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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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4 Signs From The Last 24 Hours That Trump Suckered Conservatives

“Yes, you conservatives who keep waiting for Donald Trump to turn into Ronald Reagan, who hope to unify behind him,

thinking that he’ll surround himself with good people and that they will guide him to all the best decisions.

Yes, you conservatives who bought into the Trumpian nonsense that he would blow up the system and change things in politics.

In the last 24 hours Trump has indeed pivoted – directly against all of his supposedly conservative positions.”

Here are four examples:

Trump Embraces A Higher Minimum Wage.

Back in November, he said, “Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high."

Trump Won’t Be Self-Funding. (That big lie has actually been going on since the beginning) thumbsup.gif

Trump Hires A Former Goldman Sachs Fundraiser Who Managed Money For George Soros. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Trump Bashes His Own Tax Plan.

"Remember that tax plan Trump touted as supremely conservative? Yeah, that’s out the window now.

Today, asked on CNBC how he could propose tax breaks for high earners, Trump simply dumped his plan. “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that.”


Pissing in the wind...

Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

And what exactly would those ideals be? Clearly, they can't have anything to do with his position on issues since he flipflops and contradicts himself so often.

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Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

For Trump: ideals = I deals

Since he was in High School, Trump has been wheeling and dealing like a drug dealer, every day. How can anyone say with a straight face that Trump won't give favors to rich people. That's been his modus operandi. Everything he says and does is about deal making and favors (given or refused). Every thing and everyone Trump talks about is either love 'em or hate 'em, and that can flip in ten NY minutes, depending on which way the wind blows. He's as reliable as a 6 yr old naughty boy who just tricked his grandma into giving him all the change in her pocketbook.

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Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

For Trump: ideals = I deals

Since he was in High School, Trump has been wheeling and dealing like a drug dealer, every day. How can anyone say with a straight face that Trump won't give favors to rich people. That's been his modus operandi. Everything he says and does is about deal making and favors (given or refused). Every thing and everyone Trump talks about is either love 'em or hate 'em, and that can flip in ten NY minutes, depending on which way the wind blows. He's as reliable as a 6 yr old naughty boy who just tricked his grandma into giving him all the change in her pocketbook.

The non English speakers are easily identified. smile.png

Please explain "pocketbook" is it a small paperback ?

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Ahh, the map of Mexico.

Excellent! clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Not to worry Mexico, that would be one of the Bloviator's "views" that will be moderated...

As in:

"He would moderate his views on two key domestic policy issues."
A Major attraction of the lemmings.
Next up: "Moderating" deporting 11 million people. cheesy.gif
Very soon, the lemmings will have nothing to kling to. thumbsup.gif
And "donors" giving big money (1 BILLION) will not expect favors? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif
Alas, I guess someone has to donate, given that fact that the Bloviator has lied about putting his money where his big mouth is:
"Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary."
"Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."
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Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

For Trump: ideals = I deals

Since he was in High School, Trump has been wheeling and dealing like a drug dealer, every day. How can anyone say with a straight face that Trump won't give favors to rich people. That's been his modus operandi. Everything he says and does is about deal making and favors (given or refused). Every thing and everyone Trump talks about is either love 'em or hate 'em, and that can flip in ten NY minutes, depending on which way the wind blows. He's as reliable as a 6 yr old naughty boy who just tricked his grandma into giving him all the change in her pocketbook.

The non English speakers are easily identified. smile.png

Please explain "pocketbook" is it a small paperback ?

how many languages do you speak?
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Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

For Trump: ideals = I deals

Since he was in High School, Trump has been wheeling and dealing like a drug dealer, every day. How can anyone say with a straight face that Trump won't give favors to rich people. That's been his modus operandi. Everything he says and does is about deal making and favors (given or refused). Every thing and everyone Trump talks about is either love 'em or hate 'em, and that can flip in ten NY minutes, depending on which way the wind blows. He's as reliable as a 6 yr old naughty boy who just tricked his grandma into giving him all the change in her pocketbook.

The non English speakers are easily identified. smile.png

Please explain "pocketbook" is it a small paperback ?

how many languages do you speak?

Not many.

Only English, French and German. I can also make myself understood using Arabic and Thai.

"American" is a language I have not mastered !

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Time to CLOSE THIS TOPIC!!! The race for the nomination is over. Cruz quit. Trump wins (like many of us have been saying all along). This is a dead issue. Moderators! Please close this topic!!!

This topic isn't over until the election reaches it's conclusion.

Crikey. 11 pages since that was written. The interest in this thread isn't going away soon.

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4 Signs From The Last 24 Hours That Trump Suckered Conservatives

“Yes, you conservatives who keep waiting for Donald Trump to turn into Ronald Reagan, who hope to unify behind him,

thinking that he’ll surround himself with good people and that they will guide him to all the best decisions.

Yes, you conservatives who bought into the Trumpian nonsense that he would blow up the system and change things in politics.

In the last 24 hours Trump has indeed pivoted – directly against all of his supposedly conservative positions.”

Here are four examples:

Trump Embraces A Higher Minimum Wage.

Back in November, he said, “Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high."

Trump Won’t Be Self-Funding. (That big lie has actually been going on since the beginning) thumbsup.gif

Trump Hires A Former Goldman Sachs Fundraiser Who Managed Money For George Soros. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Trump Bashes His Own Tax Plan.

"Remember that tax plan Trump touted as supremely conservative? Yeah, that’s out the window now.

Today, asked on CNBC how he could propose tax breaks for high earners, Trump simply dumped his plan. “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that.”


Pissing in the wind...

Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

And what exactly would those ideals be? Clearly, they can't have anything to do with his position on issues since he flipflops and contradicts himself so often.

You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

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Clinton recently claimed that the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person in Libya” when she was secretary of state.


People change over time. Stay recent and we can discuss.

And this is the sort of feeble attempt at character assassination that we can expect from Fox News and right wing bloggers.

In fact she was referring not to Benghazi but the campaign to oust Qadafi.

By carefully editing the video, Fox made it seem that she had somehow forgotten the ambassador and the others. Now be realistic, what are the chances of that?!

Without the original context, it wasn't clear to viewers that Clinton was referring to a military action in Libya that took place during a particular timeframe. She didn't "forget" about or ignore the four American deaths in Benghazi; rather, she was specifically discussing events that took place prior to the Benghazi attack. The truncated version of the video effectively cut out Clinton's explanation and justification of U.S. military intervention in Libya in 2011, as well as the context that her remarks were completely unrelated to Benghazi.

You'll really have to do better that trotting out tired old rubbish like that and relying on Fox News to back up your argument.

Edited by Chicog
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You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

He's popular because he trots out a load of unsubstantiated populist nonsense, and there are a large number of people too stupid to question it.

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Clinton recently claimed that the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person in Libya” when she was secretary of state.


People change over time. Stay recent and we can discuss.

And this is the sort of feeble attempt at character assassination that we can expect from Fox News and right wing bloggers.

In fact she was referring not to Benghazi but the campaign to oust Qadafi.

By carefully editing the video, Fox made it seem that she had somehow forgotten the ambassador and the others. Now be realistic, what are the chances of that?!

Without the original context, it wasn't clear to viewers that Clinton was referring to a military action in Libya that took place during a particular timeframe. She didn't "forget" about or ignore the four American deaths in Benghazi; rather, she was specifically discussing events that took place prior to the Benghazi attack. The truncated version of the video effectively cut out Clinton's explanation and justification of U.S. military intervention in Libya in 2011, as well as the context that her remarks were completely unrelated to Benghazi.

You'll really have to do better that trotting out tired old rubbish like that and relying on Fox News to back up your argument.

I wasn't trying to assassinate her character. If I wanted to do that I'd bring up her behavior at the Rose Law firm and the Whitewater investigation and the Vince Foster killing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-508210/The-man-knew-The-truth-death-Hillary-Clintons-close-friend-Vince-Foster.html

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4 Signs From The Last 24 Hours That Trump Suckered Conservatives

“Yes, you conservatives who keep waiting for Donald Trump to turn into Ronald Reagan, who hope to unify behind him,

thinking that he’ll surround himself with good people and that they will guide him to all the best decisions.

Yes, you conservatives who bought into the Trumpian nonsense that he would blow up the system and change things in politics.

In the last 24 hours Trump has indeed pivoted – directly against all of his supposedly conservative positions.”

Here are four examples:

Trump Embraces A Higher Minimum Wage.

Back in November, he said, “Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high."

Trump Won’t Be Self-Funding. (That big lie has actually been going on since the beginning) thumbsup.gif

Trump Hires A Former Goldman Sachs Fundraiser Who Managed Money For George Soros. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Trump Bashes His Own Tax Plan.

"Remember that tax plan Trump touted as supremely conservative? Yeah, that’s out the window now.

Today, asked on CNBC how he could propose tax breaks for high earners, Trump simply dumped his plan. “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that.”


Pissing in the wind...

Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

And what exactly would those ideals be? Clearly, they can't have anything to do with his position on issues since he flipflops and contradicts himself so often.

You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

And you are a supporter of this ........... (Fill in yourself)!

I agree with you that there need to be a change in the American election system, however you don't get this done by suporting or voting for somebody that changes his mind every second.

I could understand that you support Trump, because of what he says he stands for.

But I cann't understand that you support somebody that tells you what he is going to do as potus, and than reverse on his own words?

So, please explain this to me.

Thank you.

Edited by dutchisaan
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Trump is a cult of personality. What Trump believes in this minute, they're for. Tomorrow it's different, they're for that too. Because it's about following a "strong" leader, a shockingly bombastic psychopathic demagogue and intelligent people know how that ALWAYS turns out, lots of blood and lots of tears.

Are the MAJORITY of Americans going to be this stupid? I don't think so ... but after this bizarre primary and the fact that Hillary Clinton has strong negatives as well ... could be.

Edited by Jingthing
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You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

He's popular because he trots out a load of unsubstantiated populist nonsense, and there are a large number of people too stupid to question it.

He's popular because he's not a corrupt liar as Hillary - full stop.smile.png

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"so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself." blink.png Holy <deleted>! facepalm.gif Absolutley remarkable.

Speak for yourself.

'murica is truly doomed with a mindset like that.



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You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

He's popular because he trots out a load of unsubstantiated populist nonsense, and there are a large number of people too stupid to question it.

He's popular because he's not a corrupt liar as Hillary - full stop.smile.png
Please tell me you are making a joke about Trump, that he is not a corrupt liar?

Or do you realy believe your own noncense?

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Clinton recently claimed that the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person in Libya” when she was secretary of state.


People change over time. Stay recent and we can discuss.

And this is the sort of feeble attempt at character assassination that we can expect from Fox News and right wing bloggers.

In fact she was referring not to Benghazi but the campaign to oust Qadafi.

By carefully editing the video, Fox made it seem that she had somehow forgotten the ambassador and the others. Now be realistic, what are the chances of that?!

Without the original context, it wasn't clear to viewers that Clinton was referring to a military action in Libya that took place during a particular timeframe. She didn't "forget" about or ignore the four American deaths in Benghazi; rather, she was specifically discussing events that took place prior to the Benghazi attack. The truncated version of the video effectively cut out Clinton's explanation and justification of U.S. military intervention in Libya in 2011, as well as the context that her remarks were completely unrelated to Benghazi.

You'll really have to do better that trotting out tired old rubbish like that and relying on Fox News to back up your argument.

I wasn't trying to assassinate her character. If I wanted to do that I'd bring up her behavior at the Rose Law firm and the Whitewater investigation and the Vince Foster killing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-508210/The-man-knew-The-truth-death-Hillary-Clintons-close-friend-Vince-Foster.html

Of course you would.

And presumably the accompanying convictions.


My message does not appear to have sunk in.

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I wasn't trying to assassinate her character. If I wanted to do that I'd bring up her behavior at the Rose Law firm and the Whitewater investigation and the Vince Foster killing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-508210/The-man-knew-The-truth-death-Hillary-Clintons-close-friend-Vince-Foster.html

Of course you would.

And presumably the accompanying convictions.


My message does not appear to have sunk in.

He paid Paula Jones $850,000 to drop the lawsuit and the House of Representatives impeached him for lying under oath and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

Has my message sunk in yet?

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I wasn't trying to assassinate her character. If I wanted to do that I'd bring up her behavior at the Rose Law firm and the Whitewater investigation and the Vince Foster killing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-508210/The-man-knew-The-truth-death-Hillary-Clintons-close-friend-Vince-Foster.html

Of course you would.

And presumably the accompanying convictions.


My message does not appear to have sunk in.

He paid Paula Jones $850,000 to drop the lawsuit and the House of Representatives impeached him for lying under oath and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

Has my message sunk in yet?

Wow now Paula Jones, you love moving the goalposts eh? So the gold digger got the money she was after, and the matter was dropped. Nothing there of any substance.

And as for the impeachment, two adulterers and a paedophile going on a hypocritical witch hunt is not really something that the Republicans want to bring up with Dennis Hastert's conviction still fresh in the mind, believe me. Everyone knows he had a little fun with an intern and got embarrassed about it. Hardly a crime.

Now, about those convictions you were going to tell me about.....

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I wasn't trying to assassinate her character. If I wanted to do that I'd bring up her behavior at the Rose Law firm and the Whitewater investigation and the Vince Foster killing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-508210/The-man-knew-The-truth-death-Hillary-Clintons-close-friend-Vince-Foster.html

Of course you would.

And presumably the accompanying convictions.


My message does not appear to have sunk in.

He paid Paula Jones $850,000 to drop the lawsuit and the House of Representatives impeached him for lying under oath and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

Has my message sunk in yet?

Wow now Paula Jones, you love moving the goalposts eh? So the gold digger got the money she was after, and the matter was dropped. Nothing there of any substance.

And as for the impeachment, two adulterers and a paedophile going on a hypocritical witch hunt is not really something that the Republicans want to bring up with Dennis Hastert's conviction still fresh in the mind, believe me. Everyone knows he had a little fun with an intern and got embarrassed about it. Hardly a crime.

Now, about those convictions you were going to tell me about.....

Only two Presidents in the history of the United States got impeached and Hillary's husband was one of them. Lying under oath and obstruction of justice are both crimes and the offenses he was impeached for.

The Clinton's paid $850,000 to hush up and end a potentially career and legacy ending law suit for Sexual Harassment. Jones slammed Hillary as a “two-faced” “liar” who waged a war on women by trying to discredit “predator” Bill’s sexual accusers.

I didn't mention Clinton's ties to pedophilia I'm kind of surprised you did. If you want to research it further read

Donald Trump questions Bill Clinton's ties to Jeffrey Epstein Edited by Scotwight
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The clueless Bloviator considers crashing and bankrupting the U.S. Economy to relieve the debt. (Although, he does have a great deal of experience in that field) facepalm.gif
Donald Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

"I'm the king of debt. I love debt," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday, seemingly trying to explain the comfort level he has with debt,

after a long business career that included four bankruptcy filings by his companies."

"But Trump raised eyebrows by suggesting an unorthodox approach towards cutting the national debt.

Asked if the U.S. needs to pay its debt in full or if it could negotiate a partial repayment, Trump said: "I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal."

"Such a renegotiation risks creating financial turmoil because U.S. Treasuries are considered the safest assets on the planet,

and a major benchmark for valuing other securities. Calling into question their safety could cause borrowing rates to rise and create confusion in the markets."

"Deficits would explode in his administration," Greg Valliere, chief global strategist at Horizon Investments, said in a report on Thursday.


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Donald Trump’s rapidly changing policy positions

"It’s difficult to glean a platform from Trump’s powerfully incoherent rhetoric while navigating the quicksand-like task,

of separating fact from Trump’s many exaggerations and outright falsehoods in thousands of interviews."


“You bomb the hell out of them, and then you encircle it, and then you go in,” he told Bill O’Reilly, who remarked that the plan necessitated ground forces.

“I disagree, I say that you can defeat ISIS by taking their wealth — their wealth is the oil.”

On CNN, Trump said, “I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn’t send many troops because you won’t need them by the time I’m finished.”

Months later, in a March debate, Trump ballparked the number of troops he would need to send in to defeat ISIS.

“We really have no choice, we have to knock out ISIS,” Trump said. “I would listen to the generals, but I’m hearing numbers of 20,000-30,000.”


And there some who want this incoherant clown as the leader of the free world... facepalm.gif


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The clueless Bloviator considers crashing and bankrupting the U.S. Economy to relieve the debt. (Although, he does have a great deal of experience in that field) facepalm.gif
Donald Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

"I'm the king of debt. I love debt," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday, seemingly trying to explain the comfort level he has with debt,

after a long business career that included four bankruptcy filings by his companies."

"But Trump raised eyebrows by suggesting an unorthodox approach towards cutting the national debt.

Asked if the U.S. needs to pay its debt in full or if it could negotiate a partial repayment, Trump said: "I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal."

"Such a renegotiation risks creating financial turmoil because U.S. Treasuries are considered the safest assets on the planet,

and a major benchmark for valuing other securities. Calling into question their safety could cause borrowing rates to rise and create confusion in the markets."

"Deficits would explode in his administration," Greg Valliere, chief global strategist at Horizon Investments, said in a report on Thursday.


Dear lord his idiocy knows no depths.


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You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

He's popular because he trots out a load of unsubstantiated populist nonsense, and there are a large number of people too stupid to question it.

Believe that if it makes you feel better.

I don't know if you are American or not, but if you are, how do you feel, knowing that there are millions and millions and millions of really stupid ( according to you ) people in the US?

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The real ignorance is on the notrump side.

After being breast fed politics, their entire lives...they are unable to think outside the box.

Trump comes along, and beats the system. He snatches the nomination (it's sure) right out from under the noses of Cruz and the Republican Party. They never saw it coming. What you have here is not a country filled with idiots that blindly follow trump.....what you have is a desire to "think politics outside the box" . America is very unpopular...just ask some people from other countries how they feel. It's a no brainer.....despite what any foreign polls come up with.

I do feel sorry for those that do not understand that Politics in the USA, as they know it, can not be accepted any longer...by free thinking people.

We want out so bad, that we are willing to support Trump...just so you brainwashed people don't end up voting for the same old stuff.

War is not always the answer. Good Business and Trade, more jobs is just part of what we want. Trump is a doormat for us...to break into the system (as outsiders). Who knows....perhaps he will kill the Republican Party.....forever. I don't care about parties.

Lets weed out the old and plant the new.

Start using your brains...and stop making the same old mistakes...over and over.

By the way...I am appalled at the anger, aggression and insults notrump people convey. It all sounds so defensive....and makes you look scared and weak.

Edited by slipperylobster
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