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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Once again it's the lesser of two evils. This is almost always the case in politics. Do I like Trump? No, but in some ways yes. Do I like Hillary? No, but in some ways yes. My issue is, how did two poor politicians (Bill and Hillary according to their own accounts) become wealthy? Sure, Trump was born into wealth and became vastly wealthy partly by taking advantage of the weak. Now he seeks to become a politician. How do we choose? Do we really think either will be the defender of the weak?

I vote based on who I think is less likely to drain my bank account. I really don't care what their stance is on same sex marriage or who should use what bathroom. I have my own thoughts on these topics, but they'll never match those of politicians. Terrorism? I don't have the faintest idea how to combat that and neither do they or any of their advisors. Whoever's elected will try something, but I'd be surprised if it works. Education? I don't care. I'm done with school and so are my kids. Let the younger people worry about that. Global Warming? Yes, it's hot today. I don't think they can fix that next year and I plan to be dead before they do. I'll let the next generation deal with that and they probably get the terrorism too. What about welfare, food stamps, social security and other entitlements? I arranged my life assuming those things don't exist and it looks like I won't be needing any of that. If my social security check doesn't materialize when it's supposed to I'll be fine. I'll take it if they give it to me, but that's like a bonus. I read something 30 years ago that said it would be insolvent by the time I retired so I handled my life that way.

I'll vote Trump. Well, OK, I live in Texas and Texas will go Republican even if I don't show up.

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Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina addresses the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road To Majority" conference in Washington, U.S., June 10, 2016.

Carly Fiorina dealt a blow to Hillary Clinton on Friday, telling the first female presidential nominee that she tops the list of feminists who won't be supporting her bid for the White House, saying, "Mrs. Clinton, newsflash, I'm a feminist and I'm not voting for you."

Speaking to a crowd of conservative supporters at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to the Majority conference in Washington, D.C., Fiorina excoriated the progressive vision of President Obama, Clinton and Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren whom she described as "locked arm-in-arm telling the rest of us how we're going to live our lives … and what we should think and what we should do."


Wow! This is a shock! Carly Fiorina has apparently joined the Republican party. This defection is a grave loss to the Democrats.

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The Bloviator just keeps bumbling along...

Trump retweets photo with anti-LGBT pastor

"Donald Trump has spent the week stating his support for the LGBT community in the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, remarking that he is a better ally than Hillary Clinton,

whom he has repeatedly attacked for accepting donations from governments hostile to LGBT rights on behalf of the Clinton Foundation."

"Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists into our country,

and who suppress women, gays and anyone else who doesn't share their views or values," Trump said during a speech Monday"

"But a photo posted to Twitter on Thursday night showed the presumptive Republican nominee with someone decidedly opposed to LGBT rights."


The Bloviator hangin' with his new friend at Gilley's, Dallas. The T.V. Preacher who spews "Gay is not Ok" to his flock:

“What they [homosexuals] do is filthy. It is so degrading that it is beyond description.

And it is their filthy behavior that explains why they are so much more prone to disease.”


That would be bigot; Robert Jeffress. Thumbs up!


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Trump is now facing the candidate's inevitable transitioning to the general electorate. Trump's fans in the Republican party primaries and caucuses had come forward early on and in numbers that left Trump as the last one standing, so here we are.

Presently Trump is facing the 130 million to 140 million general election voters who will show up at the polls Tuesday November 8th. The general electorate is vast, diverse, pluralistic, centrist, moderate, suburban, middle class, level-headed, everyday ordinary Americans who have zero noid tendencies, beliefs, dementias.

As documented by the Washington Post/ABC News poll released this week, here is what we look like now that nearly all of the general electorate have begun to take their first long and hard look at the Donald Trump candidacy for the office of Potus......

The overall figures are brutal for Trump: 70% of Americans now view the GOP presumptive nominee as unfavorable, compared to 29% favorable.

A closer examination at the breakdown of the demographics paints the bleakest picture for Trump, who has long heralded that he will be able to win across all demographics.

His unfavorables now include:

73 percent of moderates

77 percent of women

89 percent of Hispanics

88 percent of nonwhites

75 percent of voters under 40

59 percent of whites

71 percent of white college graduates

67 percent of white women

52 percent of white men

53 percent of non-college whites

This is for the Republican party a once in a century storm.

The earth is opening a yuuge gaping hole of Biblical proportions and it is preparing to swallow the whole of the GOP.

Even God Himself is that ticked off at the GOP.

The general electorate is vast, diverse, pluralistic, centrist, moderate, suburban, middle class, level-headed, everyday ordinary Americans who have zero noid tendencies, beliefs, dementias.


Haven't all the anti Trumpists been telling us for months that anyone that supports Trump is a nutter, yet now you are saying that they are all level-headed, everyday ordinary Americans who have zero noid tendencies, beliefs, dementias., or perhaps you meant to say everyone EXCEPT Trump supporters and forgot to do so 555555555555555555555.

The rhetoric of the post and the data that are quoted are incongruous.

Carry on.

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Once again it's the lesser of two evils. This is almost always the case in politics. Do I like Trump? No, but in some ways yes. Do I like Hillary? No, but in some ways yes. My issue is, how did two poor politicians (Bill and Hillary according to their own accounts) become wealthy? Sure, Trump was born into wealth and became vastly wealthy partly by taking advantage of the weak. Now he seeks to become a politician. How do we choose? Do we really think either will be the defender of the weak?

I vote based on who I think is less likely to drain my bank account. I really don't care what their stance is on same sex marriage or who should use what bathroom. I have my own thoughts on these topics, but they'll never match those of politicians. Terrorism? I don't have the faintest idea how to combat that and neither do they or any of their advisors. Whoever's elected will try something, but I'd be surprised if it works. Education? I don't care. I'm done with school and so are my kids. Let the younger people worry about that. Global Warming? Yes, it's hot today. I don't think they can fix that next year and I plan to be dead before they do. I'll let the next generation deal with that and they probably get the terrorism too. What about welfare, food stamps, social security and other entitlements? I arranged my life assuming those things don't exist and it looks like I won't be needing any of that. If my social security check doesn't materialize when it's supposed to I'll be fine. I'll take it if they give it to me, but that's like a bonus. I read something 30 years ago that said it would be insolvent by the time I retired so I handled my life that way.

I'll vote Trump. Well, OK, I live in Texas and Texas will go Republican even if I don't show up.

I find your "reasons" to vote for the vile monster rather bizarre but that's your business.

However, you remind us of an important point.

Unless you're voting in a state that will be classified a "swing" state in this election, there really isn't any reason to vote for president at all.

For other offices, perhaps, if they are contested.


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I see that the LEFTs and LAFTs are still cutting and pasting the media lies about Trump - while adding their own immature and illogical abuse and rhetoric.

This is an exact cut from a CNN post that is FULL of mistruths and lies about Trump - and this is why Trump will win.

Hours after Sunday's attack unfolded, he issued a self-congratulatory tweet that noted his long stance that radical Islam leads to terrorism. On Monday, he implied Obama was somehow complicit or sympathetic toward the U.S.-born Muslim who went on the rampage and later snatched away the campaign credentials of The Washington Post when it reported on his comments.


Lets take a look at that statement is the cold hard light of TRUTH!!

Hours after Sunday's attack unfolded, he issued a self-congratulatory tweet that noted his long stance that radical Islam leads to terrorism.

THE TRUTH: Trump tweeted as followed ( I get them):

1. Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded. Then an hour or so later:

2. Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?

Then over an hour later - AFTER getting thousands of tweets saying he is right and congratulating him for being the only one willing to speak the truth about Islamic Terrorism (and 78,000 likes), he tweeted:

3. Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!

On Monday, he implied Obama was somehow complicit or sympathetic toward the U.S.-born Muslim who went on the rampage

THE TRUTH: Trump tweeted: Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace! He further stated during his speeches over several hours/days that Obama was weak and had very little to deal with the ever growing threat of radical Islam terrorism. Trump stated that Obama was more concerned about offending Islamic people than protecting Americans.
and later snatched away the campaign credentials of The Washington Post when it reported on his comments.
THE TRUTH: Whilst CNN is atypically biased against Trump - and FOX is atypically biased towards Trump, the Washington Post is the same as some of the anti-Trump posters on TV - the Post has gone completely off the rails. Trump and his supporters have been complaining about the bias and lies coming out of the Post for over 6 months. They have made formal complaints and even other media outlets have questioned their integrity - but the Post has refused to change - they see it as their job to make sure the American people don't vote for Trump and they have fabricated lies and stories for a long time. Trump finally had enough and formally banned them from his events. The Post is so bad that Trump tweeted this: I am no fan of President Obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony Washington Post is, they wrote, "Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting" as their headline. Sad!

These days the people are a lot smarter about 'the truth' - they know that politically savvy people like the Clintons are experts at 'stroking' the media and always saying the right thing (but not the truth) - same as the Underwoods in 'House of Cards'. This is endemic across both Democrats and GOP - and the people know that - more and more and more. The people want an 'outsider' to take over and set things right - just like they wanted Reagan who was also an outsider and was also ridiculed. The people thought that they got the same for George Bush - but he was clearly just pretending to be like Reagan - so they tried Bill - MISTAKE. So they went back to the GOP and tried GeorgeW - MISTAKE. So then they tried the educated and articulate 'minority' (African American) - and after a while they realised that was a MISTAKE too. So now they have two choices - try another outsider (Trump) or go for another minority (Female) who is part of the system they have learned to mistrust. Unlike in the UK where everyone can see each side of Brexit - those for it want a free/self-managed UK and those against have a vested interest in keeping the status quo - each 'side' of the choice in America is not so clear. But that Trump is clearly the vilified outsider who will take a broom to everything and clean out the place, and HRC is the in-system minority who will entrench the power of the status-quo, is clear. Hopefully the girls will realise HRC aint the best choice as the first female POTUS, and will wait for the next female candidate (Trump's VP?).

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Trump: Republicans are liking me

"Donald Trump wrapped up a two-day fundraising tour of Texas by telling supporters Friday that Republicans are coalescing around him."

"Let me tell you folks, we have tremendous support — tremendous support," Trump told thousands of backers at a hotel-convention center complex in a suburb of Houston.

"The self-described "outsider" who is on his way to the Republican presidential nomination said that "the party is actually liking me." whistling.gif

The Self-Funded Bloviator... cheesy.gif
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Trump struggles for support from GOP leaders

A nationwide fundraising tour doesn't seem to be improving the relationship between Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party leadership.

"As Trump travels cross-country to raise campaign money in conjunction with the Republican National Committee,

a rising number of GOP lawmakers say they will not endorse the presumptive presidential nominee and may not even vote for him come November."

"We're like two companies," said Ohio Gov. John Kasich, speaking to MSNBC about a recent phone conversation with Trump.

We have different values, different visions — kind of hard to put that together."

"Kasich, one of Trump's defeated rivals in the Republican primaries, added: I'm a uniter, and it's hard for me to go for somebody who's a divider." clap2.gif


But the Text Book Racist, the Albatross, the Bloviator claims: "The party is actually liking me." blink.png cheesy.gif

Downward Spiral.

Edited by iReason
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Tensions Growing as Trump Campaign Brushes Off RNC Advice

"Tensions are growing between Donald Trump's campaign and the Republican National Committee as the presumptive GOP nominee's operation,

proves sluggish to adopt suggestions from party leaders, NBC News has learned."

"Six sources, granted anonymity in order to speak freely, detailed to NBC News how trust between the two camps has steadily deteriorated,

as the Trump campaign seems to brush off RNC advice on personnel, messaging and what it will take to win a national election come November."

"Behind the scenes, the RNC is struggling to get Trump's team to staff up. Communication hires that were supposed to happen last week never materialized."


The clown train wreck is right on schedule. Actually, ahead of schedule. thumbsup.gif

Cognitive Dissonance

Edited by iReason
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Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina addresses the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road To Majority" conference in Washington, U.S., June 10, 2016.

Carly Fiorina dealt a blow to Hillary Clinton on Friday, telling the first female presidential nominee that she tops the list of feminists who won't be supporting her bid for the White House, saying, "Mrs. Clinton, newsflash, I'm a feminist and I'm not voting for you."

Speaking to a crowd of conservative supporters at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to the Majority conference in Washington, D.C., Fiorina excoriated the progressive vision of President Obama, Clinton and Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren whom she described as "locked arm-in-arm telling the rest of us how we're going to live our lives … and what we should think and what we should do."


Wow! This is a shock! Carly Fiorina has apparently joined the Republican party. This defection is a grave loss to the Democrats.

This is just a start....as reality sets in.

People support hillary for no apparent reason...there are just too many evils.

There are enough undecided democrats out there to sway the contest.

This is not about Trump being a great man....it is about Hillary being stopped from doing further damage (in office).

The real issues...in the news...have not changed. There are so many people voting for her for the wrong reasons.

Being the first female president would be a milestone....but to elect a flawed politician like hillary would be a travesty.

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Once again it's the lesser of two evils. This is almost always the case in politics. Do I like Trump? No, but in some ways yes. Do I like Hillary? No, but in some ways yes. My issue is, how did two poor politicians (Bill and Hillary according to their own accounts) become wealthy? Sure, Trump was born into wealth and became vastly wealthy partly by taking advantage of the weak. Now he seeks to become a politician. How do we choose? Do we really think either will be the defender of the weak?

I vote based on who I think is less likely to drain my bank account. I really don't care what their stance is on same sex marriage or who should use what bathroom. I have my own thoughts on these topics, but they'll never match those of politicians. Terrorism? I don't have the faintest idea how to combat that and neither do they or any of their advisors. Whoever's elected will try something, but I'd be surprised if it works. Education? I don't care. I'm done with school and so are my kids. Let the younger people worry about that. Global Warming? Yes, it's hot today. I don't think they can fix that next year and I plan to be dead before they do. I'll let the next generation deal with that and they probably get the terrorism too. What about welfare, food stamps, social security and other entitlements? I arranged my life assuming those things don't exist and it looks like I won't be needing any of that. If my social security check doesn't materialize when it's supposed to I'll be fine. I'll take it if they give it to me, but that's like a bonus. I read something 30 years ago that said it would be insolvent by the time I retired so I handled my life that way.

I'll vote Trump. Well, OK, I live in Texas and Texas will go Republican even if I don't show up.

I'll vote Trump. Well, OK, I live in Texas and Texas will go Republican even if I don't show up.

Absolutely true so let's hope then that you and a million other Republican voters in Texas think the same way in this election in contrast to the 2012 one so HRC can win the state's 38 Electoral College votes (second only to CA). biggrin.png

Not going to happen of course.

Elections of Potus have for decades been decided in the country's suburbs and the burbs of Texas are bright red. As is true of cities throughout the country, Texas' cities are blue (Dallas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso etc) but outside of 'em and in between 'em there's a lot of Alabama under ten gallon hats.

Over a couple of hundred years Hispanics to Texas are the conservative ones with lots of wingnoids included. Same for the Cubans there (who do not consider themselves Hispanic, but in fact as the Caribbean islanders that they are). California in contrast has tons of Hispanics who were millennial before there were millennials. CA votes D for Potus by upwards of the same margins as TX votes R.

Texas and California are polar opposites. The great news (which is not really news) is that CA for decades has been the trend setter state for most of the USA. This is true in terms that are social, economic, political and so on.

So while Texas will remain Texas the country as a whole continues to become California writ even larger than the single state itself. That is, liberal and Democratic.

You 'n Donald Trump have a nice day now y'hear tongue.png

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A poll has just put Trump ahead of Clinton and the rot with the economy will be far more pronounced come election time which will favour Trump. I only wish a video could be made of the exploding heads and coronaries which would result from a Trump win. I'd have great fun playing it forwards and backwards in slow motion for years to come.

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A poll has just put Trump ahead of Clinton and the rot with the economy will be far more pronounced come election time which will favour Trump. I only wish a video could be made of the exploding heads and coronaries which would result from a Trump win. I'd have great fun playing it forwards and backwards in slow motion for years to come.

As far as I am concerned..

It would be fine to see...on both sides. If pushing Trump on can prevent Hillary from gaining office....then fine.

Democrats should not be so fearful....as Trump does not hide his wishes and desires, and (according to them) is not very smart. He can be controlled, once in office.

Hillary...on the other hand...is a lying, conniving, untrustworthy devil, who hides behind Bill's corrupt pals on the beltway. You cannot control what she hides from you. She works without your knowledge, for her own selfish interests...and those of her corrupt pals.

Trump cannot be bought...Hillary already has been purchased, shelved, corrupted, and tested. She is part of the problem.

Let things happen. Hillary won't make it. Not because Trump is such a great person...(he is not), but because she is a known flaw in government.

Kick back and watch the show. Politics have been screwing us (and the world) for so long......it is time we screwed them back.

Go Trump (fist pump)

Edited by slipperylobster
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A poll has just put Trump ahead of Clinton and the rot with the economy will be far more pronounced come election time which will favour Trump. I only wish a video could be made of the exploding heads and coronaries which would result from a Trump win. I'd have great fun playing it forwards and backwards in slow motion for years to come.

As far as I am concerned..

It would be fine to see...on both sides. If pushing Trump on can prevent Hillary from gaining office....then fine.

Democrats should not be so fearful....as Trump does not hide his wishes and desires, and (according to them) is not very smart. He can be controlled, once in office.

Hillary...on the other hand...is a lying, conniving, untrustworthy devil, who hide behinds Bill's corrupt pals on the beltway. You cannot control what she hides from you. She works without your knowledge, for her own selfish interests...and those of her corrupt pals.

Trump cannot be bought...Hillary already has been purchased, shelved, corrupted, and tested. She is part of the problem.

Let things happen. Hillary won't make it. Not because Trump is such a great person...(he is not), but because she is a known flaw in government.

Kick back and watch the show. Politics have been screwing us (and the world) for so long......it is time we screwed them back.

Go Trump (fist pump)

Remember when Trump said he was going to finance his own campaign? What happened to that? Now he's out looking for rich right-wing donors. And his campaign promises show it. He's for a massive tax cut on the wealthy, removing controls on the big banks and financial institutions against raising the federal minimum wage, and for appointing right-wing judges to the supreme court. He's giving the wealthy and powerful everything they could reasonably hope for.

And how do you reconcile this? "Trump can be controlled". "Trump cannot be bought." So who's going to do the controlling? On foreign affairs I think it will be Vladimir Putin. On domestic affairs I'd say hedge fund managers and the big banks.

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A poll has just put Trump ahead of Clinton and the rot with the economy will be far more pronounced come election time which will favour Trump. I only wish a video could be made of the exploding heads and coronaries which would result from a Trump win. I'd have great fun playing it forwards and backwards in slow motion for years to come.

Is this poll to be found elsewhere than in your imagination. Not even Rasmussen or Gravis currently have Trump ahead of Clinton.

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A poll has just put Trump ahead of Clinton and the rot with the economy will be far more pronounced come election time which will favour Trump. I only wish a video could be made of the exploding heads and coronaries which would result from a Trump win. I'd have great fun playing it forwards and backwards in slow motion for years to come.

As far as I am concerned..

It would be fine to see...on both sides. If pushing Trump on can prevent Hillary from gaining office....then fine.

Democrats should not be so fearful....as Trump does not hide his wishes and desires, and (according to them) is not very smart. He can be controlled, once in office.

Hillary...on the other hand...is a lying, conniving, untrustworthy devil, who hide behinds Bill's corrupt pals on the beltway. You cannot control what she hides from you. She works without your knowledge, for her own selfish interests...and those of her corrupt pals.

Trump cannot be bought...Hillary already has been purchased, shelved, corrupted, and tested. She is part of the problem.

Let things happen. Hillary won't make it. Not because Trump is such a great person...(he is not), but because she is a known flaw in government.

Kick back and watch the show. Politics have been screwing us (and the world) for so long......it is time we screwed them back.

Go Trump (fist pump)

Remember when Trump said he was going to finance his own campaign? What happened to that? Now he's out looking for rich right-wing donors. And his campaign promises show it. He's for a massive tax cut on the wealthy, removing controls on the big banks and financial institutions against raising the federal minimum wage, and for appointing right-wing judges to the supreme court. He's giving the wealthy and powerful everything they could reasonably hope for.

And how do you reconcile this? "Trump can be controlled". "Trump cannot be bought." So who's going to do the controlling? On foreign affairs I think it will be Vladimir Putin. On domestic affairs I'd say hedge fund managers and the big banks.

I have to side with many of the pundits who said, early on, that Trump never expected to get as far as he did, and certainly not to the point he is now.

He needs a face/ego saving way to exit the mess he's gotten himself into. I think he will be very relieved when Hillary Clinton wins. That's not an endorsement for the bitch on roller skates bah.gif but I think that's how this circus act will play out.

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Man. This is getting really embarrassing for the Self-Funded Bloviator. He's starting to sound like some late night T.V. preacher... whistling.gif

Trump campaign: We're facing an emergency goal of $100,000

"The Donald Trump campaign on Saturday released its first "emergency" fund-raising email, in response to an ad blitz from the Hillary Clinton campaign."

"Right now we're facing an emergency goal of $100,000 to help get our ads on the air."
"We need your contribution by 11:59 P.M. Tonight," the email from Team Trump said." facepalm.gif
Trump says he's prepared to spend $1 billion on campaign


And can't come up with a 100 Grand?


Downward Spiral.

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Once again it's the lesser of two evils. This is almost always the case in politics. Do I like Trump? No, but in some ways yes. Do I like Hillary? No, but in some ways yes. My issue is, how did two poor politicians (Bill and Hillary according to their own accounts) become wealthy? Sure, Trump was born into wealth and became vastly wealthy partly by taking advantage of the weak. Now he seeks to become a politician. How do we choose? Do we really think either will be the defender of the weak?

I vote based on who I think is less likely to drain my bank account. I really don't care what their stance is on same sex marriage or who should use what bathroom. I have my own thoughts on these topics, but they'll never match those of politicians. Terrorism? I don't have the faintest idea how to combat that and neither do they or any of their advisors. Whoever's elected will try something, but I'd be surprised if it works. Education? I don't care. I'm done with school and so are my kids. Let the younger people worry about that. Global Warming? Yes, it's hot today. I don't think they can fix that next year and I plan to be dead before they do. I'll let the next generation deal with that and they probably get the terrorism too. What about welfare, food stamps, social security and other entitlements? I arranged my life assuming those things don't exist and it looks like I won't be needing any of that. If my social security check doesn't materialize when it's supposed to I'll be fine. I'll take it if they give it to me, but that's like a bonus. I read something 30 years ago that said it would be insolvent by the time I retired so I handled my life that way.

I'll vote Trump. Well, OK, I live in Texas and Texas will go Republican even if I don't show up.

I find your "reasons" to vote for the vile monster rather bizarre but that's your business.

However, you remind us of an important point.

Unless you're voting in a state that will be classified a "swing" state in this election, there really isn't any reason to vote for president at all.

For other offices, perhaps, if they are contested.


Reasons? Bizarre? My only reason is that I think the republican candidate is less likely to increase my tax burden. Is that so bizarre? The others are just issues that I don't really factor in. Perhaps that's bizarre to you.

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Once again it's the lesser of two evils. This is almost always the case in politics. Do I like Trump? No, but in some ways yes. Do I like Hillary? No, but in some ways yes. My issue is, how did two poor politicians (Bill and Hillary according to their own accounts) become wealthy? Sure, Trump was born into wealth and became vastly wealthy partly by taking advantage of the weak. Now he seeks to become a politician. How do we choose? Do we really think either will be the defender of the weak?

I vote based on who I think is less likely to drain my bank account. I really don't care what their stance is on same sex marriage or who should use what bathroom. I have my own thoughts on these topics, but they'll never match those of politicians. Terrorism? I don't have the faintest idea how to combat that and neither do they or any of their advisors. Whoever's elected will try something, but I'd be surprised if it works. Education? I don't care. I'm done with school and so are my kids. Let the younger people worry about that. Global Warming? Yes, it's hot today. I don't think they can fix that next year and I plan to be dead before they do. I'll let the next generation deal with that and they probably get the terrorism too. What about welfare, food stamps, social security and other entitlements? I arranged my life assuming those things don't exist and it looks like I won't be needing any of that. If my social security check doesn't materialize when it's supposed to I'll be fine. I'll take it if they give it to me, but that's like a bonus. I read something 30 years ago that said it would be insolvent by the time I retired so I handled my life that way.

I'll vote Trump. Well, OK, I live in Texas and Texas will go Republican even if I don't show up.

I find your "reasons" to vote for the vile monster rather bizarre but that's your business.

However, you remind us of an important point.

Unless you're voting in a state that will be classified a "swing" state in this election, there really isn't any reason to vote for president at all.

For other offices, perhaps, if they are contested.


Reasons? Bizarre? My only reason is that I think the republican candidate is less likely to increase my tax burden. Is that so bizarre? The others are just issues that I don't really factor in. Perhaps that's bizarre to you.

I completely understand your reasoning, except....how can you be so sure that Trump won't "increase your tax burden?" He's proposing that we build a wall (crazy expensive), deport 11 million illegals (even more crazy expensive), and rebuild our military (off-the-charts). How is he going to pay for all that? Oh I get it, since Trump lies and lies with regularity, you figure he's lying about all of his campaign promises as well. That makes sense.

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I see that the LEFTs and LAFTs are still cutting and pasting the media lies about Trump - while adding their own immature and illogical abuse and rhetoric.

This is an exact cut from a CNN post that is FULL of mistruths and lies about Trump - and this is why Trump will win.

Hours after Sunday's attack unfolded, he issued a self-congratulatory tweet that noted his long stance that radical Islam leads to terrorism. On Monday, he implied Obama was somehow complicit or sympathetic toward the U.S.-born Muslim who went on the rampage and later snatched away the campaign credentials of The Washington Post when it reported on his comments.


Lets take a look at that statement is the cold hard light of TRUTH!!

Hours after Sunday's attack unfolded, he issued a self-congratulatory tweet that noted his long stance that radical Islam leads to terrorism.

THE TRUTH: Trump tweeted as followed ( I get them):

1. Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded. Then an hour or so later:

2. Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?

Then over an hour later - AFTER getting thousands of tweets saying he is right and congratulating him for being the only one willing to speak the truth about Islamic Terrorism (and 78,000 likes), he tweeted:

3. Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!

On Monday, he implied Obama was somehow complicit or sympathetic toward the U.S.-born Muslim who went on the rampage

THE TRUTH: Trump tweeted: Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace! He further stated during his speeches over several hours/days that Obama was weak and had very little to deal with the ever growing threat of radical Islam terrorism. Trump stated that Obama was more concerned about offending Islamic people than protecting Americans.
and later snatched away the campaign credentials of The Washington Post when it reported on his comments.
THE TRUTH: Whilst CNN is atypically biased against Trump - and FOX is atypically biased towards Trump, the Washington Post is the same as some of the anti-Trump posters on TV - the Post has gone completely off the rails. Trump and his supporters have been complaining about the bias and lies coming out of the Post for over 6 months. They have made formal complaints and even other media outlets have questioned their integrity - but the Post has refused to change - they see it as their job to make sure the American people don't vote for Trump and they have fabricated lies and stories for a long time. Trump finally had enough and formally banned them from his events. The Post is so bad that Trump tweeted this: I am no fan of President Obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony Washington Post is, they wrote, "Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting" as their headline. Sad!

These days the people are a lot smarter about 'the truth' - they know that politically savvy people like the Clintons are experts at 'stroking' the media and always saying the right thing (but not the truth) - same as the Underwoods in 'House of Cards'. This is endemic across both Democrats and GOP - and the people know that - more and more and more. The people want an 'outsider' to take over and set things right - just like they wanted Reagan who was also an outsider and was also ridiculed. The people thought that they got the same for George Bush - but he was clearly just pretending to be like Reagan - so they tried Bill - MISTAKE. So they went back to the GOP and tried GeorgeW - MISTAKE. So then they tried the educated and articulate 'minority' (African American) - and after a while they realised that was a MISTAKE too. So now they have two choices - try another outsider (Trump) or go for another minority (Female) who is part of the system they have learned to mistrust. Unlike in the UK where everyone can see each side of Brexit - those for it want a free/self-managed UK and those against have a vested interest in keeping the status quo - each 'side' of the choice in America is not so clear. But that Trump is clearly the vilified outsider who will take a broom to everything and clean out the place, and HRC is the in-system minority who will entrench the power of the status-quo, is clear. Hopefully the girls will realise HRC aint the best choice as the first female POTUS, and will wait for the next female candidate (Trump's VP?).

Who exactly are "the people"? Overwhelmingly not African Americans. Overwhelmingly not Latinos. Overwhelmingly not Jews. Overwhelmingly not Asian Americans. So I don't really wonder who you have in mind when you assert "the people" support Donald Trump.

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Just for laughs. Well sort of....


["We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We are right-handers, left-handers, and ambidextrii," the PAC website says. "We do not agree on everything, but we all come together around the fact that America cannot risk a president with pathetic stubby mouse fingers."]

Edited by Berkshire
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Just for laughs. Well sort of....


["We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We are right-handers, left-handers, and ambidextrii," the PAC website says. "We do not agree on everything, but we all come together around the fact that America cannot risk a president with pathetic stubby mouse fingers."]

Lol good one! clap2.gifgigglem.gif

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Trump struggles for support from GOP leaders

A nationwide fundraising tour doesn't seem to be improving the relationship between Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party leadership.

"As Trump travels cross-country to raise campaign money in conjunction with the Republican National Committee,

a rising number of GOP lawmakers say they will not endorse the presumptive presidential nominee and may not even vote for him come November."

"We're like two companies," said Ohio Gov. John Kasich, speaking to MSNBC about a recent phone conversation with Trump.

We have different values, different visions — kind of hard to put that together."

"Kasich, one of Trump's defeated rivals in the Republican primaries, added: I'm a uniter, and it's hard for me to go for somebody who's a divider." clap2.gif


But the Text Book Racist, the Albatross, the Bloviator claims: "The party is actually liking me." blink.png cheesy.gif

Downward Spiral.

Why, exactly, would 10% Kasich ever support Trump? Kasich strands for everything that the Donald wants to sweep away, as do all the other self serving politicians.

There are 2 GOPs; the one the politicians use to serve their own interests, and the one with the voters that have had enough of the trough feeders, and want an outsider to come in and give the establishment a good kicking.

Seems to me that the establishment GOP would rather that HRC won than the Donald. At least they know she won't be rocking the boat.

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A poll has just put Trump ahead of Clinton and the rot with the economy will be far more pronounced come election time which will favour Trump. I only wish a video could be made of the exploding heads and coronaries which would result from a Trump win. I'd have great fun playing it forwards and backwards in slow motion for years to come.

As far as I am concerned..

It would be fine to see...on both sides. If pushing Trump on can prevent Hillary from gaining office....then fine.

Democrats should not be so fearful....as Trump does not hide his wishes and desires, and (according to them) is not very smart. He can be controlled, once in office.

Hillary...on the other hand...is a lying, conniving, untrustworthy devil, who hides behind Bill's corrupt pals on the beltway. You cannot control what she hides from you. She works without your knowledge, for her own selfish interests...and those of her corrupt pals.

Trump cannot be bought...Hillary already has been purchased, shelved, corrupted, and tested. She is part of the problem.

Let things happen. Hillary won't make it. Not because Trump is such a great person...(he is not), but because she is a known flaw in government.

Kick back and watch the show. Politics have been screwing us (and the world) for so long......it is time we screwed them back.

Go Trump (fist pump)

So true. The Dems should have supported the Bern- he'd be a shoo in.

I wonder who the LGBT community are supporting, as HRC consorts with governments that have severe penalties for homosexuality.

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Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina addresses the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road To Majority" conference in Washington, U.S., June 10, 2016.

Carly Fiorina dealt a blow to Hillary Clinton on Friday, telling the first female presidential nominee that she tops the list of feminists who won't be supporting her bid for the White House, saying, "Mrs. Clinton, newsflash, I'm a feminist and I'm not voting for you."

Speaking to a crowd of conservative supporters at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to the Majority conference in Washington, D.C., Fiorina excoriated the progressive vision of President Obama, Clinton and Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren whom she described as "locked arm-in-arm telling the rest of us how we're going to live our lives … and what we should think and what we should do."


Wow! This is a shock! Carly Fiorina has apparently joined the Republican party. This defection is a grave loss to the Democrats.

This is just a start....as reality sets in.

People support hillary for no apparent reason...there are just too many evils.

There are enough undecided democrats out there to sway the contest.

This is not about Trump being a great man....it is about Hillary being stopped from doing further damage (in office).

The real issues...in the news...have not changed. There are so many people voting for her for the wrong reasons.

Being the first female president would be a milestone....but to elect a flawed politician like hillary would be a travesty.

Many people support HRC simply because she's a woman. Lacking a penis is the only thing they care about. She could be a convicted criminal and they'd still vote for her. Goes to show what a messed up world we live in.

PS, in a better world Trump wouldn't have had a show either, but no good people want to be POTUS anymore.

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I see that the LEFTs and LAFTs are still cutting and pasting the media lies about Trump - while adding their own immature and illogical abuse and rhetoric.

This is an exact cut from a CNN post that is FULL of mistruths and lies about Trump - and this is why Trump will win.

Hours after Sunday's attack unfolded, he issued a self-congratulatory tweet that noted his long stance that radical Islam leads to terrorism. On Monday, he implied Obama was somehow complicit or sympathetic toward the U.S.-born Muslim who went on the rampage and later snatched away the campaign credentials of The Washington Post when it reported on his comments.


Lets take a look at that statement is the cold hard light of TRUTH!!

Hours after Sunday's attack unfolded, he issued a self-congratulatory tweet that noted his long stance that radical Islam leads to terrorism.

THE TRUTH: Trump tweeted as followed ( I get them):

1. Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded. Then an hour or so later:

2. Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?

Then over an hour later - AFTER getting thousands of tweets saying he is right and congratulating him for being the only one willing to speak the truth about Islamic Terrorism (and 78,000 likes), he tweeted:

3. Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!

On Monday, he implied Obama was somehow complicit or sympathetic toward the U.S.-born Muslim who went on the rampage

THE TRUTH: Trump tweeted: Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace! He further stated during his speeches over several hours/days that Obama was weak and had very little to deal with the ever growing threat of radical Islam terrorism. Trump stated that Obama was more concerned about offending Islamic people than protecting Americans.
and later snatched away the campaign credentials of The Washington Post when it reported on his comments.
THE TRUTH: Whilst CNN is atypically biased against Trump - and FOX is atypically biased towards Trump, the Washington Post is the same as some of the anti-Trump posters on TV - the Post has gone completely off the rails. Trump and his supporters have been complaining about the bias and lies coming out of the Post for over 6 months. They have made formal complaints and even other media outlets have questioned their integrity - but the Post has refused to change - they see it as their job to make sure the American people don't vote for Trump and they have fabricated lies and stories for a long time. Trump finally had enough and formally banned them from his events. The Post is so bad that Trump tweeted this: I am no fan of President Obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony Washington Post is, they wrote, "Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting" as their headline. Sad!

These days the people are a lot smarter about 'the truth' - they know that politically savvy people like the Clintons are experts at 'stroking' the media and always saying the right thing (but not the truth) - same as the Underwoods in 'House of Cards'. This is endemic across both Democrats and GOP - and the people know that - more and more and more. The people want an 'outsider' to take over and set things right - just like they wanted Reagan who was also an outsider and was also ridiculed. The people thought that they got the same for George Bush - but he was clearly just pretending to be like Reagan - so they tried Bill - MISTAKE. So they went back to the GOP and tried GeorgeW - MISTAKE. So then they tried the educated and articulate 'minority' (African American) - and after a while they realised that was a MISTAKE too. So now they have two choices - try another outsider (Trump) or go for another minority (Female) who is part of the system they have learned to mistrust. Unlike in the UK where everyone can see each side of Brexit - those for it want a free/self-managed UK and those against have a vested interest in keeping the status quo - each 'side' of the choice in America is not so clear. But that Trump is clearly the vilified outsider who will take a broom to everything and clean out the place, and HRC is the in-system minority who will entrench the power of the status-quo, is clear. Hopefully the girls will realise HRC aint the best choice as the first female POTUS, and will wait for the next female candidate (Trump's VP?).

Who exactly are "the people"? Overwhelmingly not African Americans. Overwhelmingly not Latinos. Overwhelmingly not Jews. Overwhelmingly not Asian Americans. So I don't really wonder who you have in mind when you assert "the people" support Donald Trump.

Abraham Lincoln : "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."


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To me, not all liars are the same. HRC may have lied a few times during the past quarter century. Trump lies daily, and his lies are bigger and more grave. He even doubles down. When he's caught in an original lie (like; whether he's John MIller, or whether he's ever supported banning assault weapons), he often adds layers of lies, and gets tangled in a cob's web of his own making.

HRC, if caught in a lie, admits to it. She's admitted to making a mistake by using a private server (which other cabinet members have done). HRC learns from mistakes and seeks to improve. Trump is intractable and can never admit making mistakes. He won't even admit he's gone bankrupt 4 times and that he's lost hundreds of lawsuits. It's there in the record for all to see, yet Trump continues to deny that he's ever screwed up.

All politicians lie- that's the nature of the beast. It concerns me not at all that they do so as I expect them to.

Trump is only practicing to be a politician.

I note that you address the lying part of my reply, but are silent on HRC's achievements. Could that be because she has none?

HRC's achievements? I don't know all about her. I know she tried valiantly to get a comprehensive health care bill before congress while she was First Lady. As expected, Republicans buddied up with Big Pharma & Big Insurance (and their many billions) and blew her ship out of the water. As Congresswoman, she wrote and passed legislation which gave added benefits to first-responders in NYC re; 9-11. She also got legislation passed to help coal miners who weren't well-enough covered by their failing companies. She's probably achieved other worthwhile things.

During those decades, what has The Divider done for anyone else? What has he ever done which doesn't directly put money in his pockets? That's one of the biggest differences between HRC and Trump: She cares for the plight of ordinary people. Trump cares only for Trump.

Donald Trump tweets poll showing him losing to Hillary Clinton blink.png

"Donald Trump tweeted a poll graphic Friday showing him trailing Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, 49% to 51%."

"THANK YOU #AmericaFirst" Trump tweeted."
A poll that reads:
"If the election for President were held today, for whom would you vote?"
Thank you?? cheesy.gif clap2.gifcheesy.gif

......and HRC's numbers don't include the many Sander's supporters who will vote for her, albeit reluctantly. Trump has no such cache of voters waiting in the wings to vote for him. He's static or losing, take your pick.

Carly Fiorina dealt a blow to Hillary Clinton on Friday, telling the first female presidential nominee that she tops the list of feminists who won't be supporting her bid for the White House, saying, "Mrs. Clinton, newsflash, I'm a feminist and I'm not voting for you."

Fioriana is a feminist like I'm a fish. Fiorina has zero cred in the smarts Dept. She buddied up with Cruz 2 days before he exited the campaign. Anyone else saw the writing on the wall weeks before. Fiorina didn't see it coming as it was coming. A put down by Fiorina is more of a boost for HRC than a drawback. Fiorina doesn't matter. Why am I wasting calories even typing about her?

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