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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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y'all the grammer police...ain't ya?

whatsamatta for you? pickin on grammer like that and all? Like yer som kina perfersser.?

Seriously, I just skim straight past iReason's posts now. Same old posts in different order every time. Leave him to argue with himself.

Don't forget the odd fascistoid propaganda posters a la 1930's he manages to find on Google.

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To answer the question - Yes. I started out as a vehement Trump opposer, now I'm not so sure. Maybe it needs a bit of Trump reality to put some life into the sclerotic US political system. If he softens a bit, reaches out to the poor and undepriviliged

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Mark Cuban, a guy I don't particularly like, but do respect, and who has a net worth of $3.2 bil. has rightly attacked Trump's businesses and business acumen, calling into question his bragging about his overstated net worth and his questionable business judgment. I also agree with him that there is something doesn't add up with a guy worth $10 billion promoting steaks and other crap. It's small change.

On ‘The Bernie and Sid Show’

Mark Cuban just made it very clear he doesn’t think too highly of Donald Trump’s businesses.

The billionaire entrepreneur and Shark Tank reality television star attacked the Republican presidential nominee in a recent interview on WABC’s The Bernie and Sid Show (you can find the full audio of the radio segment here).

During the program, Cuban said he looked at Trump’s SEC filings and tried to determine his net worth. Cuban’s comments come weeks after Fortune’s cover story examining the real estate mogul’s finances, which estimated Trump’s net worth is $3.72 billion and not the $10 billion he claims. Since then Fortune has updated our number and now put Trump’s worth at $3.92 billion, based on his most recent filings.

“I know what I’m good at, and I know what I’m not good at. I’m not so sure Donald knows what he’s not good at….What he’s done well is put his name on big, big buildings,” Cuban said during the interview. “He’s good at that. Whether or not that’s made him a billionaire, I don’t know. He’s not transparent enough for us to actually know.”

Cuban, however, doesn’t believe Trump has made good decisions with his other brands, including steaks and water.

“When you’re putting your name on steaks, and you’re putting your name on water, you’re putting your name on playing cards, you’re putting your name on all this nonsense, right—you’re not gonna make big bucks, no matter what,” Cuban said. “It’s not like Trump Steaks were gonna make him $100 million. It’s not like it was gonna make him $5 million.”


So Trump is worth only $3.7 bil., not $10 billiion as he loves to boast. Let's be clear. That is still a huge fortune, and does any reasonable person really care which figure it is? The only person who tries to inflate the figure is the one who wants to project he is something that he is not. And, as has been pointed out before, you could achieve that net worth never having done anything but investing the inheritance from his father in simple instruments.

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Paul Ryan is a traitor. When challenged about stopping unvetted Muslims from coming into the country he said "that's not who we are".

It's all over but the shouting for Ryan. He's in danger of losing his congressional seat to a newcomer riding Trump's coattails. He had to back off to save his own skin. He didn't endorse Trump but rather simply said he'd vote for him. Quite a concession for the arrogant dick.


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Love this post - been away too long.

As far as I am aware Trump has said he would be OK with torture of a known/proven terrorist to save lives from a probable/imminent attack or bombing. That makes a lot of common sense to me.

Who should make the call on yes/no? I am happy to leave it to the guys in the field, with the final approval from their local Commander. After all they understand the reality of the situation far better than some liberal judge or politiician back in USA. And of course - they are the ones who are putting their lives on the line - day after day - unlike these liberal bleeding-hearts safe back home on the internet making sanctimonious judgements about our real heros.

Who should make the call on yes/no? I am happy to leave it to the guys in the field, with the final approval from their local Commander

The Ignoramus Trump doesn't know anything either in respect of the military chain of command, from its top with the CnC to the SecDef, the theater commander, grunt on the ground etc, or about the laws of war.

By "theater commander" one is not referring btw to a cinema or Broadway. Regardless, one hopes supporters of The Ignoramus as Cnc also like the weather in The Hague.

This poster has until recently been absolutely opposed to US leaders being dragged in to The Hague, as a matter of principle, given the Constitution provides for any war crime situation that would be prosecutable in The Hague. In the instance of Trump in the White House however, I'd deliver The Ignoramus there myself.

The Ignoramus wants to pass nuclear weapons around the planet country by country as well. The Ignoramus and His Fanboyz want that and to leave it up to the 'local commanders' too no doubt. The Trumpfanboyz right on up to The Ignoramous Himself belong in straight jackets, not in charge.

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Trump might well win because of the extra votes he'll get from people who don't really care about him, but don't want to associate with his haters in any way. Load and rowdy folks, the haters are. At least in internet forums, flooding 24/7.

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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

Oh come on. Quit the inflammatory rhetoric. Fascist? What we have now is corporate Fascism I don't see the connection between Trump who is free enterprise and less government fits fascism. Fascism is an easy derogatory term to throw around like nazi etc and most people who use it are really lowering themselves. I thought you were intellectually above such rhetoric?

Watch his rallies. Compare to Mussolini rallies. Enough said.

You better believe it, dude.

A significant percentage of Americans and many people all across the world correctly consider the trump American fascist movement as extremely dangerous.

Yes, there will be a battle royale to stop him.

Losworld, he doesn't even know what fascism is even if it hit him in the face.

You seem to have missed this or have chosen to ignore it. Same same either way.


Trump’s not Hitler, he’s Mussolini: How GOP anti-intellectualism created a modern fascist movement in America

To quote Paxton again, this time from his seminal “The Anatomy of Fascism”: “Fascist leaders made no secret of having no program.” This explains why Trump supporters are not bothered by his ideological malleability and policy contradictions: He was pro-choice before he was pro-life; donated to politicians while now he rails against that practice; married three times and now embraces evangelical Christianity; is the embodiment of capitalism and yet promises to crack down on free trade. In the words of the Italian writer Umberto Eco, fascism was “a beehive of contradictions.” It bears noting that Mussolini was a socialist unionizer before becoming a fascist union buster, a journalist before cracking down on free press, a republican before becoming a monarchist.



Donald Gump Trump is the guy in the red hat in this election. That's it.

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Eleven million people in cattle cars on Trump Trains will not be pleasant to the country or to the society.

The guy in the red hat is dangerous.

You are delusional.

The fascists are the ones burning flags, throwing eggs and beating up pregnant women.

But hey, that's ok 'cause they are in your side right?

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Trump the Strongman....from his 1990 Playboy interview....

Trump was asked about Gorbachev — who was nearing the end of his time in power. Trump said, “Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.”
His interviewer asked, “You mean firm hand as in China?” Trump answered, “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world –

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/432043/donald-trump-praised-tiananmen-square-massacre
The Trump Trains with 11 million people packed into cattle cars will need a massive police state to make to roll and to run on time. Because of opposition to them which can reasonably be expected. One could anticipate the Trump Trains would have difficulty getting out of their stations and that they would encounter opposition on the rails en route to their unknown destinations.
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution be damned is the attitude of the unique American Mussolini and his fanboyz who support him 100% and all the way. The police state is their solution to what ails America.
Edited by Publicus
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Oh, we see. There should be "Safe Spaces" for people who disagree with your viewpoint?

Nope, more like bouncy castles I reckon.

A little bit of respect goes a long way Boon Mee. On any side, in any argument.

I hate how Trump is tearing the fabric of your nation apart. I hate how he plays to the lowest common denominator to achieve this. I hate to see people victimised because of who or what they are.

You know, the simple things...

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Eleven million people in cattle cars on Trump Trains will not be pleasant to the country or to the society.

The guy in the red hat is dangerous.

You are delusional.

The fascists are the ones burning flags, throwing eggs and beating up pregnant women.

But hey, that's ok 'cause they are in your side right?

Trump wants mass deportation.

Where have you been.

It is not difficult to know what would occur if the Trump Trains with 11 million people to mass deport in cattle cars were brought on line.

Or does the extreme right not care...or not think things through. Both actually.

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Love the 2nd photo. Looks like Clinton's auditioning for Jack Nicholson's part in "The Shining"

And/or this one! tongue.png


Must admit, that one got a chuckle out me. Some of these graphics are a giggle... SOME of them.

Don't you think it's a shame though? We're discussing the next US President and it's degenerated down to a 'your liar's worse then my liar' argument. Much as I respect Bernie, he's got some issues too unfortunately.

So baring a late squeaky-clean independent putting his hand up to run, what options has the theoretically responsible US voter got left? Not a lot really I suppose... but putting a non-vote to one side, wouldn't you vote for the least DUMBEST candidate, hmmm?

Kinda rules Trump out, don't you reckon?

Me too. Yes, it is a shame but I reckon this thread is just a bit of fun at this point? Hillary material is indirectly on-topic because she is a factor in Trump's success thus far.

In all seriousness and IMO, Trump has/is drifting further right and will ultimately lose the undecided/independent voters who initially clung to the intriguing idea of a Manhattan Dem with some palatable conservative positions..... hoping he'll "straighten up pretty soon". His Pro-Life flub was the first shot across their bow.

In the end, A or B choice, my guess is independent/undecideds will grimace and join in checking the box for the Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, former Red Neck Mafia faker, DNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed "I'm a Po' Folk Jus Like All Ya'all", Shape Shifter. sad.png

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More violence against Trump supporters.


Protest is moving pretty quickly. The guy in stripes just punched out, knocked a pregnant lady to the ground

This should be required viewing for every Bernie supporter on this forum.

Notice the Mexican flags, chants of "Bernie, Bernie" as they attack Trump supporters merely walking away and trying to exercise their First Amendment rights to free assembly.

The tables will be turned in July during the Democrat convention. The minute Hillary is announced as the candidate, anarchy, rioting and violence will break out.

Some of our more vociferous Bernie/Hillary supporters were gloating a couple of weeks ago about the upcoming Republican convention saying it was going to be a circus.

I will be gloating in July during the Democrat convention. It won't be a circus. It will be a war.

Bernie's comments, always the Socialist agitator...

“we cannot stop Trump’s violent rhetoric with violence — only peaceful protest in a voting booth can do that.”

Still blaming Trump for his supporter's violence.

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

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