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Pool pump & filter wanted Ubon

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I am looking for a second hand pump and filter to suit a pool capacity of 60,000 litres. Pump size needs to be 1hp capable of 11.5 m3/hr. Salt chlorinator would be good too plus any accessories like vacuum, hose etc

I don't mind travelling up to 400 kms to pick up.

Phone 0871003260 or line ID: twiggsj




I fully understand the need to save money, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. Pumps, filters and chlorinators do not have a particularly long lifetime and some can breakdown relatively quickly, exposing you to the risk that you are sold a wrong-un by someone without scruples.

My fibreglass sand filter failed after 3.5 years (Thai guarantee from a manufacturer who guarantees 5 years elsewhere was 1 year!)*, I'm starting to suspect my pump now after 5 years. Chlorinators are generally reliable, but their average lifespan before needing a cell replacement (80% of the cost of a chlorinator) is about 7 years I believe - my 5yo is still fine. You can't tell by looking at any of these bits of equipment whether they are on the way out or not and only an owner will know when his pump is starting to give off a different tone.

I'll not say never as you might luck out and get a genuine case of someone who tells a good story about why his/her 2 yo kit is no longer required - or the wife of some recently deceased (or otherwise despatched!) guy who will sell it all for a song if you can uninstall the bits and take them off her hands.

Worth re-posting on the Swimming Pool . Post there anyway if you don't believe me AA and get the benefit of some real experts (retired former pool guys - there's at least two of them posting regularly). It's more likely that pool owners will know other pool owners. Extend your range to Bangkok and Patts - there will be ten times the number of pools as in your chosen range! What's another 200-300 km on the round journey cost anyway.

*It had a tiny seam split that you would not notice if you examined an empty one and it could easily be bodged not to leak for a short while (talking weeks not years) by someone taking the sand out, using a car bodywork kit and putting it all back together.


Thanks mate for your advice. I think I will be heading down that road. Good excuse for a drive down south for a change.



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