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Thailand faces a pilot shortage


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Thailand faces a pilot shortage


BANGKOK, 17 March 2016 (NNT) - The Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) has revealed that most aviation schools in Thailand have been rated excellent.

The agency has assessed 24 aviation schools and is currently evaluating another two institutions to ensure the quality of pilot graduates. However, ONESQA Director Channarong Pornrungroj claimed that the country faces a pilot shortage, despite the availability of quality training programs.

His sentiments were echoed by Civil Aviation Training Center President Group Captain Jirapol Kuangduang, who said that Thailand is not able to keep up with labor demand for pilots and aviation engineers.

Each year, around 400 new pilots and aviation engineers each are needed to fulfill the industry's demand. At present, there are only about 200-300 new pilots per year and roughly 300-400 engineering graduates. Group Captain Jirapol said that despite the shortage, the situation is not considered critical.

-- NNT 2016-03-17 footer_n.gif

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Flying is a relatively safe way to earn a living,

most who do graduate will look at their options ,company values,

money , location, benefits , roster, schools for the kids,etc

when it comes to Thai they look at the maintenance schedules, quality control,

due diligence, and standards set by the aviation industries watch body,

being of sound mind , no wonder they have a shortage.

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Is that excellent by Thai or international standards?

clap2.gif Another aspect of the No Fail policy plus the possibility of an ' incentive ' for the examiners to see the school as worthy of an ' excellent ' grade. ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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There have been some ex-pates doing domestic in Thailand, the license conversion is hilarious.

They make you do this bizarre Human Factors exam, a white guy never passes first or 2nd time like a Thai, and on the 3rd attempt it doesn't seem to even matter what is written as an answer, it is passed. It is well known and really kind of cute the games by the DCA.

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There will be a shortage world wide if trends continue, the number bandied about is 20,000 , Asia is a big employer , the boomers are now all retiring, the other reason is quite a few are now failing their medicals , a cause for concern..........................................coffee1.gif

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Next question - Is there a shortage of qualified pilots worldwide?

Absolutely......I went to an aviation conference a few months back and they quoted needing 500,000 pilots in the next 20 years, at the current rate of training, it will take 75 years.

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Last week was talking with Thai gf about pilots, and I wondered if there were any female pilots here. She said "No, must be a man strong enough to work controls. Woman cannot do." I suggested if flight gets to that stage, probably gonna crash anyway, and that I have flown plenty of flights with female pilots in USA. She was incredulous.

I tend to prefer women professionals over males when seeing doctor, dentist etc, reasoning perhaps they studied a bit more in school... no data to support that, but must say Thailand is rather sexist country imo.

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Last week was talking with Thai gf about pilots, and I wondered if there were any female pilots here. She said "No, must be a man strong enough to work controls. Woman cannot do." I suggested if flight gets to that stage, probably gonna crash anyway, and that I have flown plenty of flights with female pilots in USA. She was incredulous.

I tend to prefer women professionals over males when seeing doctor, dentist etc, reasoning perhaps they studied a bit more in school... no data to support that, but must say Thailand is rather sexist country imo.

Well your GF is talking tosh or your just making things up as precusor to some "story" ..female pilots in Thailand and some even flying choppers...so what have you learnt...dont believe a word your GF says

One Thai lady pilot is an Ex Miss Universe Thailand.

Edited by Bobotie
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I know they have Lady boy cabin crew - i guess there might even be LB Pilots...but I would, be concerned they are easliy distracted, would have to fit rear view mirrors in the cockpit for them to check eyeliner, hair, lip gloss, pimples etc...

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Next question - Is there a shortage of qualified pilots worldwide?

Seems to be real. Boeing estimated in 2015 that there will be a global shortage of 533,000 pilots over the next 20 years.
Some analysts point to explosion in national and international air travel (by retired baby boomers?) causing major carriers to attract more pilots at salaries that can't be met by regional carriers as the problem of pilot shortages. Other suggested barriers are long hours, poor or no retirement, and lack of upward mobility and diversity.
Costs for pilot training is also becoming prohibiive. For too long the commercial air industry has relied on former military pilots to fill their ranks.
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Last week was talking with Thai gf about pilots, and I wondered if there were any female pilots here. She said "No, must be a man strong enough to work controls. Woman cannot do." I suggested if flight gets to that stage, probably gonna crash anyway, and that I have flown plenty of flights with female pilots in USA. She was incredulous.

I tend to prefer women professionals over males when seeing doctor, dentist etc, reasoning perhaps they studied a bit more in school... no data to support that, but must say Thailand is rather sexist country imo.

Yes there are female pilots in Thailand. Been on the boneshaker from Bangkok to Hua Hin couple of times with the female pilot at the controls. I think it was before Nok Air took over the route and air company was still called Siam Gateway.

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Last week was talking with Thai gf about pilots, and I wondered if there were any female pilots here. She said "No, must be a man strong enough to work controls. Woman cannot do." I suggested if flight gets to that stage, probably gonna crash anyway, and that I have flown plenty of flights with female pilots in USA. She was incredulous.

I tend to prefer women professionals over males when seeing doctor, dentist etc, reasoning perhaps they studied a bit more in school... no data to support that, but must say Thailand is rather sexist country imo.

As all planes today are hydro-mechanical or fly-by-wire (except small planes like a Cessna) there is no real need for muscle strength for a pilot.

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That is just a gob smacking remark Sir.

Thailand has been short of pilots since they shut the door on pesky foreign flyers 20 + years ago.

World wide requirements for NEW qualified pilots within 6 years estimated at 1.6mil

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I think they mean "qualified" pilot shortage. Otherwise they could just draft in all the redundant RTAF pilots who don't have serviceable aircraft to fly or are flying an inactive desk.... Of course it is still out of the question to actually hire foreigners....

oh wait....... Air Vice Marshall to run THAI International ?

Edited by bangon04
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Does Thailand seriously have 24 aviation schools ?

Do you think that's too many, or too few?

Australia has a little over a third of the population of Thailand, but several times that number of flying training schools.

I appreciate that the number of schools doesn't relate directly to population, rather to numbers travelling, but I'd wager that the number travelling in Australia isn't several times that in Thailand though.

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Next question - Is there a shortage of qualified pilots worldwide?

Absolutely......I went to an aviation conference a few months back and they quoted needing 500,000 pilots in the next 20 years, at the current rate of training, it will take 75 years.

When I took my first flying lesson back about 1975, the instructor told me there was a desperate shortage of pilots not only in Australia, but world wide.

I heard that many times during a 30+ year career, but never saw it. Over 50% of Australia's qualified commercial pilots, i.e., holding a Commercial or higher licence, are unemployed in aviation in Australia.

I worked for several small airlines in Australia, one major, then three airlines outside Australia, and they never had difficulty sourcing qualified jet qualified RPT pilots, if not from their own country, then foreigners. Whenever I was part of a selection process, there were far more applicants than positions available.

I think the myth of a worldwide shortage is perpetuated by the airline industry, passed on to flying schools to increase their business, create a surplus, and ultimately keep pilot salaries down.

If the shortage was as critical as suggested, pay rates would increase to attract trainees, but that doesn't happen, and I believe airlines would park aircraft before paying more money to pilots, if it ever came to a shortage. Airline managements hate pilots (largely because they are paid more than all but the top tier management), and they'd rather see a drop in profits than pilots being paid more $$. Sounds stupid, but that's been my observation over a very long career.

So to answer your question trogers, I don't believe there is a shortage.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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"Costs for pilot training is also becoming prohibiive. For too long the commercial air industry has relied on former military pilots to fill their ranks."

OMG had shocking thought of coming shortage in USA. Seems love of drone strikes will limit "real" air time. Perhaps in a few years can pilot commercial planes from trailer in Texas.... although fear of death from poor flight decision would be absent to keep pilots "on their toes"

My remark regarding gf was just reflection perhaps of average Thai? I don't know. She is only expert on Thai soaps....

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