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Is It Ever Acceptable For A Thai Girl To Cheat?


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Is it ever acceptable for a Thai girl to cheat?

In the west I view cheating as totally unacceptable, but when we're talking about girls from Issan, with poor parents, no security, no pension etc... I think it might be ok sometimes.

To add a bit of context... I met a girl at The Diner outside Insanity, went home with her that night, she was or acted nervous about us sleeping together. After I offered her money but she refused to take it saying "I go with you because I like you, not because I want your money". After seeing her a few times, she told me she didn't want me dating other girls and we agreed to be exclusive.

1 month later I suspect her of cheating... Many red flags, not answering my calls or texts until the next morning, phone being off twice, not showing me her line messages, not posting pictures of us on her social media.

Now in the west... This would be unacceptable

But when I look at things from her perspective, I have a lot more sympathy... She's from Issan, poor family, she doesn't ask for money from me, sometimes she even pays for stuff (a round of shots, or a takeaway) she works as a "Dancer" at one of these high end member clubs where they have a lot of in house girls doing more than dancing, she tells me these girls are "floor girls" and not "dancer".

If anyone wants to know where to meet more girls from this high end club, they all go to Scratch Dog most days after they finish work at 2.

My mate here tells me she's a working girl- talks good English, has a tattoo, posts slutty pictures on social media, went home with me on the first night, shows cleavage, wears a lot of makeup at work and has working friends.

I've now told her we are in a non-exclusive relationship and she reluctantly agreed. Should I forgive her for the suspicious behaviour? I'm not in a position to financially support her and she always treats me well and never asks for money.

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She's a hooker, she's with a customer.

That isn't cheating, that's working.

She's with you because you "hansum man", she loves you, you're the boyfriend.

You can only go with another girl, if the girl pays you for sex.

Then you would be working, which would be OK.

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She's a hooker, she's with a customer.

That isn't cheating, that's working.

She's with you because you "hansum man", she loves you, you're the boyfriend.

You can only go with another girl, if the girl pays you for sex.

Then you would be working, which would be OK.

Thanks a lot for your insight, I appreciate it

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Is this a topic started by a "Control Freak" ?

Suspect the Western ladies have him sussed which why the Thai ladies are now being harassed.

Not a "Control Freak" but after several red flags I would be a blind fool to assume nothing was going on

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Tattoos, works in a place where sex is sold, slutty pictures,shows cleavage. Listen to your mate, he is right IMO. Sounds like a working girl who quite likes you. She is giving you freebies. As long as you can also play up, then why not?

I bet this will have a bad ending though. She will probably get jealous when you get another girl, go crazy and then tell you it is different because she likes you but the other blokes she f...s are only customers.

Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash. It is her morals. Nobody in Thailand has to do it despite what they tell you. If that were the case, how do fat or ugly girls survive. Or poor men? Hookers do it for the same reasons the do in richer countries, they want to be rich, are too lazy to work a normal job or because they are drug addicts.

Now she isn't asking for cash, and buying shots (also not a sign of a good girl) etc because she has some cash. As soon as she has a problem and is broke she will ask you. Just a matter of time.

Of course I could be completely wrong. Everyone is different.

Wear a condom.

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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Bullshit. This is one of the common myths propagated about sex work. If "poverty" explained why women do sex work, the vast majority of women in any poor country in the world would be sex workers. But they aren't. Not by a long shot.

It's a job choice. One of many options available to women (and men). Not everyone chooses that particular option. Some would never choose it, no matter what their financial straits. Simple as that.

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My mate here tells me she's a working girl- talks good English, has a tattoo, posts slutty pictures on social media, went home with me on the first night, shows cleavage, wears a lot of makeup at work and has working friends.

Give me her facebook/line and I'll check if I can do her for free or some bahts involved.

If she doesn't take the money, you know she's a good girl. thumbsup.gif

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Tattoos, works in a place where sex is sold, slutty pictures,shows cleavage. Listen to your mate, he is right IMO. Sounds like a working girl who quite likes you. She is giving you freebies. As long as you can also play up, then why not?

I bet this will have a bad ending though. She will probably get jealous when you get another girl, go crazy and then tell you it is different because she likes you but the other blokes she f...s are only customers.

Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash. It is her morals. Nobody in Thailand has to do it despite what they tell you. If that were the case, how do fat or ugly girls survive. Or poor men? Hookers do it for the same reasons the do in richer countries, they want to be rich, are too lazy to work a normal job or because they are drug addicts.

Now she isn't asking for cash, and buying shots (also not a sign of a good girl) etc because she has some cash. As soon as she has a problem and is broke she will ask you. Just a matter of time.

Of course I could be completely wrong. Everyone is different.

Wear a condom.

Thanks, another insightful response. Yes I am aware that she might ask for money in future, and I probably would help her out to an extent.

About whether it's her being poor or her morals, I think it is different case by case. Maybe some get into it because of their family but get used to the lifestyle

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My mate here tells me she's a working girl- talks good English, has a tattoo, posts slutty pictures on social media, went home with me on the first night, shows cleavage, wears a lot of makeup at work and has working friends.

Give me her facebook/line and I'll check if I can do her for free or some bahts involved.

If she doesn't take the money, you know she's a good girl. thumbsup.gif

Aw that's really kind of you, thank you for taking your time to help me out like that thumbsup.gif

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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Most anywhere would if offered the right amount of money and presented the right way. Not just Thailand.

There is a degree of truth in the old joke:

Man: Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?

Woman: Ummm... I guess so, yeah.

Man: Would you sleep with me for a dollar?

Woman: What!? What kind of a woman do you think I am!?

Man: We've established what kind of woman you are; now we're just haggling over price.

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I wish some posts were scrutinized and restricted as much as some of our replies are.

Not trolling in anyway, I think just somethings which might seem obvious to people who have lived here 2+ years, might not be obvious to someone like myself who has lived here for 2 months

She knows you are new here, which means you are easy prey.

Ask her why Thais say "farang ROOMUCK mai dee" and watch the reaction.

You sound half decent, if you are half decent, you can get a very decent girl in Thailand. It will amaze you. Take your time, set yourself rules, I suggest no smoking, no or little drinking, no tattoos, no kids, definitely a real job, never had a farang boyfriend before, and as little English as possible unless it has something to do with her employment.

Better to f... around for a few years though, and if you choose that, all the rules above don't matter.

It is then just about managing their expectations. Best not to meet their families with this scenario.

Later, if you decide to settle, but get bored you can always get what is called a "mia noi" but that is for the more experienced, if you stuff up there you will find out about the Thai tradition of "feeding the ducks".

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I would never trust a Lady who was a dancer at a seedy place , the only Woman from that kind of place that I would trust would be the cashier woman

IMO the cashiers are dodgy as well. They usually were a worker, but have managed to secure a long term sponsor. Plus, all the bad influences, they know and see too much.

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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Hell for the right amount of money id do it myself.. just that what i consider the right amount would never be offered biggrin.png

Edited by robblok
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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Ok then, how much do you want?

I agree with "a lot would", I am not sure about "most" though.

There is a cute cop girl I know in my soi, married to another cop. How much do you reckon I should offer her? Maybe you could ask her for me. I am a bit shy.

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I have made tragic mistakes looking at "it from her perspective." Among the greatest mistakes I foolishly told myself was wisdom, was rationalizing her cheating as "...holy crap. She wasn't cheating on me with him after all. She knew him first. She was cheating on him with me." We can rationalize any view we assign as "her perspective."

Another delusion to be aware of is where you offer that "she is young. I am not perfect either. Who am I to expect someone to arrive in my life perfect?" If you have a standard and its not her standard, beware.

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Morality, seriously?

I hear this kind of thing from guys all over the world marry the "good" nice virginal type girl....then 5 years later they are complaining she never puts out, or they never get a BJ cos she thinks its disgusting. Course, then the "good" girls get into their thirties, after decade or so holding it back, all builds up, then al of a sudden they are trying to shag every damn thing.

Why the assumptions thag a bar girl is less or more likely to be a good mother, why the assumption a regular girl isnt going to end up taking you for more money, less likely to cheat.

These are all assumptions, based mainly on how pissy you get thinking some other guy/guys getting pleasured by her....Jealousy

You going to make life long decisions based on jealousy first?

Sounds kind of idiotic to me

And no one, no one, the girl, her family, other falangs regardless of what they say to your face are not going to believe you dont try sneak in some soapy massage place or the like, every chance you get..even if you actually dont

Edited by uthaithanirules
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I have made tragic mistakes looking at "it from her perspective." Among the greatest mistakes I foolishly told myself was wisdom, was rationalizing her cheating as "...holy crap. She wasn't cheating on me with him after all. She knew him first. She was cheating on him with me." We can rationalize any view we assign as "her perspective."

Another delusion to be aware of is where you offer that "she is young. I am not perfect either. Who am I to expect someone to arrive in my life perfect?" If you have a standard and its not her standard, beware.

Solid advice, it's so easy to rationalise once you are infactuated with a girl. It's like our inner reptilian brain makes the decision and our logical brain follows

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