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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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More delusion.

REPUBLICAN party primary rallies.

Trump is running in a REPUBLICAN primary.


These are nearly parallel primaries - Hillary and Bernie are having a primary too. Those are DEMOCRAT primaries and Hillary can't draw enough people to fill a Burger King.

Trump is drawing huge crowds - record crowds and keeps getting stronger at the polls with each primary.

In case you didn't notice, Republicans hold the House and Senate majorities - not exactly unable to win an election.

Trump will CRUSH that bale of hay Hillary in the General Election.


I think some people are living in parallel realities.

They are two separate races.

But again, enjoy the delusion of Trump invincibility in the ELECTORAL COLLEGE while it lasts.

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More delusion.

REPUBLICAN party primary rallies.

Trump is running in a REPUBLICAN primary.


These are nearly parallel primaries - Hillary and Bernie are having a primary too. Those are DEMOCRAT primaries and Hillary can't draw enough people to fill a Burger King.

Trump is drawing huge crowds - record crowds and keeps getting stronger at the polls with each primary.

In case you didn't notice, Republicans hold the House and Senate majorities - not exactly unable to win an election.

Trump will CRUSH that bale of hay Hillary in the General Election.


I think some people are living in parallel realities.

They are two separate races.

But again, enjoy the delusion of Trump invincibility in the ELECTORAL COLLEGE while it lasts.

With Trump running, there are no longer any red or blue states. All of the states are in play. There are so many union workers such as coal and steel and auto workers who "always" vote Democrat who will go for Trump jobs that the Dems will get buried.

Trump is running today in the Rust Belt which Always the Dem belt so just watch how he does despite the fact that in the beginning it was supposed to be a loss for Trump, even with Repubs.

Trump will pull many more blacks than usual for the same reason. Dems usually get 90% of the black vote but not this time. They like jobs, too.

"It's the economy, stupid".


Edited by NeverSure
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Its more than just the "economy," its "America [stupid]." To numerous Americans, its self preservation. Unlike the previous two elections, Americans are now interested in voting for something, not against something- nihilism!

The previous x years have been defined by against, repeal, nihilism, all the while marketed as Progress and Forward. People are sick of division, apology, cultural relativity, legal relativity, moral relativity, replacing/destroying for the sake of the act, and concealing the degeneration as a positive. The end result is a vacuous nation defined by screams and victims and division and poverty and sorrow.

Trump appeals, justly or not, because he speaks directly to this. A doctor has rarely taken such an accurate pulse. Trump has the Rate Rhythm and Quality of the American Pulse.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Clinton's top priorities: Gun control and immigration reform. Could she deliver on either?

"With Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton's campaign turning fully toward the general election, the candidate is speaking in increasingly strong terms about immediately tackling one of her party's most challenging domestic policy goals: gun control.

Clinton says just as forcefully that immigration reform will be her top priority upon entering the White House...

She has been more specific about an overhaul of the immigration system at the outset of a Clinton presidency, promising to advance comprehensive reform that offers a path to full citizenship for illegal immigrants within her first 100 days."

Wow, has this bale of hay ever read the mood of the public wrong. 51% of all voters want to go so far as to build the wall. LInk More Americans oppose stricter gun control laws than support them. CNN


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Clinton's top priorities: Gun control and immigration reform. Could she deliver on either?
"With Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton's campaign turning fully toward the general election, the candidate is speaking in increasingly strong terms about immediately tackling one of her party's most challenging domestic policy goals: gun control.
Clinton says just as forcefully that immigration reform will be her top priority upon entering the White House...
She has been more specific about an overhaul of the immigration system at the outset of a Clinton presidency, promising to advance comprehensive reform that offers a path to full citizenship for illegal immigrants within her first 100 days."
Wow, has this bale of hay ever read the mood of the public wrong. 51% of all voters want to go so far as to build the wall. LInk More Americans oppose stricter gun control laws than support them. CNN


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"Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?"

It is for Cruz & Kasich as they are calling Indiana already with Trump leading by 22

Trump 54%, Cruz 32%, Kasich in the dumpster.

Trump wins all Indiana delegates.

It's over.

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Looks almost impossible to stop Trump now. Welcome to the most embarrassing Presidential election in modern times. Worldwide, nations will have to scenario-plan that Trump is, no matter how unlikely, possibly the next Pres. Allies will have to reassess their cooperation with the US to account for at least 4 years of retardation. But, everyone will adjust and the US will slide back in importance during this time.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Looks almost impossible to stop Trump now. Welcome to the most embarrassing Presidential election in modern times. Worldwide, nations will have to scenario-plan that Trump is, no matter how unlikely, possibly the next Pres. Allies will have to reassess their cooperation with the US to account for at least 4 years of retardation. But, everyone will adjust and the US will slide back in importance during this time.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

First they will have to quit rolling on the floor with laughter

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I doubt they will be laughing thumbsup.gif

well evryone I know is certainly crackin up! america has shown the world how far they have finally sunk! they can't pretend anymore.

Every intelligent and thoughtful person I know (and I know of lot of people worldwide) has been laughing so far, but as Trump is now almost certain to be the nominee, the discussion will now turn serious as to how to bypass the US as a reliable partner and to minimize importance. The US would enter a period of relative isolationism, but the US would still remain the most powerful country in the world post-Trump election, but commitments by other countries would be put on hold for a few years.

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I doubt they will be laughing thumbsup.gif

well evryone I know is certainly crackin up! america has shown the world how far they have finally sunk! they can't pretend anymore.

Fair enough then...So it's yourself and evryone you know wink.png

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I doubt they will be laughing thumbsup.gif

well evryone I know is certainly crackin up! america has shown the world how far they have finally sunk! they can't pretend anymore.

Fair enough then...So it's yourself and evryone you know wink.png

among millions of others

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With his Indiana victory, Trump has wrapped up the nomination.

He now has 1050 delegates, with NJ and WV coming up, and CA will put him over 1300.

Good chance he'll get 1400 before they nominate him unanimously.

Beating Cankles will be fun.

Can you say President Trump?

Edited by mesquite
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I doubt they will be laughing thumbsup.gif

well evryone I know is certainly crackin up! america has shown the world how far they have finally sunk! they can't pretend anymore.

Every intelligent and thoughtful person I know (and I know of lot of people worldwide) has been laughing so far, but as Trump is now almost certain to be the nominee, the discussion will now turn serious as to how to bypass the US as a reliable partner and to minimize importance. The US would enter a period of relative isolationism, but the US would still remain the most powerful country in the world post-Trump election, but commitments by other countries would be put on hold for a few years.

The world has been trying to figure out how to do that for decades. Sure, maybe Trump will convince them to get off the teat for a spell. I doubt it.

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Trump can do nothing on his own. That's the bottom line.

I'm amazed at Americans who think a POTUS can act like a dictator despite the legislative branch and the judicial branch and The Constitution.

On the one hand, you and all other Trump fans are jumping up and down with glee every time Trump specifies something he'll do as president. Now, the above 2 quotes say he can't really do anything without going through proper channels. But wait a doggoneminute. Trump fans also say he's an outsider, a non-politician, so he doesn't know anything about how to get things done in Washington. He's worse than an apprentice, he doesn't even want to learn the ropes. So which is it? Trump doing things he shouts about from the campaign platform (45% tariffs, abolish Dept of Education. Withdraw from NATO, abolish the IRS, lowering taxes for himself and other super rich,....), or Trump not being able to get anything done within the Beltway? That's a real question. Can you answer it?

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With his Indiana victory, Trump has wrapped up the nomination.

He now has 1050 delegates, with NJ and WV coming up, and CA will put him over 1300.

Good chance he'll get 1400 before they nominate him unanimously.

Beating Cankles will be fun.

Can you say President Trump?

It will be interesting to see how the establishment handles this over the next couple of months until the crowning in Cleveland. I still wouldn't rule out underhanded shenanigans.

Can't wait to see his VP pick

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Trump can do nothing on his own. That's the bottom line.

I'm amazed at Americans who think a POTUS can act like a dictator despite the legislative branch and the judicial branch and The Constitution.

On the one hand, you and all other Trump fans are jumping up and down with glee every time Trump specifies something he'll do as president. Now, the above 2 quotes say he can't really do anything without going through proper channels. But wait a doggoneminute. Trump fans also say he's an outsider, a non-politician, so he doesn't know anything about how to get things done in Washington. He's worse than an apprentice, he doesn't even want to learn the ropes. So which is it? Trump doing things he shouts about from the campaign platform (45% tariffs, abolish Dept of Education. Withdraw from NATO, abolish the IRS, lowering taxes for himself and other super rich,....), or Trump not being able to get anything done within the Beltway? That's a real question. Can you answer it?

..and you guys are always so desperate to go after Trump Supporters.

Why would you want to put so much effort into it, if you really think he has no chance against Hillary?

So funny. You do realize how hypocritical you sound...and defeated. Sort of like Cruz attacking Trump after his phenomenal defeat today.

just leave it alone. so we are happy. why belabor all your negativity? You would be better off not attacking Trump...or us. We might listen.


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All this talk about the end of the Republican Party. I don't see that. I mean Klu Klux Klan has had problems, and they're still a club. I would like to see the US have a multi-party system, with Greens and others. Unfortunately, it won't be viable for the near future, because the two major parties are awash with money. Just two men, for example, the Koch Brothers, pour more money into the Republican Party than exists in Thailand's entire economy. And the Kochs are just two of thousands of mega-donors. Bush Jr. spent $2,800 per vote in Iowa, and $32.5 million for each delegate he got. That's how Republicans spend their money. Dems aren't much better.

When the hard-hard-hard-right wingers in the Supreme Court designated Corporations as 'people' the opened the floodgates for such insane vote buying. Thank Bob, Rheinqist and Scalia are gone. They were for America what infected pustules are for lips.

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"Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?"

It is for Cruz & Kasich as they are calling Indiana already with Trump leading by 22

Trump 54%, Cruz 32%, Kasich in the dumpster.

Trump wins all Indiana delegates.

It's over.

Great !

I am now thinking about moving to Indiana....as they pretty much called it right. Might even get some free Trump Steaks.

Presidential Steaks are high.........Clinton chopped liver, not worth the paper it's wrapped in.

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With his Indiana victory, Trump has wrapped up the nomination.

He now has 1050 delegates, with NJ and WV coming up, and CA will put him over 1300.

Good chance he'll get 1400 before they nominate him unanimously.

Beating Cankles will be fun.

Can you say President Trump?

It will be interesting to see how the establishment handles this over the next couple of months until the crowning in Cleveland. I still wouldn't rule out underhanded shenanigans.

Can't wait to see his VP pick

I'm sure his VP pick will be someone equally qualified and impressive. Someone like Tony Robbins.


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Trump can do nothing on his own. That's the bottom line.

I'm amazed at Americans who think a POTUS can act like a dictator despite the legislative branch and the judicial branch and The Constitution.

On the one hand, you and all other Trump fans are jumping up and down with glee every time Trump specifies something he'll do as president. Now, the above 2 quotes say he can't really do anything without going through proper channels. But wait a doggoneminute. Trump fans also say he's an outsider, a non-politician, so he doesn't know anything about how to get things done in Washington. He's worse than an apprentice, he doesn't even want to learn the ropes. So which is it? Trump doing things he shouts about from the campaign platform (45% tariffs, abolish Dept of Education. Withdraw from NATO, abolish the IRS, lowering taxes for himself and other super rich,....), or Trump not being able to get anything done within the Beltway? That's a real question. Can you answer it?

..and you guys are always so desperate to go after Trump Supporters.

Why would you want to put so much effort into it, if you really think he has no chance against Hillary?

So funny. You do realize how hypocritical you sound...and defeated. Sort of like Cruz attacking Trump after his phenomenal defeat today.

just leave it alone. so we are happy. why belabor all your negativity? You would be better off not attacking Trump...or us. We might listen.


You can't answer my questions, but I'll answer yours.

you ask, "Why would you want to put so much effort into it, if you really think he has no chance against Hillary? "

my answer in a nutshell: because I'm American and care for my country, and don't want to see it go down the tubes.

Even if he had a 1% chance, I would still speak out. It's like if there's a 1% chance of a wildfire coming up the hill and destroying my house, I would cut the dry grass and water the lawn.

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Trump can do nothing on his own. That's the bottom line.

I'm amazed at Americans who think a POTUS can act like a dictator despite the legislative branch and the judicial branch and The Constitution.

On the one hand, you and all other Trump fans are jumping up and down with glee every time Trump specifies something he'll do as president. Now, the above 2 quotes say he can't really do anything without going through proper channels. But wait a doggoneminute. Trump fans also say he's an outsider, a non-politician, so he doesn't know anything about how to get things done in Washington. He's worse than an apprentice, he doesn't even want to learn the ropes. So which is it? Trump doing things he shouts about from the campaign platform (45% tariffs, abolish Dept of Education. Withdraw from NATO, abolish the IRS, lowering taxes for himself and other super rich,....), or Trump not being able to get anything done within the Beltway? That's a real question. Can you answer it?

..and you guys are always so desperate to go after Trump Supporters.

Why would you want to put so much effort into it, if you really think he has no chance against Hillary?

So funny. You do realize how hypocritical you sound...and defeated. Sort of like Cruz attacking Trump after his phenomenal defeat today.

just leave it alone. so we are happy. why belabor all your negativity? You would be better off not attacking Trump...or us. We might listen.


figure ou why do you do the same thing with clinton and her supporters and you'll have your answer

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