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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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One of Obama's duties, according to the Constitution, is to appoint a Supreme Court nominee if there's a vacancy. Republicans, including Mr. 'Delay Delay Delay' Trump are trying to stop him from doing one of his Constitutional duties.

Also, it's very common for a president, whether or not a lame-duck, to opine about candidates for political office, including presidential candidates. I doubt you can show one example of a president in the past 100 years who has been apolitical near the end of his term. Obama has been quite reserved thus far. I'm impressed.

Each Potus is ex officio leader of his/her political party. It hasn't ever been otherwise.

Potus George Washington was not the leader of a political party because he was not a member of any political party. Every other Potus has been a member of a political party and he has necessarily continued to be the leader of his party while being Potus.

This is simply how the American system works, it is always how it has functioned (since Washington, who anyway was a de facto federalist).

A Potus does however make conscious efforts to limit his political statements while Potus. A Potus does nonetheless actively campaign for his/her party's candidates for political office, he does attend fundraisers for party candidates and for the party organisations etc. When Barack Obama speaks at the Democratic National Convention in July the hall will elevate to a rapture. (The Big Question is whether Bill Clinton will also speak to the convention.)

The number one job of every former Potus is however to keep his political mouth shut. GW Bush has for instance never done a better job than this one he's had the past 7 years. Bill Clinton did a remarkable job at respecting the former Potus code of silence during GW's eight years. Jimmy Carter likewise with only rare exception (over decades).

We needn't have any concerns about Donald Trump in these respects because he is neither the leader of his political party nor will he ever be Potus.

Edited by Publicus
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Great reasons;

Lets check out Donald Trumps presidential qualifications:

Obama is against Trump... Check

The Media is against Trump... Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

The UN is against Trump... Check

The EU is against Trump... Check

China is against Trump... Check

Mexico is against Trump... Check

Soros is against Trump... Check

BlackLivesMatter is against Trump... Check

MoveOn.Org is against Trump... Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump... Check


Plus THESE Bonus points!!! (Actually, these may be better reasons)


Cher says she will leave the country...

Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country...

Whoopi says she will leave the country...

Rosie says she will leave the country...

Sharpton says he will leave the country...

What's not to like.

Therefore, voting for Trump is only common sense!!

You forgot.

Former American POWs are against Trump.

Where's the link to something, anything that supports your unsupportable allegation?

The only ex POW that we can say for sure is against Trump is McCain.

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One of Obama's duties, according to the Constitution, is to appoint a Supreme Court nominee if there's a vacancy. Republicans, including Mr. 'Delay Delay Delay' Trump are trying to stop him from doing one of his Constitutional duties.

Also, it's very common for a president, whether or not a lame-duck, to opine about candidates for political office, including presidential candidates. I doubt you can show one example of a president in the past 100 years who has been apolitical near the end of his term. Obama has been quite reserved thus far. I'm impressed.

Each Potus is ex officio leader of his/her political party. It hasn't ever been otherwise.

Potus George Washington was not the leader of a political party because he was not a member of any political party. Every other Potus has been a member of a political party and he has necessarily continued to be the leader of his party while being Potus.

This is simply how the American system works, it is always how it has functioned (since Washington, who anyway was a de facto federalist).

A Potus does however make conscious efforts to limit his political statements while Potus. A Potus does nonetheless actively campaign for his/her party's candidates for political office, he does attend fundraisers for party candidates and for the party organisations etc. When Barack Obama speaks at the Democratic National Convention in July the hall will elevate to a rapture. (The Big Question is whether Bill Clinton will also speak to the convention.)

The number one job of every former Potus is however to keep his political mouth shut. GW Bush has for instance never done a better job than this one he's had the past 7 years. Bill Clinton did a remarkable job at respecting the former Potus code of silence during GW's eight years. Jimmy Carter likewise with only rare exception (over decades).

We needn't have any concerns about Donald Trump in these respects because he is neither the leader of his political party nor will he ever be Potus.

Short memory or...........................?

GW did indeed come out against the Donald, but it didn't help Jeb much 5555555555555555555555555555. Whoever thought the worst president in living memory speaking on anything would be a good move needs a good kick up the backside ( where their brain resides ).

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People also seem to forget that GW inherited the housing bubble disaster from Clinton. Look up the Glass-Steagle Act and see who changed the law. That change allowed the banksters to have it all their way.

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People also seem to forget that GW inherited the housing bubble disaster from Clinton. Look up the Glass-Steagle Act and see who changed the law. That change allowed the banksters to have it all their way.

Perhaps so, but he is at fault for not doing anything about it, and when it did all turn to poo bailing out the banks instead of letting them fail.

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Hillary for Prison 2016

Fabulous post #3, I'm waiting with intense anticipation for scintillating post #4.

For the poster thaibeachlovers saying McCain is the only POW against Trump (because while McCain was being tortured, Trump was spending Daddy's dough on champagne and chicks, I guess you might consider the chicks POW's for having been tortured by hanging out with the comb-over fool):

Colonel Hanton “When I heard Donald Trump insult my fellow prisoners of war from Vietnam by calling us losers, that was the most infuriating comment I think I’ve heard from a politician in my entire life, Trump would not have survived a P.O.W. experience, and that he probably would have been “the first one to fold.”


On the housing post #1085, hogwash mate, utter right wing "wasn't me", nonsense.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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People also seem to forget that GW inherited the housing bubble disaster from Clinton. Look up the Glass-Steagle Act and see who changed the law. That change allowed the banksters to have it all their way.

Perhaps so, but he is at fault for not doing anything about it, and when it did all turn to poo bailing out the banks instead of letting them fail.

He was too busy organising the trousering of Enron billions, be fair now.

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Is This What a Live Donald Trump Meltdown Looks Like?

Yes. See the desparate Bloviator babbling nonsense like an unhinged Mussolini in the link below. facepalm.gif

"The real money shot was in the last forty seconds when Trump got hyped, and said some variation of the word "win" fourteen different times."

"The crowd at the event seemed to enjoy it, but anyone watching it on their computers at home might have seen a raving lunatic rather than a serious politician."


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To the thread: NO. It is not too late to stop Trump.


Cruz likely to block Trump on a second ballot at the GOP convention


Choose creepy Cruz though, and just as bad if not worse for the republicans chances.


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People also seem to forget that GW inherited the housing bubble disaster from Clinton. Look up the Glass-Steagle Act and see who changed the law. That change allowed the banksters to have it all their way.

The repeal of the Glass-Steeple Act (the Gramm-Leach-Blimey Act) was passed overwhelming in both the House (352-67) and the Senate (90-8). Even if Clinton had wanted to veto it (he didn't ), the votes were there for an override.

Not really accurate to single Bill out over this. Lots of people thought it was the right thing. Including the original author who tried to repeal it 2 years after it was passed in 1933.

Also there is not even consensus that the repeal was the major cause of the crisis. Personally, I think effective regulatory oversight of the retail mortgage brokers that were writing the sub-sub prime mortgages would have gone a long way to preventing it.


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The Fascists have amped up their game:

"Craig Dunn, who was elected Saturday as a Republican delegate from Indiana’s 4th Congressional District,

said he has received several threatening phone calls and emails after criticizing Trump in recent news reports."

“When they reference burials and your family in the same email, and telling you that you’re being watched, that’s concerning,” he said.

"GOP chairman Steve House ... said his office received 3,000 phone calls “with many being the trashiest you can imagine”,

after a state party convention last weekend awarded all 34 delegates to Cruz."


The pyschopaths who support the dangerous Bloviator are crawling out from under their filthy little rocks and showing their true colors.

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Listening to Cruz I must say I'd rather Trump than a Christian Fundamentalist nutter any day but it won't happen. Bernie is the best choice but Hillary and her Super Delegates will win the day (hardly pure democracy but...).

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Interesting when we sometimes hear people who are close to Trump and/or claim to know him (like his family members or Carson) claim that Trump has a decent side. Similarly, there are Trump supporters who tell us (general public) "disregard what Trump says on the stump or in interviews. It's all for the consumption of the teeming redneck masses. When Trump gains the White House, he'll be thoughtful, informed, even-handed, measured, wise."

My response: When I see and hear a candidate, I want to see and hear the real person. I don't want to hear a cardboard cut-out who just says crowd-rousing things. If campaign Trump is different than real Trump, then Trump voters are voting for a lie. It's like buying regular craft cheese for $5, taking it home, re-packaging it with an expensive gold-trimmed package, calling it, "Fromage de Trump Qualitee Exquisite et Perfectement" (sorry, my French is worse than rusty) ....and putting a $45 price tag on it.

Trump is low-quality cheese masquerading as high quality.

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Interesting when we sometimes hear people who are close to Trump and/or claim to know him (like his family members or Carson) claim that Trump has a decent side.

Thats what they usually say about a serial killer.

Most serial killers look nice and respectable. The neighbors will usually say "he seemed like a decent guy"

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Could this be thy symtoms of DT?

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude.
  • http://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder-symptoms/
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The Trump haters can rest assumed that he won't get into the Oval Office.

I posted the following in another thread, but I think it's more appropriate here:

Donald Trump will get screwed at a "brokered" Rep convention. The Republican establishment has been quietly changing the rules to cheat Trump out of the candidacy despite his greater popular vote. The American people will not get what they want need because the whole 2-party system is a sham. This year's plot was written long ago and will end with Hillary Clinton as the next President as she's the one who has been groomed, corrupted, compromised and rewarded over the years, getting ready to take her spot as the next elite-selected puppet leader -- one after the other.

I'm not a Trump fan and when I say "he's" what the US 'want needs', I really mean someone to break the status quo of the elite running the show and exploiting the situation by continually installing their chosen representatives.

Edited by Inn Between
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Interesting when we sometimes hear people who are close to Trump and/or claim to know him (like his family members or Carson) claim that Trump has a decent side. Similarly, there are Trump supporters who tell us (general public) "disregard what Trump says on the stump or in interviews. It's all for the consumption of the teeming redneck masses. When Trump gains the White House, he'll be thoughtful, informed, even-handed, measured, wise."

My response: When I see and hear a candidate, I want to see and hear the real person. I don't want to hear a cardboard cut-out who just says crowd-rousing things. If campaign Trump is different than real Trump, then Trump voters are voting for a lie. It's like buying regular craft cheese for $5, taking it home, re-packaging it with an expensive gold-trimmed package, calling it, "Fromage de Trump Qualitee Exquisite et Perfectement" (sorry, my French is worse than rusty) ....and putting a $45 price tag on it.

Trump is low-quality cheese masquerading as high quality.

Sort of like Trump Steak then?


“Trump steaks. Where are the steaks? Do we have steak? We have Trump Steaks,” Trump said during a 30-minute victory speech given to a crowd made up largely of members of his golf club and the press.

“And by the way, if you want to take one, we’ll charge you about, what, 50 bucks a steak,” Trump joked.

Close-up photos of the steaks, however, show that they were wrapped in plastic bearing a non-Trump logo. The meat appeared to come from a West Palm Beach meat company called, ironically, Bush Brothers Provisional Company.

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Could this be thy symtoms of DT?

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude.
  • http://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder-symptoms/

All of these things could have been said and worse was said about Abraham Lincoln by his opponents (also that his wife was a spy and crazy). The fact remains they are a personal attack and have nothing to do with the topic of this thread and even though they are anti Trump are completely off topic unless anything anti Trump is always on topic in any thread where his name is mentioned.

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Could this be thy symtoms of DT?

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude.
  • http://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder-symptoms/

All of these things could have been said and worse was said about Abraham Lincoln by his opponents (also that his wife was a spy and crazy). The fact remains they are a personal attack and have nothing to do with the topic of this thread and even though they are anti Trump are completely off topic unless anything anti Trump is always on topic in any thread where his name is mentioned.

That's not a personal attack, it's a reasonable scientific observation.

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Interesting when we sometimes hear people who are close to Trump and/or claim to know him (like his family members or Carson) claim that Trump has a decent side. Similarly, there are Trump supporters who tell us (general public) "disregard what Trump says on the stump or in interviews. It's all for the consumption of the teeming redneck masses. When Trump gains the White House, he'll be thoughtful, informed, even-handed, measured, wise."

My response: When I see and hear a candidate, I want to see and hear the real person. I don't want to hear a cardboard cut-out who just says crowd-rousing things. If campaign Trump is different than real Trump, then Trump voters are voting for a lie. It's like buying regular craft cheese for $5, taking it home, re-packaging it with an expensive gold-trimmed package, calling it, "Fromage de Trump Qualitee Exquisite et Perfectement" (sorry, my French is worse than rusty) ....and putting a $45 price tag on it.

Trump is low-quality cheese masquerading as high quality.

Sort of like Trump Steak then?


“Trump steaks. Where are the steaks? Do we have steak? We have Trump Steaks,” Trump said during a 30-minute victory speech given to a crowd made up largely of members of his golf club and the press.

“And by the way, if you want to take one, we’ll charge you about, what, 50 bucks a steak,” Trump joked.

Close-up photos of the steaks, however, show that they were wrapped in plastic bearing a non-Trump logo. The meat appeared to come from a West Palm Beach meat company called, ironically, Bush Brothers Provisional Company.

Aside from being a smear against Trump what does the above have to do with the timing of it being too late to stop Trump?

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Could this be thy symtoms of DT?

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude.
  • http://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder-symptoms/

All of these things could have been said and worse was said about Abraham Lincoln by his opponents (also that his wife was a spy and crazy). The fact remains they are a personal attack and have nothing to do with the topic of this thread and even though they are anti Trump are completely off topic unless anything anti Trump is always on topic in any thread where his name is mentioned.

That's not a personal attack, it's a reasonable scientific observation.

NPD is a personality disorder and comparing Trump to a person who has it is a personal attack that has nothing to do with the topic. It is simply another off topic personal attack by people who don't have the knowledge to discuss the issues.

Edited by Scotwight
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Is This What a Live Donald Trump Meltdown Looks Like?

Yes. See the desparate Bloviator babbling nonsense like an unhinged Mussolini in the link below. facepalm.gif

"The real money shot was in the last forty seconds when Trump got hyped, and said some variation of the word "win" fourteen different times."

"The crowd at the event seemed to enjoy it, but anyone watching it on their computers at home might have seen a raving lunatic rather than a serious politician."


The anti Donalds still don't get it. It doesn't matter what he says, he's the only chance to give the establishment a good kicking, and that is what pro Trumpers want. Give them a better choice of anti establishment candidate and they'll vote for them instead.

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Is This What a Live Donald Trump Meltdown Looks Like?

Yes. See the desparate Bloviator babbling nonsense like an unhinged Mussolini in the link below. facepalm.gif

"The real money shot was in the last forty seconds when Trump got hyped, and said some variation of the word "win" fourteen different times."

"The crowd at the event seemed to enjoy it, but anyone watching it on their computers at home might have seen a raving lunatic rather than a serious politician."


The anti Donalds still don't get it. It doesn't matter what he says, he's the only chance to give the establishment a good kicking, and that is what pro Trumpers want. Give them a better choice of anti establishment candidate and they'll vote for them instead.

The anti-establishment argument by Pro-Trumpers goes out the window when the campaign manager is establishment.

Trump got him from the Koch Brothers Super Pac Group, the definition of establishment.

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Trump promotes violence and retribution when even citing his favorite bible teaching. He says his favorite teaching is 'an eye for an eye.' I doubt if he knows any other passages other than this one as he is faking being a practicing Christian like everything else.

Though to be honest that is at least refreshing on the Republican side to not have a bible-thumper like Cruz, who can doubtless provide endless dogmatic quotations. On the Dem side, ol' Bernie is another one with not much religion in him and has been struggling to prove he is a spiritual man for the election.

Wouldn't that be a match for a secular modern America and world: Trump vs. Sanders. Two non-believers.


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Trump promotes violence and retribution when even citing his favorite bible teaching. He says his favorite teaching is 'an eye for an eye.' I doubt if he knows any other passages other than this one as he is faking being a practicing Christian like everything else.

Though to be honest that is at least refreshing on the Republican side to not have a bible-thumper like Cruz, who can doubtless provide endless dogmatic quotations. On the Dem side, ol' Bernie is another one with not much religion in him and has been struggling to prove he is a spiritual man for the election.

Wouldn't that be a match for a secular modern America and world: Trump vs. Sanders. Two non-believers.


Russian jet fighter buzzes an American warship, Kerry's on TV saying don't do it again. Me? I would have shot the jet down. Well within our rights and an eye for an eye kind of thing. How many Americans think we should pay defense bills for Germany and the rest of Europe (US pays more than 21 other nations combined) when they have free health care and free college for all? Not me. Eye for an eye kind of thing. Tit for tat.

It's not just the Trump machine. Americans are tired of paying the bills for being the world's policeman. The only people who want to do that kind of thing are government bureaucrats who make money for pushing paper all over the world. It's not the Trump machine it is the American taxpayer pushing the machine. Not the people on the dole but the people who pay for the dole. I don't want to pay health care and college costs for illegal immigrants and Trump don't either.

Is it too late to stop Trump? No. More people on the dole than working people so Trump won't win. Don't worry.

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Trump promotes violence and retribution when even citing his favorite bible teaching. He says his favorite teaching is 'an eye for an eye.' I doubt if he knows any other passages other than this one as he is faking being a practicing Christian like everything else.

Though to be honest that is at least refreshing on the Republican side to not have a bible-thumper like Cruz, who can doubtless provide endless dogmatic quotations. On the Dem side, ol' Bernie is another one with not much religion in him and has been struggling to prove he is a spiritual man for the election.

Wouldn't that be a match for a secular modern America and world: Trump vs. Sanders. Two non-believers.


Russian jet fighter buzzes an American warship, Kerry's on TV saying don't do it again. Me? I would have shot the jet down. Well within our rights and an eye for an eye kind of thing. How many Americans think we should pay defense bills for Germany and the rest of Europe (US pays more than 21 other nations combined) when they have free health care and free college for all? Not me. Eye for an eye kind of thing. Tit for tat.

Good thing it was JFK and not you with the finger on the button during the Cuban missile crisis. wink.png

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Trump promotes violence and retribution when even citing his favorite bible teaching. He says his favorite teaching is 'an eye for an eye.' I doubt if he knows any other passages other than this one as he is faking being a practicing Christian like everything else.

Though to be honest that is at least refreshing on the Republican side to not have a bible-thumper like Cruz, who can doubtless provide endless dogmatic quotations. On the Dem side, ol' Bernie is another one with not much religion in him and has been struggling to prove he is a spiritual man for the election.

Wouldn't that be a match for a secular modern America and world: Trump vs. Sanders. Two non-believers.


Russian jet fighter buzzes an American warship, Kerry's on TV saying don't do it again. Me? I would have shot the jet down. Well within our rights and an eye for an eye kind of thing. How many Americans think we should pay defense bills for Germany and the rest of Europe (US pays more than 21 other nations combined) when they have free health care and free college for all? Not me. Eye for an eye kind of thing. Tit for tat.

Good thing it was JFK and not you with the finger on the button during the Cuban missile crisis. wink.png

True. I would have supported the Bay of Pigs invasion with US air power and taken care of that issue. Cuba is only 90 miles from the USA. No Castro no missile crisis. I would have supported Czechoslovakia and stopped WWII too. biggrin.png

Putin has the US confused with some banana republic. We taught him a lesson with the oil thing maybe he needs another. Although how much lower his currency can go I don't know.

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