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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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As one of 9 people that can shape the US and the lives of billions of people, Ginzberg can have opinions, but when she took the oath to serve on the SCOTUS she gave up the "right" to utter them in public. Shame on her.

Seems there is no integrity left in US government. The House is corrupt, the president is a waste of space ( all of them going back to Johnson ), and now the third branch of government is compromised by a stupid crone that wants to be a celebrity.

Interesting and quite erroneous interpretation of the oath of office. You can point out the section of the Constitution that requires Supreme Court judges to not express their opinions?


I don't recall seeing such stridency against that toad when he blew his bigotry over everyone. Give the little old lady a break why don't you.

Wilful ignorance does not become you. Where did I say it was in the constitution?

It is one of those unwritten things.

Anyway, the old crone has come out and admitted she was wrong to do so, and I won't disagree with her on that. No dount a few of the other justices have been telling her in private to behave.

Whomever the "toad" is, he's not in a position to influence billions as of now.

No, I won't give her a break- she should have known better.

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Looks like the fascist demagogue trump is going to pick Governor Pence.

Clearly a play to appease the far right wing anti-gay Christian demographic.

Pence is one of the most ANTI-GAY politicians in the country.

Also the Log Cabin republicans (bizarre gay republican group) reports that the convention platform is the most anti-gay platform in republican party history.

I guess trump gave up on his farcical attempt at getting the gay vote.

All my gay US friends are voting The Donald.

Do you make this stuff up.

Probably not, but he is so fanatically anti Trump that he siezes on any sliver of information to try and convince himself that Trump will lose ( though he is absolutely terrified that the Donald will win ), and no doubt those slivers were invented by the basement inhabiting trolls that make up the anti Trump propaganda.

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As Trump is neither a devout Christian nor a true Republican, he made the right choice. He was having trouble attracting this bible-thumping voter group, but he still won't get Utah, Idaho or other smarter conservative Christians.

Pence's bio reads like a wet dream for bible thumpers. He even met his wife in church. How Republican.

Hillary...eh, Trump could not have made a better choice. The Dems are going to crucify this guy. He's a right wing religious extremist when the country is largely going the other way. Anti-choice, anti-women, anti-gay rights...maybe in the 1960's he'd be the ideal VP.

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As Trump is neither a devout Christian nor a true Republican, he made the right choice. He was having trouble attracting this bible-thumping voter group, but he still won't get Utah, Idaho or other smarter conservative Christians.

Pence's bio reads like a wet dream for bible thumpers. He even met his wife in church. How Republican.

Hillary...eh, Trump could not have made a better choice. The Dems are going to crucify this guy. He's a right wing religious extremist when the country is largely going the other way. Anti-choice, anti-women, anti-gay rights...maybe in the 1960's he'd be the ideal VP.

Also, it's pretty clear trump would have him do most of the actual work of president as of course trump doesn't have clue one about what the job actually entails. So pence is actually more telling as to the intentions of trump than with a normal candidate.

It can be seen as a "safe" and "traditional" republican choice, as of course the republicans have been about milking the anti-gay, anti-abortion rights wedge issues for decades now.

It's also a sign that trump's people understand they're not REALLY going to get much of the sanders vote, or of ANY minorities. Don't expect them to really spend any money in New York or California. Even they are not that stupid.

Which makes me wonder how Clinton will respond.

The conventional wisdom is that people really don't want "safe" now ... they want to shake things up and go really different.

Pence is not different. He's another horrible right wing Christian fundamentalist republican and a boring stuffed suit as well.

So the ball is in Clinton's court.

Will she also go "safe" by democratic party standards or REALLY shake things up? (Like with Warren.)

Or somewhere in the middle?

Safe would be Tim Kaine of Virginia.

In the middle would be Sherrod Brown of Ohio.

As it stands now, I think Brown.

He would get Ohio for Hillary, so important, and he's a charismatic down to earth authentic democratic populist type.

It's a given that many people don't trust Hillary or find her authentic. She needs that kind of balance.

Edited by Jingthing
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New Poll Gives Clinton Wide Path to Victory

"Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump if the election were held today, heading to a relatively easy victory even if Trump were to win the key battleground state of Ohio."

"A massive new poll by Morning Consult finds Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would collect 320 Electoral College votes to Trump's 212,

far more than the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House."

"The poll, taken between April and early July, surveyed nearly 60,000 registered voters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,
a large enough sample to make a complete estimate of Electoral College results as the presidential race stands now."
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I realize it must be distressing and disheartening for the Trumpeteers that their Glorious Leader has been in the tombs with virtually every poll.

Try to keep up. That is old information. Trump and Hillary are virtually tied. He has a REAL chance of winning.

Hillary Clinton's big lead over Donald Trump evaporated in a major poll released Thursday.

The CBS News/New York Times poll, conducted July 8-12, found that Clinton and Trump were in a dead heat in the presidential race, each garnering 40% support.

Clinton had held a 43%-to-37% advantage in the CBS/Times poll from June.

"Great new poll — thank you America!" Trump tweeted Thursday morning with the results attached.

Clinton's dip in the poll came after FBI Director James Comey said she was "extremely careless" with classified information while she was secretary of state (though he declined to recommend charges against her).

Sixty-seven percent of respondents said Clinton wasn't honest and trustworthy, up from 62% in June. Just 28% said she was honest.


I think Trump is ahead. The undecideds are intentionally quiet as they are sick of the criticism of supporting Trump and they will hit like a Tsunami on election day. Hillary is toast.

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I realize it must be distressing and disheartening for the Trumpeteers that their Glorious Leader has been in the tombs with virtually every poll.

Try to keep up. That is old information. Trump and Hillary are virtually tied. He has a REAL chance of winning.

Hillary Clinton's big lead over Donald Trump evaporated in a major poll released Thursday.

The CBS News/New York Times poll, conducted July 8-12, found that Clinton and Trump were in a dead heat in the presidential race, each garnering 40% support.

Clinton had held a 43%-to-37% advantage in the CBS/Times poll from June.

"Great new poll — thank you America!" Trump tweeted Thursday morning with the results attached.

Clinton's dip in the poll came after FBI Director James Comey said she was "extremely careless" with classified information while she was secretary of state (though he declined to recommend charges against her).

Sixty-seven percent of respondents said Clinton wasn't honest and trustworthy, up from 62% in June. Just 28% said she was honest.


I think Trump is ahead. The undecideds are intentionally quiet as they are sick of the criticism of supporting Trump and they will hit like a Tsunami on election day. Hillary is toast.

And I'm sure you have the data to support this. At least just as much as I'm sure that you aren't a supporter of Trump or Clinton and so are uninfluenced by personal bias.

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A Gigantic List of Tech Leaders Just Publicly Slammed Donald Trump (146)


An open letter from technology sector leaders on Donald Trump’s candidacy for President

"We are inventors, entrepreneurs, engineers, investors, researchers, and business leaders working in the technology sector."

"We are proud that American innovation is the envy of the world, a source of widely-shared prosperity, and a hallmark of our global leadership."

"We believe in an inclusive country that fosters opportunity, creativity and a level playing field. Donald Trump does not."


Conclusion: Trump would be a disaster for innovation.

Toxic Don: Bad for business.

The Divisive Bloviator: Bad for America.

And of course, the World...

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As one of 9 people that can shape the US and the lives of billions of people, Ginzberg can have opinions, but when she took the oath to serve on the SCOTUS she gave up the "right" to utter them in public. Shame on her.

Seems there is no integrity left in US government. The House is corrupt, the president is a waste of space ( all of them going back to Johnson ), and now the third branch of government is compromised by a stupid crone that wants to be a celebrity.

Interesting and quite erroneous interpretation of the oath of office. You can point out the section of the Constitution that requires Supreme Court judges to not express their opinions?


I don't recall seeing such stridency against that toad when he blew his bigotry over everyone. Give the little old lady a break why don't you.

Wilful ignorance does not become you. Where did I say it was in the constitution?

It is one of those unwritten things.

Anyway, the old crone has come out and admitted she was wrong to do so, and I won't disagree with her on that. No dount a few of the other justices have been telling her in private to behave.

Whomever the "toad" is, he's not in a position to influence billions as of now.

No, I won't give her a break- she should have known better.

Unwritten policies are not worth the paper they are not written on.

You feel that you have some position to enforce some code of behavior on SCOTUS? I very much doubt they will see the need to take your admonishments. If the toad Scalia could publicly speak out against LGBT people, then any argument that you have about unwritten codes and practices are entirely meaningless and put your complaints in the partisan trash can where they belong.

Ginzburg's stature will not be affected by this. She may be small and wizened but has attained heights so far beyond you that your rage against her counts as less than a sparrow's fart.

The existence of Trump has broken these presumed codes. Trumpy-Boys cheer that. Hypocrites when the situation is reversed.

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She has crossed the line, and I hope she has enough integrity left to do the right thing and resign.

How dare you suggest Hillary resigns.

I've been waiting freaking months to witness the spectacle of The Donald tearing Hillary a new one live on national TV.

Don't jinx this one.

I think he was on a rant about Ginzburg rather than HRC although the posts were pretty incoherent so you can be forgiven for not getting the message.

Speaking of 'not getting the message....' I heard an in-depth special on BBC 2 days ago. The interviewer was trying hard to be fair. She interviewed Trump fans at a rally, and asked why they liked Trump. The answers were so simplistic, I thought it was a SNL satire piece. Trump fans seemed determined to keep their heads embedded in the sand. They sounded like Scientologists, just aping what Trump shouts from the lectern. No matter that Trump contradicts himself daily, his fans can justify it all. Or more realistically, his fans will take a quote from August last year, and hold on to it as gospel, like a kid holds on to a raggy old smelly teddy bear which is years overdue for being tossed in the rubbish bin.

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Clinton Leads Trump in Diverse Battleground States in New Polls

"Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in four of the most diverse presidential battleground states, according to brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls."

"Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided."

"In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else."


Reject divisiveness, reject bigotry.

Reject the massively unqualified Bloviator. thumbsup.gif


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It was definitely a stupid thing for her to say. You know what another stupid thing to say is?: If Trump becomes POTUS I hope he does for her if she won't recuse herself on any cases his administation brings.I didn't think there was anyone on Thaivisa who could rival Trump in his lack of understanding of the U.S. legal system. Seems like there's at least one.

No one is above the law, even if they are a SCOTUS judge, and I have no doubt that the writers of the constitution, eager as they were to prevent the emergence of kings would have written in a mechanism by which any rogue government official can be removed. If the president can be, I'm damned sure Ginsberg can also.

Ginsberg has by her actions gone rogue and is possibly insane as well.

The mechanism is impeachment by the House and then a trial in the Senate. President Trump would have no say in it although he would doubtless believe otherwise.


However, if Trump offers a conservative judge up as replacement and the GOP has a majority, Ginsberg will be toast.

The natives are restless...

Ginsburg can say anything she wants to. God knows Scalia ran his mouth on a regular basis. Clarence Thomas's wife works for a right wing lobbyist.

Hey, can you get me some of what you guys are using?

Ye gods...

Trump will never be offering any replacements...ever. blink.png

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There are a lot of credible and respected polls doing their thing and Reuters is one of the most long term consistent and reliable. Nothing has changed in the findings of Reuters/Ipsos since each Clinton and Trump became the two presumptive nominees.

Clinton extends lead over Trump to 13 points: Reuters/Ipsos

July 12 (Reuters - 2 days ago) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Republican rival Donald Trump to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday, up from 10 points at the end of last week.

The July 8-12 poll showed 46 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, the former secretary of state, while 33 percent supported Trump, a celebrity real estate developer. Another 21 percent did not support either candidate.

That compared with 45 percent who supported Clinton and 35 percent who supported Trump in the five days to July 8. (underscoring added)


The Reuters/Ipsos poll is of likely voters which is the survey's significance. While polling all registered voters, i.e., the entire USA electorate, is informative, polling likely voters tells us much more. This is true in every election anywhere, anytime. Between 50% to 60% of all registered voters actually do go out to vote for Potus in election after election.

Gallup btw does have a reliable formula proved accurate over decades that involves registered voters. It is that, for the Democrat for Potus to win, on the morning of election day (Nov 8th this cycle) the D needs to be ahead among all registered voters by at least 1.5% over the R candidate for Potus.

...So as we see coming and going this one is in the bank...

Las Vegas, London and Dublin oddsmakers as of this morning are still with HR Clinton and the Democratic party...

To be elected President of the United States on November 8th:

Hillary Clinton has odds of 1-3 which convert to the probability percentage of 75%

Donald Trump has odds of 2-1 or 33%.

Winning party no names:

Democratic party has odds to win of 4-11 which convert to the probability percentage of 73.3%

Republican party has odds to win of 2-1 or 33%

Independent has odds to win of 80-1 or 1.2%

While elephants never forget, Americans always remember in November who's best for us. In this year of political chaos the political center middle continues to hold despite the unprecedented and radical pressures being exerted by the fringextremenoids.

Edited by Publicus
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Clinton Leads Trump in Diverse Battleground States in New Polls

"Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in four of the most diverse presidential battleground states, according to brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls."

"Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided."

"In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else."


Reject divisiveness, reject bigotry. Reject the massively unqualified Bloviator. thumbsup.gif

If the bar chart showing HRC leading was reversed, and instead showed The Divider leading, He'd be shouting it on stage until he's red in the face. Ok, he's already red as soon as he sprays on his tan in the morning. but you know what I mean.

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I posted this one the other day but, apparently the graphic was too big and the post was removed.

It's the only chart I've seen about the Bloviator with big numbers: whistling.gif

( Of course, those who care to know, already know the massive negative numbers the Bloviator racks up with minorities. )

And the negative 70% of an actual American majority; women. laugh.png

One poster appeared to be confused barking that this was old news about voter polls. Yada yada yada...

No. These are simple public opinion polls. As in: Do you find Trump favorable or unfavorable?

Seems easy enough to understand right?




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I posted this one the other day but, apparently the graphic was too big and the post was removed.

It's the only chart I've seen about the Bloviator with big numbers: whistling.gif

( Of course, those who care to know, already know the massive negative numbers the Bloviator racks up with minorities. )

And the negative 70% of an actual American majority; women. laugh.png

One poster appeared to be confused barking that this was old news about voter polls. Yada yada yada...

No. These are simple public opinion polls. As in: Do you find Trump favorable or unfavorable?

Seems easy enough to understand right?



Thanks, man, for posting this again. Yeah, women should hate Trump...and the Republican party. In their eyes, you're chattle.

This election isn't close. As a matter of fact, it's over.

All we have to do is show up. That's it!!!

There aren't enough old, white, racist guys to sustain the enormous pile of bullshit that is the Republican party.

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Quote from Trumps running mate.

"The presidency's "powers are vast and consequential, its requirements from the outset and by definition impossible for mortals to fulfill without humility and insistent attention to its purposes as set forth in the Constitution of the United States," declared Pence, his gaze steely and his jaw firmly set. Of power, he said, "Those who are entrusted with it must educate themselves in self-restraint."

"A true statesman lives in what Churchill called a continuous 'stress of soul,'" Pence informed his audience. "And that's why you must always be wary of a president who seems to float upon his own greatness."

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Mike Pence is another anti science conservative?

The guy is obviously well educated yet denies the scientific method, denies evolution and climate change.

I don't actually believe this educated man truly has those beliefs. He just doesn't want to offend the legions of undereducated religious nitwits that make up the republican base.

Pence on evolution:


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Mike Pence is another anti science conservative?

The guy is obviously well educated yet denies the scientific method, denies evolution and climate change.

I don't actually believe this educated man truly has those beliefs. He just doesn't want to offend the legions of undereducated religious nitwits that make up the republican base.

Pence on evolution:


I've always been amazed by well educated politicians, especially lawyers trained in logic, reason and critical thought, who are anti-science religious zealots. I believe their zeal for a career at all costs causes them to just pander to that base but that they really do know better.

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Trump, Pence and the Republicans, in unison, are all saying the National Academy Of Science Members are wrong?

Evolution? No, the earth is really 6,000 years old created by God in 6 days....They want to teach that to our kids!

Climate Change? No. It's a scam by liberals...'It's a hoax' they say on FOX news...

The USA has a prestigious group of scientists advising the President on science and technical matters. How insulting it must be to have some scumbag politicians say they have it all wrong.


"The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. Scientists are elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research Nearly 500 members of the NAS have won Nobel Prizes. Membership is a widely accepted mark of excellence in science and is considered one of the highest honors that a scientist can receive. The objective of the NAS is to provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation and conduct other activities to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions.

Edited by Buzzz
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To those of us who are not U.S. citizens, who have long questioned the rationality of the American people, it only seems fitting that Americans must now wear the shoes that they chose from the shelf.

Of course they have a choice of shoes to wear.

The Chastised Crook or The Clown of American Brouhaha.

It's quite amazing to see the "power hungry" mentality of Americans evolve into a "power flush" down the toilet of humanity.

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New Poll Gives Clinton Wide Path to Victory

"Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump if the election were held today, heading to a relatively easy victory even if Trump were to win the key battleground state of Ohio."

"A massive new poll by Morning Consult finds Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would collect 320 Electoral College votes to Trump's 212,

far more than the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House."

"The poll, taken between April and early July, surveyed nearly 60,000 registered voters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,
a large enough sample to make a complete estimate of Electoral College results as the presidential race stands now."

Gee wizz, but it's NOT today, it's in November.

Since the Nice terror attack everything changes. Faced with the possibility of more truck massacres by an Islamic terrorist allowed into the US by your friend Obama, or stopping Islamic nutters entering the US in the first place, only one candidate is for the latter, and it isn't HRC who wants to allow even more in than Obama.

The election is going to be about National Security now, and HRC is soft on Islamic terrorism.

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Trump and Pence are denying climate change and evolution. The Republicans are science deniers. Why?

The Republicans, in unison, are all saying the National Academy Of Science Members are wrong?

Evolution? No, the earth is really 6,000 years old created by God in 6 days....They want to teach that to our kids!

Climate Change? No. It's a scam by liberals...'It's a hoax' they say on FOX news...

The USA has a prestigious group of scientists advising the President on science and technical matters:


"The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. Scientists are elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research Nearly 500 members of the NAS have won Nobel Prizes.

The objective of the NAS is to provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation and conduct other activities to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions.

And yet those so called emminent scientsis have been unable to convince the president to lead on the issue by actually doing something, anything, to actually change anything related to climate change.

Neither have they been able to convince most of the people on the planet to do anything about it.

I guess they just aren't as great as you think they are.

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