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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Donald Trump’s Campaign to Meet with Charles Koch’sTeam

“We are happy to talk to anybody and hope they understand where we’re coming from, and they will have more constructive positions than they’ve had,

Koch stated about meeting with Trump’s campaign. However, Koch remains critical of Trump’s tone and policy."

"Trump’s spokesperson Hope Hicks confirmed that the meeting would happen “in the next week or so and we look forward to identifying areas of common ground.”

"Koch Industries’ spokesperson Steve Lombardo said Trump’s team initiated the meeting “a couple weeks ago.”


The Kochs? blink.png That be some Major boot-licking of the Establishment. No question about it.

The Great Outsider. The "anti-establishment" man of the people. cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif


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Koch Officials Agree to Meet With Donald Trump's Campaign

"In what is yet another twist to this already extraordinary campaign season, top officials at the Koch-backed Freedom Partners will meet with members of Donald Trump's campaign,

according to a top Koch official."

"Trump's team has requested a meeting with the wealthy conservative activists who have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on political activity in recent years,

but have openly expressed their disapproval of Trump and even at one point considered mounting an opposition campaign to Trump."

"The Koch organization agreed to the meeting, James Davis, spokesperson for Freedom Partners confirms, and among the attendees on the Koch side will be Mark Holden,

Chairman of the Board of Freedom Partners, the main political arm."


I'm so confused. blink.png

The Bloviator promised us:

"I don't need anybody's money, I'm using my own money, I'm not using the lobbyists, I'm not using donors. I'm really rich"

Wasn't that his central promise to us?

Along with building a inconceivable Wall and banning 1.6 Billion Muslims from entering the United States of America?

It all sounded so good at the rallys and on the Tee Vee... biggrin.png


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Charles Koch: "are you sure there are no listening devices in this room?"

Thwump: "I'm not wired, are you? No, I had the boys check it out an hour ago, and they're not Mexicans."

Charles Koch: "you see, that's the concern, that you drop disparaging put-downs about minorities and....."

Thwump: "I was just kidding. But have you ever seen how good Mexicans trim hedges? Almost as good as the Latvian who trims my hair. "

Charles Koch: "Enough with the minority put-downs already. What's your money situation?"

Thwump: "Yea that's why we called this meeting with you today. I told my followers I would self-finance. We both know that charade couldn't continue, so....."

Charles Koch: "How much you need?"

Thwump: "Well, we wouldn't mind two million a week."

Charles Koch: "That's as much as I make in four hours. No, we can't give you more than 1 million a week, but what do we get out from it if you win?"

Thwump: "Access, access, access."

Charles Koch: "Including Supreme Court picks?"

Thwump: "Sure, no problem. We can even have a direct connecting line installed, if you like. Mi cases es sus casa, if you know what I mean."

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OK, not many Americans read novels, so books aren't going to stop the vile fascist monster, but the literary foreshadowing of an American fascist like trump is still interesting.

(To non-Americans, yes, American literature does exist.)

How does Donald Trump stack up against American literature’s fictional dictators? Pretty well, actually.
Sinclair Lewis's 'It Can't Happen Here' and Philip Roth's 'The Plot Against America' anticipate a Trump-like leader -- and challenge how we would respond.


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I used to work with EPIC El Paso (El Paso Intelligence Center) and JTF-6 (Joint Task Force). My first of many experiences on the border we were in defilade overlooking a vast expanse of desert. We had a BorTac (Border Tactical) guy with us, and customs. As the sun was setting and it began to get chilly I said "That's it? Now we just sit here on this hill overlooking miles of empty space into Mexico?" They laughed.

When it was dark we put on the night optics and thermal. Unbelievable. I'd only ever seen one thing similar to this- Spectre Gunship 'splashing' the earth from 12000 feet to illumine numerous human targets. The entire desert floor lit up with trains of people moving toward our location, the border. They must have... they must have moved forward the night before and stole into ruts or holes in the daytime to avoid detection. There were hundreds as far as the eye could see. In fact, there as only 1 BorTac guy assigned to this 600squate mile area.

This was a few years ago. The deluge has only worsened. No nation can long survive this. Proponents only have refuge in emotion. There is no precedent in the history of nations for blindly having no borders. None! Here is the rub: the vast majority do not want to come to America they want to come to North Mexico. It's evident in their hatred for all things American, their unashamed Hispanic supremacy associations, their declared goals, and their wholesale contempt for our laws!

Trump is right. Trump is spit on. We need a wall. We need the military to lock the border. Posse comitutus does not prohibit this. The racism in America is against all things America! The only real victims of racism increasingly are white Americans. Trump must win or we've lost all. We cannot survive more years of this. Impossible.

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"Trump must win or we've lost all." blink.png

"It's evident in their hatred for all things American, their unashamed Hispanic supremacy associations, their declared goals, and their wholesale contempt for our laws!" blink.png

Whacked. Ignorant, Crazed, Bigotry defined. Textbook.



P.S. Please review Posts # 3288 and #3293. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger.

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The presumptuous donors of the "supposed billionaire" Bloviator, from the Core Establishment, the Koch Brothers, have plans:

Koch Self-Interest in Criminal Justice Reform, Exposed

"Charles and David Koch have received positive press for backing a bipartisan effort to reform American criminal justice laws,

which have helped make the U.S. the world's biggest jailer and whose burdens have fallen disproportionately on people of color."

"But, as the Kochs ride the wave of momentum toward criminal justice reform,

it is becoming increasingly clear that part of their agenda would actually make it harder to prosecute corporate violations of environmental and financial laws,

that protect the public from corporate wrongdoing."

"The changes would make it harder to hold executives and their employees responsible for violating U.S. laws and would protect their financial interests,

at the public's expense."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Blatant Bigot, Text Book Racist, Bloviator:

The "anti-establishment", "Outsider". clap2.gif



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"Trump must win or we've lost all." blink.png

"It's evident in their hatred for all things American, their unashamed Hispanic supremacy associations, their declared goals, and their wholesale contempt for our laws!" blink.png

Whacked. Ignorant, Crazed, Bigotry defined. Textbook.



P.S. Please review Posts # 3288 and #3293. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger.

Actually all you've done is indict me. This is diagnostic- of the poster. I would engage an emotive's ad hominem attack but I'd never debase myself by engaging an 'ignorant, crazed bigot.' Why loan him my legitimacy?

iReason...apparently not.

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6 times Ben Carson said exactly the wrong thing as a Trump surrogate

"Donald Trump may insist that his comments about the judge in charge of his Trump University case were “misconstrued”,

Trump said the judge is biased because of his “Mexican heritage” (Judge Gonzalo Curiel was born in the U.S.), but that’s not what he says in private, according to surrogate Ben Carson."

"Carson told Politico in an interview posted Friday that privately Trump “fully recognizes that that was not the right thing to say.

He was probably talking out loud rather than thinking. That’s not a good thing to do when everything you say is going to be analyzed,” he added. clap2.gif

"Here’s the problem with that comment: Trump issued a lengthy defense on Tuesday that doesn't exactly correspond with Carson's assessment:"


And, of course there is this, from the Bloviator's idiot savant "advisor": cheesy.gif


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6 times Ben Carson said exactly the wrong thing as a Trump surrogate

"Donald Trump may insist that his comments about the judge in charge of his Trump University case were “misconstrued”,

Trump said the judge is biased because of his “Mexican heritage” (Judge Gonzalo Curiel was born in the U.S.), but that’s not what he says in private, according to surrogate Ben Carson."

"Carson told Politico in an interview posted Friday that privately Trump “fully recognizes that that was not the right thing to say.

He was probably talking out loud rather than thinking. That’s not a good thing to do when everything you say is going to be analyzed,” he added. clap2.gif

"Here’s the problem with that comment: Trump issued a lengthy defense on Tuesday that doesn't exactly correspond with Carson's assessment:"


And, of course there is this, from the Bloviator's idiot savant "advisor": cheesy.gif

You really are a text book example of the Dunning-Kruger effect: http://www.snopes.com/ben-carson-slavery/

Too bad you didn't end this post with "Dunning Kruger" as you have so often before, would have posted an "epic Captain Picard face palm meme" for you.

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What I suspected all along (that Trump is awful about paying his bills) is borne out by some investigative work by USA newspaper, an excerpt follows......


Donald Trump casts himself as a protector of workers and jobs, but an investigation found hundreds of people – carpenters, dishwashers, painters, even his own lawyers – who say he didn’t pay them for their work. During the Atlantic City casino boom in the 1980s, Philadelphia cabinet-builder Edward Friel Jr. landed a $400,000 contract to build the bases for slot machines, registration desks, bars and other cabinets at Harrah's at Trump Plaza.

The family cabinetry business, founded in the 1940s by Edward’s father, finished its work in 1984 and submitted its final bill to the general contractor for the Trump Organization, the resort’s builder. Edward’s son, Paul, who was the firm’s accountant, still remembers the amount of that bill more than 30 years later: $83,600. The reason: the money never came. “That began the demise of the Edward J. Friel Company… which has been around since my grandfather,” he said.

Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them.

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Carson and Trump are great for the general public, because they say what Republican insider are too coy to say. They tell it like it is, and what they say is riddled with racism and ignorance. In other words, they expose GOP for what it really is. Keep it up boys. It's great for other Americans to know what the GOP is really about, beneath the gloss surface.

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Sorry to post a link twice, but everyone who cares at all about the near future of America should read the USA TODAY investigation. It's mind blowing in its detail, ....showing how completely corrupt Trump is. There are few things worse than hiring someone to do a job, and then not paying that person when the job is successfully done. Trump has done that tens of thousands of times, I exaggerate not. Trump even withheld wages from a dishwasher, for Christ's sake! Trump is lower than the scuzz sticking to the underside of my sandals.

Even if Trump were decent and halfway wise about all the other issues: foreign policy, race relations, the wall, abortion rights, etc, .......he would still be a #1 buttplug due to his business dealings. Are there any Trump supporters who think Trump would magically transform to being decent person, if he gained the Oval Office? Perhaps they don't want decency. Perhaps Trump supporters want a Bernie-Madoff type scammer, cheater, liar.

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I used to work with EPIC El Paso (El Paso Intelligence Center) and JTF-6 (Joint Task Force). My first of many experiences on the border we were in defilade overlooking a vast expanse of desert. We had a BorTac (Border Tactical) guy with us, and customs. As the sun was setting and it began to get chilly I said "That's it? Now we just sit here on this hill overlooking miles of empty space into Mexico?" They laughed.

When it was dark we put on the night optics and thermal. Unbelievable. I'd only ever seen one thing similar to this- Spectre Gunship 'splashing' the earth from 12000 feet to illumine numerous human targets. The entire desert floor lit up with trains of people moving toward our location, the border. They must have... they must have moved forward the night before and stole into ruts or holes in the daytime to avoid detection. There were hundreds as far as the eye could see. In fact, there as only 1 BorTac guy assigned to this 600squate mile area.

This was a few years ago. The deluge has only worsened. No nation can long survive this. Proponents only have refuge in emotion. There is no precedent in the history of nations for blindly having no borders. None! Here is the rub: the vast majority do not want to come to America they want to come to North Mexico. It's evident in their hatred for all things American, their unashamed Hispanic supremacy associations, their declared goals, and their wholesale contempt for our laws!

Trump is right. Trump is spit on. We need a wall. We need the military to lock the border. Posse comitutus does not prohibit this. The racism in America is against all things America! The only real victims of racism increasingly are white Americans. Trump must win or we've lost all. We cannot survive more years of this. Impossible.

Thanks for posting your personal observations. It's a tough issue for many reasons. I can't justify it, but can say that if history had swung a little differently, much of Texas, NM, AZ and southern California would plausibly be part of Mexico.

Things change. I drove up and down the US west coast in the 1970's. I spoke with regular white guys in all parts. Many of them lamented the influx of Mexicans even then, 40 yrs ago, and it's a bigger issue now.

More recently, I met a Mexican American (1st generation) who was contracted to build support structures for a big exhibition in Las Vegas. He had a 5 man crew. He was as decent as any working guy I've met before or since. He hired young Mexican men who had just gotten out of jail. I hope my friend wasn't hired by Trump, because better than 50-50 chance he wouldn't get paid. Trump is notorious for not paying his bills. proof

As for crime: stats show that white folks are more likely to commit crimes, on average, than Latino immigrants to the US. Drugs are a problem (more so for others, than for me, because I don't even drink). Yet the whole War on Drugs issue is a giant failure and a gargantuan money sucking hole. It causes far more problems than it solves. The only people who love the failed War on Drugs are politicians (it gets them added votes), drug lords (makes 'em filthy rich), Law Enforcement (they get billions), Big Pharma (stifles the competition). Note: some US pot is now getting smuggled to Mexico because the US quality is superior. I jest not.

And it's clear that Pharma drugs cause much more harm and deaths than all illegal drugs combined. Not sure whether Pharma causes more harm than the world's only legal recreational drug (alcohol), but there should be a study done on that.

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6 times Ben Carson said exactly the wrong thing as a Trump surrogate

"Donald Trump may insist that his comments about the judge in charge of his Trump University case were “misconstrued”,

Trump said the judge is biased because of his “Mexican heritage” (Judge Gonzalo Curiel was born in the U.S.), but that’s not what he says in private, according to surrogate Ben Carson."

"Carson told Politico in an interview posted Friday that privately Trump “fully recognizes that that was not the right thing to say.

He was probably talking out loud rather than thinking. That’s not a good thing to do when everything you say is going to be analyzed,” he added. clap2.gif

"Here’s the problem with that comment: Trump issued a lengthy defense on Tuesday that doesn't exactly correspond with Carson's assessment:"


And, of course there is this, from the Bloviator's idiot savant "advisor": cheesy.gif

You really are a text book example of the Dunning-Kruger effect: http://www.snopes.com/ben-carson-slavery/

Too bad you didn't end this post with "Dunning Kruger" as you have so often before, would have posted an "epic Captain Picard face palm meme" for you.

I will - the post by ireason is so far off the planet he is closer to Picard than he realises


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Red states turning Blue already.....

A new Zogby poll in Kansas finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 43% to 36%, with 21% undecided.

“If those trends hold through November, it would mark a historic shift in Kansas politics, where no Democratic presidential candidate has won Kansas since 1964, when Lyndon Johnson carried it over Barry Goldwater, 54-45 percent.”

Poll: Utah would vote for a Democrat for president over Trump

SALT LAKE CITY — If Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party's nominee, Utahns would vote for a Democrat for president in November for the first time in more than 50 years, according to a new Deseret News/KSL poll.

"I believe Donald Trump could lose Utah. If you lose Utah as a Republican, there is no hope," said former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt, a top campaign adviser to the GOP's 2012 nominee, Mitt Romney.

"Wow. Wow. That's surprising," said Chris Karpowitz, co-director of Brigham Young University's Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy. "Any matchup in which Democrats are competitive in the state of Utah is shocking."


Republican party deja vu 1964 when Goldwater won six states, 38% of the vote and got 52 electoral college votes (270 needed to win).

The Trump shelf life has its stop-by-or-else date too for the Republican party. Actually the Calamity in Cleveland Convention is the R party's last hope to pull Trump over and make the stop. Zero chance of that happening so like Santa and Christmas some of us can start keeping a list of the Red states that turn Blue as the campaign goes along to finally close in on election day November 8th.

The Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

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The Downward Spiral continues... thumbsup.gif

Clinton leads Trump by 11 points in White House race: Reuters/Ipsos poll

"The online poll, conducted from Monday to Friday, shows 46 percent of likely voters support Clinton while 34.8 percent back Trump. Another 19.2 percent support neither candidate."




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Poll: Exactly Half of Voters Found Trump's Judge Statements "Racist"

And yet nearly 100% of the media, the GOP establishment, and the conservative intellectual class found them "racist."


You don't suppose the Lamestream Media is out to get Trump now do you? Check my shocked face! wink.png

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The Downward Spiral continues... thumbsup.gif

Clinton leads Trump by 11 points in White House race: Reuters/Ipsos poll

"The online poll, conducted from Monday to Friday, shows 46 percent of likely voters support Clinton while 34.8 percent back Trump. Another 19.2 percent support neither candidate."


11 points which, as the article points out, is virtually unchanged from before she clinched the bag of Dem delegates.

The only downward spiral here is your desperate, inane posts, circling the commode on their way down to the turd sump with the rest of them. laugh.png

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Today in ‘Donald Trump’s Campaign Is a Garbage Fire’

"If Donald Trump were an otherwise normal candidate, with a reasonable knowledge of public policy and no pronounced affection for authoritarian rulers,

or habit of blurting out overtly misogynistic and racist comments, the Republican Party Establishment would still be in complete meltdown right now over his campaign’s political incompetence." laugh.png

"Recent reports have uncovered a slew of hair-raising details about the campaign's amateur/quasi-nonexistent status. Trump is raising nowhere close

to the level of money required to run a modern presidential campaign."

"His campaign staff is skeletal and lacks the ability to coordinate a message, leading to chaotic setpieces where the entire Democratic Party message apparatus is being countered only by,

Trump’s personal Twitter account."


Twitter. facepalm.gif

Amateurs. biggrin.png

Kiss it all goodbye Donnie...

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Today in ‘Donald Trump’s Campaign Is a Garbage Fire’

"If Donald Trump were an otherwise normal candidate, with a reasonable knowledge of public policy and no pronounced affection for authoritarian rulers,

or habit of blurting out overtly misogynistic and racist comments, the Republican Party Establishment would still be in complete meltdown right now over his campaign’s political incompetence." laugh.png

"Recent reports have uncovered a slew of hair-raising details about the campaign's amateur/quasi-nonexistent status. Trump is raising nowhere close

to the level of money required to run a modern presidential campaign."

"His campaign staff is skeletal and lacks the ability to coordinate a message, leading to chaotic setpieces where the entire Democratic Party message apparatus is being countered only by,

Trump’s personal Twitter account."


Twitter. facepalm.gif

Amateurs. biggrin.png

Kiss it all goodbye Donnie...

Another turd post from "NYMag" swirls in the bowl.

Dunning Kruger. The King of Turds. laugh.png

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Mitch McConnell just made a devastating admission about Trump — and the GOP

"Mitch McConnell is getting a lot of attention this morning for his startlingly candid admission, in a new Bloomberg Politics podcast, that Donald Trump “doesn’t know a lot about the issues”

and has not displayed the requisite “seriousness of purpose” for the presidency. clap2.gif

"And it certainly is clarifying to have the top Senate Republican admit this about the party’s standard bearer." laugh.png

"But McConnell’s quotes are actually more illuminating for what they tell us about today’s GOP, and about the true nature of the decision by many Republicans,

to support Trump in spite of his bigotry, pathologically abusive tendencies, and temperament that’s dangerously unfit for the job." whistling.gif


Devastating indeed.


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Excellent read.

Not a Single Republican Delegate Is ‘Bound’ to Donald Trump

Those who claim otherwise would evade responsibility for his nomination.

"Let’s begin with a simple proposition: As a matter of law and history, there is not a single “bound” delegate to the Republican National Convention."

"Not one delegate is required to vote for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or any other individual who “won” votes in the primary process.

Each delegate will have to make his or her own choice."

"They — and they alone — will choose the Republican nominee."


The Bloviator's best hope:


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Trump woos establishment Republicans, lobbyists

"Donald Trump's wooing of establishment Republicans was in full force Friday night when he made an impromptu stop at the annual "Senators Classic" golf tournament in Williamsburg, Va."

"The tournament, which draws dozens of lobbyists and Republican lawmakers seeking to raise money for their re-election campaigns, whistling.gif

is not the Republican nominee's usual large, boisterous mass event."

"Trump is scheduled to hold a more typical rally in Richmond, Va., later Friday, along with a fundraiser."


The "supposed" billionaire Bloviator, really conned the Trumpkins with this one:

"I don't need anybody's money, I'm using my own money, I'm not using the lobbyists, I'm not using donors. I'm really rich" clap2.gif


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The Downward Spiral continues... thumbsup.gif

Clinton leads Trump by 11 points in White House race: Reuters/Ipsos poll

"The online poll, conducted from Monday to Friday, shows 46 percent of likely voters support Clinton while 34.8 percent back Trump. Another 19.2 percent support neither candidate."


11 points which, as the article points out, is virtually unchanged from before she clinched the bag of Dem delegates.

The only downward spiral here is your desperate, inane posts, circling the commode on their way down to the turd sump with the rest of them. laugh.png

Rarely if ever is one poll omniscient but here is one that shows Trump losing 11% percent support among Independent voters and six percent among all voters overall.

HRC stayed the same while The Donald whizzed down past her hoping his cute would finally open, which it did albeit a bit late as Trump hit the ground flat...

Trump Drops 11% with Independent Voters

A new Fox News poll shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump nationally by three points, 42% to 39%.

Clinton’s edge over Trump is due to a six-point drop in support for him rather than an increase for her. Trump was up by 45% to 42% three weeks ago. Since then, he lost three points among self-identified Republicans and 11 points among independents.

The HuffPost Pollster average shows Clinton ahead 45% to 39%.

This poster hardly ever cites a Faux poll yet that's a matter of choice or preference as Fox is recognised to have a reliable pollster. (Fox is far above Republussen Rasmussen who one might have noticed is quoted by the far out right whenever they're really down in all the reputable data.)

R Sen Barry Goldwater btw got 38% of the popular vote in his 1964 thrashing in what had been the most wild and crazy Republican radical to run for Potus....until now.

The Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016. The Trump Train.

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GOP donors: Not a dime for Trump

"The Republican donors who helped Mitt Romney raise $1 billion in 2012 have a target figure in mind for Donald Trump: zero."

"Repelled by Trump and convinced he can't beat Hillary Clinton, wealthy GOP contributors are abandoning the presidential contest and directing their lucrative networks,

to spend to invest in protecting vulnerable Republican majorities in the House and Senate."

"They are undoubtedly gun shy after wasting time and money on Republicans who Trump destroyed in the primary.

They raised untold millions for more than a dozen top flight candidates, and wrote big personal checks to their super PACs."


Smart move not to throw good money after bad. thumbsup.gif

The Albatross that is the Bloviator is dragging down the whole GOP like an anchor. biggrin.png

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Carson and Trump are great for the general public, because they say what Republican insider are too coy to say. They tell it like it is, and what they say is riddled with racism and ignorance. In other words, they expose GOP for what it really is. Keep it up boys. It's great for other Americans to know what the GOP is really about, beneath the gloss surface.

Your obsession with racism is just silly twaddle ... as you assign racism to practically anything that is said or done by someone you do not agree with... Your content is total pap...

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