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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Yes, your buddy Trump keeps going on, to a trainwreck!!!!!

Why is it with you donald supporters that you hate everybody and when your hero say something, you believe him! Even when he makes a 180 degree turn a few hours later?

I don't like hrc, but you know what? It will be better than the ............. Trump machine.

I don't hate everybody, just HRC, the worst candidate I can remember bar Bush Jr and Obama. Trump is an unknown quantity as a politician, so may do well, but no one could do worse than Bush Jr or Obama except HRC.

If I could vote in the US I'd vote for a rock before i'd give HRC my support.

Had the Bern not been sabotaged by the Dems establishment he'd have been a shoo in.

If you had to vote for a CEO chief, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ?

The 13th person off the bus from Las Vegas is "an unknown quantity." Would you just wait at a Greyhound station and pick whomever is 13th off a bus? In your defense, he or she would probably be better for America than Trump.

If you had to vote for a Commander in Chief, outranking all generals and admirals, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ? You might as well pick the assistant manager at McDonald's #214. That person would also be "an unknown quantity" and unless that person has declared bankruptcy 5 times, is more fiscally responsible than the Trumpster.

The "unknown quantity" argument to justify supporting Trump is the weakest praise imaginable. That's like going to a subway station blindfolded, picking the first female you touch, and declaring she'd make a good wife because she's "an unknown quantity."

In Trump's case, he's not an unknown candidate. His record is well known.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Yes, your buddy Trump keeps going on, to a trainwreck!!!!!

Why is it with you donald supporters that you hate everybody and when your hero say something, you believe him! Even when he makes a 180 degree turn a few hours later?

I don't like hrc, but you know what? It will be better than the ............. Trump machine.

I don't hate everybody, just HRC, the worst candidate I can remember bar Bush Jr and Obama. Trump is an unknown quantity as a politician, so may do well, but no one could do worse than Bush Jr or Obama except HRC.

If I could vote in the US I'd vote for a rock before i'd give HRC my support.

Had the Bern not been sabotaged by the Dems establishment he'd have been a shoo in.

If you had to vote for a CEO chief, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ?

The 13th person off the bus from Las Vegas is "an unknown quantity." Would you just wait at a Greyhound station and pick whomever is 13th off a bus? In your defense, he or she would probably be better for America than Trump.

If you had to vote for a Commander in Chief, outranking all generals and admirals, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ? You might as well pick the assistant manager at McDonald's #214. That person would also be "an unknown quantity" and unless that person has declared bankruptcy 5 times, is more fiscally responsible than the Trumpster.

The "unknown quantity" argument to justify supporting Trump is the weakest praise imaginable. That's like going to a subway station blindfolded, picking the first female you touch, and declaring she'd make a good wife because she's "an unknown quantity."

In Trump's case, he's not an unknown candidate. His record is well known.

You are right again, trump is not a unknown candidate! They know him in almost every court in the US and because of his hatefull BS, they know him now all over the world.

So, yes, he has a reputation. It's up to you if you think this reputation is a good one, but than as a trumpeteer, you believe everything he says or write. Even when people proof different, or better, even when trump proofs different, because off his flip flopping.

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Hardly anybody wants to speak at Trump's convention

POLITICO reached out to more than 50 prominent Republicans. Few said they plan to attend the convention in Cleveland, let alone speak.

"A slot at the Republican National Convention used to be a career-maker —

a chance to make your name on the big stage and to catch the eye of the Republican donors and activists who make or break campaigns."

"With the convention less than a month away, POLITICO contacted more than 50 prominent governors, senators and House members to gauge their interest in speaking."

"Only a few said they were open to it, and everyone else said they weren’t planning on it, didn’t want to or weren’t going to Cleveland at all — or simply didn’t respond." laugh.png


The Great "Unifier". facepalm.gif

Wise move.

Who would want the indelible toxic stain of the Bloviator on their career anyway?

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Trump’s 'great' memory draws fire in Trump U deposition

"During sworn testimony in the Trump University lawsuit, Donald Trump repeatedly said he couldn't recall specific claims, documents or events related to the case,

prompting a lawyer for the plaintiffs to ask if the real estate mogul considered himself to have “one of the best memories in the world.”

"In response, Trump said he thinks he has a “good” or a “great” memory, but doesn’t recall claiming it’s one of the world’s best,

according to hours of previously unreleased testimony in which Trump was questioned by the plaintiffs' lawyer Jason Forge."

“So you don't remember saying that you have one of the best memories in the world?” Forge asked. “I remember you telling me, but I don't know that I said it,” Trump replied.


Hmmm... The Bloviator's memory failed him 35 times during the deposition. blink.png

But, he said this right?

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Hardly anybody wants to speak at Trump's convention

POLITICO reached out to more than 50 prominent Republicans. Few said they plan to attend the convention in Cleveland, let alone speak.

"A slot at the Republican National Convention used to be a career-maker —

a chance to make your name on the big stage and to catch the eye of the Republican donors and activists who make or break campaigns."

"With the convention less than a month away, POLITICO contacted more than 50 prominent governors, senators and House members to gauge their interest in speaking."

"Only a few said they were open to it, and everyone else said they weren’t planning on it, didn’t want to or weren’t going to Cleveland at all — or simply didn’t respond." laugh.png


The Great "Unifier". facepalm.gif

Wise move.

Who would want the indelible toxic stain of the Bloviator on their career anyway?

You apparently don't understand that the reason Trump is under such concerted attack is that most politicians are threatened by having someone outside the "club" in charge, and that includes politicians from both sides of the trough. They probably want a bought and sold member of the "politicians first, the voters ( suckers ) last" club so that they can continue to make hay before the voters finally realise what a crock the whole rotten system has become and clean house. It's why Trump and Bernie are so popular among the voters as opposed to the 1% and politicians.

Being unpopular with politicians means that Trump represents a threat to them and their lifestyle, ergo a good thing for the common man.

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Trump’s 'great' memory draws fire in Trump U deposition

"During sworn testimony in the Trump University lawsuit, Donald Trump repeatedly said he couldn't recall specific claims, documents or events related to the case,

prompting a lawyer for the plaintiffs to ask if the real estate mogul considered himself to have “one of the best memories in the world.”

"In response, Trump said he thinks he has a “good” or a “great” memory, but doesn’t recall claiming it’s one of the world’s best,

according to hours of previously unreleased testimony in which Trump was questioned by the plaintiffs' lawyer Jason Forge."

“So you don't remember saying that you have one of the best memories in the world?” Forge asked. “I remember you telling me, but I don't know that I said it,” Trump replied.


Hmmm... The Bloviator's memory failed him 35 times during the deposition. blink.png

But, he said this right?

One should be careful using memory in relation to politicians. HRC has such a bad memory that she "remembered" being under fire in Bosnia, which never happened cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

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In Trump's case, he's not an unknown candidate. His record is well known.

You are right again, trump is not a unknown candidate! They know him in almost every court in the US and because of his hatefull BS, they know him now all over the world.

So, yes, he has a reputation. It's up to you if you think this reputation is a good one, but than as a trumpeteer, you believe everything he says or write. Even when people proof different, or better, even when trump proofs different, because off his flip flopping.

I certainly don't believe most of what he says, any more than I believe what any politician says. As for "all over the world", up till he wanted to be POTUS he was rather popular most places. Certainly HRC wanted his support, and his money biggrin.png .

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@Post 3935

Touching. And how very quaint.

"You apparently don't understand that the reason Trump is under such concerted attack is that most politicians are threatened by having someone outside the "club" in charge,

and that includes politicians from both sides of the trough."

Naa, I think the primary reason is, the loutish, crass buffoon is unqualified for the position.

"They probably want a bought and sold member of the "politicians first, the voters ( suckers ) last" club so that they can continue to make hay before the voters finally realise,

what a crock the whole rotten system has become and clean house."

Of course they do. You talk as if politics were born during your lifetime. And you live under an oppressed "rotten system". Welcome to the real world. Boo Hoo...

"Clean house"? cheesy.gif They kill you for that. Welcome to the Big Leagues. thumbsup.gif

"It's why Trump and Bernie are so popular among the voters as opposed to the 1% and politicians."

Naa, the Bloviator is an opportunistic simpleton preying upon simpletons. Sen. Sanders? Too dangerous to the entrenched.

And, If you have read anything I have said on this thread, especially on the very first pages, I stated: The Machine will never let it happen.

They did it to one of their own, Ron Paul, last time around.

I don't agree, but it's been that way long before Fox Views.

"Being unpopular with politicians means that Trump represents a threat to them and their lifestyle, ergo a good thing for the common man."

Again, how quaint. The common man. facepalm.gif

The Bloviator is not part of the solution, he is the epitome of the problem.

And see what you have done?

You have already succumbed to it:


adjective (commoner, commonest)

• ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without special rank or position: the dwellings of common people | a common soldier.

showing a lack of taste and refinement; vulgar.

Been going on for 1000's of years bubba.

And the Bloviator is getting nowhere near the "Club"

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Hardly anybody wants to speak at Trump's convention

POLITICO reached out to more than 50 prominent Republicans. Few said they plan to attend the convention in Cleveland, let alone speak.

"A slot at the Republican National Convention used to be a career-maker —

a chance to make your name on the big stage and to catch the eye of the Republican donors and activists who make or break campaigns."

"With the convention less than a month away, POLITICO contacted more than 50 prominent governors, senators and House members to gauge their interest in speaking."

"Only a few said they were open to it, and everyone else said they weren’t planning on it, didn’t want to or weren’t going to Cleveland at all — or simply didn’t respond." laugh.png


The Great "Unifier". facepalm.gif

Wise move.

Who would want the indelible toxic stain of the Bloviator on their career anyway?

You apparently don't understand that the reason Trump is under such concerted attack is that most politicians are threatened by having someone outside the "club" in charge, and that includes politicians from both sides of the trough. They probably want a bought and sold member of the "politicians first, the voters ( suckers ) last" club so that they can continue to make hay before the voters finally realise what a crock the whole rotten system has become and clean house. It's why Trump and Bernie are so popular among the voters as opposed to the 1% and politicians.

Being unpopular with politicians means that Trump represents a threat to them and their lifestyle, ergo a good thing for the common man.

Silly conspiracy theory.

The republicans are bailing on Trump because he is an embarrassment. He is taking them out as collateral damage.

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Looks like the fake scandal BENGAZZIII! has died a natural death.

Eight separate Republican Congressional inquiries, 10 committees, 15 hearings, 64 briefings, 172 interviews, 252 witness appearances, 100,000 pages of documents and more than $7 million taxpayer dollars in an effort to damage Hillary's presidential campaign.

Just like the $60 million taxpayer dollars they wasted in the failed WhiteWater investigation. Nothing.

The Bengazzi Committee was a just another taxpayer-funded witch hunt against Hillary Clinton.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy admitted when he said last fall that the committee was formed to drive down Clinton’s poll numbers and make her appear “untrustable.”

Committee Chairmans own staffer said “nothing” could have been done to prevent the American deaths in Benghazi.

Another fake scandal headed to the FOX fake scandal graveyard. Of course FOX viewers will probably not know this.

These investigations are a farce. The taxpayers should demand the Republican Campaign refund them.

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Trump is dead in the water.

The convention in Cleveland is already taking shape as the Donald Trump Unreality Show sponsored by the Republican National Committee and Friends.

President Obama's approval rating is at 56% which means he's going to get a third term (in a manner of speaking of course).

The latest NBC News/SurveyMonkey tracking poll shows Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump to eight points, 49% to 41%.

New Public Policy Polling surveys in key battleground states were released:

(Arizona is a red state Bill Clinton won in 1996.)

Byron York: “Now the polls are telling Trump something else. He’s not winning. He’s behind Hillary Clinton by a substantial amount in national polls and by smaller amounts in key state polls. The polls tell him he is in deep trouble with major voting groups — like Republicans, and women — without whose substantial support he can’t win.”

“Hillary Clinton is 6.8 points ahead of Trump in the RealClearPolitics average of polls. Another way of looking at that is Trump is farther behind Clinton now than Mitt Romney ever was at any time after clinching the 2012 Republican nomination. And Romney, as Trump has reminded the world many, many times, lost.”

“Clinton has led Trump in every single one of the last 21 polls in the RealClearPolitics average.”

In 2012 in Arizona Romney beat Obama by nine points, yet Trump leads HRClinton by only four points.

In Wisconsin Obama beat Romney by nine points.

In Pennsylvania Obama beat Romney by five points.

In New Hampshire Obama beat Romney by 5.5%

Obama beat Romney in Iowa by 6%

For all the whackiness Donald Trump has brought to this quadrennial election cycle it remains on schedule in the popular and Electoral College Voting, respectively. The center continues to hold.

Here btw are the PPP findings in key Senate races in the states listed above...

AZ McCain R 42, Kirkpatrick D 40

IA Grassley R 46, Judge D 39

NH Hassan D 44, Ayotte R 42

OH Portman R 40, Strickland D 39

PA Toomey R 40, McGinty D 39

WI Feingold D 50, Johnson R 37

If HRClinton wins by 7% or 8% these Republican senators will fall (Grassley may hang on but the river is rising there too).

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So all you Transnationalist Cosomopolitions are still in the bag for Crooked Hillary are ya? laugh.png

Donald Trump’s Trade Speech: Clinton ‘Worships Globalism over Americanism’

"Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization — moving our jobs, our wealth, and our factories to Mexico and overseas,” Trump declared. “Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very wealthy. But it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache.”



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So the self-anointed "King of Debt" owes $70 million to 253 construction contractors but weaseled out of it in bankruptcy and now just calls it a very good business deal.

Many families & business suffered terribly. "I made allot of money" Trump boasted.

That is just one of his bankruptcies.

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This is a really good article that talks about Trump's main objective, as well as the people who supports him.


[in 2000, Donald Trump boldly told Fortune magazine, “It’s very possible that I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it.” Sixteen years later, he’s structured an entire presidential campaign around making good on that boast. While Trump is turning out to be a disaster for the Republican Party, the real estate magnate is pretty much guaranteed to come out richer. That was the plan all along. And conservative voters, conditioned by decades of right-wing politicians and media exploiting and enhancing their gullibility, make the perfect victims for his ruse.]

[There’s another factor at work here: The anti-intellectualism that has been a mainstay of the conservative movement for decades also makes its members easy marks. After all, if you are taught to believe that the reigning scientific consensuses on evolution and climate change are lies, then you will lack the elementary logical skills that will set your alarm bells ringing when you hear a flim-flam artist like Trump. The Republican “war on science” is also a war on the intellectual habits needed to detect lies.]

Trump supporters are knee-deep in the scam....except they just don't have the wherewithal to recognize it.

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So all you Transnationalist Cosomopolitions are still in the bag for Crooked Hillary are ya? laugh.png

Donald Trump’s Trade Speech: Clinton ‘Worships Globalism over Americanism’

"Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization — moving our jobs, our wealth, and our factories to Mexico and overseas,” Trump declared. “Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very wealthy. But it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache.”



Whilst his Trump signature brand of clothing is made in China.... hypocritical as$h8le. You have to be dumb as dogsh&t to swallow this guy's B.S.

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...........and others who feel Trump is going to be some kind of business guru for the U.S., you might want to read this article, which contains an excerpt:

"Trump has broken from Republican orthodoxy and embraced a protectionist trade stance that more closely mirrors liberals such as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders". Oh no! Say it ain't so!


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FORMERLY DEMOCRAT ELECTED OFFICIALS TURN REPUBLICAN FOR TRUMP IN NEW JERSEY Two Camden County, New Jersey elected officials jumped ship from the Democratic Party to register Republican and vote for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Audubon Park Mayor Larry Pennock, who changed his registration over two months ago, describes his shift as “ideological,” highlighting his positions on the "economy, national security, and immigration.”


Here they come - Bernie's supporters joining the people's movement and getting on the Trump Train :)

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No worries. He is self destructing on his own. He just does not have what it takes to go the distance. Granted, Hillary is a terrible choice for the country. But, this is what the American people deserve, and are getting, as reality TV has dumbed down the nation to the point where these are the only two remaining candidates, out of a very mediocre field of wanna be types.

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Trump: "It was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA, people don't remember, in 1993, and Hillary Clinton who supported it. And the havoc it wreaked after he left office was unbelievable."

Comments by keen observers: As noted by the Washington Post, more Republicans than Democrats supported NAFTA at the time of its approval. Also, as the Post's Glenn Kessler noted, NAFTA was negotiated under George H.W. Bush, not Clinton, and Bush signed it.

Trump: "Hillary Clinton unleashed a trade war against the American worker when she supported one terrible trade deal after another — from NAFTA to China to South Korea."

Comment from Danielle Kurtzleben: Trump isn't just disagreeing with Clinton's policies. Powerful right-leaning groups like the Chamber of Commerce also disagree with him. The chamber reacted to Trump's speech with tweets saying that Trump's plans would cost jobs and that NAFTA has been good for the economy.

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If you had to vote for a CEO chief, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ?

The 13th person off the bus from Las Vegas is "an unknown quantity." Would you just wait at a Greyhound station and pick whomever is 13th off a bus? In your defense, he or she would probably be better for America than Trump.

If you had to vote for a Commander in Chief, outranking all generals and admirals, would you pick someone because he is "an unknown quantity" ? You might as well pick the assistant manager at McDonald's #214. That person would also be "an unknown quantity" and unless that person has declared bankruptcy 5 times, is more fiscally responsible than the Trumpster.

The "unknown quantity" argument to justify supporting Trump is the weakest praise imaginable. That's like going to a subway station blindfolded, picking the first female you touch, and declaring she'd make a good wife because she's "an unknown quantity."

In Trump's case, he's not an unknown candidate. His record is well known.

You are right again, trump is not a unknown candidate! They know him in almost every court in the US and because of his hatefull BS, they know him now all over the world.

So, yes, he has a reputation. It's up to you if you think this reputation is a good one, but than as a trumpeteer, you believe everything he says or write. Even when people proof different, or better, even when trump proofs different, because off his flip flopping.

I agree. Trump has been on view for decades, mostly as a reality TV person. Yet many of his most rabid supporters claim American should put him in top office because "he's an unknown quantity". Perhaps that shows how out-of-touch his fans really are. That's a sign they're groping in the dark. It's like making a cake and blindly reaching in kitchen cabinets while blindfolded, and pouring in whatever is pourable. Trump fans want change for the sake of change. It's a recipe for disaster.

They say things like, "Well, let's try him out, for better or for worse." or "He can't be worse than professional politicians, can he?" Those should be Trump's campaign bylines.

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It seems the only hope Republican supporters can see of Trump beating Clinton is to throw as much pointless faecal matter at her as possible in the vain hope that enough of it sticks.

Enough to make Trump look a better option?

Not a chance in hell.


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From pathetic to surreal to illegal:

Trump’s Son Begged A Scottish Politician To Fund Daddy’s Campaign. Her Response Is DEVASTATING

"Donald Trump’s campaign is in dire straits, financially speaking."

"His latest FEC filing reported that he only had a meager $1.3 million in his war chest, and online analytics agencies quickly found that his immediate declaration,

that he had raised $3 million with his first ever donation email was just another one of Trump’s many lies."

"Now it appears that he and his family are asking anyone they possibly can for some spare change – but they aren’t being warmly received."



The Bloviator and Bloviator Jr., are now illegally soliciting donations from foreign nationals. And indeed, a foreign government:





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Presidential Transition Process Already Underway

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has already announced that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will run his presidential transition team, along with his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The new president will be immediately responsible for the national security of the country."


Let us hope the Obama clowns don't rip the "T's" off all the computer keyboards in an uncontrolled fit of pique like Clinton's pouges did to Dubya and the "W's", eh?whistling.gif

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The Trump campaign is likely regretting asking this fierce Scottish MP for an illegal donation

"The Federal Elections Commission is very clear on the fact that foreign nationals cannot legally donate to candidates in the United States "

"The reason is pretty simple—they don’t want U.S. elections to be influenced by outside money."

"That apparently didn’t stop the Trump campaign from sending a fundraising solicitation to Scottish Parliament members."


The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state,

or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly.

It is unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive or accept contributions or donations from them.

Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.

Who is a Foreign National?

These groups and individuals are considered foreign nationals and are subject to the prohibition:
Foreign governments
Foreign political parties

Individuals with foreign citizenship and,

Immigrants who do not have a green card.

Foreign corporations

Foreign associations
Foreign partnerships

Full laws here:



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The Bloviator is illegally soliciting from the British Government as well:

MPs 'bombarded' by spam emails from Donald Trump

A Conservative MP has complained about being “bombarded” by emails from Donald Trump’s team.

"Sir Roger Gale appealed to the Speaker of the Commons to help to block the “intemperate spam”.

"John Bercow responded by sympathising with the “exceptionally tedious experience” and said he would ask Parliament’s digital team to look into stopping people receiving the messages."

"Raising a point of order this afternoon, Sir Roger said: “Members of Parliament are being bombarded by electronic communications from Team Trump,

on behalf of somebody called Donald Trump."


“Intemperate Spam”. clap2.gif thumbsup.gif

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The Bloviator is illegally soliciting from the British Government as well:

MPs 'bombarded' by spam emails from Donald Trump

A Conservative MP has complained about being “bombarded” by emails from Donald Trump’s team.

"Sir Roger Gale appealed to the Speaker of the Commons to help to block the “intemperate spam”.

"John Bercow responded by sympathising with the “exceptionally tedious experience” and said he would ask Parliament’s digital team to look into stopping people receiving the messages."

"Raising a point of order this afternoon, Sir Roger said: “Members of Parliament are being bombarded by electronic communications from Team Trump,

on behalf of somebody called Donald Trump."


“Intemperate Spam”. clap2.gif thumbsup.gif

“exceptionally tedious experience” ....that's right on the mark. I spent 8th grade (3rd form) going to an upper crust all-boys English boarding school, and I can hear that phrase spoken succinctly.

My father was also brought up in that stuffy atmosphere at the same school, but 40 years before I went. He had an English accent, and I used to crack up when he'd say about someone; "What a crashing bore!" as a kid, I would picture a boar crashing through underbrush, but when I got older, I reckoned he meant bore, as in a boring person.

Trump is a lot of things, but he's not a bore - .....an orange boar let loose in a china shop maybe.

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Donald Trump Had a Very Different Message About Trade Before He Ran For President “We hear terrible things about outsourcing jobs — how sending work outside of our companies is contributing to the demise of American businesses,” Trump wrote in 2005. “But in this instance I have to take the unpopular stance that it is not always a terrible thing.”


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Presidential Transition Process Already Underway

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has already announced that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will run his presidential transition team, along with his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The new president will be immediately responsible for the national security of the country."


Let us hope the Obama clowns don't rip the "T's" off all the computer keyboards in an uncontrolled fit of pique like Clinton's pouges did to Dubya and the "W's", eh?whistling.gif

Thank you again for your posting Boon, I needed a good laugh.
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