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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Yes, it's definitely too late to stop the Donald Trump Machine especially with new, revealing information coming out every day about his opponent - Crooked Hillary:

Secret Service Expert Confirms Exclusive Report of Raging Clinton Details from Byrne’s Upcoming ‘Crisis of Character’

"Author and former investigative reporter for The Washington Post and Boston Herald Ron Kessler is backing up assertions first reported by Breitbart News regarding Hillary Clinton from former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s forthcoming book Crisis of Character"


Buh Bye, Crooked Hillary! smile.png

Right Mr. Conspiracy. Cocaine orgies in the White House. I bet they were underage too!

Probably - recall that convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstien and his Lolita Express jets to faraway islands with Bubba Clinton a Frequent Flyer?

Alligations of underage chicks aboard.


Clinton White House Was Den Of Coke, Mistresses, According To Ex-Secret Service Officer


Gary J. Byrne has devoted his life, and risked it, to serve his country — as a member of the US Air Force, a uniformed White House Secret Service officer, and a federal air marshal.

And he believes it is his patriotic duty to do anything he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States.

As someone who guarded the Oval Office during the Clinton presidency, Byrne, in an exclusive interview with The Post, tells how he witnessed “the Clinton machine leaving a wake of destruction in just about everything they do"


Tell that to your friends who still are nattering about Vincent Foster and Bill Clinton's infidelities. Of course the difference is that that stuff has been featured prominently in the press for many years. Trumps cheating ways may have been reported earlier but they're not well known. That's about to change.

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Yes, it's definitely too late to stop the Donald Trump Machine especially with new, revealing information coming out every day about his opponent - Crooked Hillary:

Secret Service Expert Confirms Exclusive Report of Raging Clinton Details from Byrne’s Upcoming ‘Crisis of Character’

"Author and former investigative reporter for The Washington Post and Boston Herald Ron Kessler is backing up assertions first reported by Breitbart News regarding Hillary Clinton from former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s forthcoming book Crisis of Character"


Buh Bye, Crooked Hillary! smile.png

Secret Service veterans denounce anti-Clinton tell-all book

The author of a new tell-all book about Hillary Clinton could never have seen any of what he claims — he was too low-ranking — say several high-level members of Secret Service presidential details, including the president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service.

On Tuesday, AFAUSSS, which is strictly nonpartisan, is set to release a statement blasting Gary Byrne author of “Crisis in Character,” saying members “strongly denounce” the book, which they add has made security harder by eroding the trust between agents and the people they protect.

People familiar with West Wing security laugh at the idea that Byrne or any uniformed officer ever would have walked in on Bill Clinton anywhere, whether in a meeting or, as a New York Post article over the weekend claims, in the middle of a make-out session in the Map Room with the late daughter of former Vice President Walter Mondale. The Secret Service presidential detail would have stopped him.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/hillary-bill-clinton-secret-service-224578#ixzz4CkXNlaVz

In other words, "Bye-bye Gary."

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More atypical Liberal abuse and criticism today - same old same old. The only new thing today, is the same old Liberal response to alternative views - this time about Brexit.

And what is that Liberal response? NO!! We wont allow it!! We are right and the right is wrong!! We demand this be stopped !!!! The Brexit voters are all (personal abuse deleted).

For far too long the looney left have been getting their way, and the time is up on this false and idiotic utopian move towards a beige world with no borders, no nationality, no sexuality, no identity - everybody the same and all peace and loving everywhere - and all the pigs fed and ready to fly. Quite a few younger voters are realising this is just ideological khraapp, but a clear majority of the 40+ year old people in America who have brains and a memory will be voting for Trump because they know it is khraapp. This is the same demographic who overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU. The ONLY hope Clinton has is that her 'woman card' makes enough women vote for her because she is a woman (hopefully not).

As someone that has been predicting the 'backlash' for a few years, and is delighting in seeing the UK wake up and reclaim is national pride, I am also delighting in seeing the looney left Liberals scream and complain when things dont go their way. They better get used to it - there is more coming - in the USA and the rest of the western world.


IF THERE’S one thing the last three days have taught us, it’s that 20-year-old social justice warriors on Twitter are smarter than 52 per cent of the British population. If you believe the outraged media, those 17.4 million Brits who decided they were sick of the bloated, anti-democratic, corrupt European Union telling them what to do are comprised entirely of old, racist, straight white men who should be stripped of the vote because they’re going to die soon.

Sound familiar folks?? Sounds just like the same lies as now being said about Trump. But Amercians are more and more seeing that for what it is - lies and distortions. The American people have also had a gutfull of being dragged ever further left into this khrapp 'global market' and this 'global social experiment'. That khraapp has not leads to jobs and prosperity for most Americans - it has only made the wealthy wealthier and eaten away at people's identities and pride. Those who sold that puppy of a utopian new world to the idiot US politicians (like Clinton and Obama) and encouraged/supported those in agreement with it (Bush/es), have got to go - and they wont go willingly. Trump is the only politician who will make them leave. Clinton will only further entrench their power over the people.

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In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead

Donald Trump returns to the campaign trail from Scotland this week contending with sweeping unease about his candidacy as a large majority of Americans register their disapproval and see the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee as discriminatory and unqualified, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Following a month of self-inflicted controversies, the survey shows that support for Trump is plunging, including among fellow Republicans, propelling Democrat Hillary Clinton to a double-digit lead nationally.


A second Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows a much closer race between the presumptive nominees, giving Clinton a five percentage point lead over Trump. However, if third-party candidates are factored in, then Clinton’s edge is virtually erased.


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More atypical Liberal abuse and criticism today - same old same old. The only new thing today, is the same old Liberal response to alternative views - this time about Brexit.

And what is that Liberal response? NO!! We wont allow it!! We are right and the right is wrong!! We demand this be stopped !!!! The Brexit voters are all (personal abuse deleted).

For far too long the looney left have been getting their way, and the time is up on this false and idiotic utopian move towards a beige world with no borders, no nationality, no sexuality, no identity - everybody the same and all peace and loving everywhere - and all the pigs fed and ready to fly. Quite a few younger voters are realising this is just ideological khraapp, but a clear majority of the 40+ year old people in America who have brains and a memory will be voting for Trump because they know it is khraapp. This is the same demographic who overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU. The ONLY hope Clinton has is that her 'woman card' makes enough women vote for her because she is a woman (hopefully not).

As someone that has been predicting the 'backlash' for a few years, and is delighting in seeing the UK wake up and reclaim is national pride, I am also delighting in seeing the looney left Liberals scream and complain when things dont go their way. They better get used to it - there is more coming - in the USA and the rest of the western world.


IF THERE’S one thing the last three days have taught us, it’s that 20-year-old social justice warriors on Twitter are smarter than 52 per cent of the British population. If you believe the outraged media, those 17.4 million Brits who decided they were sick of the bloated, anti-democratic, corrupt European Union telling them what to do are comprised entirely of old, racist, straight white men who should be stripped of the vote because they’re going to die soon.

Sound familiar folks?? Sounds just like the same lies as now being said about Trump. But Amercians are more and more seeing that for what it is - lies and distortions. The American people have also had a gutfull of being dragged ever further left into this khrapp 'global market' and this 'global social experiment'. That khraapp has not leads to jobs and prosperity for most Americans - it has only made the wealthy wealthier and eaten away at people's identities and pride. Those who sold that puppy of a utopian new world to the idiot US politicians (like Clinton and Obama) and encouraged/supported those in agreement with it (Bush/es), have got to go - and they wont go willingly. Trump is the only politician who will make them leave. Clinton will only further entrench their power over the people.

When a poster uses the word LIBERAL in a derogatory fashion in his first 3 sentences, you just know he is brainwashed & just repeating the stuff he hears FOX.

So predictable. So sad what has happened to these old guys. FOX has turned them into little Hannity clones.

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In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead

Donald Trump returns to the campaign trail from Scotland this week contending with sweeping unease about his candidacy as a large majority of Americans register their disapproval and see the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee as discriminatory and unqualified, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Following a month of self-inflicted controversies, the survey shows that support for Trump is plunging, including among fellow Republicans, propelling Democrat Hillary Clinton to a double-digit lead nationally.


A second Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows a much closer race between the presumptive nominees, giving Clinton a five percentage point lead over Trump. However, if third-party candidates are factored in, then Clinton’s edge is virtually erased.


However, it is an increase over the previous wsj/nbc poll.

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More atypical Liberal abuse and criticism today - same old same old. The only new thing today, is the same old Liberal response to alternative views - this time about Brexit.

And what is that Liberal response? NO!! We wont allow it!! We are right and the right is wrong!! We demand this be stopped !!!! The Brexit voters are all (personal abuse deleted).

For far too long the looney left have been getting their way, and the time is up on this false and idiotic utopian move towards a beige world with no borders, no nationality, no sexuality, no identity - everybody the same and all peace and loving everywhere - and all the pigs fed and ready to fly. Quite a few younger voters are realising this is just ideological khraapp, but a clear majority of the 40+ year old people in America who have brains and a memory will be voting for Trump because they know it is khraapp. This is the same demographic who overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU. The ONLY hope Clinton has is that her 'woman card' makes enough women vote for her because she is a woman (hopefully not).

As someone that has been predicting the 'backlash' for a few years, and is delighting in seeing the UK wake up and reclaim is national pride, I am also delighting in seeing the looney left Liberals scream and complain when things dont go their way. They better get used to it - there is more coming - in the USA and the rest of the western world.


IF THERE’S one thing the last three days have taught us, it’s that 20-year-old social justice warriors on Twitter are smarter than 52 per cent of the British population. If you believe the outraged media, those 17.4 million Brits who decided they were sick of the bloated, anti-democratic, corrupt European Union telling them what to do are comprised entirely of old, racist, straight white men who should be stripped of the vote because they’re going to die soon. It’s astonishing that in the wake of one of the single most emphatic displays of pure democracy in recent history, there is a concerted campaign to subvert the will of the people.

Sound familiar folks?? Sounds just like the same lies as now being said about Trump. But Amercians are more and more seeing that for what it is - lies and distortions. The American people have also had a gutfull of being dragged ever further left into this khrapp 'global market' and this 'global social experiment'. That khraapp has not leads to jobs and prosperity for most Americans - it has only made the wealthy wealthier and eaten away at people's identities and pride. Those who sold that puppy of a utopian new world to the idiot US politicians (like Clinton and Obama) and encouraged/supported those in agreement with it (Bush/es), have got to go - and they wont go willingly. Trump is the only politician who will make them leave. Clinton will only further entrench their power over the people.

When a poster uses the word LIBERAL in a derogatory fashion in his first 3 sentences, you just know he is brainwashed & just repeating the stuff he hears FOX.

So predictable. So sad what has happened to these old guys. FOX has turned them into little Hannity clones.

Actually, I think you're give these people too much credit. It's not Fox they get their info from. It's sources like breitbart.com and alex jones. Compared to them, Fox looks fair and balanced.

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Don't those Special Snowflakes having a Sad give you Schadenfreude smile.png

So what are you saying, BM?

That right wing xenophobes are not special but rather common, ignorant followers of demagogues and lacking any individuality?

In other words, base trump voters?

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Don't those Special Snowflakes having a Sad give you Schadenfreude smile.png

So what are you saying, BM?

That right wing xenophobes are not special but rather common, ignorant followers of demagogues and lacking any individuality?

In other words, base trump voters?

Heh...the SJW's and Euro Elites who assumed their opinions and idiology is superior to all others are going thru a Sad right now.

Wait until it moves across the Pond? Heh smile.png

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Don't those Special Snowflakes having a Sad give you Schadenfreude smile.png

So what are you saying, BM?

That right wing xenophobes are not special but rather common, ignorant followers of demagogues and lacking any individuality?

In other words, base trump voters?

Heh...the SJW's and Euro Elites who assumed their opinions and idiology is superior to all others are going thru a Sad right now.

Wait until it moves across the Pond? Heh smile.png

I realise you might have learned so new acronyms while searching your favourite right wing websites, but do you think you could translate them into English for the rest of us?

Idioligy though - good word. Did you invent it yourself?

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Thousands of Republican donors avoid Donald Trump

"Thousands of wealthy donors who helped fuel Republicans’ presidential ambitions in the last two election cycles have not donated to Donald Trump’s campaign or to other committees supporting his bid, underscoring the challenge the real-estate magnate faces in securing the hundreds of millions he needs to finance his general-election campaign."

"Just 29 people who contributed to a super PAC supporting Republican Mitt Romney’s presidential bid four years ago had donated either to Trump’s campaign, to the Republican National Committee via a joint fundraising committee he established with the party or to a pro-Trump super PAC, Great America PAC,

according to a USA TODAY analysis of new campaign-finance reports."

"That accounts for about 2% of the more than 1,400 people who donated to the pro-Romney Restore Our Future during the 2012 election." cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif


Tanking in all of the polls and no dough for the "Self Funded", "supposed" "billionaire".

The "Text Book Racist" Bloviator is really embarrassing himself... facepalm.gif

Pack your bags and go back down to the Little Leagues Donnie.

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Cracks deepen inside troubled marriage of Trump and Republican party

Mitch McConnell declines to say if presumptive nominee is qualified

"Cracks in the awkward marriage between Donald Trump and Republican leaders grew wider on Sunday, as Senate stalwarts recoiled from their presumptive presidential nominee,his campaign moved in for a closer embrace, and the businessman fell freely in polls after a weekend romp in Scotland."

"The most conspicuous silence in the room came from Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, who repeatedly refused to say whether he thought Trump was qualified to be president." whistling.gif

“Look, I’ll leave that to the American people to decide,” he told ABC’s This Week.


The Great "Unifier". The Bloviator. biggrin.png

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Clinton Opens 12-Point Lead on Trump; Two-Thirds See Him as Biased

"Hillary Clinton surged to a broad advantage against Donald Trump in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, capitalizing on Trump’s recent campaign missteps."

"Two-thirds of Americans see him as biased against groups such as women, minorities or Muslims, and a new high, 64 percent, call Trump unqualified to serve as president."

"These and other doubts about Trump have produced a sharp 14-point swing in preferences among registered voters, from +2 points for Trump in mid-May,after he clinched the GOP nomination,

to +12 points for Clinton now, 51-39 percent."



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Have Donald Trump's campaign rallies gotten ‘old hat’?

"Do crowd sizes at Donald Trump's recent rallies give insight into the state of the expected Republican presidential nominee's campaign?"

"At Donald Trump's June 18 rally in Phoenix, about two-thirds of Veterans Memorial Coliseum was empty."

"The venue accommodates up to 15,000 people and Arizona Republicans were expecting about 8,000; only about 5,000 showed up."



Downward Spiral.

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Trump's Virginia rally draws smaller crowd

"Donald Trump’s Friday night rally in Richmond, Va., appeared to draw a much smaller crowd than the presumptive GOP nominee’s usual audience,

based on photos from the scene just before the rally's scheduled 8 p.m. start."

"One reporter tweeted a wide-angle photo showing only a cluster toward the stage where Trump will speak."

"This arena is 25 percent full at best. No line outside either,” the tweet said, with 30 minutes until the scheduled start time."


Happening around the country. Cringeworthy...
The tiny minority of Lemmings illustrated. thumbsup.gif
Did you hear that pin drop?



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The "Text Book Racist", "supposed" "billionaire", Bloviator has been spinning his lies on attendance since last year.

This is one of my favorites from this year. April 2016:

Trump Claims 31,000 Attended California Rally. The Actual Number is Just a Fraction of That


31,000? blink.png

The venue only has 8,200 seats. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif Doh!


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Another of the Bloviator's yarns:

Donald Trump doesn't know what 15,000 people looks like

"The Donald made an appearance tonight in Phoenix, AZ."



The capacity of the venue is 4,100 people. laugh.png

Then, after his since deleted Facebook post, the Bloviator upped the ante:

( And the Twitter Lemmings eat it up )



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He is stopping it himself, now by coming back from his call for a Muslim ban.

So, Trump is flip flopping?

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

Either he "figured out what the hell is going on" or he is listening to his handlers now.

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Trump is being rather silent on the latest Supreme Court ruling with regards to abortion (Texas). It's because he has not stance. It was easy to pretend to be Pro-life in the primaries, but the majority of Americans are Pro-choice. It's one issue that he's trying to avoid, but he can't. If he goes against his Pro-life base, he'll be roasted by his own party. But if he meanders towards being anti-choice/anti-women, he's toast in the general. Either way, he's going to be raked over the coals on this one and it will be fun to watch.

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That's a distortion. It isn't only about wanting to elect the first woman president, which is true. It's that Hillary Clinton is massively qualified. As Obama said perhaps the most qualified person to EVER run for president, period. Does she have flaws? Yes she does. But compared to DANGEROUS donald trump, she will do quite well, thank you very much.

So, indeed, Hillary Clinton is far from a DREAM candidate, but trump is definitely a NIGHTMARE candidate, for the crumbling republican party as much as the American people in general.

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They all do, Chicog.

Going on and on with their pent-up diatribes about Liberals, Sec. Clinton and President Obama and commies...

They have no defense for the crass, loutish, ignorant Bloviator. There is none.

Especially after all his back-tracking, flip-flops and flat out, lies.

I'm sure a Clinton thread is available somewhere... thumbsup.gif

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They all do, Chicog.

Going on and on with their pent-up diatribes about Liberals, Sec. Clinton and President Obama and commies...

They have no defense for the crass, loutish, ignorant Bloviator. There is none.

Especially after all his back-tracking, flip-flops and flat out, lies.

I'm sure a Clinton thread is available somewhere... thumbsup.gif

Yeah there is, it's about her crushing him in the polls.


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They all do, Chicog.

Going on and on with their pent-up diatribes about Liberals, Sec. Clinton and President Obama and commies...

They have no defense for the crass, loutish, ignorant Bloviator. There is none.

Especially after all his back-tracking, flip-flops and flat out, lies.

I'm sure a Clinton thread is available somewhere... thumbsup.gif

Yeah there is, it's about her crushing him in the polls.


Lol gigglem.gif

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You can tell how bright Trump supporters are, they keep posting pictures of Hillary in a Trump thread.


Many have now been removed along with replies and other off-topic posts, including oversized graphics.

Continue to troll, and that's what many of the posts are, and warnings and suspensions will be given.

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