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I am due to Immigration on Friday the 25th to renew the retirement extension.

It would be great if I knew what to ask the person at the bank to write in the letter.

To have it in both English and Thai would be even better.



The banks know what to write. They do it all the time. It will be in Thai only.

I live in a non farang area and the bank Kasikorn really know nothing.

I agree that if I lived in Patts, Chiang Mai etc no problem but Samut Sakhon........

If I was an Asian migrant worker they know everything but for farang, nothing.

If someone can give me tie correct words it would be very helpful.


The Kasikorn branch should call headquarters to fax or e-mail them the text. If they don't want to do it, call yourself. The number for the contact centre is +66 2 888 8888

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The Kasikorn branch should call headquarters to fax or e-mail them the text. If they don't want to do it, call yourself. The number for the contact centre is +66 2 888 8888

Many thanks, I'll give that a go.

I couldn't understand last years letter and they quoted a strange balance on 214,xxx.xx baht

whereas there had been more than 1,000,000 for the required three months.

Fortunately, they also provided a signed photo copy of the book and armed with the book, the IO managed to find it acceptable although there was a lot of head scratching.

Now I've read the letter I am surprised (and pleased) that the IO accepted it.

I would like to avoid that again if I can.

This is a Google Translate of the letter:

With MR. MY NAME a savings account number. xxx-x-xxxxx-x amount Baht 214,566.86 (two hundred and one thousand four hundred and sixty-six baht eighty-six cents) Plc., Bank of Thailand. Rama 2 in Samut Sakhon deposit runs at 25 March 2558 at 1.10 pm 1. Bubble-free load any bank.

Kindly note

Yours sincerely

I'm sure it should be more like:

With MR. MY NAME a savings account number. xxx-x-xxxxx-x has maintained an amount of not less than 800,000.00 baht (eight hundred thousand baht and zero sttang) for more than 90 days prior to todays date.


With MR. MY NAME a savings account number. xxx-x-xxxxx-x has maintained an amount of not less than THE ACTUAL AMOUNT (AMOUNT IN WORDS) from DATE which is longer than 90 days prior to todays date.




My letters have never said that I had maintained a balance of 800k for 90 days. Immigration will check themselves by looking at the statements the bank prints out to go with the letter. My letters have only confirmed passport number, name, account number and balance on the day the letter was written. As has been mentioned, they have it on a template on their computer system which is linked to head office on a network.

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My letters have never said that I had maintained a balance of 800k for 90 days. Immigration will check themselves by looking at the statements the bank prints out to go with the letter. My letters have only confirmed passport number, name, account number and balance on the day the letter was written. As has been mentioned, they have it on a template on their computer system which is linked to head office on a network.

But as you can see from my post above there was no mention of my PP number.


My letters have never said that I had maintained a balance of 800k for 90 days. Immigration will check themselves by looking at the statements the bank prints out to go with the letter. My letters have only confirmed passport number, name, account number and balance on the day the letter was written. As has been mentioned, they have it on a template on their computer system which is linked to head office on a network.

But as you can see from my post above there was no mention of my PP number.

Maybe slightly different wording depending on the bank. I'm with SCB. Seriously I wouldn't worry about it. The banks have been churning out these letters for many years, thousands of times. They have it sorted.

My letters have never said that I had maintained a balance of 800k for 90 days. Immigration will check themselves by looking at the statements the bank prints out to go with the letter. My letters have only confirmed passport number, name, account number and balance on the day the letter was written. As has been mentioned, they have it on a template on their computer system which is linked to head office on a network.

But as you can see from my post above there was no mention of my PP number.

Maybe slightly different wording depending on the bank. I'm with SCB. Seriously I wouldn't worry about it. The banks have been churning out these letters for many years, thousands of times. They have it sorted.

Did you not notice this in their letter:-

With MR. MY NAME a savings account number. xxx-x-xxxxx-x amount Baht 214,566.86

(two hundred and one thousand four hundred and sixty-six baht eighty-six cents)

There was more than 1,000,000 Baht in the account, I had no idea where he got that figure from and it was nowhere near the 800,000......

Since everything is in a rush to get the letter and into the queue at Imm, I didn't have time to check it,

Not to mention not able to read Thai.

The Imm officer was clearly confused and happily took the time and trouble to check it out for himself.


I had three bank books,

1 with ATM card and small money

1 with savings to transfer to ATM account

1 with funds to meet the 800,000b

What the idiot did was to use the savings account No. and value in the letter but provided the photo copy from the funds to meet 800,000 account.

No wonder the IO was confused]


I had a letter from Bangkok Bank (BuaYai) refused once. Something about the wording. They kindly hi-lighted it and I took to the nearest branch and they wrote me another.

As said above, the letter is only proof that you have the money in the bank account at that moment. The bank book shows the rest.

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ummm... update your passbook when you get the letter at the bank. some officers want to see that the 800,000 plus still shows up in the bank book with a recent date, not too long before you actually go in to them. you don't want to have to make several trips. just put 100 or whatever baht in so it shows the balance has been maintained to and past the 3 months for sure... without any in and outs that fell below as well.... and then go to Immigration. not just the letter and bank book. the date needs to be only a few days ago. this was my experience in Chiangmai.... and I and my application is as straight forward as anybody's could be; they weren't testing me on this... I have been doing the same renewal for 10 plus years. you would think the letter is sufficient... nope, not always with all of them at all times.

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ummm... update your passbook when you get the letter at the bank. some officers want to see that the 800,000 plus still shows up in the bank book with a recent date, not too long before you actually go in to them. you don't want to have to make several trips. just put 100 or whatever baht in so it shows the balance has been maintained to and past the 3 months for sure... without any in and outs that fell below as well.... and then go to Immigration. not just the letter and bank book. the date needs to be only a few days ago. this was my experience in Chiangmai.... and I and my application is as straight forward as anybody's could be; they weren't testing me on this... I have been doing the same renewal for 10 plus years. you would think the letter is sufficient... nope, not always with all of them at all times.

Yes, thanks.

I always update my balance on the morning I request the letter, then I go direct to Imm.

Last time the letter was a total cock up and I was lucky to get away with it!

Previously, I made the extension in Chiang Mai and sure, the banks knew what to do because they have so many farangs.

Samut Sakhon is another story.

Same BS for the yellow book. We've been trying three years - nothing.

In fact it's funny for me to be in public offices, the land office, the Amphor etc., the stares I get - as if the population have never seen a farang before LOL

I see loads of workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia and do I stare?

- well only at the pretty ones as long as my wife doesn't notice. LOL


Example from Bangkok Bank.

Print it and take it with you.

Must be addressed to head of immigration in your region (a variation of what is in my letter).

I remember someone saying he was asked for it to be in English.

To me this sounds ridiculous. The official language in this country is Thai.

The centered headline describes the type of document.

The line above the first greyed "MR.M T F" line is the "Attention to: ...." and contains the correct title/function of the immigration head.

Thank you so very much, just the job.


Thank you for giving me a typing lessen materil for my today's Thai langauge study.

Although you may not need it anymore, the followig example is a result of today's lessen which tried to reproduce the one I got the other day from Kasikorn Thai. I should be sorry in advance for any typing errors.

You should note that this is for 2 bank accounts in the same branch, savings and fixed term, so you may need to modity it to suit to your situation.

The example follows:

ทป.330/xxxx/2559 [seems a sort of reference number]
วันที่ [day month] 2559

เรียน เจ้าพนักงานเกี่ยวข้อง

เรื่อง รับรองยอดเงินฝาก

ตามที่ MR.[name of a depositer concerned] ได้เปิดบัญชีเงินฝากประเภทออมทรัพย์ บัญชีเลขที่ xxx-2-yyyyy-z และ บัญชีเงินฝากประเภทฝากประจำ เลขที่ xxx-3-YYYYY-Z ธนาคารกสิกร ไทย สาขา[name of the branch where the depositer opened its acccounts]

ธนาคารขอรับรองว่า ลูกค้ารายดังกล่าวรมียอดเงินคงเหรือในบัญชีเงินฝากประเภทออมทรัพย์ เป็นเงินทั้งสิ้น www,www.ww บาท ([spelling-out the afore-mentioned saving account balance in Thai]) และ มียอดเงินฝาดคงเหรือในบัญชีเงินฝากประจำ ทั้งสิ้น vvv,vvv.vv บาท ([spelling out the afore-mentioned fixed-term account balance in Thai]) โดยมียอดเงินสิ้นสุด ณ วันที่ [day month] 2559 เวลา [time when this documcnt is being made/ maybe like 15.25] น.


บมจ. ธนาการกสิกรไทย สาขา[branch name issuing the document]

[singed and stamped]

([name of the bank staff signed])
[title of the bank staff/ maybe somithing like ผู้ช่วยผู้จัดการสาขา]

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Thank you for giving me a typing lessen materil for my today's Thai langauge study.

Although you may not need it anymore, the followig example is a result of today's lessen which tried to reproduce the one I got the other day from Kasikorn Thai. I should be sorry in advance for any typing errors.

You should note that this is for 2 bank accounts in the same branch, savings and fixed term, so you may need to modity it to suit to your situation.

The example follows:

ทป.330/xxxx/2559 [seems a sort of reference number]

วันที่ [day month] 2559

เรียน เจ้าพนักงานเกี่ยวข้อง

เรื่อง รับรองยอดเงินฝาก

ตามที่ MR.[name of a depositer concerned] ได้เปิดบัญชีเงินฝากประเภทออมทรัพย์ บัญชีเลขที่ xxx-2-yyyyy-z และ บัญชีเงินฝากประเภทฝากประจำ เลขที่ xxx-3-YYYYY-Z ธนาคารกสิกร ไทย สาขา[name of the branch where the depositer opened its acccounts]

ธนาคารขอรับรองว่า ลูกค้ารายดังกล่าวรมียอดเงินคงเหรือในบัญชีเงินฝากประเภทออมทรัพย์ เป็นเงินทั้งสิ้น www,www.ww บาท ([spelling-out the afore-mentioned saving account balance in Thai]) และ มียอดเงินฝาดคงเหรือในบัญชีเงินฝากประจำ ทั้งสิ้น vvv,vvv.vv บาท ([spelling out the afore-mentioned fixed-term account balance in Thai]) โดยมียอดเงินสิ้นสุด ณ วันที่ [day month] 2559 เวลา [time when this documcnt is being made/ maybe like 15.25] น.



บมจ. ธนาการกสิกรไทย สาขา[branch name issuing the document]

[singed and stamped]

([name of the bank staff signed])

[title of the bank staff/ maybe somithing like ผู้ช่วยผู้จัดการสาขา]

Well, just glad I was able to inspire/help he he

Funnily enough at 74, I decided to learn to read/write Thai and choose the Rapid Method.

In only a matter of days I could read Thai, can't understand it yet but that will come.

Everyone is amazed.

I got the typing tutor to work on Windows 10 but need to do more work before I get into typing lol

In the next few days I will have a look at this post and I'm sure it will be very useful. Thanks.

Tomorrow we are off to get a visitor visa for my step son to join us when we return to Spain. He will have a fortnights holiday with us.

Then I shall be back on "my case".

Very many thanks.


Just happened to be in Bangkok today and popped into a large Kasikorn to discuss "the letter"

We were told that everything has changed.

Now we must go to the bank the day before we want the letter and fill in the forms to request it.

They will copy your PP, the bank book's account info page and the latest update.

You will be charged 100 baht.

You go away and return the next day to pick up the letter that will have been signed by a big wig at the bank.

Later, my wife phoned our branch in Samut Sakhon and they also confirmed this "new rule".

I have no idea if this means that other banks will be doing the same.

This is the current status with Kasikorn as we found it today.

Tomorrow is another day..... LOL


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So I have had a go at translating the Kasikorn Request for a certificate of financial position.

We had a tiring day in Bangkok so, She who must be obeyed, went to bed early so I haven't had the benefit of a proper Thai speaker,

but I hope that it's near enough as a rough guide.


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I just called Kasikorn Bank (02 888 8800) and the operator told me that she had never heard of this new rule. She checked with her colleagues and they confirmed it. If the manager is in the branch to sign it, the letter can be issued there and then.

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I just called Kasikorn Bank (02 888 8800) and the operator told me that she had never heard of this new rule. She checked with her colleagues and they confirmed it. If the manager is in the branch to sign it, the letter can be issued there and then.

The girl who I spoke to yesterday also had no idea what to do.

Then she asked another girl who rattled off in Thai.

The response was Oh and she printed off the form I posted.

However, the paper was already used and the reverse side has all the banking details, account nos. addresses etc of another customer.

Professionals - I think not lol

Good innit?

Just goes to show what we have always known.

We just don't know who to trust.....

We nay turn op on the day thinking all is OK - then it's not!

Or be lucky like you - or not.

You will perhaps, only really know when you go to your branch and ask for the letter!


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Since I was on a roll, I found the bank verification letter from last year...you can compare

So today off we went to Samut Sakhon Kasikorn Bank.

Despite the phone call my wife had confirming that "the form" would be used......

We got a letter, in Thai, addressed to Immigration and confirming that we had 1,001,000.00 Baht in the account.

This was accompanied with a print out from the account from September 2015 to today's date.

Both stamped and signed.....

Tomorrow off to try our luck at Immigration.


Today's young lady showed me another customers letter.

It was a bank guarantee letter to the German Immigration.

It was in English and along these lines.

This letter serves as a Bank Reference for our customer who applies for a permit with you.

We are pleased to give you the following details of our customers account with us:

1) Customers name

2) Branch Address

3) Account type and number

4) Balance today

5) Average balance credit

6) Average balance credit balance low amount. Average 6 months

7) Name of applicant

8) Comment: Considered financially capable of supporting himself throughout his

stay in your country.

Clearly they have standard forms of letters for different purposes.

As far as I can see, the letter we have now should satisfy Immigration because:

a) It states a balance of equal to or greater than the 800,000.00 Baht required and

>b The 6 month printout shows that the balance was equal to or greater than the 800,000.00 Baht for a period equal to or greater than 90 days from today.

There seems to be no need for avarage or low points etc as described in some other posts.

We'll see tomorrow,



Today's young lady showed me another customers letter.

It was a bank guarantee letter to the German Immigration.

Probably for a visa application to Germany/Schengen for a Thai citizen?

  • Like 1

Today's young lady showed me another customers letter.

It was a bank guarantee letter to the German Immigration.

Probably for a visa application to Germany/Schengen for a Thai citizen?

It was in fact provided to assist a Thai citizen with an education visa for Germany so you are essentially correct.


The Bank Letter Final

Yesterday we visited Immigration in Samut Sakhon and took:-

The Bank letter dated 24/03/2016, in Thai, addressed to Immigration and confirming that we had 1,001,000.00 Baht in the account.

This was accompanied with a bank print out from the account from September 2015 to today's date. About 6 months.

Both stamped and signed by the bank.....

Along with a copy of the passbook details page and last page showing the balance.

All OK but there was a moment when: The Imm Officer needed the fingers of both hands and a few notes while she worked out that the 90 day rule was OK.

Backgroung, the funds met 800,000 or more on 16/12/2015 and the visit day was 25/03/2016.

I'm sure it would have been helpful if the letter had said that the funds had been there for xx days prior to the date of their letter.

Oh well....

The Extension application went like this:-

Along with the completed TM 7 form with photo and 1,900Baht fee,

I had given them a composite page in colour of the

re-entry permit,

the entered on stamp,

the arrival card,

Main PP page


They all had to be re-copied in B/W

along with copies of the original visa and all stamps since then.

One PP page per copy, what a waste.

They also wanted a copy of my wife's Tambian Baan and

a copy of her Thai ID.

Luckily, we had everything possible with us.

Stapled in my PP was the receipt of TM30, arrival notification and

Receipt of 90 day Report submission and

Arrival card.

It needed maybe 4 or more officers to get the extension stamp issued

The Re-Entry permit application.

For this we went to another room.

Only the completed TM 8 form with picture was required, plus 1,000Baht fee.

It needed three officers to get the job done.

So - All done and good till next year.

Many thanks for all the helpful posts from members.

I really appreciate the help I get from Thai Visa Forum.

The Final Letter, Plus (not provided - too much personal detail, the 6 month printout)


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