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US man indicted for traveling to Thailand for sex with young boys


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Montrose man indicted for traveling to Thailand for sex with young boys

LOS ANGELES: -- A federal grand jury in Los Angeles Wednesday indicted a 69-year-old Montrose man accused of traveling to Thailand to have sex with boys as young as 14.

Paul Alan Shapiro is charged with one count each of illicit sexual conduct in foreign places and sex trafficking of a minor, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Prosecutors allege that in February 2010, Shapiro flew from Los Angeles to Thailand, where he paid underage boys small amounts of local currency in order to engage in various sex acts with them.

Full story: http://mynewsla.com/crime/2016/03/23/montrose-man-indicted-for-traveling-to-thailand-for-sex-with-young-boys/

-- my news LA 2016-03-24

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Care to explain this. The quote is form the original source."Shapiro received a royal pardon in Thailand last year so that he could be deported back to the United States to face charges, according to the newspaper."

Paul Alan Shapiro was pardoned in Thailand but has been charged by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles.

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what this man needs is group therapy with a bunch of do gooders in a really comfortable nick singing "Kumbaya", its not his fault, its a sickness. Fark that, one behind the ear and sling the old sh1tbag in the nearest klong.

Edited by JeremyBowskill
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Let's hope justice is served.

So he has to have a re-trial, the Thai trial is voided by this??

Just asking

Technicality. Thai courts don't have jurisdiction in the US. He needs a US conviction to be punished in the US.

There was a law passed in the US that allows/mandates prosecution of US citizens who are kiddy fiddlers no matter what country the crime happened in.

Bush #2 signed it into law early 2000's.

That seems to be what happened.

He needs to be put in general population somewhere with "Kiddy-Fiddler" tatooed across his forehead for sure.

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Care to explain this. The quote is form the original source."Shapiro received a royal pardon in Thailand last year so that he could be deported back to the United States to face charges, according to the newspaper."

Paul Alan Shapiro was pardoned in Thailand but has been charged by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles.

Bet he'll never use the expression- I beg your pardon again !!!

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Looks like this guy didn't check the US laws before coming to Thailand.

In 2000 a very well known, married with family, and very rich Silicon Valley business man, was arrested in Manila by the FBI after many suspicious trips to meet a 14 years old girl he "bought" from her parents.

His picture was posted en every California newspaper, before going to jail.

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Not that I condone this monster for his actions but how can America charge a person for a crime not committed in America or against an American?

You could argue that is what happened to many of the inmates of Gitmo except many have never been charged either.

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Let's hope justice is served.

So he has to have a re-trial, the Thai trial is voided by this??

Just asking

Technicality. Thai courts don't have jurisdiction in the US. He needs a US conviction to be punished in the US.

There was a law passed in the US that allows/mandates prosecution of US citizens who are kiddy fiddlers no matter what country the crime happened in.

Bush #2 signed it into law early 2000's.

That seems to be what happened.

He needs to be put in general population somewhere with "Kiddy-Fiddler" tatooed across his forehead for sure.

Same applies in OZ and Kiwi land.

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Not that I condone this monster for his actions but how can America charge a person for a crime not committed in America or against an American?

This will bring you up to date, even if it's from 12 years ago...................



They can and do.rolleyes.gif

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What saddens me is that these people come to Thailand for the sole purpose of this sort of behaviour , why don't they try it on in their own country..................coffee1.gif

Don't imagine the BBC has that many job openings.wink.png

LOL........yes the BBC......where was old jimmy Sa.....'s hunting ground....

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I'm just wondering what people think. If a 14-18 yr old boy is raped by an older man that is clearly a crime. If the boy is offered money and does sex voluntarily this is also clearly a crime. I see a difference in severity.

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So how is he different from the thousands each night in the entertainment venues seeking out and sexually abusing underaged bar girls forced into sexual servitude by their own families?

society has to draw the line somewhere thus they impose "age of consent" the man in the story found boys below that age. and yes sexual servitude is tragic.

fortunately or unfortunately the usa has not decided to prosecute travel abroad for bestiality as there might be some couples that meet criteria, besides the court might have a hard time determining the offender.

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Let's hope justice is served.

So he has to have a re-trial, the Thai trial is voided by this??

Just asking

As noted in other posts, Aussi and kiwis have similar laws now.... And double jeapardy doesn't come into it.... This dirty bustard was pardoned for the purpose of extradition, to be tried under US law... It wasn't a get out of jail free card

What we should see, is the US courts using this as an example to others, handing out a stiff (I know) penalty, largely based on photographic evidence, I would think, as everyone knows that relying on Thai police prosecution may not be fair and impartial.

In Australia, convicted rock spiders are put in a separate wing, to protect them from other prisoners, and if they do somehow ( laundry duties, crafts, medical unit) get caught by general population, they are usually roughly handled, taking what they were giving, sometimes unto death....and I would think that the US jailhouse code would be similarly affectionate toward these creatures.

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Idiablo.... And other unsure of what will happen after extradition....Check out the OP's supplied link for a better understanding of the US courts intentions and reasoning

Unfortunately I don't know what average sentencing is for this type of crime in the US...,but prostitution is illegal as well, isn't it, so having paid a young boy to roger, won't be much of a defense

Edited by farcanell
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So how is he different from the thousands each night in the entertainment venues seeking out and sexually abusing underaged bar girls forced into sexual servitude by their own families?


He got caught.

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