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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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For those that appreciate sophisticated writing:


He growls, rants, shouts, digresses, careens from shtick nugget to shtick nugget, rhapsodizes over past landslides, name-drops Ivanka, Melania, Mike Tyson, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Knight, Bill OReilly. His right shoulder thrusts out as he makes the pinched-finger mudra with downswinging arm. His trademark double-eye squint evokes that group of beanie-hatted street-tough Munchkin kids; you expect him to kick gruffly at an imaginary stone.

Another ridiculous heavily biased prejudiced piece. Let's deal with the issues. Many anti Trump supporters are really behaving like neo nazis swinging and striking at anything within reach verbally as well as physically which is evident at their protests.

Wow. That was a VERY LONG piece. You judged it before reading it, obviously. Look at the time stamps! Hey, why not read it? It's quite interesting. It really is not as one sided as you imagine.

The whole theme of the article was about posts like above.

Although, to me, Trump seems the very opposite of a guardian angel, I thank him for this: Ive never before imagined America as fragile, as an experiment that could, within my very lifetime, fail.


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Trump's dwindling VP options depress senators

Several holdouts were looking toward his choice of a No. 2 for reassurance about his campaign.

"Donald Trump has said he wants a vice president with Capitol Hill relationships who can help get his agenda through a divided Washington."

"But his options in Congress are rapidly dwindling as Trump approaches the Republican convention."


The Great "Unifier". The Toxic Don. laugh.png

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Trump: I'll reveal 'totally filled' convention speaking spots next week

"Donald Trump says he has lined up all the speakers for the 2016 Republican National Convention — and will reveal them next week."

"The party's presumptive nominee tweeted Saturday that speaking slots for the upcoming convention in Cleveland are "totally filled,"

and there's a "long" waiting list of more speakers." cheesy.gif

"Trump indicated that a list of speakers would be released on Wednesday."


Waiting Toxic Don.

Wednesday. That would be; yesterday.

More Bloviating...


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Desperation today, from the Self-Funded, "supposed" "billionaire".

Soliciting money from the Lemmings so he can funnel it directly back into his own businesses.




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Trump Praises Saddam Hussein Again — This Time For Killing Terrorists ‘So Good’

Every week, we get at least one new brain fart vocalized by The Divider. He doesn't disappoint, does he.

Anyone who's studied S.Hussein will know his two sons were as bad as he. The trio indiscriminately killed hundreds as easily as you or I hail a cab. It's become PC to say Bush Jr. made a giant mistake by going into Iraq II, but I think it was worthwhile, because it took out that evil trio. Iraq and its surrounding regions would be worse than they are currently, if the US military hadn't gone in a 2nd time. It's awful now, but it would be worse, I'm sure of that.

You obviously haven't read about the British report that basically said Iraq war was a mistake and based on BS by Blair ( as if we didn't know that already for years ). Thousands of young Brits and Americans killed and maimed, the rise of ISIS, Iraq in chaos, the entire middle east destabilised. Just HOW could it be worse?

A group of Brits can have an opinion, and I can have an opinion. I've always said, the M.East is a deep chasm of problems no matter which way it crumbles.

'Damned if you do, damned if you don't' has been the mantra of the M.East since before Biblical times. I could articulate how the M.East could be worse without US and Brit intervention, but it would be a small book, and then I'd have to publish it and you could buy a copy for $14.

Getting back to the Trumpster fire: It's almost comical that Trump and his handlers are vetting a VP choice. They're doing the standard scrutiny; seeing if the candidate has any drawbacks in his career or character. or has made poor decisions.

The comical part is; TRUMP WAS NEVER VETTED. He just made an announcement 13 months ago, came down an escalator, and here he is, warts and all. If Trump had to go thru a vetting process, he would have never come close to making it. Take any year of the many, since he got out of high school, and there would be a long list of illegal things he's done, lawsuits he's lost, workers he didn't pay, induction notices he cheated to avoid, allegations of rape, ....verbal abuse of women and minorities. And that's a partial list. He's the poster boy of a person who could never be vetted by any organization except maybe the KKK, if they wanted rude people.

Republican check list for VP options:

>>> Cheated on taxes? No problem, Trump's done it many times

>>> Lied about donations? Overstated his net-worth? No problem, a Trump trademark

>>> Pretended he was someone else who was a spokesman for himself (braggart, of course). Admitted it, then denied it.

>>> Raped his wife, while pulling out her hair? No big deal. In Trump's view; wives are meant to be raped. They should enjoy it.

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The absurdity of the Clown Train knows no bounds:

Eric Trump: Ivanka would make a great VP

"Eric Trump says he agrees with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) that his sister Ivanka would be a great pick for his father's for vice president." blink.png

"His best running mate, by the way, would be Ivanka. I know that wouldn't pass muster, probably." facepalm.gif

"But I don't know that I've met a more composed, brilliant, beautiful-in-every-way person," the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

told MSNBC on Wednesday after taking himself out of the running to be Donald Trump's vice president."


They must reside in the Bizarro World over at Trump Tower...

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The absurdity of the Clown Train knows no bounds:

Eric Trump: Ivanka would make a great VP

"Eric Trump says he agrees with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) that his sister Ivanka would be a great pick for his father's for vice president." blink.png

"His best running mate, by the way, would be Ivanka. I know that wouldn't pass muster, probably." facepalm.gif

"But I don't know that I've met a more composed, brilliant, beautiful-in-every-way person," the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

told MSNBC on Wednesday after taking himself out of the running to be Donald Trump's vice president."


They must reside in the Bizarro World over at Trump Tower...

She's hot. Hope the media digs up some good photos or videos, if you know what I mean.

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GOP Senator confront Trump.

Republican Senator Jeff Flake stood up for his fellow Arizona lawmaker by introducing himself to Trump as "the other senator from Arizona, the one who didn't get captured," referring to Trump's criticism of McCain's time as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. "I'm in a very uncomfortable position where I can't support you yet."

Trump responded by threatening to "hit hard" at Flake, according to the source. Trump also told Flake he would not win re-election, to which Flake told him he was "not up for re-election this year."

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After the Republican met with trump...

-Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Illinois, told reporters of the atmosphere in the meeting. “It’s awkward,” “There is a lack of enthusiasm. You can feel it."

-Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pennsylvania, said afterward. "I heard nothing new," He has not publicly endorsed Trump and is not attending the GOP convention.“I’ve been concerned about the incendiary comments and the lack of policy specificity. That’s where I have been, that’s where I continue to be"

-Senator Flake said, “When he attacks the other senator from Arizona, John McCain, and attacks his war record by saying I don't respect people who get captured ... what an awful, awful thing to say about a war hero, a true war hero,”

-Rep. Peter King, R-New York tells ABC News it was an "extremely positive" meeting.blink.png

Asked about his outreach to minorities, Trump told Republicans “Hispanics love me,” cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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At that tense meeting with Republicans, Trump continued to underwhelm, disgust, and repel Republicans.

Time after time, and again at this meeting, he demonstrated his superior knowledge of the constitution, governance, world affairs, etc..

Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) left the meeting worried about Trump’s grasp on the basics of the Constitution. At a lunch with reporters afterward, he recalled that the candidate did not seem to know what he was promising to defend.

“I wasn’t particularly impressed,” Sanford said. “It was the normal stream of consciousness that’s long on hyperbole and short on facts. At one point, somebody asked about Article I powers: What will you do to protect them? I think his response was, ‘I want to protect Article I, Article II, Article XII,’ going down the list. There is no Article XII.

God help the country if this man is elected.


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Asked about his outreach to minorities, Trump told Republicans “Hispanics love me,”

....he said while getting his photo taken eating a taco.

Upcoming photo-ops for the walking Trumpster fire:

Chowing down on raw fish bits while saying, "Japanese-Americans love me. Arigato geishas."

Eating cole slaw, "Hungarians love me. Indeed, all Huns and former Soviets love me. How's Attila doing?"

Pretending to eat fried crickets, "Oh yea, all those lovely Thai-Americans. They love me too. I gotta get a Thai massage next time I'm in Taipei."

Eating mountain oysters (bull balls) in Wyoming, "I can count on you cowboys, can't I. Of course I can. I knew that you'all loved me. I'm going to build me a big gold-colored house in the Tetons when this is over. Saddle me up a big mare, ha ha ha."

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I remember him tweeting "I love Mexicans" when he was eating a taco.

He probably says "I like the blacks" when he eats watermelon.

It wasn't a taco which is a Mexican food. It was a taco BOWL. An AMERICAN food.


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Just when you thought the trump for president CLOWN SHOW couldn't possibly get any more BIZARRE.

Then, it does:

Would Donald Trump Quit if He Wins the Election? He Doesn’t Rule It Out
Told of Mr. Trump’s noncommittal comment, Stuart Stevens, a senior adviser to Mitt Romney in 2012 who has become one of Mr. Trump’s most vocal critics, said that Mr. Trump was “a con man who is shocked his con hasn’t been called” and that he was looking for an emergency exit.

“He has no sense of how to govern,” Mr. Stevens said. “He can’t even put together a campaign.”


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Just when you thought the trump for president CLOWN SHOW couldn't possibly get any more BIZARRE.

Then, it does:

Would Donald Trump Quit if He Wins the Election? He Doesn’t Rule It Out


Told of Mr. Trump’s noncommittal comment, Stuart Stevens, a senior adviser to Mitt Romney in 2012 who has become one of Mr. Trump’s most vocal critics, said that Mr. Trump was “a con man who is shocked his con hasn’t been called” and that he was looking for an emergency exit.

“He has no sense of how to govern,” Mr. Stevens said. “He can’t even put together a campaign.”


An even better cherry picked quote:

"Mr. Trump’s campaign and his supporters dismiss the talk as the fantasizing of frightened liberals or frustrated establishment figures."

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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

Why would he? It's a stupid question. I would probably smile coyly as well because the person asking is just trolling. Not surprised it's a NYT article, glommed onto by excitable drama queens. coffee1.gif

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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

Actually, there have been theories regarding Trump's intentions from the beginning. The theory goes that he was trying to rebrand the Trump name, while getting himself some free publicity. He figures that he'll go through a few months of the primaries and once the jig was up, he would move on, possibly even starting his own TV network, Trump News (or a more extreme right version of Fox News). But to his own amazement, his poll numbers kept going up every time he said something controversial. So he kept at it, and kept winning state after state, and well, the rest is history. And frankly, what can be more profitable for your brand than to actually be elected President of the United States?

The one thing Trump may have miscalculated is that by kowtowing to a very narrow segment of the US electorate (i.e., the extreme right, bigots, racists, conspiracy theorists, etc.), he is in fact hurting his brand with the vast majority of Americans (and foreigners). He can never win the election...assuming the Dems come out and vote. He'll still come out ahead in the end (even losing the election), but his brand will be forever tarnished.

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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

Why would he? It's a stupid question. I would probably smile coyly as well because the person asking is just trolling. Not surprised it's a NYT article, glommed onto by excitable drama queens. coffee1.gif

Drama queens? Is that meant as an anti-gay slur?

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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

Actually, there have been theories regarding Trump's intentions from the beginning. The theory goes that he was trying to rebrand the Trump name, while getting himself some free publicity. He figures that he'll go through a few months of the primaries and once the jig was up, he would move on, possibly even starting his own TV network, Trump News (or a more extreme right version of Fox News). But to his own amazement, his poll numbers kept going up every time he said something controversial. So he kept at it, and kept winning state after state, and well, the rest is history. And frankly, what can be more profitable for your brand than to actually be elected President of the United States?

The one thing Trump may have miscalculated is that by kowtowing to a very narrow segment of the US electorate (i.e., the extreme right, bigots, racists, conspiracy theorists, etc.), he is in fact hurting his brand with the vast majority of Americans (and foreigners). He can never win the election...assuming the Dems come out and vote. He'll still come out ahead in the end (even losing the election), but his brand will be forever tarnished.

Possibly it will hurt his brand value, but there is some truth to the cliche that there is no such things as bad publicity! His name was famous before. Now it's iconic for the ages.

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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

Why would he? It's a stupid question. I would probably smile coyly as well because the person asking is just trolling. Not surprised it's a NYT article, glommed onto by excitable drama queens. coffee1.gif

Drama queens? Is that meant as an anti-gay slur?

Case in point. But to sooth your faux outrage, Google says:

dra·ma queen
noun: drama queen; plural noun: drama queens
  1. a person who habitually responds to situations in a melodramatic way.
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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

Why would he? It's a stupid question. I would probably smile coyly as well because the person asking is just trolling. Not surprised it's a NYT article, glommed onto by excitable drama queens. coffee1.gif

Drama queens? Is that meant as an anti-gay slur?

Case in point. But to sooth your faux outrage, Google says:

dra·ma queen
noun: drama queen; plural noun: drama queens
  1. a person who habitually responds to situations in a melodramatic way.

Dude, the context. I assume you know I'm gay and if I recall correctly you have a history of posting anti-gay posts. That is not correct? I suggest sticking to the topics and backing up from anti-gay personal attacks, even if you think you have plausible deniability.

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They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

Actually, there have been theories regarding Trump's intentions from the beginning. The theory goes that he was trying to rebrand the Trump name, while getting himself some free publicity. He figures that he'll go through a few months of the primaries and once the jig was up, he would move on, possibly even starting his own TV network, Trump News (or a more extreme right version of Fox News). But to his own amazement, his poll numbers kept going up every time he said something controversial. So he kept at it, and kept winning state after state, and well, the rest is history. And frankly, what can be more profitable for your brand than to actually be elected President of the United States?

The one thing Trump may have miscalculated is that by kowtowing to a very narrow segment of the US electorate (i.e., the extreme right, bigots, racists, conspiracy theorists, etc.), he is in fact hurting his brand with the vast majority of Americans (and foreigners). He can never win the election...assuming the Dems come out and vote. He'll still come out ahead in the end (even losing the election), but his brand will be forever tarnished.

Possibly it will hurt his brand value, but there is some truth to the cliche that there is no such things as bad publicity! His name was famous before. Now it's iconic for the ages.

The American public does have a short memory. If after the election, Trump were to come out with a completely different persona, more positive, no insults, go on talk shows and just become a more likable guy....yeah, it's possible. But the Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, they may have a little longer memory.

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Why would he? It's a stupid question. I would probably smile coyly as well because the person asking is just trolling. Not surprised it's a NYT article, glommed onto by excitable drama queens. coffee1.gif

Drama queens? Is that meant as an anti-gay slur?

Case in point. But to sooth your faux outrage, Google says:

dra·ma queen
noun: drama queen; plural noun: drama queens
  1. a person who habitually responds to situations in a melodramatic way.

Dude, the context. I assume you know I'm gay and if I recall correctly you have a history of posting anti-gay posts. That is not correct? I suggest sticking to the topics and backing up from anti-gay personal attacks, even if you think you have plausible deniability.

Nice try, dude, take your delusions and baiting elsewhere.

Back to the topic, your chosen NYT fantasy and conjecture piece speaks for itself. Trump smiled alright. I would too.

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Trump's foreign policy adviser will talk about his foreign policy – just not today

Carter Page offered little except confusion and the occasional snigger, during a rambling presentation and an evasive question-and-answer session in Moscow

"An event in Moscow promised to be a rare opportunity to get inside Donald Trump’s foreign policy thinking,

as one of his advisers arrived in Russia to give a speech on the grand-sounding topic of the “future of the world economy”. blink.png

"In the end, however,

Carter Page offered little except confusion and the occasional snigger, during a rambling presentation and an evasive question-and-answer session." cheesy.gif


Sounds like this guy and the Bloviator are two peas in a pod...

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