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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The moral of the story is this, mon ami. If you see your mate making a bad decision, or doing something dopey that's going to cause grief down the line, do you stop him and ask him to think, or do you just let him go ahead and laugh at the result? It's a fine line and takes some judgement, but I'd hazard the guess that the blokes who'd sit back and laugh at the result are not your mates. They're <deleted>. They're your enemy.

More than a little patronising, Mon'Ami.

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^^^ And all of this drivel has exactly "what" to do with stopping the #TrumpTrain?

Yes it's too late to stop the #TrumpTrain. Trump will be the next president of the United States of America. The road is now littered with the carcases of people who bet against Trump, beginning last June.




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The moral of the story is this, mon ami. If you see your mate making a bad decision, or doing something dopey that's going to cause grief down the line, do you stop him and ask him to think, or do you just let him go ahead and laugh at the result? It's a fine line and takes some judgement, but I'd hazard the guess that the blokes who'd sit back and laugh at the result are not your mates. They're <deleted>. They're your enemy.

More than a little patronising, Mon'Ami.

Maybe. But laboured or not, do you think I have a point?

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the vile monster beat republicans.

Irrelevant to the NATIONAL election.

Democrats hold a huge electoral advantage in ANY national election, including this one.

The political equation has changed. Stop looking in the rear view mirror or you will run head-on into the Trump Train.

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the vile monster beat republicans.

Irrelevant to the NATIONAL election.

Democrats hold a huge electoral advantage in ANY national election, including this one.

The political equation has changed. Stop looking in the rear view mirror or you will run head-on into the Trump Train.

I reckon you believe that, but electoral politics are electoral politics. trump train is gonna fall off the tracks in all the usual states, New York, California, etc.

It's a numbers game.

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the vile monster beat republicans.

Irrelevant to the NATIONAL election.

Democrats hold a huge electoral advantage in ANY national election, including this one.

The political equation has changed. Stop looking in the rear view mirror or you will run head-on into the Trump Train.

I reckon you believe that, but electoral politics are electoral politics. trump train is gonna fall off the tracks in all the usual states, New York, California, etc.

It's a numbers game.

That has been predicted many times.

Not happened yet, not gonna happen.

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Putin likes him because the vile monster has telegraphed he doesn't care about Nato, Ukraine, Baltic States, Russia's role on the middle east, Russian internal oppression, etc. Duh!

It's odd isn't it? All those teabaggers panicked like mad about Jade Helm and the government trying to take over, yet when Trump applauds Kim Jong-Un for the way he put his foot on the throat of an entire population, all the little muppets agree with him.

How dumb are they?


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Anyway, Trump will be POTUS, whether you like it or not. Just because you can't stand your fellow compatriots admiring The Donald, doesn't mean they aren't going to vote in their tens of millions for him.

He won't.

But it is scary that he's managed to con that many people.

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Anyway, Trump will be POTUS, whether you like it or not. Just because you can't stand your fellow compatriots admiring The Donald, doesn't mean they aren't going to vote in their tens of millions for him.

He won't.

But it is scary that he's managed to con that many people.

Really is sad and a shock to see so many desperate and tragic people who feel lost and that this shameless huckster is their only way out.

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the vile monster beat republicans.

That's 'the vile fascist monster' to you.

Anyway, Trump will be POTUS, whether you like it or not. Just because you can't stand your fellow compatriots admiring The Donald, doesn't mean they aren't going to vote in their tens of millions for him.

Go back to your baht bus threads and Thai Visa poster of the year electioneering. Nothing here left for you to see.

Jeez you're getting filthy wooloomooloo, no need for any of that. We're all just chewing the fat mate, take a chill pill!

I take it your nick means your a former Sydneysider? Did you ever catch The Amazing Woolloomooloosers? Saw them heaps when I was studying in Sydney town back in the day. I even had my own teeth and hair then mate!

Those were the days... if I recall correctly.


Great band mate... I think

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^^^ And all of this drivel has exactly "what" to do with stopping the #TrumpTrain?

Yes it's too late to stop the #TrumpTrain. Trump will be the next president of the United States of America. The road is now littered with the carcases of people who bet against Trump, beginning last June.




A little piece of lead will stop him, it's only a matter of time.

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My guess is Trump will fool Hillary to sink to the name calling level and then ambush her in the debate by taking a high horse approach, making her look a total tool five paces behind. Will be entertaining for sure, no matter what the tactics. When are the debates expected to be held?

Hillary won't sink to his bottom-feeding level. I saw her (video) in a debate where one of the lesser candidates shot a question at her, and she just smiled and didn't answer. She didn't have to. She's not a bird-dog who has to react to every thing that gets flung through the air. She's been married for many years to a very intelligent man, and has a lot of intelligent friends. If Trump tries his 6-year-old bully tactics on HRC, it won't have any more effect than him pissing on a large burn pile hoping to put it out (more likely burn his weenie).

When Trump name-called and shouted false accusations at fellow Republicans, it worked for garnering about 32% of Republican votes (who constitute, altogether, less than half the voters), but with the general population of voters, Trumps immature antics won't gain any traction. They already see him for the desperate ding-dong he is.

Edited by boomerangutang
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It's well known now that the vile monster gets very little sleep. Some psychiatrists have attributed at least part of his obvious insanity to sleep deprivation. I do wonder ... is the lack of sleep more recent since the campaign for president or has it been like that for many years?

The question of Hillary Clinton's health issues have come up before as legitimate concerns for the press and public.

I'd like to see the same focus on the health, especially MENTAL health of the vile monster.

Go at it, press, because if the vile monster becomes president, you won't have another chance.

There is no need to release information on the actual size of his hands ... talking about more medically RELEVANT stuff.

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Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

I don't know what 1930's movie your head is stuck in, but here in the 21st century, 'citizen of the world' more likely relates to:

clean alternative energy, less prejudice, protecting natural habitat, coming together for solutions, .......all things Trump isn't.

I get to hang with a slew of backpackers, from more countries than you can find on a map, and without exception, they're all aghast at the idea of Trump being in the Oval Office. Some of the posters on here are hopelessly stuck in the quicksand of 1940's, 50's, 60's paranoia and fear of the rest of the world (including getting aneurisms when hearing the word 'Socialist'), ....but newer generations are endeavoring to enact improvements. Not just for people in their own countries, but for people worldwide, particularly the disadvantaged. Those, to me, define 'world citizens.'

Trump is worse than 'stuck in old ways of thinking + paranoia + hate'. He's a flip-flopping dangerous man and would be awful for America and other parts of the world. Even sage Republicans who really want to ally with him are saying that.

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Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

I don't know what 1930's movie your head is stuck in, but here in the 21st century, 'citizen of the world' more likely relates to:

clean alternative energy, less prejudice, protecting natural habitat, coming together for solutions, .......all things Trump isn't.

I get to hang with a slew of backpackers, from more countries than you can find on a map, and without exception, they're all aghast at the idea of Trump being in the Oval Office. Some of the posters on here are hopelessly stuck in the quicksand of 1940's, 50's, 60's paranoia and fear of the rest of the world (including getting aneurisms when hearing the word 'Socialist'), ....but newer generations are endeavoring to enact improvements. Not just for people in their own countries, but for people worldwide, particularly the disadvantaged. Those, to me, define 'world citizens.'

Trump is worse than 'stuck in old ways of thinking + paranoia + hate'. He's a flip-flopping dangerous man and would be awful for America and other parts of the world. Even sage Republicans who really want to ally with him are saying that.

And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists to some some varying degree (mostly very much). You know, it's easy to have an opinion about other peoples money when you do not work and "pay" (robbed) taxes. On that point (work), have you watched any other "OJ Simpson trial" completely without missing anything?

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"A trio of political data experts empaneled by FiveThirtyEight for a podcast earlier this month (had) estimated Trump’s chances of snagging the nomination at 2%, 0% and minus-10%, respectively. “If Trump is nominated, then everything we think we know about presidential nominations is wrong,” Larry Sabato, head of the center for politics at the University of Virginia, wrote last week.

Fifty years from now, political scientists will still be analyzing the improbable victory of businessman, raconteur, and reality talk show host Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary. The two central questions: How did so many pundits, pollsters, politicians, and opposing candidates consistently underestimate this sometimes rude and often raucous casino billionaire?

And how come so many, having been confident about the impossibility of Mr. Trump winning the nomination, are now equally confident that he cannot win the general election?" (emphasis mine.)

The Observer - More

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Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

I don't know what 1930's movie your head is stuck in, but here in the 21st century, 'citizen of the world' more likely relates to:

clean alternative energy, less prejudice, protecting natural habitat, coming together for solutions, .......all things Trump isn't.

I get to hang with a slew of backpackers, from more countries than you can find on a map, and without exception, they're all aghast at the idea of Trump being in the Oval Office. Some of the posters on here are hopelessly stuck in the quicksand of 1940's, 50's, 60's paranoia and fear of the rest of the world (including getting aneurisms when hearing the word 'Socialist'), ....but newer generations are endeavoring to enact improvements. Not just for people in their own countries, but for people worldwide, particularly the disadvantaged. Those, to me, define 'world citizens.'

Trump is worse than 'stuck in old ways of thinking + paranoia + hate'. He's a flip-flopping dangerous man and would be awful for America and other parts of the world. Even sage Republicans who really want to ally with him are saying that.

And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists to some some varying degree (mostly very much). You know, it's easy to have an opinion about other peoples money when you do not work and "pay" (robbed) taxes. On that point (work), have you watched any other "OJ Simpson trial" completely without missing anything?

Well, your credentials as a bona fide right-winger are sterling. It's actually rather humorous to see someone write, in 2016, such a silly sentence as, "And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists......" I hope you're not actively involved with youngsters. Wouldn't want them to have a depressing influence.

Actually, that's a big reason why Republicans have so little support from anyone under 25, except rednecks. "My country, right or wrong" types. "If you don't like it, get ready for a knuckle sandwich" sort of folks. Thank Bob they comprise less than 20% of the electorate, ....and that's about the % Trump will get on Nov. 8.

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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

Trump should forget the name calling and remind everyone what an incompetent sap Hillary is: She with that other sap Obama condoned and backed the removing of strongman Ghaddafi, that like the removal of strongman Saddam, led to the total destablization of both countries and the formation of ISIS.

Then there was the 8 hour siege on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi :

There were U.S. military assets in Italy that could have been on scene in 2 hours for rescue/counter attack mission.

They were aware and waiting to go. But the two saps above along with that sap Panetta , Sec. of Def did not make the order ??

* After the 8 year bush disaster and 8 year obama disaster im 100% for Trump. And these Mexicans that are burning the flag and attacked a lone female Trump supporter

should be deported.

You really should watch something other than Fox News. Then you'd realize that they could do nothing about Benghazi and that the Ambassador should not have twice refused additional military protection.

And as for your lone Trump supporter, I'm guessing you've forgotten about the abuse and violence against peaceful protesters, and Trump saying that they were lucky they weren't carried out on a stretch - and offering to pay the legal bills for anyone who would hit them.

Trump set the tone of this anger by riling up a bunch of ignorant redneck racists.

You reap what you sow.

You should get your mis information from other than the Hillary, Obama, Benghazi apologist saps. For example ; http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/261442/hillarys-benghazi-stand-down-order-exposed-kenneth-r-timmerman

Sure enough its all the victims fault. And then the San Jose police chief said not to arrest these criminals because it might cause more problems. With liberal saps like this you wonder why the U.S. is ready for Trump ? Trump and I would have rounded these lowlifes up and deported them.


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Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

I don't know what 1930's movie your head is stuck in, but here in the 21st century, 'citizen of the world' more likely relates to:

clean alternative energy, less prejudice, protecting natural habitat, coming together for solutions, .......all things Trump isn't.

I get to hang with a slew of backpackers, from more countries than you can find on a map, and without exception, they're all aghast at the idea of Trump being in the Oval Office. Some of the posters on here are hopelessly stuck in the quicksand of 1940's, 50's, 60's paranoia and fear of the rest of the world (including getting aneurisms when hearing the word 'Socialist'), ....but newer generations are endeavoring to enact improvements. Not just for people in their own countries, but for people worldwide, particularly the disadvantaged. Those, to me, define 'world citizens.'

Trump is worse than 'stuck in old ways of thinking + paranoia + hate'. He's a flip-flopping dangerous man and would be awful for America and other parts of the world. Even sage Republicans who really want to ally with him are saying that.

And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists to some some varying degree (mostly very much). You know, it's easy to have an opinion about other peoples money when you do not work and "pay" (robbed) taxes. On that point (work), have you watched any other "OJ Simpson trial" completely without missing anything?

Well, your credentials as a bona fide right-winger are sterling. It's actually rather humorous to see someone write, in 2016, such a silly sentence as, "And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists......" I hope you're not actively involved with youngsters. Wouldn't want them to have a depressing influence.

Actually, that's a big reason why Republicans have so little support from anyone under 25, except rednecks. "My country, right or wrong" types. "If you don't like it, get ready for a knuckle sandwich" sort of folks. Thank Bob they comprise less than 20% of the electorate, ....and that's about the % Trump will get on Nov. 8.

Good post, on the mark again Boomer. The Farce is strong in this one...

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The says it all right now, right here:

Trump: Pick Clinton and ‘This Country Is Gonna Die

“Frankly, I honestly believe — and I really mean this — I think that Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead our country, certainly at this time,” Trump said. “I think she’s unfit. She doesn’t have what it takes.”


Of course she doesn't. She's a mega-lier and a crook who actually belongs in the Greybar Hotel rather than out in public spewing her endless regurgetated propaganda. smile.png

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HAHAHAHA Trump calling someone else unfit for office.

You couldn't make it up.


Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family.

Coming in 3 weeks his tell-all book: 'CRISIS OF CHARACTER

Remember you heard it here first. Whoooosh down the slide.rolleyes.gif


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Yeah but these #nevertrump lickspittles and their fellow left wing crazies are the ones who will go up in smoke...thumbsup.gif

Lickspittles... can't argue with that! Lol!

You been chatting to my missus or something? She reckons I'm alright in the old lickspittle department too mate, the lucky, lucky lady...

Lol crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif lol

wai2.gif Peace brother, just having a giggle!

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Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family.

Coming in 3 weeks his tell-all book: 'CRISIS OF CHARACTER

Remember you heard it here first. Whoooosh down the slide.rolleyes.gif

Billary cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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