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Video of feeding frenzy by ‘greedy’ Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai goes viral


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Haha Long time since I've laughed that much.

"Wealthy" Chinese people are some of the most immoral and careless people in the world. Intentionally driving over people, even toddlers and animals simply because they're in the way (yeah, I've seen it on Youtube several times), blocking entrances because they suddenly want to sit down and eat (even on a train), spit inside public transport, help their kids take a shit in dumpsters and on the floor in shopping malls without caring to clean up and pushing themselves in lines. When they get caught they'll blame you or suddendly someone in the group gets very ill.

Of course not all Chinese are like this, but the amount of Chinese that actually ARE like this is shockingly high. In Switzerland there's even an own train to transport Chinese only because they can't behave.

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'Wealthy' Chinese people taking the train, using public transport? Are you out of your mind? The wealthy Chinese I know have chauffeur driven limos, you have a funny idea of 'wealthy'.

As for the Swiss train story, despite what you may have read in the papers last year, there was no segregated train laid on for Chinese tourists, it was a story made up by a Swiss tabloid and blindly repeated by the mainstream press worldwide.


Notice the difference between wealthy and "wealthy".

The "wealthy" Chinese I was refering to was simply those who got money enough to travel and thinks they're above everyone else and the law, especially in other countries. I wasn't talking about the actually wealthy Chinese.

Ok maybe I was wrong about the Swiss train story, but it doesn't mean the Chinese people in the OP article are unique. I've seen it plenty of times to notice the difference between these Chinese and most other nationals.

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The new middle class can be a brutish lot for sure, as in my experience can all new-money people.

True, Thailand got plenty of them, but it's just a little worse with the Chinese though...

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I've known many polite courteous Chinese. But after my last trip to the airport. A plane load waiting for a plane back to wuhan, they pushed and shoved and then fought each other, like a pack of animals. I now know how bad the low class can act when they travel. They were truly animals. Low class Chinese are much lower than low class of other races. So sad.

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Don't understand all the hate.

It doesn't affect us, they don't share buffets with non-Chinese.

If a hotel wants to cater to Chinese let them get on with it.

That would be true if it only happened in the contained, proffered setting. But the Chinese do this all the time and in many various ways. If YOU were at that buffet, you'd not only be stupefied, you'd be both vexed and disparaging.

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To shovel the shrimps with plates at the buffet is one thing. Bad, greedy behave.
But the remains that are there left on the plates is an expression of a stupid, decadent mind setting,
considering that 795 million people on this planet do not have enough to eat and are starving,
and that every ten seconds a child dies from the effects of malnutrition
I find the picture with the leftovers more worse than the video; that is really disgusting.

Edited by tomacht8
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I wonder if this behavior is a direct result of China having a large population of people who are unaware of manners.

I think they are taught "don't hang back or you will miss out!"

Wherever they go, they have to fight to get their share or miss out.

Good manners are not rewarded.

Has anyone seen this type of behavior in Bangladesh or India?

As a long term China resident, I believe you are 30% there, however, think about the following.

A. During the reign of Mao, the term "iron rice bowl" came into view, and yes this is where you are 30% right.

B. The huge population, which a huge percentage are of the lower class, now have cash and are traveling more and more.

C. My Chinese wife is also very embarrassed about these travelers and her take on it is lack of education.

D. Face and arrogance comes into it, with different scenarios creating different problems.

E. Reference to the "pigs" in the mentioned food fiasco, I can take you back to a Xmas day in HK in 1968 where I and friends went to a Xmas day luncheon and the Honkies did exactly the same, but different, they waited for the prawns to be replenished then leapt up and took the whole tray back to their table

F. As reported here on this subject, BT a Chinese media, China is fast waking up to their troublesome tourists and blacklisting them, but it's a huge task taking into account the huge population.

To finalize, I have been in and out of China since 1983 and believe me China has improved unbelievably, I have now lived, worked and owned property in China since 2009, and I cannot remember ever being treated rudely or badly by a local, I find the Chinese IN CHINA to be friendly and helpful. However being able to communicate in Chinese is a game mover.

I remember on one flight from HK to Bangkok, when I personally filled in the Thai immigration forms for over twenty tourists, the thanks were overwhelming, again as I had their thanks,band were on final approach one of the idiots stood up to get to the overhead luggage, I shouted in Chinese please sit down, he reacted instantly and said very sorry. Again it's all about education....... Or lack of.

But, it's the pack mentality of out going tourists that creates the issue

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Don't understand all the hate.

It doesn't affect us, they don't share buffets with non-Chinese.

If a hotel wants to cater to Chinese let them get on with it.

That would be true if it only happened in the contained, proffered setting. But the Chinese do this all the time and in many various ways. If YOU were at that buffet, you'd not only be stupefied, you'd be both vexed and disparaging.

And you would be hungry, especially if you had a hankering for prawns, let's not forget that one.

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This is a public forum, you do not get to decide when the debate ends.

That is not what I complained about and you know it, if you read through the comments they are not all criticizing tourists in Pataya, (by the way the incident was in Chiang Mai), they are generalizing on Chinese people, they are calling them a sub-species, animals and such like, that is not acceptable behavior and in many countries it would amount to a criminal offense. Simple stuff, not that I would expect a defender of apartheid to get it. Bye.

"...and in many countries it would amount to a criminal offense."

And just where would that be? Please remind me to stay away from there. Thanks.


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Even the Chinese authorities and media condemn such ill mannered greedy, wasteful and unruly behavior. But of course there's always someone who wants to defend it. Say it's just their culture - well it's not. Behave in a Chinese buffet like that and see what happens. Sadly many tourists behave like pigs when abroad and in the case of the Chinese an awful lot do.

Thailand has a very diverse tourist base - not all beer swilling wife-beater wearing sex tourists or cheap charlies as some just love to make out. They aren't deluded - just fixated with the sex trade.

Why is it wasteful? All buffets need to throw out uneaten food at the end of the night anyway.

Do you know for sure that the diners who left too much food uneaten weren't charged extra? Most buffets have signs to explain this extra charge.

Perhaps the buffet was so expensive that they could cover the uneaten waste and still make a good profit.

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I wonder if this behavior is a direct result of China having a large population of people who are unaware of manners.

I think they are taught "don't hang back or you will miss out!"

Wherever they go, they have to fight to get their share or miss out.

Good manners are not rewarded.

Has anyone seen this type of behavior in Bangladesh or India?

You have to remember all or most of the people with manners and culture were killed in various purges, so who was left to teach these people anything very clear not many with manners

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Not just pigs, wasteful pigs. Eat what you put on your plate. Show some manners. coffee1.gif

The "manners" you assume to be held worldwide are not, believe it or not you are in Thailand where the accepted manners are completely different from your country. Finishing what is on your plate is rude in Thailand, as it is in China, as it infers that you have not been given enough food. At least try to learn basic Thai manners and leave off trying to impose your very foreign manners onto people in Thailand and other Asians who share a similar culture. wai2.gif

What a poor argument. When eating at a buffet the only person regulating what is on your plate is you. There is no host to offend if you finish your plate.

Filling 3 plates to the brim is greedy and selfish especially when you can't finish it and your fellow diners do not get to eat due to your inconsiderate greed.

I've eaten in plenty of all you can eat places with Thais and never seen such frenzied behaviour as this. They are like pigs at the trough.

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Remind me of Black Friday even some people get killed during the shopping maddens. post-4641-1156694005.gif

Good point.

To play Devil's Advocate, it casts these Chinese in a different light: they come from a place where they had to barge past everyone else just to get fed, as has already been noted. That's survival.

Now compare that to Wall Mart trash or even the Apple fan-persons camping out like it's a Star Wars premier then stampeding as the doors open. This was never about survival.

So if we want to make generalizations we could say these Chinese pigs are somewhat more sympathetic than American pigs.

Not meaning to do the old "If you say it's bad in Thailand, how about your own country?" argument that is common on TVF, because that's only rarely an intelligent or relevant argument, but I do think comparing the yellow with the white trash is rather interesting.

In a nutshell, if Chinese greed is born out of hunger it's a survival instinct they haven't had time to develop from yet, so what's the excuse for American greed in retail outlets and tech toy showrooms?

And finally, another disclaimer: the Japanese also go mad for tech products, like pigs at a trough, as no doubt do many other nationalities. Using the US as an example was just for argument's sake.

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I dont care who you are, where you come from, your age, gender, race, nationality...whatever

there is simply no excuse for behaviour like this

Quite what they were thinking going on an Asian holiday without first at least learning some basic Western European manners I do not know, I mean did they even learn how to use a knife and fork? Seriously though, I have seen more disgusting things in Thailand done by Thai people, spitting on their plate while I am still eating is one that I don't cope with well.

Yes, while the behavior in the video is atrocious, it does tickle me that Thais are seen by many in much the same way they view the mainland Chinese. Everyone looks down on someone! The Thais differ mostly in their sense of shame at being made to look bad (lose face). But, they, and especially the Thai-Chinese share a great deal of values with their cousins.
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About 9 years ago I stayed at the Windsor Suites Hotel in Bangkok and witness the exact behavior from Chinese tourist.

I have stopped patronizing two hotels in Bangkok because of the hoards of Chinese tour groups they now cater to. I just got fed up with the shoving, shouting, and me-first mentality in the lobbies, elevators and restaurants. Plus, Thai staff allowed them to smoke everywhere.

•Mao must be proud of the unethical, course, and self-centered offspring he has sired.

•T.A.T. must be proud of the Pandora's box it has opened.

•I am proud that I can still vote with my feet and go elsewhere--for the time being.

It was a long time ago as I was checking into a nice Thai hotel when the coach parties arrived and suddenly my position at the check-in desk was disturbed and I was 4 people back. Soon I would hope Thai hotels list whether or not they accept Chinese tour groups in a way they might list whether they accept pets.

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While there are cultural differences which leads many to see Chinese behavior as rude, I've seen greedy customers at all you can eat buffets of all races and religions in multiple countries. Most haven't made such a spectacle of themselves however and were busy quietly sneaking food out of the buffet for friends and relatives at home who didn't want to pay to enter..... Who hasn't seen a story of some poor morbidly obese person kicked out of an all you can eat buffet for eating all they can?

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While there are cultural differences which leads many to see Chinese behavior as rude, I've seen greedy customers at all you can eat buffets of all races and religions in multiple countries. Most haven't made such a spectacle of themselves however and were busy quietly sneaking food out of the buffet for friends and relatives at home who didn't want to pay to enter..... Who hasn't seen a story of some poor morbidly obese person kicked out of an all you can eat buffet for eating all they can?

I had this weird guy (notoriously cheap), who was an executive VP in one of my companies, and he used to come to company parties and slip pieces of cake into the pockets of his expensive suit. gigglem.gif

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Not just pigs, wasteful pigs. Eat what you put on your plate. Show some manners. coffee1.gif

The "manners" you assume to be held worldwide are not, believe it or not you are in Thailand where the accepted manners are completely different from your country. Finishing what is on your plate is rude in Thailand, as it is in China, as it infers that you have not been given enough food. At least try to learn basic Thai manners and leave off trying to impose your very foreign manners onto people in Thailand and other Asians who share a similar culture. wai2.gif

Must be a regional thing because out here in Central Isaan I clear my plate and get smiles in response.

Nope, same in Isaan, bad manners, obviously not an issue at home with family though, if you are hungry then eat it. Are you sure you are understanding all of the different Thai smiles? Just hope it is not a 'Yim mi let nai' smile. whistling.gif

It must be difficult being PC, never daring to have your own opinion,always worried you might do or say something wrong, having to keep up with the latest PC sins, what is the no no of the day, I couldn't care less. I live in Isaan, when offered insects to eat i said no i don't eat bugs i eat food, nobody was insulted or if they were they didn't show it and i wouldn't care if they were. Leave something on your plate, don't leave something on your plate, my God how petty. When some neighbours came round for a chat, about 6 of them they all spoke kamehn and my wife translated everything into Thai for me until i stood up and said you all speak Thai, you are in my house so speak Thai so that i can understand you, they grinned sheepishly, we feel more comfortable speaking our own dialect, so i opened the door and said well go home and speak it. They left, but now when they visit my wife they make sure they are speaking Thai, does that annoy them, who cares.

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At the airport yesterday, it was like being in China. Of course, the main entrance door has about 100 Chinese people just shouting at each other with their carts and bags, blocking anyone from entering or exiting the airport, or just to walk past them. I had to physically push them so I could get past.

Sunday was much the same at immigration, large Chinese crowd standing there yelling at each other.

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While there are cultural differences which leads many to see Chinese behavior as rude, I've seen greedy customers at all you can eat buffets of all races and religions in multiple countries. Most haven't made such a spectacle of themselves however and were busy quietly sneaking food out of the buffet for friends and relatives at home who didn't want to pay to enter..... Who hasn't seen a story of some poor morbidly obese person kicked out of an all you can eat buffet for eating all they can?

Recommend a heavy dose of reality check - go more out there. Try to check in at airasia, or just go to any tourist spot/beach/restaurant u name it.

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At the airport yesterday, it was like being in China. Of course, the main entrance door has about 100 Chinese people just shouting at each other with their carts and bags, blocking anyone from entering or exiting the airport, or just to walk past them. I had to physically push them so I could get past.

Sunday was much the same at immigration, large Chinese crowd standing there yelling at each other.

How could you even hear them over the Russians ?

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About 9 years ago I stayed at the Windsor Suites Hotel in Bangkok and witness the exact behavior from Chinese tourist.

I have stopped patronizing two hotels in Bangkok because of the hoards of Chinese tour groups they now cater to. I just got fed up with the shoving, shouting, and me-first mentality in the lobbies, elevators and restaurants. Plus, Thai staff allowed them to smoke everywhere.

•Mao must be proud of the unethical, course, and self-centered offspring he has sired.

•T.A.T. must be proud of the Pandora's box it has opened.

•I am proud that I can still vote with my feet and go elsewhere--for the time being.

It was a long time ago as I was checking into a nice Thai hotel when the coach parties arrived and suddenly my position at the check-in desk was disturbed and I was 4 people back. Soon I would hope Thai hotels list whether or not they accept Chinese tour groups in a way they might list whether they accept pets.

I think it would be a great idea if someone set up some sort of wiki or forum to list hotels in Thailand that cater to mainland Chinese tour groups. That would certainly be a consideration for me in selecting a hotel.

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