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Govt Wants Motor Show Model Outfits to Reflect 'Thainess'


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To be fair - these girls add nothing to the motor show.

All that happens is that a bunch of adolescent serial masturbators crowd the girls taking pictures with their SLRs, completely blocking out any view you might have had of the actual car.

Having the pretties at car shows has a long history and is universal: I recall them back as far as the Austin Cambridge, Morris Minor and Simca Aronde..and there used to be competitions for how many could squeeze into a Mini( not sure that they would have retained much prettiness though)

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To be fair - these girls add nothing to the motor show.

All that happens is that a bunch of adolescent serial masturbators crowd the girls taking pictures with their SLRs, completely blocking out any view you might have had of the actual car.

So your not going this year then?
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Thai ness, and

appropriate dress,

nothing like getting the message home, drag a wrecked car into the pavilion,

a torn apart bus , throw in some mangled mannequins , have the models dress as nurses with blood spatter

over their uniforms,

have the body bags arranged in order with occupants,

The motor show should also show the Thai ness consequences of being unable to stop the carnage

on the roads,

some times shock is needed to get a positive re action, except here i think an earthquake proportions is needed.

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The cars at the shows are usually just Japanese stuff, no rear wheeled drive V8s, so the best things about these shows ARE the girls. I love the smaller pickup shows also which have the sexy little things thrusting away on the back off the pickup.
I love how unPC it all is. And fun.
Plus there were hundreds of them recently at the Bang Saen street races. Some hot hot girls, I have about 20 photos of the day with me and the girls who are happy to pose and pout for a photo with you and about two photos of the cars.

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If these moral dinosaurs actually understood what foreigners experience as "Thainess", they would want to hide it, not boast about it................

Such as what? Indicate something that foreigners in general experience as Thainess as a bad thing. This is about the Bangkok International Motor Show, did you miss that?

Oh dear, where should I start? Promoting Thainess is NOT a good idea, unless the Culture Minister wants to promote everything that is WRONG with Thailand.

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the pretty is thainess to me? .. but whats really going on here is they are getting ready to sort out thailands open secret, the s/x industry, this has been left until last as its going to cause an uproar gigglem.gif

Not likely, too many vested interests.

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To be fair - these girls add nothing to the motor show.

All that happens is that a bunch of adolescent serial masturbators crowd the girls taking pictures with their SLRs, completely blocking out any view you might have had of the actual car.

Cars? THey have cars at auto shows? Who knew? tongue.png

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Govt Wants Motor Show Model Outfits to Reflect 'Thainess


This in spite of the fact that "Thailand" is almost synonymous with "sex for sale."

I'm surprised their heads don't explode from the cognitive dissonance.

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Why sell cars at all? They all look the same all over the world, no Thainess to them, all foreign in origin. Ban them all. Why are there no Thai auto manufacturers? Meanwhile everyone can drive Tuk-Tuks, Songthaews and elaborate modified and painted Toyotas to resemble 19th century palanquins.

By the way that "Pretty" looks pretty hideous.

Edited by arunsakda
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If these moral dinosaurs actually understood what foreigners experience as "Thainess", they would want to hide it, not boast about it................

One thing I find concerning is how they "dress up" little girls in the village (I suspect all of them) we live in when marching in a parade or school event. I wonder if they are wanting to mimic older sisters who pole dance?

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If he wants to hark back to the past, then all the females should be topless.

As a student of history, I never have forgiven those other moralists (read Christian missionaries) for their cultural imperialism. Be like us, speak our language, believe our religion, dress like us and then you can be "advanced" like us. Yes, I do recognize that it's a mixed bag and that advances in science, education, medicine and technology also took place. But hey! We are talking about not truly appreciating the female form here!

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I would assume that the car companies got to choose what their models wore.

THey would prefer less not more.....

the pretties are there so your hormones are roused so when you look at the car you like it too.....

Here has the same kind of rules now the west had 15 years ago...

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Nationalism, Authoritarianism, over the top Conservatism, along with moralizing and preaching from dinosaurs who certainly cheat on their wives, ... heck they probably cheat on their mistresses, ...

Seriously, these guys are not to be taken seriously.... coffee1.gif

to be fair mia noi's, kiks and being a 'butterfly' are part of thai culture, so by partaking in such activities they are adhering to thai cultural norms

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To be fair - these girls add nothing to the motor show.

All that happens is that a bunch of adolescent serial masturbators crowd the girls taking pictures with their SLRs, completely blocking out any view you might have had of the actual car.

Having the pretties at car shows has a long history and is universal: I recall them back as far as the Austin Cambridge, Morris Minor and Simca Aronde..and there used to be competitions for how many could squeeze into a Mini( not sure that they would have retained much prettiness though)

ya but they weren't blokes were they!

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he who pays decides, unfortunately for the Government they do not pay so put or shut up or the tourist dollars gained will go elsewhere. Another stupid act of Thainess, coupled with fleeing drivers, corrupt Police and even more Corrupt Govt officials. Lts us keep the Western standards at least we can see what we are getting .

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I imagine that the Motorshow organizers couldn't give a rats ass to what the culture minister has to say as long as there is profit to be made. Most likely their meeting was all smiles and wais to keep appearance, but at the end of the day it will be business as usual.

The minister did what he had to do and the outcome is not important any more.

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If these moral dinosaurs actually understood what foreigners experience as "Thainess", they would want to hide it, not boast about it................

One thing I find concerning is how they "dress up" little girls in the village (I suspect all of them) we live in when marching in a parade or school event. I wonder if they are wanting to mimic older sisters who pole dance?

You mean like this??

(Little Miss Texas competition, USA)



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pedro01, on 18 Mar 2016 - 18:10, said:

To be fair - these girls add nothing to the motor show.

All that happens is that a bunch of adolescent serial masturbators crowd the girls taking pictures with their SLRs, completely blocking out any view you might have had of the actual car.

After a statement like that, one could make the presumption you bat for the other side.

fair comment - although in my defense it has to be said I do go to the motorshow to see cars, not hordes of photographers.

Plus - these girls do tend to be over engineered - with the nose lengthening, chin sculpturing (or pointing), skin whitening, eye widening - they tend to look like ladyboys to me. I certainly don't find them attractive. They look weird.

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To be fair - these girls add nothing to the motor show.

All that happens is that a bunch of adolescent serial masturbators crowd the girls taking pictures with their SLRs, completely blocking out any view you might have had of the actual car.

So your not going this year then?

I'll be there....

But this year, I won't let the wife take me for a 'treat' on fathers day and offer to buy me several pints of Kilkenny in the Irish pub downstairs.

Maybe then I won't end up buying a car I didn't plan to....


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