican government because of GI's comming here for R&R during the Vietnam war. The tolerance to ganja lingered on for a long time and it's only recently that the cops have been comming down hard on users.

Can you tell me the source of your information please



my understanding is that the police have always come down hard on users of ganga,especially foriegn users.

i've never heard of the cigarette thing although it was, and in some places may still be, used as an ingredient of noodle soup as bought on the streets.


To the best of my knowledge, the story about Gancha in Thai cigarettes came from the common practice of emptying the tobacco from cigarettes and replacing with gancha/tobacco mix. Rolling papers have only recently become commonly available.

Ganja used to be an ingredient of Thai cigarettes, this ended at the request of the Amrican government because of GI's comming here for R&R during the Vietnam war. The tolerance to ganja lingered on for a long time and it's only recently that the cops have been comming down hard on users.

Can you tell me the source of your information please


I can verify that info. Arrived in LOS just as U-Tapau was shutting down and ganga was no big thing. It was not in Samuts or some of the other major brands but was contained in the so-called cheaper varities. Ganga was also easily available at the Nana Hotel pool area. Think it was 5 Baht for 5 big sticks with huge buds! Not that moi would get involved in that sh1t! :o


On my last visit to Pattaya ( January) you could still buy Ganja cigarettes at at least 2 bars , simply buy a soft drink and hand over an extra 200 baht , wait 10 mins and the few baht change would be accompanied by a packet of " Speshun" Marlboro. and , No , I won't say where these places are... :o


Hey come on people lighten up.

Who are you guys to say what people can and cannot do, if thats there thing then let them get on with it, does'nt hurt you.


Perhaps one of the so-called wrong reasons farang come to Thailand they've heard that up in Issan and elsewhere they cook currey w/ganja in it! Tastes pretty good too... :o

Hey come on people lighten up.

Who are you guys to say what people can and cannot do, if thats there thing then let them get on with it, does'nt hurt you.

I work for the D.E.A that's why. :o


D.E.A what <deleted>.

The majority here are hypocrites, they have all broken the law, let the 2 guys enjoy the stay in LOS, its there thing.

Do as I say not as I do a quote for all on this subject.


I think you need to lighten up as well , I smoke weed occasionally but refuse to be drawn into an argument , it's freewill to smoke or not. Let them continue the argument and chill. I was trying to bring another angle to it.


Guest IT Manager

I agree up to a point erco, but aren't they actually involving us in their enjoyment of LOS by asking?

Hey come on people lighten up.

Who are you guys to say what people can and cannot do, if thats there thing then let them get on with it, does'nt hurt you.

I work for the D.E.A that's why. :D

Are you gonna bust me & the old lady if we throw a little in the chicken curry? :o


Here's a wonderfully off-topic factoid.

According to the religion of Islam, tobacco is a sin (or whatever those dune-coons call it). Therefore, in order to fix it up, they mix it with hash or weed so that they won't go to heck (or whatever those ... call it).

The call the mixture that they smoke, Kief.

Ain't that a hoot!

PS: You can buy weed just about anywhere in Thailand (just don't buy from a white guy); but the cheap shit that kills you is always more available with gaunt, beady eyed sellers/takers/doers ubiquitious.



I certainly can't blame anyone for wanting to try opium a few times. I stay clear of it because I don't want to become dependent on any drug, but I have to admit that I certainly enjoyed the whole experience the few times that I have tried it. :o:D


I am confused...why would anyone come to Thailand to look for drugs when they are plentyful in your own back yard?

Opium has a general mystique as it is an arcane high...sort of like Sandoz LSD from the 60s. Where I live there are plenty of old chinese guys and I asked my wife about skinny chinese guys in singlets and shorts with long funny pipes but she said she never saw none...

I certainly can't blame anyone for wanting to try opium a few times. I stay clear of it because I don't want to become dependent on any drug, but I have to admit that I certainly enjoyed the whole experience the few times that I have tried it. :D:D

Where can I try it? :o


agreed...we set up the hit in dave's bar...find out where the mark lives to recover the rest of his goods...place the operatives strategically and a piece of cake.

After our own consumption, profits to be distributed to worthy local NGOs...later to grow our own poppys on roof tops in BKK...a stoned general population as the expat forum opium gang rides into the sunset...

I get first dibs on movie rights...my character shall be played by Sean Penn...

I certainly can't blame anyone for wanting to try opium a few times. I stay clear of it because I don't want to become dependent on any drug, but I have to admit that I certainly enjoyed the whole experience the few times that I have tried it. :D  :D

Where can I try it? :o

Get on up to the Chaing Mai, Chaing Rai area and it's readily available... :D

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