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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Donald Trump's 'Star of David' Tweet About Hillary Clinton Posted Weeks Earlier on Racist Feed

An image of Hillary Clinton that was widely criticized as anti-Semitic after it was tweeted by Donald Trump, the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president, appears to have originated two weeks ago on a Twitter account devoted to bigoted memes.

Trump tweeted the graphic on Saturday attacking Clinton in an image that included what appears to be a Jewish Star of David layered over $100 bills. The tweet calls Clinton "the most corrupt candidate ever." Painting Jews as corrupt money-grubbers out to secretly control the government has been a well-worn anti-Semitic trope since long before World War II.


Donald Trump's 'Star of David' Tweet About Hillary Clinton Posted Weeks Earlier on Racist Feed

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Well...here is something fairly decent....as far as attributes go.
He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC.
Also, foreign governments don't have the goods on him....as he has not compromised himself and the whole Nation....by defying every single rule about the handling of sensitive information...both personal and diplomatic.

All of these charges against HRC, from e-mails, to Benghazi, to the Clinton Foundation...none of these would even be under discussion, let alone investigation, if not for one reason and one reason only. She's running for President. If she is not elected President, these charges would disappear faster than Swift Boat accusations. It's well known that the GOP is a dirty political outfit who are not above lying and cheating to attack their political opponents. Unfortunately for them, Trump is such a disaster of a candidate and thoroughly miserable human being that there will not be a Republican President for some time.


I understand your frustration. It must be difficult defending Hillary every two minutes. To support a candidate such as Hillary, while she is obviously up to her panties in negative publicity...well.... that must be a nightmare.

I can..and do...sympathize. She let many people down.

What will happen to all these Hillary fanatics when the investigation reveals that a crime has been committed?
Very disconcerting...to say the least.

Down boy. It's not even like that. I honestly don't care all that much who becomes President...so long as his name is not Trump. Trump cannot be President. He must not be President....for the sake of America.

And the world...wai2.gif

The world...

Lol. Can't get worse....but slow down kids.

Let's knock down Hillary first.....easy stuff Edited by Scott
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After reading all this krap about rape charges etc...

I waited until today, and did some more online research...but guess what?

krap...garbage...nonsense posts. Show the meat and potatoes.

If a formal accusation of rape (of a 14 yr old) is not 'meat and potatoes' then you're a tough customer.

See iReason's post above with the indictment. P.S. there's also a witness, as well as another girl (Maria, 13) who went missing from those same sex parties, and additional corroborating evidence. If I was Maria's father, I'd surely want to know what happened to her. Perhaps The Donald followed up on a threat to end her life, if she told anyone what happened behind closed doors. Among other things, The Donald fancies himself as the world's most convincing deal maker. He's world renown for threatening people. Let's find out how far it went.

Then there's court testimony of Trump's 1st wife where she described in detail how he got angry, ripped her clothes off, ripped out some of her hair and raped her. Normally, I don't concern myself with a man who abuses his wife, but if the man wants to be Chief Executive and Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff for the world's most powerful military, it rather widens the plot.

Did your research find details on either of those two rapes? ......or perhaps you just disregard what you don't want to admit is true. Life is easier that way, isn't it.

Let her slide out the back door, gracefully. Deal with Trump later...he poses no threat.

(according to the majority of naysayers here on this thread)

I wonder why everyone here is so defensive and worried?

There's a man who has become the GOP's (2nd largest political party in the USA) candidate for president. Anyone who gives a hoot about that important job, should be concerned. Anyone who cares about America's future should be watching the candidates closely. I'm trying to think of one decent attribute for Trump, and I can't. Ok, perhaps that he doesn't drink or smoke tobacco, I guess that's a plus. But he peddles wine and vodka (?). Go figure.

Well...here is something fairly decent....as far as attributes go.

He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC.

Also, foreign governments don't have the goods on him....as he has not compromised himself and the whole Nation....by defying every single rule about the handling of sensitive information...both personal and diplomatic.

So...not saying Trump is the best person for the job...but, without question, Hillary is the worst.

Not to point out, of course, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with selling fine wine and such. Some of the most influential leaders in History tipped a glass or two. Churchill, maybe more so than others.

"He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC. "

OMG, is she on a wanted list by the FBI??? No? Then maybe the rest of what you wrote is BS as well?

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Do you remember when you were a little kid and were with your buddies? ....and one kid had something bad happen to him (he spilled his cocoa drink on his pants or wasn't picked for a sports gig, whatever). Anyhow, that one sad kid left the group in a huff, but as he was sauntering away, he would turn his head to call out disparaging things toward the remaining group. Things like, "you're all poo poo heads!" "You're the worst idiots in the world!" "Everybody hates you!"

Sounds like Trump, doesn't it?

This election cycle is amazing entertainment. Just when you think The Donald may have learned to not say such immature ill-informed, ridiculous things so often, he comes out with another zinger. The Rep convention should be great. .....and the debates. They'll be classic. Here's what HRC needs to do for the debates:

A. Let Trump talk. He shows what an ass he is every time he blasts out of his pie hole.

B. Hope he doesn't repeatedly interrupt. Trump's fans think he's manly (and it proves he's right) when he shouts down others. His two favorite ways of shutting others up: repeatedly shouting 'excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.....' ....and just plain Trump-style rudeness of interrupting while wagging his little index finger side to side.

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As for as being "Wanted" by the FBI....

It's all the "buzz" in the media.

The FBI has been "Wanting" to schedule the "Interrogation" to finish off this "Criminal Investigation" ....for quite a while.

The FBI does not "Want" to do this with Trump.

Being "Wanted" does not mean she is on the FBI's "10 most Wanted List". I do bet there are more than a few people in Government (and the FBI) that would not mind getting a "feather in their cap" for presenting sufficient evidence on Hillary....enough for her "Prosecution" and "Removal" from the Democratic Ticket.

Seems like she has upset quite a few people in Washington (and the White House). Secret Service has plenty of info on that.

Basically....any Law abiding citizen, member of the Secret Service, and honest FBI agent ....despises Hillary.

Time to move on...and get a credible democratic candidate

None of us "want" a crook.

Edited by slipperylobster
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As for as being "Wanted" by the FBI....

It's all the "buzz" in the media.

The FBI has been "Wanting" to schedule the "Interrogation" to finish off this "Criminal Investigation" ....for quite a while.

The FBI does not "Want" to do this with Trump.

Being "Wanted" does not mean she is on the FBI's "10 most Wanted List". I do bet there are more than a few people in Government (and the FBI) that would not mind getting a "feather in their cap" for presenting sufficient evidence on Hillary....enough for her "Prosecution" and "Removal" from the Democratic Ticket.

Seems like she has upset quite a few people in Washington (and the White House). Secret Service has plenty of info on that.

Basically....any Law abiding citizen, member of the Secret Service, and honest FBI agent ....despises Hillary.

Time to move on...and get a credible democratic candidate

None of us "want" a crook.


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dude...wake up.

When we say "had somebody over for tea and crumpets"....yes..they were invited. Very wise to do so.

That is her home they went to.

It is called a "visit", whether they were invited or not.

The alternative would be dragging her out in cuffs and sit her in a chair at FBI HQ.

I am doing you a service. Lets just call it a "visit"

ok? wink.png

Her "home" eh?

The interview took place at FBI HQ.

Hillary Clinton's home is in New York until she moves into the white house. AGAIN.

Yes, I do mean the white house where PRESIDENTS live. Not the BIG house. Dream on though!

An aide said the interview occurred at FBI headquarters in Washington Saturday morning. The FBI declined to comment.


More informed people know that she maintains a residence in Washington DC, as well.


FBI clearly entered her home when they picked her up in the squad cars...lol

FBI clearly entered her home (yes...her residence in Washington) again when they dropped her off.

yes...the actual 3 hour interview was in the HQ....but she still had FBI crawling all over her residence.

come..on...dude. Everyone saw the video on the news...except you?

who cares anyway....point is.....FBI all over her place.

Add that Secret Service and its Executive Protection Service of the Office of the Potus have priority over FBI.

The FBI we saw all over the place were being watched and guided by Secret Service (in civilian suits) and Executive Protection Service (uniformed Secret Service). Secret Service were the biggest guyz we saw, the uniformed ones especially.

Secret Service and its uniformed EPS are responsible for the security and safety of everyone from Potus and family to cabinet officers (which can include family) and the candidate for Potus and VP. The protection includes the residences from the White House to Bernie's house.

If FBI can't come in, then FBI can't come in. Secret Service decides all, everywhere, every time, always. Someone has to and they are it. (Only Potus can overrule only his secret service detail which s/he rarely does, to step aside for example so Potus can shake more hands and thus to stay a bit longer than scheduled and at a greater possible risk.)

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More Companies Opt to Sit Out Trump’s Coronation in Cleveland

Wells Fargo, UPS, Motorola Solutions, JPMorgan and Ford are among previous sponsors that won't give this year.

"A growing number of prominent U.S. corporations are opting to drop or scale back their sponsorship of the Republican national convention next month in Cleveland,

as the nomination of Donald Trump promises a level of controversy rarely seen in such gatherings."

"Among those to signal in recent days that they won't sponsor the convention this year are Wells Fargo & Co., United Parcel Service Inc., Motorola Solutions Inc.,

JPMorgan Chase & Co., Ford Motor Co., and Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc."

"All of those companies sponsored the previous Republican conclave, in Tampa, Florida, in 2012."


That's some big bucks bye bye...

It says also that these companies do not care if Donald Trump is elected or that, rather, they do not believe Donald Trump will be elected Potus.

These and other companies know Trump as well as anyone, i.e., a potus Trump would go right at these businesses to screw 'em and screw 'em hard.

It also says these traditional financial supporters of the Republican party no longer want anything to do with the Republican party. Or, in the instance of a company that provides less financial support of the quadrennial Republican National Convention than it had provided in the past, the company is taking a measurably lower public profile with the party, to include in the category a political party needs first and foremost -- bucks from donors (then go get some voters).

If Trump wants to fund his wild ride to its November crash and burn he's going to have to shat out some bucks of his own. Or maybe organise a break-in of the Treasury Department to steal a money machine. Trump's boasts he's going to run the money machines at Treasury anyway.

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The fools on the Bloviator's Clown Train, scramble to alter the original offensive Tweet copied from a neo-Nazi, anti-Semite, white supremacist site weeks ago.

Too late. thumbsup.gif

Donald Trump's "Star of David" Hillary Clinton Meme Was Created by White Supremacists

"Donald Trump tweeted a meme Saturday that used dog-whistle anti-Semitism to announce that his political rival, "Crooked Hillary," had "made history."

"The meme Trump tweeted prominently featured the Star of David —

a holy symbol of the Jewish religion that Nazis attempted to pervert by forcing Jews over the age of 6 to sew it onto their clothing during Hitler's reign."

"Emblazoned onto the Star of David in Trump's meme are the words "Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!" The star lies atop a giant pile of money."




But the Nazis preferred the original from their "Glorious Leader":




Edited by iReason
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Joni Ernst as VP will guarantee Trump's victory.


If Ms Ernst wants to commit political suicide, then by all means, join the losing team.

Republicans are developing a list of women who take 2nd place on losing tickets:



....now Ernst will possibly join.

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Experts: Trump's Trade Plans Bad News for Car Companies

"WASHINGTON — In no area has Donald Trump challenged Republican orthodoxy more than on international trade,

where he has promised to force better deals for U.S. manufacturers or otherwise impose debilitating tariffs on imports, or unilaterally rip up long-standing trade agreements."

"But far from guaranteeing a stronger American economy, many experts — including some Trump regularly cites when making his case for a more protectionist trade policy,

say they believe such actions could result in higher consumer prices, unemployment and trade wars."

"And that may be especially true for the Detroit-dominated American auto industry."


Another well thought out "plan" by the Bloviator. NOT. facepalm.gif

Edited by iReason
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Aides: Trump Didn’t Even Realize Republican Convention Had to Be in Cleveland

"According to his own aides, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not even realize when planning the Republican National Convention that the event had to be Cleveland."

"The New York Times has a piece Friday morning detailing Trump’s extravagant demands and notions about the upcoming convention. However,

Trump’s plans were at many times stymied by a complete lack of understanding of the convention process." laugh.png


The Clown Train Wreck keeps bumbling along... cheesy.gif

Edited by metisdead
Edited as per fair use policy.
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Aides: Trump Didnt Even Realize Republican Convention Had to Be in Cleveland

"According to his own aides, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not even realize when planning the Republican National Convention that the event had to be Cleveland."

"The New York Times has a piece Friday morning detailing Trumps extravagant demands and notions about the upcoming convention. However,

Trumps plans were at many times stymied by a complete lack of understanding of the convention process." laugh.png


The Clown Train Wreck keeps bumbling along... cheesy.gif

He probably had the ballroom and caterers at his Trump Tower pre booked and blocks of rooms at his hotels reserved. Of course the Republican Party would be paying. LOL

He's gonna lose the race but save face by making a profit.

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Russian strong man dictator PUTIN won't be doing anything to stop DANGEROUS donald trump ...

Vladimir Putin has a plan for destroying the West—and that plan looks a lot like Donald Trump.


Edited by Jingthing
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Aides: Trump Didnt Even Realize Republican Convention Had to Be in Cleveland

"According to his own aides, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not even realize when planning the Republican National Convention that the event had to be Cleveland."

"The New York Times has a piece Friday morning detailing Trumps extravagant demands and notions about the upcoming convention. However,

Trumps plans were at many times stymied by a complete lack of understanding of the convention process." laugh.png


The Clown Train Wreck keeps bumbling along... cheesy.gif

He probably had the ballroom and caterers at his Trump Tower pre booked and blocks of rooms at his hotels reserved. Of course the Republican Party would be paying. LOL

He's gonna lose the race but save face by making a profit.

You're right, Trump will never be President. But he'll make out just fine...might even have a new TV network. The biggest losers? Trump supporters. But as PT Barnum says, "There's a sucker born every minute."

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Aides: Trump Didnt Even Realize Republican Convention Had to Be in Cleveland

"According to his own aides, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not even realize when planning the Republican National Convention that the event had to be Cleveland."

"The New York Times has a piece Friday morning detailing Trumps extravagant demands and notions about the upcoming convention. However,

Trumps plans were at many times stymied by a complete lack of understanding of the convention process." laugh.png


The Clown Train Wreck keeps bumbling along... cheesy.gif

He probably had the ballroom and caterers at his Trump Tower pre booked and blocks of rooms at his hotels reserved. Of course the Republican Party would be paying. LOL

He's gonna lose the race but save face by making a profit.

You're right, Trump will never be President. But he'll make out just fine...might even have a new TV network. The biggest losers? Trump supporters. But as PT Barnum says, "There's a sucker born every minute."

I am not so sure....While I think both candidates suck & would readily vote none of the above if such were available...I really cannot say Trump will never be president.

One thing about US citizens....couch potatoes many may be but many are not shy about casting an F*#k U to the system vote This is what the Dems do not realize..... If Trump becomes president it does not have to mean folks love his story line...

Instead it could just be US citizens are so sick of the left / right BS they would rather give anything else a shot & cast that finger to the system vote I mean really...can it get any worse than it has been for decades? Yes I know the lefts answer but they can go sit with the rights loonies I really cannot remember having a useful president. Or one that was not beholding to the same major campaign contributors of most left & right candidates in previous elections

The US political system is FUBAR....give me Anarchy would be better than the status quo

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As for as being "Wanted" by the FBI....

It's all the "buzz" in the media.

The FBI has been "Wanting" to schedule the "Interrogation" to finish off this "Criminal Investigation" ....for quite a while.

The FBI does not "Want" to do this with Trump.

Being "Wanted" does not mean she is on the FBI's "10 most Wanted List". I do bet there are more than a few people in Government (and the FBI) that would not mind getting a "feather in their cap" for presenting sufficient evidence on Hillary....enough for her "Prosecution" and "Removal" from the Democratic Ticket.

Seems like she has upset quite a few people in Washington (and the White House). Secret Service has plenty of info on that.

Basically....any Law abiding citizen, member of the Secret Service, and honest FBI agent ....despises Hillary.

Time to move on...and get a credible democratic candidate

None of us "want" a crook.

I do bet there are more than a few people in Government (and the FBI) that would not mind getting a "feather in their cap" for presenting sufficient evidence on Hillary....enough for her "Prosecution" and "Removal" from the Democratic Ticket.

You lose!


Edited by ilostmypassword
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STUNNING FINAL ANALYSIS=> GOP Primary Turnout Up 62% This Year – Dem Primary Turnout Down 21% This Year
Jim Hoft Jul 4th, 2016 10:59 am 225 Comments
This ought to keep Democrats up late at night.
Despite the constant negative press by the liberal media, Republicans are coming off a historic primary season.


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STUNNING FINAL ANALYSIS=> GOP Primary Turnout Up 62% This Year – Dem Primary Turnout Down 21% This Year
Jim Hoft Jul 4th, 2016 10:59 am 225 Comments
This ought to keep Democrats up late at night.
Despite the constant negative press by the liberal media, Republicans are coming off a historic primary season.


Traditionally, Dems are lazy about voting. Reps are better. However, Dems will get off their fat butts to vote in November. That's why it's important not to over-state a big win by HRC. If lazy-assed Dems think it's in the bag for Hillary, then they sit home.

So, keep it up Trump fans. Keep spreading the word that Trump will win.

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Crooked Hillary has lied and her exPOTUS made sure she was not charged.

She will never face trial - but the People will CONVICT her in the court of public opinion.

Like all Trump supporters I am still waiting for anything that Crooked Hillary has done successfully in public life.

In all her public roles, including her Health Program disaster that Bill gave her to shut her up when he made POTUS, she has been incompetent and has made very poor decisions.

HRC is both Crooked and Incompetent and a Liar - end of...............

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And just to show those Liberal supporters - please note I have quoted CNN in my last few posts - FOX NEWS is even worse. And there is always room for one more smile.png

These posts below are from Democratic supporters (of Bernie) - damning indeed !!


The end of the beginning for Crooked Hilllary? Or the beginning of the end??

At best for Crooked Hillary - this will be a Pyrrhic Victory clap2.gif cheesy.gif

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