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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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"Confused, shocked, bewildered. Just a few of the words used in recent days to describe Japan and South Korea's reaction to some of Donald Trump's latest comments about the region."

"So high was the level of concern, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe felt the need to respond publicly, saying:

"Whoever will become the next president of the United States, the Japan-U.S. alliance is the cornerstone of Japan's diplomacy."

"Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida added, "It is impossible that Japan will arm itself with nuclear weapons."
"Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer earlier this year, "South Korea is a money machine but they pay us peanuts ... South Korea should pay us very substantially for protecting them."
"Howls of inaccuracy came from the South Korean Foreign Ministry, the U.S. ambassador to South Korea, and even the White House." laugh.png
"Ambassador Mark Lippert said Seoul pays for 55% of all non-personnel costs."
Further examples that the Bloviator is absolutely clueless.


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There are a plethora of great political cartoons coming out. Trump is the best thing to ever happen to political satirists.

. . . . . Here's one that got me laughing out loud. After you see it, try clicking the arrows to see others. They're incredibly witty.

Splendid! Didn't realise Americans had a sense of humour. First class. Thanks!

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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

Let's make a deal.

When Obama releases his transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law after only seven years in office, maybe Trump will consider releasing his from Wharton Business.

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Obama never shies away from opining on things that many would see as beneath his office to even acknowledge publicly......especially at a summit attended by some 50 + world leaders

President Obama is being the opposite of Donald Trump, i.e., presidential and President. It is impossible Trump can be or will be either/both.

The world needs to know it is only the Republican party controlled by the brain scrabbled right that support and speak for the neutron brain of Donald Trump.

I expect that when I say President Obama is being responsible and that he has earned the respect and gratitude of the vast majority of Americans, the whingenut Obama haters will today devour more bandwidth attacking him than the total bandwidth I've used in all of the past month. smile.png

Yes, respect is correct

Personally, I'm slightly disappointed that he didn't use his first term mandate to greater effect. But, overall vastly superior to his predecessor in all respects

Maybe an American contributor could provide a list of achievements including overcoming the financial meltdown and Obamacare?

Publicus! Where are you when I need you?

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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

Let's make a deal.

When Obama releases his transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law after only seven years in office, maybe Trump will consider releasing his from Wharton Business.

Trump should not have thrown a tantrum about Obama not releasing his. But we all know Obama's grades were impressive. He would not have become editor of the law review if he was dumb.

Trump on the other hand......we can only guess how poor his grades were.

He should also release his taxes.... But again, it would probably be quite unflattering.....

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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

Let's make a deal.

When Obama releases his transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law after only seven years in office, maybe Trump will consider releasing his from Wharton Business.

Comparing Trump's obvious stumbling through undergraduate school, with Obama's undergraduate degree from Columbia might be equivalent, but that is as far as it goes. I really can't fathom how any college graduate, or even junior college graduate, could be as dense as Trump has shown himself.

Trump did not attend the prestigious MBA program at Wharton. Obama's Harvard doctorate speaks for itself, and since Trump does not have any graduate or post-grad level degrees, it is a moot point.

However, I'm sure you believe, as Trump does, that Obama, in addition to not having graduated from those prestigious institutions, did so as an alien radicalized Islamist Kenyan-born student, with his forged birth certificate and fraudulently-obtained passport from USA. wink.png

Edited by keemapoot
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Personally, I don't much care what sorts of degrees the candidates have hanging on their office walls. It's their ideas and statements which count. I've met people with no degrees who are head and shoulders wiser than others I've met with prestigious degrees. Most of the people who brought American financial institutions to their knees in 2006, 2007, and 2008 had very impressive degrees. To me, a degree shows that a person can finagle his/her way into a university and sit still in a chair and face the front of the class for 1,000 days. I had a friend in the US who graduated near the top of his class from Harvard Law School. I don't know how smart he was, but emotionally, he was a 6 year old brat who would blow up at anyone who crossed him the tiniest bit. The opposite of cool-headed. Come to think of it, he was quite a bit like The Donald.

I would care more to see The Donald's past 3 years' tax returns. He's avoiding that because there are obviously some things he doesn't want voters to see or to know. He's the toughest guy on the block when shouting at the president to release his birth certificate, but a cringing coward when the tables are turned.

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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

Let's make a deal.

When Obama releases his transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law after only seven years in office, maybe Trump will consider releasing his from Wharton Business.

Trump should not have thrown a tantrum about Obama not releasing his. But we all know Obama's grades were impressive. He would not have become editor of the law review if he was dumb.

Trump on the other hand......we can only guess how poor his grades were.

He should also release his taxes.... But again, it would probably be quite unflattering.....

I'm afraid Obama's academic credentials are much more impressive than that. Everyone knows that to become the editor of the law review, you are usually the top student in that first year class, as well as President of the Journal 2nd year, and to top it off, was research assistant both 2nd and 3rd yrs to the legendary constitutional law scholar Lawrence Tribe (who Pres. Bill Clinton considered for nomination to US Supreme Court), the works of whom who every US law student must study.

I don't care much for Obama, but he must have been a truly impressive legal academic.

I think in this case, we maybe don't need to see his transcripts. laugh.png

Edited by keemapoot
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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

Let's make a deal.

When Obama releases his transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law after only seven years in office, maybe Trump will consider releasing his from Wharton Business.

Comparing Trump's obvious stumbling through undergraduate school, with Obama's undergraduate degree from Columbia might be equivalent, but that is as far as it goes. I really can't fathom how any college graduate, or even junior college graduate, could be as dense as Trump has shown himself.

Trump did not attend the prestigious MBA program at Wharton. Obama's Harvard doctorate speaks for itself, and since Trump does not have any graduate or post-grad level degrees, it is a moot point.

However, I'm sure you believe, as Trump does, that Obama, in addition to not having graduated from those prestigious institutions, did so as an alien radicalized Islamist Kenyan-born student, with his forged birth certificate and fraudulently-obtained passport from USA. wink.png

Suddenly since mid last year no one in the Wharton School administration present or past can remember anything about Donald Trump, B.S. in Economics with a concentration in finance, the the guy who'd been the transfer student from Fordham University.

It seems no one at Fordham remembers him there either, to include both the administration and classmates from the time.

So Fortune magazine decided to look into it.....

....and they found a funny and viral video: Donald Trump POW: Prisoner of Wharton

No one knows what Donald Trump did at Wharton

Last month, comedy website Funny or Die released a viral video, called “Donald Trump: POW.” The “W” in this case stood for Wharton — the prestigious business school at the University of Pennsylvania.

The video mockingly applauds Trump’s ability to remain under the radar during his time in Philadelphia: “Trump was careful not to capture any unwanted attention at school, he evaded the Dean’s List and any kind of honors and any kind of recognition of service,” the video quips.

The Daily News reports that none of the students that attended Wharton between 1966 and 1968 have any recollection of Trump; he was only a student there for two years, after transferring from Fordham University in New York City.

“He was not first in the class. He was not known on campus for any reason at all,” his Wharton classmate Nancy Hano told Daily News. Another classmate, Stanton Koppel, told the publication, “I have no memory of him whatsoever.”


Seems to be the same story now as back then, i.e., the lights are on but nobody's home.

Edited by Publicus
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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

Let's make a deal.

When Obama releases his transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law after only seven years in office, maybe Trump will consider releasing his from Wharton Business.

Trump should not have thrown a tantrum about Obama not releasing his. But we all know Obama's grades were impressive. He would not have become editor of the law review if he was dumb.

Trump on the other hand......we can only guess how poor his grades were.

He should also release his taxes.... But again, it would probably be quite unflattering.....

I'm afraid Obama's academic credentials are much more impressive than that. Everyone knows that to become the editor of the law review, you are usually the top student in that first year class, as well as President of the Journal 2nd year, and to top it off, was research assistant both 2nd and 3rd yrs to the legendary constitutional law scholar Lawrence Tribe, the works of whom who every US law student must study.

I don't care much for Obama, but he must have been a truly impressive legal academic.

No doubt. I have been very critical of Obama for the past 7 years as well..... I feel he really failed in many areas (but also succeeded in others). However, to claim he is somehow unintelligent is simply laughable......

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Why don't you run along and find an Obama or Hillary thread? And drone on there?

And stop cluttering this one up with your constant/deflecting, irrelevant myopic agenda?

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic: "Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine"


He has to clutter it up with irrelevant bull shit. I think we have seen enough of his posts to know by now he never has anything of substance to offer. Edited by inbangkok
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If you guys are so proud of Obama, show me the beef.

What were his grades?

Until you can do that, you have nothing.

He was editor of the Harvard Law review........ You must be super special if you don't think that proves anything......

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"Sometimes exaggeration just seems to swirl around him. A recent television show, 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,

reported that his Greenwich, Conn., waterfront home is a $10 million estate. Mr. Trump will admit that, yes he paid less than one-third of that and says: I didn't tell them that."

"Various figures, ranging from $6 million to $10 million have been reported as the amount he paid for the Generals,

but, as one who was involved in the negotiations says, the figure is closer to $1 million.

Mr. Trump answers: I never told them those other figures."

(Another failure by the way.) thumbsup.gif

"And just about every profile ever written about Mr. Trump states that he graduated first in his class at Wharton in 1968. Although the school refused comment,

the commencement program from 1968 does not list him as graduating with honors of any kind. He says he never told them that either."



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The radical right never retires.

They've spent three score years and six trying to drag the USA back into the 1950s.

They've failed in every respect so it's been a tough row that they've felt compelled to hoe. Lost every major battle, issue, difference. Socially. Culturally. Demographically. Politically.

Obama's election in 2008 finally did 'em in as the weight of their rightwing contraption ground itself to its halt. So it's off to the junkyard with it on November 8th. Trump is their barking dog.

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The radical right never retires.

They've spent three score years and six trying to drag the USA back into the 1950s.

They've failed in every respect so it's been a tough row that they've felt compelled to hoe. Lost every major battle, issue, difference. Socially. Culturally. Demographically. Politically.

Obama's election in 2008 finally did 'em in as the weight of their rightwing contraption ground itself to its halt. So it's off to the junkyard with it on November 8th. Trump is their barking dog.

Three score six would be 1950. Sort of hard to take you back to something before it began. And there wasn't even a presidential election in 1950. In 1950, Harry Truman was just getting the US into the Korean War and developing the H-bomb. No wonder your posts sound so confused. You have a basic problem with arithmetic and logic.

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The radical right never retires.

They've spent three score years and six trying to drag the USA back into the 1950s.

They've failed in every respect so it's been a tough row that they've felt compelled to hoe. Lost every major battle, issue, difference. Socially. Culturally. Demographically. Politically.

Obama's election in 2008 finally did 'em in as the weight of their rightwing contraption ground itself to its halt. So it's off to the junkyard with it on November 8th. Trump is their barking dog.

Three score six would be 1950. Sort of hard to take you back to something before it began. And there wasn't even a presidential election in 1950. In 1950, Harry Truman was just getting the US into the Korean War and developing the H-bomb. No wonder your posts sound so confused. You have a basic problem with arithmetic and logic.

Publicus is generally right. The 1950's were a time of McCarthyism, with Nixon standing right alongside. It was a time when cigarette ads had doctor's saying cigs were good for your health. A time when N-bombs were exploded in the western US's deserts (and Pacific islands) without even telling the people downwind. It was during Republican Eisenhower's 2nd term when the Bay of Pigs fiasco was planned. Kennedy inherited the plan and unwittingly approved it. It was a time when US marines were sent places to take out foreign leaders which weren't to the liking of US leaders.

Are those the times which Trump refers to when he keeps shouting, "Make America Great Again!" ? Trump was a young fellow then, and it's natural for man to reminisce back to times when he was full of spunk, first romances, the elixir of youth.

Granted, there were sock hops, juke boxes, bobby socks, soda fountains, great do-wop music, and streets were safer for kids to walk down. If he can bring back all the good stuff, ....then maybe that's ok. But then perhaps he should change his name to Peter Pan or The Pied Piper of Manhattan.

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The radical right never retires.

They've spent three score years and six trying to drag the USA back into the 1950s.

They've failed in every respect so it's been a tough row that they've felt compelled to hoe. Lost every major battle, issue, difference. Socially. Culturally. Demographically. Politically.

Obama's election in 2008 finally did 'em in as the weight of their rightwing contraption ground itself to its halt. So it's off to the junkyard with it on November 8th. Trump is their barking dog.

Three score six would be 1950. Sort of hard to take you back to something before it began. And there wasn't even a presidential election in 1950. In 1950, Harry Truman was just getting the US into the Korean War and developing the H-bomb. No wonder your posts sound so confused. You have a basic problem with arithmetic and logic.

Publicus is generally right. The 1950's were a time of McCarthyism, with Nixon standing right alongside. It was a time when cigarette ads had doctor's saying cigs were good for your health. A time when N-bombs were exploded in the western US's deserts (and Pacific islands) without even telling the people downwind. It was during Republican Eisenhower's 2nd term when the Bay of Pigs fiasco was planned. Kennedy inherited the plan and unwittingly approved it. It was a time when US marines were sent places to take out foreign leaders which weren't to the liking of US leaders.

Are those the times which Trump refers to when he keeps shouting, "Make America Great Again!" ? Trump was a young fellow then, and it's natural for man to reminisce back to times when he was full of spunk, first romances, the elixir of youth.

Granted, there were sock hops, juke boxes, bobby socks, soda fountains, great do-wop music, and streets were safer for kids to walk down. If he can bring back all the good stuff, ....then maybe that's ok. But then perhaps he should change his name to Peter Pan or The Pied Piper of Manhattan.

For the working man, this was a time when even someone working as a service station attendant could afford a modest home, a car, and take care of his family and see his children get a decent education. No pied piper, there. And for someone working in a developing industry, such as aerospace, or even in an established industry, such as automobiles, with unions that thought of American workers, instead of illegal aliens, for them, life would never be better. And, except for a brief flurry to support a ruling president in Lebanon, I don't remember the marines going anywhere to "take out" foreign leaders in the 1950s. Marines DID come to Thailand to prop up the government, but that was under Kennedy in the 1960s. And marines were used to invade the Dominican Republic, but that was under Johnson, another Democrat, and also in the 1960s. Of course, there was also the Kennedy-Johnson build up in Vietnam--again in the 1960s. Where else did you find the marines in the 50s, except Korea?

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Publicus is generally right. The 1950's were a time of McCarthyism, with Nixon standing right alongside. It was a time when cigarette ads had doctor's saying cigs were good for your health. A time when N-bombs were exploded in the western US's deserts (and Pacific islands) without even telling the people downwind. It was during Republican Eisenhower's 2nd term when the Bay of Pigs fiasco was planned. Kennedy inherited the plan and unwittingly approved it. It was a time when US marines were sent places to take out foreign leaders which weren't to the liking of US leaders.

Are those the times which Trump refers to when he keeps shouting, "Make America Great Again!" ? Trump was a young fellow then, and it's natural for man to reminisce back to times when he was full of spunk, first romances, the elixir of youth.

Granted, there were sock hops, juke boxes, bobby socks, soda fountains, great do-wop music, and streets were safer for kids to walk down. If he can bring back all the good stuff, ....then maybe that's ok. But then perhaps he should change his name to Peter Pan or The Pied Piper of Manhattan.

Publicus is generally wrong. Shortly after his inauguration, in February 1961, President Kennedy authorized the invasion plan. But he was determined to disguise U.S. support. The landing point at the Bay of Pigs was part of the deception. The site was a remote swampy area on the southern coast of Cuba, where a night landing might bring a force ashore against little resistance and help to hide any U.S. involvement.


Kennedy knew exactly what he was doing. You may want to check out the JFK Presidential library.


You wrote, " The 1950's were a time of.......... Trump was a young fellow then, and it's natural for man to reminisce back to times when he was full of spunk, first romances, the elixir of youth."

Trump was 4 years old in 1950.biggrin.png

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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

Let's make a deal.

When Obama releases his transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law after only seven years in office, maybe Trump will consider releasing his from Wharton Business.

Trump should not have thrown a tantrum about Obama not releasing his. But we all know Obama's grades were impressive. He would not have become editor of the law review if he was dumb.

Trump on the other hand......we can only guess how poor his grades were.

He should also release his taxes.... But again, it would probably be quite unflattering.....

I'm afraid Obama's academic credentials are much more impressive than that. Everyone knows that to become the editor of the law review, you are usually the top student in that first year class, as well as President of the Journal 2nd year, and to top it off, was research assistant both 2nd and 3rd yrs to the legendary constitutional law scholar Lawrence Tribe (who Pres. Bill Clinton considered for nomination to US Supreme Court), the works of whom who every US law student must study.

I don't care much for Obama, but he must have been a truly impressive legal academic.

I think in this case, we maybe don't need to see his transcripts. laugh.png

How one did in university doesn't matter one bit after they have been in the real world for a few decades.

That said, Obama was either an Affirmative Action baby or got into university pretending to be a foreign student. Maybe both, but certainly one or the other.

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What you have posted is not a "fact." It is a list of polls with varying numbers. The only "fact" you can have is an election result.

When every poll is confirming the same numbers within the margin of error, it is indeed a fact....... A fact that can later change..... But for the time being, a fact nonetheless. He is loathed among women..... FACT!

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There is no way he's going to reverse the negative impression he's made with women. It's BAKED in.

I'm getting to the point of wishing for Trump to be nominated so he's set up to be CREAMED by HRC and see the republicans lose the SENATE as well.

Go Trump!

Trump Trump Trump!

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"Donald Trump, widely believed to the be the wealthiest American ever to run for president,

is nowhere among the ranks of the country's most generous citizens, according to an Associated Press review of his financial records and other government filings."

More bloviating from the "ardent philanthropist":

"Trump has said he donated $102 million worth of cash and land to philanthropic and conservation organizations over the past five years."

"But his campaign has provided little documentation for most of these contributions,

and tax filings of the Donald J. Trump foundation show Trump has made no charitable contributions to his own namesake nonprofit since 2008."

"Until late last year, Trump was described as an "ardent philanthropist" in a biography posted to the Trump Organization's website,

That language has since been removed." whistling.gif


"ardent philanthropist" my ass:


(Talk about peanuts…)

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Trump should not have thrown a tantrum about Obama not releasing his. But we all know Obama's grades were impressive. He would not have become editor of the law review if he was dumb.

Trump on the other hand......we can only guess how poor his grades were.

He should also release his taxes.... But again, it would probably be quite unflattering.....

I'm afraid Obama's academic credentials are much more impressive than that. Everyone knows that to become the editor of the law review, you are usually the top student in that first year class, as well as President of the Journal 2nd year, and to top it off, was research assistant both 2nd and 3rd yrs to the legendary constitutional law scholar Lawrence Tribe (who Pres. Bill Clinton considered for nomination to US Supreme Court), the works of whom who every US law student must study.

I don't care much for Obama, but he must have been a truly impressive legal academic.

I think in this case, we maybe don't need to see his transcripts. laugh.png

How one did in university doesn't matter one bit after they have been in the real world for a few decades.

That said, Obama was either an Affirmative Action baby or got into university pretending to be a foreign student. Maybe both, but certainly one or the other.

I don't care what grades Obama or Trump got. Grades don't mean much in college accept for academic societies and staying off academic probation. The chief measure of the student is having gotten into the college in the first place. Take Harvard for example. 6% acceptance rate, 98% graduation rate. If you can get in, you will get through it.

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