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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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I watched Ryan's speech. He could take a spoiled loaf of bread and sing praises about the pretty colors of mold. He's trying so hard to paint the meeting in a positive light, that I almost feel sorry for the guy. If the talks with Donald when went 1/10th as well as he describes them, they would both walk out on stage with smiles and joyful backslapping. They still have deep schisms, but neither can say so publicly, so they have to try and sugar-coat everything, as if the public are a bunch of dummies.

"Donald Trump is considering former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as one possible option for his running mate in November, according to a source familiar with the discussions."


Excellent. Good choice. They don't get any smarter or crafty than Newt. Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court and make America Great Again! smile.png

Great, they can run on a "Dump The Tired Old Wife" platform. Newt is so yesterday. He's like the school principal who kept saying, "Do as I say, not as I do." I'd rather see Trump take Palin for the entertainment value, but regardless of whether he takes Newt (or anyone else) he's bound for Loserville. The Loserville Sluggers of 2016.

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"Donald Trump is considering former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as one possible option for his running mate in November, according to a source familiar with the discussions."


Excellent. Good choice. They don't get any smarter or crafty than Newt. Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court and make America Great Again! smile.png

Trump can't make a bad choice for VP. Newt would be perfect! Newt or Louie Gohmert would be my top two with Sarah Palin #3.

I know...Palin would be gilding the lily, still...

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"Donald Trump is considering former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as one possible option for his running mate in November, according to a source familiar with the discussions."


Excellent. Good choice. They don't get any smarter or crafty than Newt. Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court and make America Great Again! smile.png

Trump can't make a bad choice for VP. Newt would be perfect! Newt or Louie Gohmert would be my top two with Sarah Palin #3.

I know...Palin would be gilding the lily, still...

So, if I understand this, Dr. Ben is out of contention? Aw shucks fellas, I was so hoping for a minority challenger from the GOP. Donald needs Bens voters.

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The supposed "billionaire" bloviates: "I'm really, really rich". Prove it. And stop flip-flopping.

Trump’s cowardly lyin’: Another sad excuse not to release his tax returns

"At this point, voters will never get to judge whether Trump has met the citizen’s financial obligation to country because once again,

he has played for chumps the voters who believe they’re supporting an anti-politician who tells it like it is. Follow the words of the man who brags, “Everything I say I’m going to do, folks, I do.”

February last year, he said: “I have no objection to certainly showing tax returns.”

October: "He would release his returns “maybe when we find out the true story on Hillary’s emails,” adding “at some point I’ll release it.”

Feb. 2016: “I will get it done as soon as I can.”

Friday: Surrogate Ben Carson pledged Trump would release his returns before Election Day.

Tuesday: “There’s nothing to learn from them,” Trump told the Associated Press, which reported he “doesn’t expect to release his tax returns before November”

and “dismissed the idea that voters have a right to see” them. laugh.png


Donald Trump: I'll release tax returns after audit

(CNN)Donald Trump said Wednesday that he plans to release his taxes when an IRS audit is completed, despite telling the Associated Press the previous day that he would not release his tax documents.

"In interview I told @AP that my taxes are under routine audit and I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!" the real estate mogul tweeted Wednesday,

after Trump's critics, including Mitt Romney and other Republicans, who have urged Trump to make his tax returns available."

In February, the IRS said: "Federal privacy rules prohibit the IRS from discussing individual tax matters. Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information."

"Still, Trump has also refused to release his tax returns from previous years, which are no longer under IRS audit."


Donald Trump Says He Will Release Tax Returns Once 'Audit Is Complete'

"When asked if he would pledge to release them before the election, Trump responded, "Sure, if -- if -- if the auditors finish. I'll do it as fast as the audit is finished.”

"Such a move is nearly unprecedented in modern elections. Indeed, Trump will be the first presumptive major party nominee since 1976 not to release his tax returns.

He has maintained that he cannot release his returns because they are under audit and has provided documentation to attest that the audit is ongoing." (Of course, that is a lie) thumbsup.gif


The Bloviator. Playing the lemmings like a fiddle...
And don't forget writer, Timothy O'Brien's book (Trump Nation), where he revealed that although the Bloviator claimed to be worth 6 billion, in actuality, his worth was between $150/250 million.
Trump sued. And lost. biggrin.png


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Trump says tax code is letting hedge funds 'get away with murder'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump blasted hedge fund managers on Sunday as mere "paper pushers"

who he said were "getting away with murder" by not paying their fair share of taxes."

"The hedge fund guys didn't build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky," Trump said.

"They are energetic. They are very smart. But a lot of them - they are paper-pushers. They make a fortune. They pay no tax. It's ridiculous, ok?"

"It is the wrong thing. These guys are getting away with murder."


Wow! Sounds like the Bloviator is onto something.

Naa, after lying about self-funding his campaign, who has he decided to suck up to? ( you guessed it ) Wall St. Hedge Fund Mgrs. clap2.gif

Yup. He will be sucking up to them for a cool BILLION. And of course, they will expect nothing in return... whistling.gif

Trump fundraisers try to win over Wall Street's wealthy

Thursday, May 12, 2016 - 01:57

"Donald Trump's top fundraisers are at the preeminent annual SALT gathering of hedge fund managers

hoping to win the world's wealthiest and most powerful investors."

See video in link: http://www.reuters.com/video/2016/05/12/trump-fundraisers-try-to-win-over-wall-s?videoId=368475304&videoChannel=1003

But wait, didn't he say this not too long ago?

The Great "Outsider". cheesy.gif Suckers....

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Another group of entities which pay no taxes: RELIGIONS.

It doesn't take much to be officially declared a religion in the US. I jest not. There are a few easy-to-comply requirements, basically it's check the right boxes on a simple form.

Scientology got declared a Religion after a protracted fight with IRS. They actually did it the Trump way: They threatened to sue IRS if religious status wasn't granted, ....and won. Scientologists also bombarded IRS with very many frivolous requests and threats. BTW, Trump wants to abolish IRS (along with the Dept. of Education). Make whatever connections you want. Yet it would be curious to know how the candidates say on the topic of tax-exemption on religions (in general) and Scientology and TV preachers (in particular). On second thought, it doesn't matter where Trump says he stands on those issues, because he can readily flip or flop the next day. HRC, on the other hand, has probably thought about these issues and has an opinion that won't waver, depending on which way the polls vote.

HRC is driven by education and convictions. Trump just takes whatever side he thinks will garner the most votes. If he finds out the next day, he can get more votes by taking an opposing position, he'll switch as easily as a bird sitting on a tree branch.

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Another group of entities which pay no taxes: RELIGIONS.

It doesn't take much to be officially declared a religion in the US. I jest not. There are a few easy-to-comply requirements, basically it's check the right boxes on a simple form.


HRC is driven by education and convictions. Trump just takes whatever side he thinks will garner the most votes. If he finds out the next day, he can get more votes by taking an opposing position, he'll switch as easily as a bird sitting on a tree branch.

Agree about tax exempt status & religions.

The only way Hillary gets any conviction is if Obama gets pissed off and lets the FBI/DOJ investigation proceed un-obstructed

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That's good stuff!

Still cheering on the Bloviator who has manipulated them and back-tracked on all of the off the wall claims he has made.

All of them either lies, illegal or unconstitutional of course. clap2.gif

A true Lemming!

'murica... NOT America. thumbsup.gif

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Another group of entities which pay no taxes: RELIGIONS.

It doesn't take much to be officially declared a religion in the US. I jest not. There are a few easy-to-comply requirements, basically it's check the right boxes on a simple form.


HRC is driven by education and convictions. Trump just takes whatever side he thinks will garner the most votes. If he finds out the next day, he can get more votes by taking an opposing position, he'll switch as easily as a bird sitting on a tree branch.

Agree about tax exempt status & religions.

The only way Hillary gets any conviction is if Obama gets pissed off and lets the FBI/DOJ investigation proceed un-obstructed

Or... If after Trump is POTUS he turns HIS FBI/DOJ onto the case.

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Okay, the above is from Reuters.

A quote [Donald Trump's support has surged and he is now running nearly even with Democrat Hillary Clinton among likely U.S. voters, a dramatic turnaround since he became the Republican party's presumptive presidential nominee, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday.]

And ["As recently as last week, Clinton led Trump by around 13 points in the poll".]

Also ["In the most recent survey, 41 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, and 40 percent backed Trump, with 19 percent not decided on either yet, according to the online poll of 1,289 people conducted from Friday to Tuesday. The poll had a credibility interval of about 3 percentage points.]

Okay, people, get your beers and snacks ready, this is going to be a big fight. It's not certain who is going to win.

Actually, this is NOT a football match or whatever sports event, it's actually massively serious. And I'm not a Donald Trump supporter, I'm not even American.

We need a proper discussion on this.

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So, Let’s review what attracted the Lemmings to the Bloviator in the first pace. Shall we?

The Bloviator promised you he would be self-funded and even put up his own BILLION DOLLARS if necessary.

He lied. He didn’t. He went to Wall St.


The Bloviator promised you he would ban 1 BILLION people from entering the U.S.A.

It’s illegal. No one can.


The Bloviator promised you “the biggest wall” Ain’t gonna happen.


The Bloviator promised you he would deport 11 MILLION people. It ain’t gonna happen.


The Bloviator promised you he would bomb the “Hell out of ISIS and their families.”

Thereby, committing willful War Crimes. Ain’t gonna happen.


The Bloviator promised you he would order the Military to torture people.

Thereby, committing willful War Crimes.

Claiming “If I tell them to do it, they will do it.” Ain’t gonna happen.


The Bloviator promised you he would impose 35/45% import Tariffs on China and Mexico.

The countries, along with Bangladesh where he, and his former wife Ivana produce their apparel lines. Ain’t gonna happen.


The Bloviator promised you he is a Billionaire. And would prove it. He lied. And “dismissed the idea that voters have a right to see” them.” (his tax records)


At at the end of the day, whadayagot ?

All ya got is a hard on for Hillary Clinton.

In addition to shallow, bigoted hopes and dreams that some bigoted huckster played up to.

But hell, at least y’all got a trucker cap with a Ronald Reagan slogan on it.

While willing to put some egocentric, narcissistic numb nut in charge of the free world to satisfy your fixation with Clinton.




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Lyin' Donald.

trump lying to the press posing as John Miller, publicist.

He now denies it.

Nobody believes the denial and neither should you.

You'd think he would be smart now and not deny it, as it's not that big a deal (except to make him look a foolish sleazeball which is everyone knows already and his base doesn't care). But denying it now is a total lie:


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Reagan Only Released One Year of Tax Returns – Said It Was ‘Invasion of Privacy’

Ronald Reagan only released one year of tax returns saying it was an invasion of privacy.



That's right! smile.png

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Donald Trump has thousands of fans in Europe and India — And the New York billionaire even has fans in China.


That's a lot of Chinese! smile.png

The Chinese would probably be better off with a Trump presidency. With Trump there will likely be a trade war, as T has already declared he will add 35 to 45% trade tariffs. The losers will be businesses on both sides of the Pacific, but also American consumers, who will see prices rise dramatically.

However, waging a trade war (even if it's lose-lose for China and the US) is not as bad as sparking military action in the South China Sea.

Trump will make threats about military action in the SCS but he's not likely to back it up with more than a few military sorties in the region. He may enact an embargo of the islands the Chinese took from the Philippines, but it would backfire and wind up worsening America's reputation (expect headlines like; "US military embargo hurts civilians on islands").

HRC, on the other hand, has knowledge and resolve. She's not wishy washy like Trump. For Hillary, money is not God, as it is for Trump and the Chinese. More important is doing what's right. In the case of SCS, doing what's right is; 'standing by our friends during times when their territories are being taken by a more powerful country: China.'

Looked at in that perspective, Trump is better for the Chinese than HRC,

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"Donald Trump is considering former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as one possible option for his running mate in November, according to a source familiar with the discussions."


Excellent. Good choice. They don't get any smarter or crafty than Newt. Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court and make America Great Again! smile.png

Trump can't make a bad choice for VP. Newt would be perfect! Newt or Louie Gohmert would be my top two with Sarah Palin #3.

I know...Palin would be gilding the lily, still...

So, if I understand this, Dr. Ben is out of contention? Aw shucks fellas, I was so hoping for a minority challenger from the GOP. Donald needs Bens voters.

What about a dual Vice Presidency with Sarah Palin and Ben Carson? Grabbing the women and the blacks with one bold move. Trump needs to think outside the box...or maybe buy the box?

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For all those thinking Clinton has the general election in the bag ...

Latest polls show Trump leading in Ohio, and Clinton only leading by 1 point in Florida and Pennsylvania ..

If trump wins Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania ... He will be president

I don't know if that happens or not, still a lot of time till Nov..

But is clear that this is still anyone's election


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Here's a B movie plot idea: Palin and Carson swap brains. Carson becomes Chatty Kathy who can't construct a legible sentence, and Palin is half awake at her most lucid moments - and who also can't put a legible sentence together.

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Here's a B movie plot idea: Palin and Carson swap brains. Carson becomes Chatty Kathy who can't construct a legible sentence, and Palin is half awake at her most lucid moments - and who also can't put a legible sentence together.

Racism and misogyny in one post...nice...but it's okay if coming from the "left." ??

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Yes, it's really way too late to stop The Donald. He wasn't even at this Convention but his name was certainly bandied about at will/

Almost a Riot! smile.png

Some of the Lefties were quoted as calling the Polce who attempted to keep order - "Brownshirts"! laugh.png


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Here's a B movie plot idea: Palin and Carson swap brains. Carson becomes Chatty Kathy who can't construct a legible sentence, and Palin is half awake at her most lucid moments - and who also can't put a legible sentence together.

Racism and misogyny in one post...nice...but it's okay if coming from the "left." ??

There is neither racism or misogyny in Boomer's post. Low-info wingnuts love to play gotcha with Democrats, but they invariably end up just looking foolish...like this.

Republicans don't even know what racism and misogyny is. They just know it sounds right.

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