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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

For clarity, the emphasis above is mine, not the OP.

The reason the point stands out is because the poster fails to be clear about for whom exactly will it be a catastrophic disaster? Don't get me wrong. Trump is a demagogue and a sociopath and almost certainly is not going to make America great again. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not the poor and disenfranchised living in trailer park on next to nothing share this particular definition of disaster?

Most educated people, myself included, are benefiting in some way from the current state of things. We may not like the system, and we may feel that we aren't getting out fair share, but on the whole we do have something to lose if America takes a radically different path. Trump supporters, on the other hand, don't feel this way. They may change their mind later once they see the result, or they may not. But the point is it is not helpful to apply our own biases when defining the logic of their actions.

It is important to consider that those of us who have something right now, no matter the reason we achieved it, are fueling the Trump insurgency. The more we continue down this path that we are on, the worse it is going to get. And just like the Brexit vote, when Trump wins and we are all asking ourselves how could this happen, the answer will be staring at us in the mirror. Those of us who are supporting the current system are ultimately the ones who are making a Trump (or Trump like) presidency inevitable.

Trump won the Republican nomination with the largest number of votes in recent history not because everyone is stupid, but because he is addressing an imbalance that we have all ignored. If we don't want Trump, it is our responsibility to refine the current system and make the uneducated American in the trailer park feel that his life is every bit as important as the computer programmer pulling down a 6 figure annual salary. The class bigotry in American culture has got to stop. Calling people ignorant because they vote for Trump is our problem, not theirs.

I personally think Trump is going to win, although I hope he does not. But even if he does lose, this is not the end. Another demagogue will arise to address the same issues Trump has, and the next one could be alot worse. Unless and until we radically change the economy, stop placing technology, innovation and progress above jobs and agree to pay alot more for our basic needs so that Cletus in the trailer park can feel like he is valued, we are going to continue supporting the Trump campaign. Trump doesn't need to spend money on campaigning. We are paying alot more into his campaign than he ever could.

I don't expect this to be a popular view, but ignoring our own complicity in the rise of Trump and blaming it on the masses is the real catastrophic disaster facing the USA.

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Still waiting for the Bloviator to release his "totally filled" list of speakers and "long waiting list of those that want to speak."

Remember that? First it was last Wednesday, which became Thursday. Still, nothing.

Where are all these stellar speakers?


I read he asked Lyin' Ted Cruz 'tho...

Ted Cruz Unloads On Trump In Indiana: “I’m Going To Tell You What I Really Think Of Donald Trump.”

"Well, this was definitely a sight to behold."

"Ted Cruz held a press conference today in Indiana, where he first addressed Trump's latest insane allegation,

that his father Rafael was somehow involved in the assassination of JFK."

"After pointing out that a mentally balanced person would not have made this allegation on live television, Cruz paused, appeared to think for a second, and said,

"I'm going to do something I haven't done before, those of you who follow me around on the campaign trail - I'm going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump."

Watch the Epic rant here:

( Gotta hand this one to Ted. He's right on the money. ) thumbsup.gif

Cruz: I'm going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump.

This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies.

He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth.

Ah, a professional politician accuses someone not a politician of lying. Black, pot and kettle spring to mind.

Cruz lost, boo hoo.

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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

For clarity, the emphasis above is mine, not the OP.

The reason the point stands out is because the poster fails to be clear about for whom exactly will it be a catastrophic disaster? Don't get me wrong. Trump is a demagogue and a sociopath and almost certainly is not going to make America great again. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not the poor and disenfranchised living in trailer park on next to nothing share this particular definition of disaster?

Most educated people, myself included, are benefiting in some way from the current state of things. We may not like the system, and we may feel that we aren't getting out fair share, but on the whole we do have something to lose if America takes a radically different path. Trump supporters, on the other hand, don't feel this way. They may change their mind later once they see the result, or they may not. But the point is it is not helpful to apply our own biases when defining the logic of their actions.

It is important to consider that those of us who have something right now, no matter the reason we achieved it, are fueling the Trump insurgency. The more we continue down this path that we are on, the worse it is going to get. And just like the Brexit vote, when Trump wins and we are all asking ourselves how could this happen, the answer will be staring at us in the mirror. Those of us who are supporting the current system are ultimately the ones who are making a Trump (or Trump like) presidency inevitable.

Trump won the Republican nomination with the largest number of votes in recent history not because everyone is stupid, but because he is addressing an imbalance that we have all ignored. If we don't want Trump, it is our responsibility to refine the current system and make the uneducated American in the trailer park feel that his life is every bit as important as the computer programmer pulling down a 6 figure annual salary. The class bigotry in American culture has got to stop. Calling people ignorant because they vote for Trump is our problem, not theirs.

I personally think Trump is going to win, although I hope he does not. But even if he does lose, this is not the end. Another demagogue will arise to address the same issues Trump has, and the next one could be alot worse. Unless and until we radically change the economy, stop placing technology, innovation and progress above jobs and agree to pay alot more for our basic needs so that Cletus in the trailer park can feel like he is valued, we are going to continue supporting the Trump campaign. Trump doesn't need to spend money on campaigning. We are paying alot more into his campaign than he ever could.

I don't expect this to be a popular view, but ignoring our own complicity in the rise of Trump and blaming it on the masses is the real catastrophic disaster facing the USA.

WOW an anti Trumpist that doesn't resort to silly cliches and slander. WELL DONE for a well thought out reply.

Actually, you are IMO 100% correct. If the imbalance isn't sorted the next "Trump" will be way more out there than Trump on a bad day and s/he really will frack it all up. What I do know is that bought and sold HRC isn't the person to sort it. She IS a part of the problem.

What we just saw in Dallas is only the beginning ( you ain't seen nothin' yet ) and time is running out, FAST.

America is broken. The establishment is only looking to profit on the carcass. Time for a new direction.

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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

For clarity, the emphasis above is mine, not the OP.

The reason the point stands out is because the poster fails to be clear about for whom exactly will it be a catastrophic disaster? Don't get me wrong. Trump is a demagogue and a sociopath and almost certainly is not going to make America great again. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not the poor and disenfranchised living in trailer park on next to nothing share this particular definition of disaster?

Most educated people, myself included, are benefiting in some way from the current state of things. We may not like the system, and we may feel that we aren't getting out fair share, but on the whole we do have something to lose if America takes a radically different path. Trump supporters, on the other hand, don't feel this way. They may change their mind later once they see the result, or they may not. But the point is it is not helpful to apply our own biases when defining the logic of their actions.

It is important to consider that those of us who have something right now, no matter the reason we achieved it, are fueling the Trump insurgency. The more we continue down this path that we are on, the worse it is going to get. And just like the Brexit vote, when Trump wins and we are all asking ourselves how could this happen, the answer will be staring at us in the mirror. Those of us who are supporting the current system are ultimately the ones who are making a Trump (or Trump like) presidency inevitable.

Trump won the Republican nomination with the largest number of votes in recent history not because everyone is stupid, but because he is addressing an imbalance that we have all ignored. If we don't want Trump, it is our responsibility to refine the current system and make the uneducated American in the trailer park feel that his life is every bit as important as the computer programmer pulling down a 6 figure annual salary. The class bigotry in American culture has got to stop. Calling people ignorant because they vote for Trump is our problem, not theirs.

I personally think Trump is going to win, although I hope he does not. But even if he does lose, this is not the end. Another demagogue will arise to address the same issues Trump has, and the next one could be alot worse. Unless and until we radically change the economy, stop placing technology, innovation and progress above jobs and agree to pay alot more for our basic needs so that Cletus in the trailer park can feel like he is valued, we are going to continue supporting the Trump campaign. Trump doesn't need to spend money on campaigning. We are paying alot more into his campaign than he ever could.

I don't expect this to be a popular view, but ignoring our own complicity in the rise of Trump and blaming it on the masses is the real catastrophic disaster facing the USA.

WOW an anti Trumpist that doesn't resort to silly cliches and slander. WELL DONE for a well thought out reply.

Actually, you are IMO 100% correct. If the imbalance isn't sorted the next "Trump" will be way more out there than Trump on a bad day and s/he really will frack it all up. What I do know is that bought and sold HRC isn't the person to sort it. She IS a part of the problem.

What we just saw in Dallas is only the beginning ( you ain't seen nothin' yet ) and time is running out, FAST.

America is broken. The establishment is only looking to profit on the carcass. Time for a new direction.

The yuuge flaw in your argument is that Trump's program is going to overwhelmingly make things worse for the people he claims to be speaking for. Massive tax cuts for the wealthy and powerful will only make them wealthier and more powerful. He is against a rise in the federal minimum wage. He wants to appoint right wing justices to the supreme court who typically favor corporations over workers. He wants to release banks from the restrictions placed on them by Dodd-Frank which will allow them to recklessly speculate again. He wants to get rid of the new regulations on credit card companies so they can go back to their old tricks of gouging customers. What is there about Donald Trump that is genuinely populist?

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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

Trump won the Republican nomination with the largest number of votes in recent history not because everyone is stupid, but because he is addressing an imbalance that we have all ignored. If we don't want Trump, it is our responsibility to refine the current system and make the uneducated American in the trailer park feel that his life is every bit as important as the computer programmer pulling down a 6 figure annual salary. The class bigotry in American culture has got to stop. Calling people ignorant because they vote for Trump is our problem, not theirs.

I am too tired to address every point in your post right now so will just choose this one for the moment. Trump won by the largest number of votes in recent history because the GOP has been in a steady state of decay for quite some time. The outright buffoonery and utter incompetence of the GOP led to Trump being able to claw his way through it.

Trump rose to the top in large part because there were so many candidates and not really in spite of it as he claims. The party was disjointed, in a pathetic state of shambles and was/is full of religious wackos. Trump was able to stand because of his lack of a political track record and all the others had too much baggage attached to them. With the sort of ludicrous things coming out of people like Ben Carson's mouth it wasn't hard to get past him with one liners and anti-establishment rhetoric.

Trump faced one of the weakest fields known in anybodies life time. The party clearly had no unified vision of what direction they were going to take and Trump was able to step in and exploit this. He certainly wasn't debating Reagan one on one. The fact of the matter is that Trump pulled off a miracle but it wasn't of his own creation. The miracle was the fact that the GOP was so incapable of coming out with a coherent platform or ideology to fight Trump off.

Much in the same way that the Democrats lost to Dubya years ago, it wasn't that he was so stellar it's just that the democratic party were unable to joust a moron. Kerry was horrible in the debates, they let an idiot get the best of them. Everybody said Dubya was so stupid and yet were unable to stop him. Pretty embarrassing for the DFL and now the same thing happened to the GOP but in more stunning fashion.

If Trump does win it could only because of the Democrats inability to run an effectual campaign and the stupidity of the republican party first and foremost to nip it in the bud. The stupidity of the general american electorate at large will remain a secondary consideration as it has always been.

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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

For clarity, the emphasis above is mine, not the OP.

The reason the point stands out is because the poster fails to be clear about for whom exactly will it be a catastrophic disaster? Don't get me wrong. Trump is a demagogue and a sociopath and almost certainly is not going to make America great again. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not the poor and disenfranchised living in trailer park on next to nothing share this particular definition of disaster?

Most educated people, myself included, are benefiting in some way from the current state of things. We may not like the system, and we may feel that we aren't getting out fair share, but on the whole we do have something to lose if America takes a radically different path. Trump supporters, on the other hand, don't feel this way. They may change their mind later once they see the result, or they may not. But the point is it is not helpful to apply our own biases when defining the logic of their actions.

It is important to consider that those of us who have something right now, no matter the reason we achieved it, are fueling the Trump insurgency. The more we continue down this path that we are on, the worse it is going to get. And just like the Brexit vote, when Trump wins and we are all asking ourselves how could this happen, the answer will be staring at us in the mirror. Those of us who are supporting the current system are ultimately the ones who are making a Trump (or Trump like) presidency inevitable.

Trump won the Republican nomination with the largest number of votes in recent history not because everyone is stupid, but because he is addressing an imbalance that we have all ignored. If we don't want Trump, it is our responsibility to refine the current system and make the uneducated American in the trailer park feel that his life is every bit as important as the computer programmer pulling down a 6 figure annual salary. The class bigotry in American culture has got to stop. Calling people ignorant because they vote for Trump is our problem, not theirs.

I personally think Trump is going to win, although I hope he does not. But even if he does lose, this is not the end. Another demagogue will arise to address the same issues Trump has, and the next one could be alot worse. Unless and until we radically change the economy, stop placing technology, innovation and progress above jobs and agree to pay alot more for our basic needs so that Cletus in the trailer park can feel like he is valued, we are going to continue supporting the Trump campaign. Trump doesn't need to spend money on campaigning. We are paying alot more into his campaign than he ever could.

I don't expect this to be a popular view, but ignoring our own complicity in the rise of Trump and blaming it on the masses is the real catastrophic disaster facing the USA.

WOW an anti Trumpist that doesn't resort to silly cliches and slander. WELL DONE for a well thought out reply.

Actually, you are IMO 100% correct. If the imbalance isn't sorted the next "Trump" will be way more out there than Trump on a bad day and s/he really will frack it all up. What I do know is that bought and sold HRC isn't the person to sort it. She IS a part of the problem.

What we just saw in Dallas is only the beginning ( you ain't seen nothin' yet ) and time is running out, FAST.

America is broken. The establishment is only looking to profit on the carcass. Time for a new direction.

The yuuge flaw in your argument is that Trump's program is going to overwhelmingly make things worse for the people he claims to be speaking for. Massive tax cuts for the wealthy and powerful will only make them wealthier and more powerful. He is against a rise in the federal minimum wage. He wants to appoint right wing justices to the supreme court who typically favor corporations over workers. He wants to release banks from the restrictions placed on them by Dodd-Frank which will allow them to recklessly speculate again. He wants to get rid of the new regulations on credit card companies so they can go back to their old tricks of gouging customers. What is there about Donald Trump that is genuinely populist?

I don't say anything in my quoted reply about Trump's program.

Not being psychic I don't know what Trump will or won't actually do. However, I can make a pretty good guess that electing HRC is a continuation of what has happened in the past 8 years.

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Never mind. Trump can just play looped clips of HRC saying she landed under fire in Bosnia and of her voting for the Iraq war.

I assume you're referring to the 2nd Iraq war. Everyone supported the first one. Trump is on record for supporting the 2nd Iraq war. It's only later, that Trump (in typical fashion) reneged and said he was against it. He was plainly in favor of it just before it was instigated.

What's the bet on the smug Trump brats filling a few slots?

Yes, I think surely his daughter will be a keynote speaker. Not as likely his sons.

As for Cruz's assessment, he's right on the bullseye. If Cruz had shown more of the down to earth passion (in his put-down of Trump) and less of his Bible-thumping, ....he'd would likely be the Rep candidate. Along the same vein, if Republican contenders had attacked Trump during the primaries with more vigor, it would have been even uglier than it was (with Trump blasting ever-more hate and lies in all directions), .....but it might have lessened T's voter support.

HRC's supporters are going to reveal more added crap on Trump. There's such a wealth of it out there. Trump wants an ugly campaign, and he'll get it back in his face a hundred-fold. But it won't so much be HRC cutting him to pieces. She will mention a few things, for sure, but she'd be smart to ease back and let her supporters (and Trump himself) reveal what a low-class piece of gutter crud he is.

LOL. You continue to post replies that imply HRC is snow white. For everything that HRC or supporters throw at Trump he had something equally odious about HRC to throw back. How do you get around HRC claiming to land under fire in Bosnia or voting for Iraq war- they are on the record?

I don't think anyone is saying HRC is faultless. It's a matter of degrees. There are 2 candidates. One has done a few dumb things during the course of a long public career. The other says/does seriously harmful things weekly. Compare exaggerating about being 'under fire' at a war-zone airport, to not paying thousands of contractors for work they've already done.

Compare using a private email server to allegations of raping a 14 yr old four times. He's also accused of brusquely raping his first wife, and that's not an allegation, that's an accusation articulated in sworn testimony by the victim.

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I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

For clarity, the emphasis above is mine, not the OP.

The reason the point stands out is because the poster fails to be clear about for whom exactly will it be a catastrophic disaster? Don't get me wrong. Trump is a demagogue and a sociopath and almost certainly is not going to make America great again. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not the poor and disenfranchised living in trailer park on next to nothing share this particular definition of disaster?

I hesitate to answer this because it's been ask and answered many times on these threads, ad nauseam. Are you deliberately being disingenuous? If you are as educated as you claim to be, surely you can answer for yourself.

Let's take Trump's claim to bring jobs back to America. How is he going to do this? Tell private industry who they can and can't hire? Interfere in the free market? If Trump understood our economic history at all, he would know that the trend in manufacturing jobs declining in America is not just about companies outsourcing overseas, but also about technological advances and globalization in general. These jobs aren't coming back. Because if they did, the price of everything would skyrocket. And then he wants to slap a 35% tariff on Chinese goods? A trade war between the two biggest economies is not good for anybody. Imagine what the stock market would do.

Other stuff: The cost of his crazy wall and deporting all the illegals would be over a trillion, not to mention the humanitarian cost. His tax cuts for the rich would increase our budget deficit and national debt. His ideas about NATO and having S. Korea and Japan going nuclear....as well as his absurd adoration for Putin, Kim Jong Un, Saddam, not to mention his bizarre embrace of loonie conspiracy theories. And then there is his racist attitude towards blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, Chinese, not to mention his disrespect for women, the handicapped, war vets, journalists. This is all good for America somehow?

So to your point, maybe you can explain how all this can improve the lives of these "poor and disenfranchised living in trailer parks on next to nothing."

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I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

For clarity, the emphasis above is mine, not the OP.

The reason the point stands out is because the poster fails to be clear about for whom exactly will it be a catastrophic disaster? Don't get me wrong. Trump is a demagogue and a sociopath and almost certainly is not going to make America great again. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not the poor and disenfranchised living in trailer park on next to nothing share this particular definition of disaster?

I hesitate to answer this because it's been ask and answered many times on these threads, ad nauseam. Are you deliberately being disingenuous? If you are as educated as you claim to be, surely you can answer for yourself.

Let's take Trump's claim to bring jobs back to America. How is he going to do this? Tell private industry who they can and can't hire? Interfere in the free market? If Trump understood our economic history at all, he would know that the trend in manufacturing jobs declining in America is not just about companies outsourcing overseas, but also about technological advances and globalization in general. These jobs aren't coming back. Because if they did, the price of everything would skyrocket. And then he wants to slap a 35% tariff on Chinese goods? A trade war between the two biggest economies is not good for anybody. Imagine what the stock market would do.

Other stuff: The cost of his crazy wall and deporting all the illegals would be over a trillion, not to mention the humanitarian cost. His tax cuts for the rich would increase our budget deficit and national debt. His ideas about NATO and having S. Korea and Japan going nuclear....as well as his absurd adoration for Putin, Kim Jong Un, Saddam, not to mention his bizarre embrace of loonie conspiracy theories. And then there is his racist attitude towards blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, Chinese, not to mention his disrespect for women, the handicapped, war vets, journalists. This is all good for America somehow?

So to your point, maybe you can explain how all this can improve the lives of these "poor and disenfranchised living in trailer parks on next to nothing."

I'm not being disingenuous at all. I don't like Trump. But your question is the wrong question to ask. The question you need to be asking is does the typical Trump supporter believe that Trump will do something about jobs. And the answer to that is a resounding yes, because Trump has told them he will bring their jobs back.

That really is the end of the story. Full stop.

The biggest problem facing the establishment candidates is that they represent the system that took the jobs away. No matter how many times Hillary tries to reinvent herself, she will never convince anyone that she does not stand for more of the same. And more of the same is exactly what the Trump supporter can not accept. In their minds, anything is better than the status quo, and they don't really care about the details. They have nothing to lose. Only you and I feel that what we have right now is worth saving, possibly with a tweak here and there.

This is our fault...you and me and everyone else who is sitting here being a keyboard warrior while holding down a job or collecting a retirement benefit. We support this system every time we put money in an IRA or a 401K. Every stock that we buy makes the problem that much more serious. The problem is systemic and only getting worse. It needs radical changes. Changes that nobody is willing to accept.

What could we do to begin correcting some of these issues? I have some ideas, but I don't pretend that they would be practical. Trump has also stated some ideas, which likely also aren't practical and won't really be implemented. And by practical I mean "wouldn't cause entirely unacceptable pain to those with something to lose".

But Trump's story plays well. Free trade agreements benefit those invested in the current system. Trump has promised to cancel those. While it is unclear how much benefit stopping immigration would actually be in creating jobs, the average Trump supporter believes this is very important. Again, Trump to the rescue. Trump has tapped into their anger, and he plays to it. And we are the reason the Trump supporters are angry. We are benefiting right now. They aren't, or at least they do not feel that they are.

Don't ask whether or not any of Trump's ideas are practical. It doesn't matter. It only matters if the electorate believes him. And the only reason they do is because those in favor of the status quo have ignored their issues for so long. We created the conditions that allowed for Trump. It was our shortsightedness that gave rise to him.

There is no doubt in my mind Trump will be horrible for America. There is also no doubt in my mind that a win by Hillary will kick the can further down the road and make this situation even worse than it is right now. What we need to do as a nation is take collective responsibility for our poor choices that got us here, and do something radically different. Something extremely painful.

And none of us here will like the consequences of that something radically different and painful. The fact that we are worried about collapsing currencies or a falling stock market is proof of that. So we won't do that something else, and we'll get Trump. Or worse.

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I hesitate to answer this because it's been ask and answered many times on these threads, ad nauseam. Are you deliberately being disingenuous? If you are as educated as you claim to be, surely you can answer for yourself.

Let's take Trump's claim to bring jobs back to America. How is he going to do this? Tell private industry who they can and can't hire? Interfere in the free market? If Trump understood our economic history at all, he would know that the trend in manufacturing jobs declining in America is not just about companies outsourcing overseas, but also about technological advances and globalization in general. These jobs aren't coming back. Because if they did, the price of everything would skyrocket. And then he wants to slap a 35% tariff on Chinese goods? A trade war between the two biggest economies is not good for anybody. Imagine what the stock market would do.

Other stuff: The cost of his crazy wall and deporting all the illegals would be over a trillion, not to mention the humanitarian cost. His tax cuts for the rich would increase our budget deficit and national debt. His ideas about NATO and having S. Korea and Japan going nuclear....as well as his absurd adoration for Putin, Kim Jong Un, Saddam, not to mention his bizarre embrace of loonie conspiracy theories. And then there is his racist attitude towards blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, Chinese, not to mention his disrespect for women, the handicapped, war vets, journalists. This is all good for America somehow?

So to your point, maybe you can explain how all this can improve the lives of these "poor and disenfranchised living in trailer parks on next to nothing."

I'm not being disingenuous at all. I don't like Trump. But your question is the wrong question to ask. The question you need to be asking is does the typical Trump supporter believe that Trump will do something about jobs. And the answer to that is a resounding yes, because Trump has told them he will bring their jobs back.

That really is the end of the story. Full stop.

Ok, I get your point. I guess I just don't feel a need to appease these Trump supporters. It's clear that globalization has its winners and losers. So does capitalism. It's the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest and all that. Yes, society should try to help its weakest, but how about those who can't/won't help themselves?

By the way, I'm not naive to the fact that corruption exist in our system. And it's widespread. I too want a quick fix, but it's not that easy. If we had someone like Bernie Sanders advocating change, I might be onboard. But Trump is such a horrible human being, I can't for the life of me understand how anyone can support him. So basically, I don't much care what Trump supporters think. They're worshiping a false God and they will be disappointed, whether he becomes President or not.

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Donald Trump took advantage of program designed to help small businesses after 9/11 — one of many times he’s used public funds for private gain

"Donald Trump made a pretty penny off a program to help small businesses hurt by 9/11,

one of many times where The Donald took advantage of government programs to save or make money off the taxpayer."

"The self-proclaimed billionaire, who has so far refused to release his tax returns,

was one of many wealthy individuals and businesses who used a loophole in a program intended to help smaller companies in lower Manhattan recover after the Sept. 11 tragedy."

"Trump got $150,000 for his swanky property at 40 Wall Street because the Empire State Development Corporation, run by the state,

didn't enforce federal guidelines on what defines a small business."


That didn't stop the "supposed billionaire" Bloviator from shamelessly scamming and depriving funds from small businesses that desperately needed the assistance.

See video here of the Bloviator proclaiming to a reporter:

"I have a lot of property down there but it wasn't fortunately, affected by what happened to the World Trade Center."


Truly despicable.

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I tried to like Trump at first. Being the political outsider, spoiler, mayhem inducing, anti-establishment figure he seemed to be in the early days. For awhile he brought the lulz and I found it fascinating and entertaining. I loved watching him torture the GOP party and to a certain extent still do. However his lack of sophistication is becoming so glaringly apparent that even true die hard Trump fans must be beginning to notice this man lacks anything of substance.

I was always waiting for him to reveal some level of depth about himself at some point or waiting to see what surprise he had in store for the public. Let's see what the GOP convention brings but with the star of David thing, either he knew what the star was or if he is so ignorant that he doesn't know what it is... either way wow just wow, how can somebody like that be the president?

I don't see him gaining any undecided voters in the foreseeable future and if he keeps running his mouth with the drivel he preaches he will sharply decline. His incoherent one liners have become tiresome and he shows no other dimension to his character if he does in fact have one. At some point the fight will become so one sided that it should probably be stopped. This train wreck is becoming to ugly to look at for sheer amusement anymore.

I wonder if he will step aside when it becomes obvious, which it already is to many people that he can not win? Hard to say, he is embarrassing the entire nation and loving it but these days people aren't so much laughing with him as they are laughing at him. Hopefully the GOP can look at what went so horribly wrong for them and perhaps move into modern times and will be forced to become a tad more progressive. They have nominated a string of lunatics since Dubya until the present day, not one of their candidates was remotely electable and this is the worst one of all.

Hopefully the splinters and after math of this will lead to untraditional third parties having more of a chance in the future. The GOP has imploded and it wouldn't be healthy for the DFL to be in practice unchallenged.

It was fun for awhile but the joke is over. If you depend on USD and you live in Thailand this will probably be a disaster for you financially. Like the brex pat crowd with their newly crowned Peso of a Pound. I love the under dog and the outsider as much as the next guy but Trump isn't really either of these and I do not want to risk my financial well being on the gamble that he might somehow become more reasonable and savvy in the next few months.

I dislike Hillary intensely but yikes, what choice do we have? A Trump victory would be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. You will not find too many people that are academically distinguished and well regarded that have a very much different opinion on this matter.

Long post but that's my two cents, voting for Trump at this point is the sheer lunacy of ignorance and brinkmanship.

For clarity, the emphasis above is mine, not the OP.

The reason the point stands out is because the poster fails to be clear about for whom exactly will it be a catastrophic disaster? Don't get me wrong. Trump is a demagogue and a sociopath and almost certainly is not going to make America great again. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not the poor and disenfranchised living in trailer park on next to nothing share this particular definition of disaster?

Most educated people, myself included, are benefiting in some way from the current state of things. We may not like the system, and we may feel that we aren't getting out fair share, but on the whole we do have something to lose if America takes a radically different path. Trump supporters, on the other hand, don't feel this way. They may change their mind later once they see the result, or they may not. But the point is it is not helpful to apply our own biases when defining the logic of their actions.

It is important to consider that those of us who have something right now, no matter the reason we achieved it, are fueling the Trump insurgency. The more we continue down this path that we are on, the worse it is going to get. And just like the Brexit vote, when Trump wins and we are all asking ourselves how could this happen, the answer will be staring at us in the mirror. Those of us who are supporting the current system are ultimately the ones who are making a Trump (or Trump like) presidency inevitable.

Trump won the Republican nomination with the largest number of votes in recent history not because everyone is stupid, but because he is addressing an imbalance that we have all ignored. If we don't want Trump, it is our responsibility to refine the current system and make the uneducated American in the trailer park feel that his life is every bit as important as the computer programmer pulling down a 6 figure annual salary. The class bigotry in American culture has got to stop. Calling people ignorant because they vote for Trump is our problem, not theirs.

I personally think Trump is going to win, although I hope he does not. But even if he does lose, this is not the end. Another demagogue will arise to address the same issues Trump has, and the next one could be alot worse. Unless and until we radically change the economy, stop placing technology, innovation and progress above jobs and agree to pay alot more for our basic needs so that Cletus in the trailer park can feel like he is valued, we are going to continue supporting the Trump campaign. Trump doesn't need to spend money on campaigning. We are paying alot more into his campaign than he ever could.

I don't expect this to be a popular view, but ignoring our own complicity in the rise of Trump and blaming it on the masses is the real catastrophic disaster facing the USA.

I think he won the nomination because there genuinely are that many poorly educated out there. That's why "he loves them".

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I think he won the nomination because there genuinely are that many poorly educated out there. That's why "he loves them".

I partly agree with you. I would re-phrase that to say, there are many 'ill-informed, prejudiced and fearful' people out there.

Altogether, it makes the point: LOTS OF PEOPLE VOTED FOR TRUMP. His popularity is partly the result of the fearful ghosts haunting many Americans' minds.

It's a reflection of what motivates those people, and also shows how ill-informed they are. If they knew, for example, how often and how deeply Trump has failed at businesses, and how often he's cheated the system (cheated on taxes, bilked the system), would they still have voted for him? If they knew how he customarily and often doesn't pay workers for work already done, would they have still voted for him? If those who voted for The Divider knew of his many other GLARING FAILINGS including several allegations of rape ....would they still vote for him? If so, then it's a very sad commentary on a segment (22%?) of voting-aged Americans.

All the Republicans have is their ability to attack HRC viciously. Whatever they think is the worst crime HRC has done in the past 30 yrs (even if it was shoplifting a $2 item), they blow it up to make it look like she personally sunk an aircraft carrier. Reps can't counter her on specific policy because they're bereft of good ideas. All they have are empty Rodney King-type platitudes.

Note; Rodney King was the black guy who was unfairly bludgeoned by L.A. cops. He later gained added fame, during the subsequent L.A. race riots by saying, "why can't we all just get along?"

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Trump Now Getting More Support From Black Voters Than Any Republican Since 1960


  • If you believe the Democratic Party and the media, which are one and the same, you’ve probably heard Donald Trump called a racist bigot multiple times.

This report from Downstream Politics proves their false accusations aren’t working:

Trump Getting 26% Of Black Vote – More Than Any Republican Since 1960


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Ah, since 1960! Well that was when the US had its last real President. If only JFK could have survived the owners of the Federal Reserve. The US needs someone like this again. His speech is a master stroke, and not a teleprompter in sight.

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Clinton Beats Trump Among College-Educated in Bloomberg Poll

The presumptive Democratic nominee’s lead extends to white voters with college degrees, a group Mitt Romney won in 2012.

"Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump among college-educated white voters, a group Mitt Romney easily won in 2012 and one his Republican Party has carried in presidential contests for decades."

"White voters with at least a college degree—a group that represented more than a third of the 2012 electorate, back Clinton over Trump 48 percent to 37 percent,

the latest Purple Slice online poll for Bloomberg Politics shows."

"Among all college-educated likely voters, including those with post-graduate degrees,

Clinton leads 54 percent to 32 percent, a much bigger margin than President Barack Obama’s 2-point advantage with a group that represented 47 percent of the electorate in 2012."


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Trump and the Black Vote

"In boasting of his support among African American voters, Donald Trump made some false and misleading statements:

"Trump claimed “African American youth is 58 percent unemployed.” The official unemployment rate for blacks ages 16 to 19 in January was 25.2 percent.”

"Trump said a “recent poll” showed 25 percent of blacks support him in a hypothetical race against Hillary Clinton. That “recent poll” is actually from September."


The Bloviator made that claim ( lie ), in February 2016. 6 months after the "recent poll". Six subsequent polls came showing 8 to 12%. laugh.png

That was then. This is now: thumbsup.gif

Poll Finds Grand Total of Donald Trump’s Support with Black Voters: 1%

According to the new Quinnipiac University poll:

"Republican nominee Donald Trump has 1% (yes, out of 100%) of support from black voters, finds a new Quinnipiac poll."

"By comparison, 91% of black voters backed presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton."



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I decided to look up Culturintel election predictons via Google: No results found for culturinel 2012 election predictions . I then tried to look up just Culturintel. There was nothing relevant there either. Quite an impressive organization.


  • If you believe the Democratic Party and the media, which are one and the same, you’ve probably heard Donald Trump called a racist bigot multiple times.

This report from Downstream Politics proves their false accusations aren’t working:

Trump Getting 26% Of Black Vote – More Than Any Republican Since 1960


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Once again, the shameless, pandering Bloviator attempts to exploit a tragedy for his own failing campaign:

Trump warns last week's violence might be 'just the beginning'

"Donald Trump on Monday warned the violence of last week "might be just the beginning for this summer," during an interview addressing recent tensions across the country."

"We are in a divided nation," Trump told the Associated Press. "I looked two nights ago and you were having trouble in 11 different cities, big, big trouble."
In his familiar Mussolini fashion, while reading like a stiff from the Teleprompters, the Bloviator stokes fear among his fans:
"We must maintain law and order at the highest level, or we will cease to have a country. 100%, we will cease to have a country"
Frenzied Bloviator Rhetoric 101.
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GOP operatives dread Trump convention

‘This ship can sink without me as a passenger,’ said one party strategist.

"Each presidential election year, Republicans eagerly await their national convention,

a four-day celebration that draws thousands of GOP operatives, donors and lobbyists who are ready to party."

"This year — the year of Trump — it’s anything but a party."


Are you getting the picture Lemmings?

A Total Train Wreck. thumbsup.gif


And by the way, still waiting for the Bloviator's list of "Totally Filled Speakers" for the Convention. cheesy.gif


Edited by metisdead
Edited as per fair use policy.
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Sad, what the right wing media has done to this poor Trump supporter. He is about to have a stroke.

I'm afraid we have all lost friends & relatives to the right wing media.

Trump supporter version of the news.

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Heh...here he comes! biggrin.png

Poll: Clinton’s Lead Shrinks to Three Points over Trump


Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America.

Deal with it! smile.png


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Heh...here he comes! biggrin.png

Poll: Clinton’s Lead Shrinks to Three Points over Trump


Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America.

Deal with it! smile.png


"Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America.

Deal with it! smile.png"

And in that defining moment the USA on a Global Scale will have hit top comedy bottom. In Fact if Trump were to make the enlightened move of nominating Kim Kardasian as his running mate then the majority of the US population would be satisfied.

After Trump is installed I believe there will be room for a new national anthem:

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The Republican campaign methodology of demonizing the opposition is unpatriotic and dangerous.


"Rome is burning, there is blood on the streets of many American cities and we are beating this email horse to death," said Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., called the hearing a political "joy ride" in the midst of a national plague of gun violence."

The win at all costs Republican strategy has backfired before.

Example: Republicans wasted $60 million investigating and harassing President Bill Clinton. They found nothing so they asked him about his girlfriend under oath.

The Republicans, completely distracted by their unethical political investigations didn't even know Bin Laden was busy in Afghanistan, building terrorist training camps.

They were too busy looking at sperm stains on a blue dress!

President Clinton was distracted too by the impeachment games but still had time to covertly plan an attack on BinLaden. Clinton launched a flurry of cruise missiles at Bin Laden in a surprise attack. (sadly they missed Bin Laden)

What was the Republicans response to this secret attack?

"Bill Clinton is just doing that to distract the American people the important issues...like the blue dress."

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Trump has a bad habit of not paying for work.

Not only in his bankruptcies but private individuals are beginning to tell their stories too.

How does he get away with it?

When the work is completed he offers to only pay half or less.

"Take the reduced payment or fight my army of lawyers for years and years in court."

Over 3,500 lawsuits have been filed!

Here is the architect he hired to build a golf clubhouse.


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