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They look very beautiful indeed, and never over 30. You need to have the right manner to know how to persuade them. Charm and respect goes a long way.

under 30? that explains it! because it means they are untrained, lack experience and that's the reason why their fees are affordable ph34r.png

I love these sorts. They move to Thailand with their wit and charm. Money becomes secondary for their companions despite the sole purpose of their liaison is for her to make a living. So raptured she simply forgets her misery and for one brief hour of her otherwise miserable existence has been transported to Paradise. How fortunate.

What does age have to do with raw beauty? Many 40yo Asian women Id rather not only bed but also be seen with than half their age.

Plenty of pound puppies working in Pattaya and on the Interwebs. Toss in a big pair of knockers and many if you would take a toothless DDcup hag over a 42yo beauty. I know, I see you dragging them all over T21.

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How To Retire On Only 4,396 THB A Month!


Ignore those fancy condos, move into that sweet looking 'room' for only 900 THB/month!

Concrete floor, drywall for wall, nail in wall to hang clothes on.

No bathroom or shower (down the hall, shared)

No air-con


Don't waste money on Fan or Lights or electricity. Take your phone and powerbank to the mall. While enjoying free air-con hide the devices

behind the ATM or phone where they can charge up for free on the sockets!


Take a couple of empty plastic jugs to the free water drinking stations around town (or if you want to splurge, use the reverse osmosis

stations). Use the water not only for drinking but for a sponge bath! (You can store some free soap from the mall washrooms in some wet paper towels and take them home)


Don't waste money on WiFi or internet. There's plenty of free WiFi hot spots around, just sit near them


Fresh fruit in morning for 20 THB, some rice and a couple sticks of meat for lunch for 30THB. And some more rice and sticks of meat for dinner

for another 50THB. 100THB/day.

Hungry?: Once a week go for a shabu-shabu for only 199THB and gorge. And if you're careful, you could slide a bit extra into a backpack.

You'll enjoy good food AND keep looking trim!

Note: I do not suggest you buy rice and rice cooker. The roaches and rats in the room will eat up the rice which just wastes your money!

Toilet paper:

Go to the upscale malls that have free TP. Use the toilets for free and stash away a few extra sheets for later.

Health Insurance:

Don't get sick!


Walk and keep that trim waist line!

Total: 900 + (27*100) + (4*199) = 4,396 THB

The good life awaits!

(Yes: This was meant as a joke. Also a bit of insight in how it is feasible for some Thai people to manage on a 7k/mo salary for full time job. Those who make 9k/mo or work two jobs can move into a decent apartment (with private washroom) which is about 2k/mo. The ones who have a degree and land a 12k/mo job can get a nice Condo which they share with a friend and only pay 4.5k/mo)

I realize this was posted as a goof, but you really don't have much if an idea of budgeting and you're obviously new to Thailand.

I bet you are overspending by 20+ % easily. I'd also wager another 25% percent is just excessive and wasteful.

Boots? Seriously. You strike me as a person that prefers convenience because you essentially avoid living here.

Many expats do this, they seemingly get softer each year. Spend enough money to totally separate yourself from your environment.

I'm curious where you've been in the world and how you've come across this money.

You've simply mirrored your life back home for the same cost. Why? Oh yeah, the food.

Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.
I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I'm too extravagant. Would you care to share how you achieve it?
I made some very wise deposits and simply live off of the interest.

Please post the link to the bank that allows you to live off simple interest. In the age of negative interest rates throughout much of the industrialized world, I think this is a laugh.

I also make my living from the commissions. I am not going to just give my secrets away for nothing.


How To Retire On Only 4,396 THB A Month!


Ignore those fancy condos, move into that sweet looking 'room' for only 900 THB/month!

Concrete floor, drywall for wall, nail in wall to hang clothes on.

No bathroom or shower (down the hall, shared)

No air-con


Don't waste money on Fan or Lights or electricity. Take your phone and powerbank to the mall. While enjoying free air-con hide the devices

behind the ATM or phone where they can charge up for free on the sockets!


Take a couple of empty plastic jugs to the free water drinking stations around town (or if you want to splurge, use the reverse osmosis

stations). Use the water not only for drinking but for a sponge bath! (You can store some free soap from the mall washrooms in some wet paper towels and take them home)


Don't waste money on WiFi or internet. There's plenty of free WiFi hot spots around, just sit near them


Fresh fruit in morning for 20 THB, some rice and a couple sticks of meat for lunch for 30THB. And some more rice and sticks of meat for dinner

for another 50THB. 100THB/day.

Hungry?: Once a week go for a shabu-shabu for only 199THB and gorge. And if you're careful, you could slide a bit extra into a backpack.

You'll enjoy good food AND keep looking trim!

Note: I do not suggest you buy rice and rice cooker. The roaches and rats in the room will eat up the rice which just wastes your money!

Toilet paper:

Go to the upscale malls that have free TP. Use the toilets for free and stash away a few extra sheets for later.

Health Insurance:

Don't get sick!


Walk and keep that trim waist line!

Total: 900 + (27*100) + (4*199) = 4,396 THB

The good life awaits!

(Yes: This was meant as a joke. Also a bit of insight in how it is feasible for some Thai people to manage on a 7k/mo salary for full time job. Those who make 9k/mo or work two jobs can move into a decent apartment (with private washroom) which is about 2k/mo. The ones who have a degree and land a 12k/mo job can get a nice Condo which they share with a friend and only pay 4.5k/mo)

I realize this was posted as a goof, but you really don't have much if an idea of budgeting and you're obviously new to Thailand.

I bet you are overspending by 20+ % easily. I'd also wager another 25% percent is just excessive and wasteful.

Boots? Seriously. You strike me as a person that prefers convenience because you essentially avoid living here.

Many expats do this, they seemingly get softer each year. Spend enough money to totally separate yourself from your environment.

I'm curious where you've been in the world and how you've come across this money.

You've simply mirrored your life back home for the same cost. Why? Oh yeah, the food.

Yes, it was a joke :) As it says in the post it was a joke :P

As for my budgeting, the first post of this topic shows my budget, please feel free to check that to see how I budget.

Yes, I like convenience. Nothing wrong with someone liking convenience.

If I understand your post correctly, you seem to be of the opinion that all expats should integrate fully and go totally native. I would take the position that just because you live in a country does not mean you need to go totally native (nor totally native at the original most authentic level). There is no reason an expat can't choose to live in a country yet choose to not go native.

I'm also unsure what is wrong with shopping at Boots. (Lots of Thai people shop at boots if that was the concern). It's a store, it sells stuff I need, and at prices that are cheaper or comparable for the same product from other stores (esp. when you take advantage of sales).

As for where I've been in the world, I've lived in a few countries and after all this time I decided to come to Thailand.

Nothing wrong with mirroring ones life back home. Why would this be considered bad? Retiring in a country (any country) does not mean giving up the aspects of your life that you enjoy. It simply means enjoying what the country you choose to retire in has to offer.

Oh yeah, the food is good.

Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.
I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I'm too extravagant. Would you care to share how you achieve it?
I made some very wise deposits and simply live off of the interest.

Please post the link to the bank that allows you to live off simple interest. In the age of negative interest rates throughout much of the industrialized world, I think this is a laugh.

I also make my living from the commissions. I am not going to just give my secrets away for nothing.

Short of full disclosure with tax filings and receipts on display, some people may not be satisfied.

I take your answer to mean you do an investment or have money in bank or bonds or something that allows a capital to generate income for you negating the need to for a 9-5 office job.

For those interested, those with enough capital can easily do this.

On a separate point, Thai banks give positive interest. It's mainly Euro-Zone/Japan that is focused on negative interests.

This is also for deposit rates, not for bonds or fixed deposits. Anyone with any size of cash would not leave it all in a savings account. This should be obvious to those with more than the most basic understanding of banking. Presently you can get 1.7 to 2.8% yield on US Bonds, as well as 1% or more on Thai CDs. Plus there are a lot of other options to generate income.

If you wish to have more information on how you too can generate a retirement income from a capital fund, please feel free to google the 10000+ articles out there on how to do it.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.
I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I'm too extravagant. Would you care to share how you achieve it?
I made some very wise deposits and simply live off of the interest.

Please post the link to the bank that allows you to live off simple interest. In the age of negative interest rates throughout much of the industrialized world, I think this is a laugh.

I also make my living from the commissions. I am not going to just give my secrets away for nothing.

Short of full disclosure with tax filings and receipts on display, some people may not be satisfied.

I take your answer to mean you do an investment or have money in bank or bonds or something that allows a capital to generate income for you negating the need to for a 9-5 office job.

For those interested, those with enough capital can easily do this.

On a separate point, Thai banks give positive interest. It's mainly Euro-Zone/Japan that is focused on negative interests.

This is also for deposit rates, not for bonds or fixed deposits. Anyone with any size of cash would not leave it all in a savings account. This should be obvious to those with more than the most basic understanding of banking. Presently you can get 1.7 to 2.8% yield on US Bonds, as well as 1% or more on Thai CDs. Plus there are a lot of other options to generate income.

If you wish to have more information on how you too can generate a retirement income from a capital fund, please feel free to google the 10000+ articles out there on how to do it.

I was just joking. My OP is that I am able to live off of the interest from 10,000 Baht.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

And I sense you are 'happier' especially from realizing you are not overpaying for a standard of living you are comfortable with.

Yes, you can live comfortably in 60k THB a month. Not really sure with 40k for 2 people. Unless of course if you're renting an 8k-10k/mo apartment and you limit how often you go out or travel. Good to know how you have kept a low electricity bill with 3 ACs and 3 computers. Water seems high though. You could spend less than 10k on food and groceries and save up for emergencies and/or future travels. I think 30-40k a month per person in BKK is ideal, IMO.


Sorry to the people who took my posts seriously. I was just being sarcastic. I thought it would be obvious I don't live on the commissions and interest of earnings of 10,000 Baht per month, Then again this is TV so such claims are sometimes made in a serious manor. Again my apologies.


Sorry to the people who took my posts seriously. I was just being sarcastic. I thought it would be obvious I don't live on the commissions and interest of earnings of 10,000 Baht per month, Then again this is TV so such claims are sometimes made in a serious manor. Again my apologies.

If you have a serious manor in BKK, you're going to be paying a lot more than 40,000 a month in rent. Manors are actually rather thin on the ground.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..


I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..

may the force be with you for many years to come! thumbsup.gif


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..


You sound positively

proud of yourself sick.gif


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..

You are kidding yourself if you think they would be upset seeing you with another lady.

They are doing it ONLY for the money, and will think of you as just another customer.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..

You are kidding yourself if you think they would be upset seeing you with another lady.

They are doing it ONLY for the money, and will think of you as just another customer.

5 to 6060. And, no, the working gals don't like seeing their clients go with others. Poaching is a serious offense in the profession, even if it was unknowing. "ONLY for the money" is exactly the reason why. 2 x 1500b is the month's rent out in Onnut and further. No one likes to see half of that walk away.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..

You are kidding yourself if you think they would be upset seeing you with another lady.

They are doing it ONLY for the money, and will think of you as just another customer.

5 to 6060. And, no, the working gals don't like seeing their clients go with others. Poaching is a serious offense in the profession, even if it was unknowing. "ONLY for the money" is exactly the reason why. 2 x 1500b is the month's rent out in Onnut and further. No one likes to see half of that walk away.

You've got to love that word 'profession' in the description !


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..

Hah, Top stuff mate. Enjoy.


My real expenses are like this...

50,000 rent on condo

10,000 electric water and whatever. It isn't worth my time to break it down I can't be asked to count my BTS tokens.

25,000 on food from places like Tops and Villa and some booze.

50,000 on everything else including drinking, restaurants and whoring.

I have an okay life and don't have to skimp but I do not live extravagantly either.

This is also for two people, we are both farang.


My real expenses are like this...

50,000 rent on condo

10,000 electric water and whatever. It isn't worth my time to break it down I can't be asked to count my BTS tokens.

25,000 on food from places like Tops and Villa and some booze.

50,000 on everything else including drinking, restaurants and whoring.

I have an okay life and don't have to skimp but I do not live extravagantly either.

This is also for two people, we are both farang.

Finally some realistic numbers, Thanks.


I feel like puking reading this thread.

Captain Picard! The Crewman from Canada feels like puking. what are your orders?



My real expenses are like this...

50,000 rent on condo

10,000 electric water and whatever. It isn't worth my time to break it down I can't be asked to count my BTS tokens.

25,000 on food from places like Tops and Villa and some booze.

50,000 on everything else including drinking, restaurants and whoring.

I have an okay life and don't have to skimp but I do not live extravagantly either.

This is also for two people, we are both farang.

There's a word for people like you. It's "sucker". I do all of the things you mention and I spent 15,000, at most 17,000 a month. If you're paying 50,000 baht for your apartment anywhere in Thailand, you need your head examining. Good luck, mate.


My real expenses are like this...

50,000 rent on condo

10,000 electric water and whatever. It isn't worth my time to break it down I can't be asked to count my BTS tokens.

25,000 on food from places like Tops and Villa and some booze.

50,000 on everything else including drinking, restaurants and whoring.

I have an okay life and don't have to skimp but I do not live extravagantly either.

This is also for two people, we are both farang.

There's a word for people like you. It's "sucker". I do all of the things you mention and I spent 15,000, at most 17,000 a month. If you're paying 50,000 baht for your apartment anywhere in Thailand, you need your head examining. Good luck, mate.

there's a description for people like you. it's "financially poor but possessing a wealth of hallucinations." wai2.gif


My real expenses are like this...

50,000 rent on condo

10,000 electric water and whatever. It isn't worth my time to break it down I can't be asked to count my BTS tokens.

25,000 on food from places like Tops and Villa and some booze.

50,000 on everything else including drinking, restaurants and whoring.

I have an okay life and don't have to skimp but I do not live extravagantly either.

This is also for two people, we are both farang.

There's a word for people like you. It's "sucker". I do all of the things you mention and I spent 15,000, at most 17,000 a month. If you're paying 50,000 baht for your apartment anywhere in Thailand, you need your head examining. Good luck, mate.

there's a description for people like you. it's "financially poor but possessing a wealth of hallucinations." wai2.gif

It is sad but true the majority of the people on here have no money. No life planning, education, promotion s.

Just plane jealousy. I like some am so thankful I made the right decisions and can live a very amazing fruitful life here.

Others should look in the mirror for the reason for their sad no money life.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..

You are kidding yourself if you think they would be upset seeing you with another lady.

They are doing it ONLY for the money, and will think of you as just another customer.

Have you ever spent time in Thailand?

I think no for you..

As others have said, it is not wise to choose other girls in a place these girls work. They lose face.

Come here someday and find out for yourself.


The more I am here, the more I love it for many reasons.

Being from California(socal), here were my monthly expenses before I left.

I had a house I sold, so I was renting:

Rent: $1600 USD a month for a one bedroom

Elec: $200

Cable/internet: $150

Water: $35

Gas for car: $200

Car payment: $300

Car ins: $60

Food: $500

Health insurance: $975

So I am at over $4,000 USD a month and I have not even gone to a movie or on a date or met a hooker online for boom boom (usually $150 for an hour). So many things now seem like a rip off in the USA. Too many people sitting in offices making $75,000 a year for doing nothing.

My basic expenses are much less Thailand. Everything is much cheaper here for me and I feel I am more then duplicating my lifestyle/quality of life, from the states. I am 61 and have not felt this good physically or mentally for quite a while.

So what is the breakdown for your Thailand expenses ?

I did post them earlier. About 1/3 of USA. But, I use the extra to go out and for sex. Boom boom is very important to me as I was in a sexless marriage for too many years. Here I boom 4, maybe 5 days a week. It is awesome this place for me. I am close to Nana/Soi Cowboy. I found some good spots/girls (Never from tourist trap Gogo's!)

I never pay more then 1500 b for a nice GFE with a young girl. I have 8 ladies I rotate now. I found a new one this week age 22 with braces and cute as a button. Where can a 61 year old live like this? I call them to my room as to not upset them if seen with another lady. It is all working very well. So much better then the states. Shit, much much better for me I hope I never have to go back..

You are kidding yourself if you think they would be upset seeing you with another lady.

They are doing it ONLY for the money, and will think of you as just another customer.

Have you ever spent time in Thailand?

I think no for you..

As others have said, it is not wise to choose other girls in a place these girls work. They lose face.

Come here someday and find out for yourself.

Have I ever spent time in Thailand ?

42 trips between 1991 & 2005, then I came to live here.

Had a bar for 9 1/2 years, normal expat bar, not girlie bar, been happily retired here for 16 months.

Rather than lose face, over the years I have seen many of them discuss notes about the same customer, whether it be about performance (or lack of), how much they were paid etc.

As long as that money goes in their pocket, they couldn't give two hoots !


My real expenses are like this...

50,000 rent on condo

10,000 electric water and whatever. It isn't worth my time to break it down I can't be asked to count my BTS tokens.

25,000 on food from places like Tops and Villa and some booze.

50,000 on everything else including drinking, restaurants and whoring.

I have an okay life and don't have to skimp but I do not live extravagantly either.

This is also for two people, we are both farang.

There's a word for people like you. It's "sucker". I do all of the things you mention and I spent 15,000, at most 17,000 a month. If you're paying 50,000 baht for your apartment anywhere in Thailand, you need your head examining. Good luck, mate.

there's a description for people like you. it's "financially poor but possessing a wealth of hallucinations." wai2.gif

It is sad but true the majority of the people on here have no money. No life planning, education, promotion s.

Just plane jealousy. I like some am so thankful I made the right decisions and can live a very amazing fruitful life here.

Others should look in the mirror for the reason for their sad no money life.

it's no shame struggling and living on a tight budget. but it's a shame when these people use insults like "sucker" addressing somebody who can afford to spend more bah.gif


My real expenses are like this...

50,000 rent on condo

10,000 electric water and whatever. It isn't worth my time to break it down I can't be asked to count my BTS tokens.

25,000 on food from places like Tops and Villa and some booze.

50,000 on everything else including drinking, restaurants and whoring.

I have an okay life and don't have to skimp but I do not live extravagantly either.

This is also for two people, we are both farang.

There's a word for people like you. It's "sucker". I do all of the things you mention and I spent 15,000, at most 17,000 a month. If you're paying 50,000 baht for your apartment anywhere in Thailand, you need your head examining. Good luck, mate.

You do not live in a place like I do nor do you enjoy the restaurants I go to on 17,000 a month. $1,500 a month for a condo with a pool on the 9th floor and one on the 44th floor with all the other facilities is peanuts.

As I said these figures aren't even that much compared to what some people spend. I could spend more and I could spend less but this is my comfort level.

When I get invited to my friends house who pays more than three times what I pay in rent I don't think he is a sucker. I just enjoy my time at such a nice place and am happy he can have such a nice lifestyle.

Nice to have suckers for friends. I am sure you don't have this problem.

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