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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump picked stock fraud felon as senior adviser clap2.gif

“Donald Trump knew a man he named as a senior business adviser in 2010 had been convicted in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme,

according to Associated Press interviews and a review of court records.”

“He pleaded guilty in 1998 to one count of racketeering for his role in a $40 million stock fraud scheme involving the prominent Genovese and Bonanno crime families, according to court records.

Prosecutors called the operation a pump-and-dump scheme, in which insiders manipulate the price of obscure stocks and then sell them to hapless investors at inflated prices.

Five years earlier, a New York State court had sentenced Sater to more than a year in prison for stabbing a man in the face with a broken margarita glass.”

“Trump had worked with Felix Sater previously during the man's stint as an executive at Bayrock Group LLC, a real estate development firm that partnered with Trump,

on numerous projects after renting office space from the Trump Organization.”

“Less than three years later, however, Trump tapped Sater for a business development role that came with the title of senior adviser to Donald Trump.

Sater … was given an office within the Trump Organization's headquarters, on the same floor as Trump's own.” whistling.gif


P.S. See Post #980

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I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic? Ted Cruz, leader of the Republicans? SENSIBLE debate? He's a crazy wingnut and disliked by everyone. He's also very creepy.

Yeah Ted, lead the Republicans...right off a cliff.

Ole Ted is more dangerous than Trump. He's slightly smarter than Trump but he actually believes the invisible people telling what to do. Fortunately, he doesn't have a prayer. (Oh snap! Did you see what I did there? cheesy.gif )

Democrats have nothing to worry about with these two or any of their other idiots for that matter.

The American Mussolini chose the Republican party as his hoped for vehicle to power as it was the natural fit. His cup of tea.

Trump had for decades donated to both Republicans and Democrats. He mingled with each, solicited each and was solicited by each. He learned the political landscape then he decided to go with his natural affinity for the Republican party.

Trump had accurately determined he could not make any progress running in the Democratic party as a Democrat. No chance, not ever. Trump knew he'd need the whole of the Republican party to take on Hillary Clinton in a general election.

Turns out Trump doesn't have that either. Late as it may be, the Institutional Republican Party is organising and has begun to fend off a preziduce' Trump.

Americans have made themselves clear in their rejection of Trump. So it remains the serious challenge of the Republican party to throw off the most extreme of its most extreme members and supporters. Let them go their own way outside of the two-party system they outright reject and are trying to wreck.

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

More than 60 percent of all registered voters and 31 percent of Republicans said they definitely would not vote for Trump in the general election.

One group that is still with him includes those who describe themselves as both Republicans and supporters of the tea party movement. Sixty-eight percent of them have a favorable view.


And well they should view him negatively. How come you left out that portion of the poll where it found that 55% of Americans view Hillary Clinton negatively as well? That's worse than George Bush four years in to a horrible George Bush presidency.

Given the right are obsessed focused against Hillary Clinton I'd thought you mentioned it already along with your long line of posts attacking HRC that take the temporary and convenient ride on the Bernie Bandwagon until your next Hillary hating vehicle comes along.

Some nominal and recently contrived Bernie Democrats are in fact and in reality lifelong rightists. It's easy to know a wolf in any clothing.

You asked, I replied.

Carry on.

I'm not sure how it is that you are able to post lies about other posters here. Maybe it is that you do it so often that the TPTB and others are simply inured to it. Depending on falsehoods to make your case is no way to go through life and by extension reflects poorly on those whom you endorse.

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Court deals a setback to Donald Trump in fraud case against Trump University

"Donald Trump is facing three lawsuits alleging that he defrauded thousands of students through the now-defunct Trump University, and one of those cases moved a step closer to trial on Tuesday."

"Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, who filed the lawsuit against Trump in 2013, called the court’s order “a clear victory in our effort to hold Donald Trump and Trump University accountable.” clap2.gif



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The American Mussolini chose the Republican party as his hoped for vehicle to power as it was the natural fit. His cup of tea.

Trump had for decades donated to both Republicans and Democrats. He mingled with each, solicited each and was solicited by each. He learned the political landscape then he decided to go with his natural affinity for the Republican party.

Trump had accurately determined he could not make any progress running in the Democratic party as a Democrat. No chance, not ever. Trump knew he'd need the whole of the Republican party to take on Hillary Clinton in a general election.

Turns out Trump doesn't have that either. Late as it may be, the Institutional Republican Party is organising and has begun to fend off a preziduce' Trump.

Americans have made themselves clear in their rejection of Trump. So it remains the serious challenge of the Republican party to throw off the most extreme of its most extreme members and supporters. Let them go their own way outside of the two-party system they outright reject and are trying to wreck.

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

More than 60 percent of all registered voters and 31 percent of Republicans said they definitely would not vote for Trump in the general election.

One group that is still with him includes those who describe themselves as both Republicans and supporters of the tea party movement. Sixty-eight percent of them have a favorable view.


And well they should view him negatively. How come you left out that portion of the poll where it found that 55% of Americans view Hillary Clinton negatively as well? That's worse than George Bush four years in to a horrible George Bush presidency.

Given the right are obsessed focused against Hillary Clinton I'd thought you mentioned it already along with your long line of posts attacking HRC that take the temporary and convenient ride on the Bernie Bandwagon until your next Hillary hating vehicle comes along.

Some nominal and recently contrived Bernie Democrats are in fact and in reality lifelong rightists. It's easy to know a wolf in any clothing.

You asked, I replied.

Carry on.

I'm not sure how it is that you are able to post lies about other posters here. Maybe it is that you do it so often that the TPTB and others are simply inured to it. Depending on falsehoods to make your case is no way to go through life and by extension reflects poorly on those whom you endorse.

reflects poorly on those whom you endorse.

Hillary Clinton on the brain again I presume....

Also and again, you asked, I replied. No lies involved from over here, just insights based on experience and opinion.

This poster learned long ago btw to be careful of what to ask for and whom to ask questions of. It's called anticipation, forward projection and to know the other guy and what he will do if given the opening. Sort of a caveat emptor of posting.

So the long and the short of it is, can't stand the heat don't go into the kitchen.

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The Court's decision on the fraudulent, huckster and un-American Bloviator re:

A lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court, brought by members of House Wreckers Local 95 that in order

to avoid paying union employees their pension and welfare benefits, Trump (and the contractor he used for the job, Kaszycki & Sons)

brought in some 200 undocumented Polish workers to demolish the Bonwit Teller building that then occupied the site of the future Trump Tower.

The Breach of Fiduciary Duty Involved Fraud or Concealment

"Fraud consists of 1) an untrue representation, 2) knowledge of or reckless disregard for its falsity, 3) intention to induce reliance, and 4)

another party's acting or refraining from acting because of it, 5) resulting in damage.

37 Am.Jur.2d, Fraud and Deceit § 12; 37 C.J.S., Fraud and Deceit, § 83; cf. Katara v. D.E. Jones Commodities, Inc., 835 F.2d 966, 970 (2d Cir.1987)

(elements of common law fraud are material, false representation, an intent to defraud thereby, and reasonable reliance on the representation)."

"These elements are met here. Senyshyn submitted shop steward reports which he knew did not truthfully represent the workers on the job.

He intended to mislead the administrators of the funds as to the number of workers on the Kaszycki job for whom contributions were due.

Because of the false shop steward reports (as well as the false employer reports),

the fund administrators and trustees refrained from seeking contributions on behalf of the wages of the Polish workers.

The funds suffered damages due to the underpayment of contributions."



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And well they should view him negatively. How come you left out that portion of the poll where it found that 55% of Americans view Hillary Clinton negatively as well? That's worse than George Bush four years in to a horrible George Bush presidency.

Given the right are obsessed focused against Hillary Clinton I'd thought you mentioned it already along with your long line of posts attacking HRC that take the temporary and convenient ride on the Bernie Bandwagon until your next Hillary hating vehicle comes along.

Some nominal and recently contrived Bernie Democrats are in fact and in reality lifelong rightists. It's easy to know a wolf in any clothing.

You asked, I replied.

Carry on.

I'm not sure how it is that you are able to post lies about other posters here. Maybe it is that you do it so often that the TPTB and others are simply inured to it. Depending on falsehoods to make your case is no way to go through life and by extension reflects poorly on those whom you endorse.

reflects poorly on those whom you endorse.

Hillary Clinton on the brain again I presume....

Also and again, you asked, I replied. No lies involved from over here, just insights based on experience and opinion.

This poster learned long ago btw to be careful of what to ask for and whom to ask questions of. It's called anticipation, forward projection and to know the other guy and what he will do if given the opening. Sort of a caveat emptor of posting.

So the long and the short of it is, can't stand the heat don't go into the kitchen.

It's not a matter of standing the heat in the kitchen. It is a matter of being forthright and honest. You may enjoy this game of political grab ass where you get to verbally masturbate in public, but not everyone does. You don't get to set the rules. Sure, take your swipes at Trump, but for any thinking person it looks like you're the guy at school that enjoys kicking the retard. This retard is a threat to no one. He only serves to draw attention away from more malevolent figures. But of course you know that already.

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In keeping with the "Stopping The Donald Trump Machine" and Cruz and Kasich besides, how about starting with the stronger opponent?



Kasich beats Hillary in most polls.

But at the moment it seems he isn't rabid enough for the teabaggers and sundry other white right wingers.

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In keeping with the "Stopping The Donald Trump Machine" and Cruz and Kasich besides, how about starting with the stronger opponent?



Kasich beats Hillary in most polls.

But at the moment it seems he isn't rabid enough for the teabaggers and sundry other white right wingers.

Kasich is the only republican candidate that will get any of the middle vote & will also take some of the bitter Sanders supporters that won't vote Hillary.

Kasich does have a huge problem with the women vote though. He will have to choose a female VP to have a chance.

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Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob

"Trump and other major developers "had to adapt to that situation" or build elsewhere, said James B. Jacobs, a mafia expert who was part of a state task force on organized crime."

"Trump’s alleged mob dealings were not confined to New York. According to reports from the Huffington Post and Philadelphia Inquirer,

Trump made a deal in Atlantic City with Kenneth Shapiro, an associate of mob boss Nicky Scarfo, and mob-connected labor boss Daniel Sullivan."

"Trump seemed aware of this, calling Shapiro "a third-rate, local real estate mafia" and Sullivan "the guy who killed Jimmy Hoffa." laugh.png

"A few years later, Trump’s organized crime connections extended overseas. In 1992, a Senate subcommittee named Danny Leung,

who was then the vice president for foreign marketing at Trump Taj Mahal, as an associate of the Hong Kong-based organized crime group 14K Triad."

"According to gaming regulators, Leung "flew in 16 Italian organized crime figures from Canada who stole more than $1 million from the casino in a credit scam,"

reported the New York Daily News in 1995."

"The incident was never reported because Trump never filed charges."


Presidential material? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The Bloviator's countless nefarious exploits of cavorting with murderous extortionists will be under the harsh spot light soon.

In Grand Fashion. Lovin' it. biggrin.png

iReason, it's appreciated that you're posting revelations about Trump's sordid past. Democratic candidate supporters have generally been holding back on attacking Trump. They're probably waiting to see whether he'll get the Republican nod. There's a lot of trash on Trump. Lot's of it will get rightfully dumped on him. If he becomes the Republican candidate, he will be spending each day of the general campaign being angry, defensive, acrimonious, avoiding questions, vindictive, and threatening lawsuits. Public violence could break out. Another factor which often happens in such scenarios: If/when a person like Trump gains the presidency, other evidence of his law-breaking and sordid deals will surface. In other words, the shitstream won't stop once he gets inaugurated. It happened with Thaksin in Thailand, as it's happened with leaders in other countries.

"Trump told the regulators that he “could not recall if he had written any letters of reference to the federal judge who sentenced Weichselbaum.”

But according to DGE documents published in 1992, Donald did write a letter to a judge vouching for Weichselbaum."

How is that possible that Trump could forget? He's stated several times, that he has an excellent memory.

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Trump is middling along in delegates when he in fact needs to be racking 'em up.

With 1237 delegate votes need to win the nomination, Trump isn't going to gain much if he gets 1239 on the first ballot. (If.)

Any such tally will be challenged because the convention chairman Paul Ryan will not declare the vote to be closed until Trump gets reduced by vote switching among the states. Ryan will declare the first ballot vote closed only after Trump gets taken down to 1200, preferably to 1190 or something less.

At which point the Cleveland police will have to start popping off tear gas canisters but that's another matter.

Once the cage match resumes inside the convention center it's anybody's guess what will ensue but the one guarantee is that it won't be pretty.

As to the present, Trump can be expected to get a slew of New York state delegates and he should do well in New Jersey while later getting his share in California.

However, Trump is already being blacked out of delegates in West Virginia, Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana and this weekend in Indiana too, while he'd already lost expected delegate ground in Wisconsin. Cruz just aced him out of a few precious delegates in Wyoming. All this indicates the importance of counting pennies (as Ben Franklin once pointed out). Donald Trump hasn't seen a penny in 50 years never mind counting 'em.

Day before yesterday the RNC former chairman Michael Steele said on tv Trump will go into the convention short 30 to 75 delegates of the 1237 needed.

Most important concerning the convention unknowns is that the (still not organised) Rules Committee will meet in Cleveland during the week before the madhouse doors open to all delegates. There are presently no rules, only the rules of prior conventions. The first day, Monday July 18th delegates in their general convention will vote on the rules for this one...all of 'em.

RNC greybeard rules lawyer Ben Ginsberg noted the other day that if the minority of the Rules committee does not file a dissenting report on a given voted rule, then the rule is voted up or down on the floor with no debate. If the Rules Committee minority on a given vote does file a report, then the rule must be debated on the convention floor before any vote is taken.

Survivalists take notice.

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I honed up on a bit of history, where the most recent highly contested contest for the Republicans - it was in 1976. Ford was the standing prez, but only because predecessor Nixon had resigned (the only prez in US history to do so, of any party). The chief contender was former B movie actor Ron Reagan. It was drawn-out and contentious. At one point a phone (used by one of the sides) was ripped off a wall. These were days way before mobile phones. Expect this year's fracas to be much more dramatic. It should be fun entertainment. Good thing it doesn't directly compete with the Rio Olympics, weeks later.

Still, as the dust is settling after the mother of political mosh pit fights subsides, watch for Republican icons to take their turns on the stage with large smiles and ad nauseum praises of the GOP, with the words 'unity' and 'united' 'unified' peppering every utterance. If Trump wins in the bully pit, expect Sarah Palin to give a rousing support speech. No one will understand any of her sentences, but they'll love her enthusiasm. So will I. It's a bit like the string quartet as the Titanic sinks (or Nero fiddling while Rome burns). The only thing better than that would be if Dan Quayle and Sarah appear dancing a polka together, both wearing smocks covered in yellow smiling faces.

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Secret Service will secure the convention center and the hotels where the candidates stay. After that however, it's have gun will travel for any and all delegates.

50,000 people are expected for the convention.

Ohio, my home state, is an open-carry state. It is not unusual to see good ole boys with assault rifles in their pickups parked in Wal-Mart parking lots. Guns carried in motor vehicles must be unloaded and secured. Ammunition must be in a separate compartment. But people who legally own a firearm may carry it loaded with or without a license. (emphasis added)

A demonstrator holds an AR-15 during a July 2014 open-carry rally in Cleveland's Public Square. (Lynn Ischay / The Plain Dealer Publishing Co.)


So away from the convention center there are the delegates' hotels, bars and hotel lobby -- not to mention the elevators.

There are the city's clubs, restaurants and all the routes to and from here and there. These are Christian conservatives and outright evangelicals so many of 'em will enter a church now and then.

The vast majority of delegates arriving by air are likely to precipitate a brisk business at metro Cleveland gun stores.

From cleveland.com

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Law enforcement is discussing how Cleveland will deal with people who want to legally carry guns downtown during the high-security environment of the Republican National Convention, according to a top city official.

Mike McGrath, Cleveland's public safety director, said discussions are underway on how the city will address the topic as it develops a security plan for downtown Cleveland during the July 18 convention.

"That's not something that we're not concerned about," McGrath told cleveland.com. "But obviously, people have their [constitutional] rights that we have to also mind. There's a fine line we have to walk. But we'll definitely be addressing it, and we'll deal with it."


In 2012, Tampa banned items within its 8.1 square-mile "event zone" including masks, brass knuckles, clubs and water guns when the Florida city hosted that year's Republican National Convention, according to the Tampa Bay Times. But the city permitted people to carry licensed, concealed firearms in the same area after Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott rejected a request from Democratic Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn for a temporary gun ban.

More yet.....

The petition’s author, known as N A, finds fault with the policy, calling it “a direct affront to the Second Amendment.” Pointing to an article that ranks Cleveland among the United States’ most dangerous cities and mentioning “the possibility of an ISIS terrorist attack,” the author said the Republican National Committee and the Quicken Loans Arena are putting people at risk.

Without the right to protect themselves, those at the Quicken Loans Arena will be sitting ducks, utterly helpless against evil-doers, criminals or others who wish to threaten the American way of life,” the petition reads.


Secret Service said it begins preparing for a year before the party conventions and is prepared to control any "disaster."

Apparently however there is no plan anywhere by anyone for a convention that is in itself a disaster with or without guns.

Edited by Publicus
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Hold your fire until the fat lady sings....

Trump’s Convention Strategy: “The Fix Is In”

More than three months before any ballots have been cast at the Republican convention, Roger Stone, Donald Trump’s on-again, off-again consigliere, has delivered the campaign equivalent of a severed horse head to delegates who might consider denying Trump the nomination. Trump’s supporters will find you in your sleep, he merrily informed them this week. He did not mean it metaphorically.

“We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal,” Stone said Monday, on Freedomain Radio. “If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them. You have a right to discuss this, if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and your votes are being disallowed,” Stone said.


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Hold your fire until the fat lady sings....

Trump’s Convention Strategy: “The Fix Is In”

More than three months before any ballots have been cast at the Republican convention, Roger Stone, Donald Trump’s on-again, off-again consigliere, has delivered the campaign equivalent of a severed horse head to delegates who might consider denying Trump the nomination. Trump’s supporters will find you in your sleep, he merrily informed them this week. He did not mean it metaphorically.

“We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal,” Stone said Monday, on Freedomain Radio. “If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them. You have a right to discuss this, if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and your votes are being disallowed,” Stone said.


We've heard this Trump plan before, and as a conflicted convention is now a certainty, let's examine what this means to delegates, and what is the nature of the threat from Trump.

Nature of Threat: the explicit threat is that by exposing the room numbers, Trump supporters can show their displeasure by, as you say, a Corleone type severed head in the form of a warning of protests in the hotel and these "visits" to the hotel to "discuss" it. Those visits and discussions look like the severed head, but actually, the severed head is the warning.

The implicit threat is much more serious. The delegates know there are rabid violent Trump supporters who Trump himself has tacitly spurred on or supported. That means there is a palpable, real physical threat of violence to those delegates that "Steal the nomination" from Trump. The severed head is simply the announcement of this plan. The next step is you get whacked, maybe permanently, or maybe just broken knee caps or maimed by these "visitors" and "discussants." in your hotel room. Look at Trump supporters and use your imagination.

Are any laws being broken already? Do these delegates have a right to privacy at their hotel, and do they have a right to safety? More importantly, is Trump breaking the law right now by implicitly endorsing such a Don Corleone tactic? The threat of coercion, the threat of violence, the violation of privacy and protection, and private property trespass, both civil and criminal come to mind. If you start ruminating on this, I think you can come up with all kinds of violations of state and federal law this action contemplates.

What to expect? I suppose the RNC will have to guarantee delegates safety, and that means anonymous room registration, together with private (armed) security forces, maybe even switching hotels, and in any event, this situation is ripe for conflict and violence.

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The establishment finally seems to have found its footing, and a concerted effort is underway to stop the Trump abomination from going forward.

The trick now will be to neuter him at the convention so he doesn't turn it into Chicago in 1968. After that we need a ticket of Governor Kasich and Governor Haley to have a good chance of winning in November.

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BOSTON – The editorial board of The Boston Globe is using a satirical front page to express its uneasiness with a potential Donald Trump presidency.

The newspaper has printed a satirical front page for its Sunday "Ideas" section. The page is dated April 9, 2017, and features a large photo of Trump below dominant headline that reads "Deportations to Begin." The accompanying story has Trump calling on Congress to fund a deportation program amid protests.



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The establishment finally seems to have found its footing, and a concerted effort is underway to stop the Trump abomination from going forward.

The trick now will be to neuter him at the convention so he doesn't turn it into Chicago in 1968. After that we need a ticket of Governor Kasich and Governor Haley to have a good chance of winning in November.

It's fun to watch the conservatives turn their hate machine against Trump. Now he's connected to the mob...

Pretty soon they will even be blaming HIM for Benghazzi.cheesy.gif

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The establishment finally seems to have found its footing, and a concerted effort is underway to stop the Trump abomination from going forward.

The trick now will be to neuter him at the convention so he doesn't turn it into Chicago in 1968. After that we need a ticket of Governor Kasich and Governor Haley to have a good chance of winning in November.

It's fun to watch the conservatives turn their hate machine against Trump. Now he's connected to the mob...

Pretty soon they will even be blaming HIM for Benghazzi.cheesy.gif

I'm backing Trump now to be nominated and then to lose the presidency, the senate, the house, and the supreme court.

Go, Donald, Go!

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The establishment finally seems to have found its footing, and a concerted effort is underway to stop the Trump abomination from going forward.

The trick now will be to neuter him at the convention so he doesn't turn it into Chicago in 1968. After that we need a ticket of Governor Kasich and Governor Haley to have a good chance of winning in November.

It's fun to watch the conservatives turn their hate machine against Trump. Now he's connected to the mob...

Pretty soon they will even be blaming HIM for Benghazzi.cheesy.gif

Wouldn't surprise me, a third of them blamed Obama for the poor response to Hurricane Katrina.



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Hold your fire until the fat lady sings....

Trump’s Convention Strategy: “The Fix Is In”

More than three months before any ballots have been cast at the Republican convention, Roger Stone, Donald Trump’s on-again, off-again consigliere, has delivered the campaign equivalent of a severed horse head to delegates who might consider denying Trump the nomination. Trump’s supporters will find you in your sleep, he merrily informed them this week. He did not mean it metaphorically.

“We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal,” Stone said Monday, on Freedomain Radio. “If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them. You have a right to discuss this, if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and your votes are being disallowed,” Stone said.


Donald Stone to Kasich delegates in their hotel rooms:

"Look. We are all honorable men here right, we do not have to give each other assurances as if we were lawyers, right" "I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse"

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From Ukraine to Trump Tower, Paul Manafort unafraid to take on controversial jobs

"Paul Manafort has a history of working for strong men."

"Over a 40-year career as a lobbyist and political consultant, Manafort and his firms have advised, in no particular order,

a business group tied to Ferdinand Marcos, the dictator of the Philippines; Viktor Yanukovych, the ousted Ukrainian president and ally of Vladimir Putin;

and Lynden Pindling, the former Bahamian prime minister who was accused of ties to drug traffickers."

"Now, he works for Donald Trump."

"Corporate lobbyists describe such work as “a different cup of tea” than the typical contract lobbying for corporations that keeps most K Street types in Washington full-time."

"Manafort acknowledged that the work he performed in return for consulting fees could be termed “influence peddling,” The Post reported in 1991."


Birds of a feather...

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Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Trumpty had a great winter in anticipation of fall
All the Rep's paid agents and all the Rep's PAC money
couldn't put Trumpty in the White House with his trophy wife honey

The establishment finally seems to have found its footing, and a concerted effort is underway to stop the Trump abomination from going forward.

The trick now will be to neuter him at the convention so he doesn't turn it into Chicago in 1968. After that we need a ticket of Governor Kasich and Governor Haley to have a good chance of winning in November.

It's fun to watch the conservatives turn their hate machine against Trump. Now he's connected to the mob...

Pretty soon they will even be blaming HIM for Benghazzi.cheesy.gif

He is connected, at least peripherally, to the mob. But nothing needs to made up. Trump himself makes sure there's plenty of material to lambast himself with.

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