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The Benefits Of Marrying A Prostitute?


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I have read recent posts regarding prostitutes and the hostility generated by the discussion.

So please tell me why a normal educated person would marry a prostitute.

Thai men will not have anything to do with prostitutes in public so the avenue of marriage is not there. The Prostitute therefore has the farang to relie upon a life. Thai men also will not take on women with children so again the thai women has the farang to relie upon a life.

These farang then give them money and motorbikes and houses and business's and keep the children and send money back to the parents home.

This is not normal so why do it, what are the benefits? Please tell me as I am at a loss to know why so many idiots fall into the trap. If you went with a prostitute from your home country would you send her money or buy her a motorbike after a 2 week visit.

There are so many nice normal girls out there, why settle for inferior goods???

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Quote from you in another thread "The majority here are hypocrites, they have all broken the law, let the 2 guys enjoy the stay in LOS, its there thing.

Do as I say not as I do a quote for all on this subject. "

It's their thing.......<deleted> has it to do with you?

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Hopefully, they stop being prostitutes after they are married.

Reasons for marrying a prostitue:

She comes fully trained.

She comes again and again

She cooks well.

She can "suk pa" like a demon.

She is probably pretty hot.

She rarely has a headache.

She has a great family.

She has a heart of gold (2baht).

She's a wonderful person.

You love her.

The reason not to marry a prostitue is a bit longer.


PS: your information on Thai men is totally unfounded. Thai's roam the ins and outs of the dirty road probably more than 95% of farang here; but they won't marry here until she gets onto the TV.

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For the record, i'm (currently) single :o

Well a number of points spring to mind. the first and most powerful of them is love, yes thats right, even BG's deserve love. And lets be perfectly honest here, you cant really control who you love and dont love, it just kinda happens... so lets say Joe Bloggs comes to LOS for a two week holiday, he knows the score, hes been around a bit... he meets this girl and falls in love, but <shock horror> shes a bar girl... whats he gunna do?

"Sorry luv, cant be with you cos you sell yourself"

"But Mr. Joe, i wont go near another man ever again, i love you"

"Nope sorry Lek/Noie/Bee* your a prostitute, even though i love you i wont be with you"

(* delete as appropriate)

So theres point 1.

Point 2, Lets just say this particular BG pulls all the right strings in bed, she knows what shes gotta do between the air-con'd sheets, in fact she makes Jenna Jameson looks like a virgin and Mr Joe Bloggs gets off on that... Joe Bloggs works in Oil/Banking/Whatever and a thousand quid is &lt;deleted&gt; all to him... so he buys the girl a motorbike, he sends her a few hundred quid every month... its nothing to him, he makes more than that a week and hes repaying just a little bit of what hes had (in his opinion).

Point 3, Hes a lonely old man, hes gulable, and this sexy lovely 20something long haired, dark skinned goddess adores him (or so he thinks) she promises him everything as long as he takes care of her... so he does.

Point 4, Who really cares... after all its not YOUR money, is it?

Let me address some of your other points...

If i went with a working girl back in my country, and i felt the need to support her after a coupla weeks... then yes i would...

and my closing statement, who says these bar girls are any inferior to a non bar girl? I've known bar girls who have returned wallets(with cash)/phones etc that have been lost without a second thought to it, and ive seen "nice normal girls" rip people off in front my very own two eyes. Go figure.

Let people do it if they want to, who really cares, its their cash, its their life and its their choice...

Hope that helps shed some light on things for you

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Since I've been in Thailand (in 13 years), I've fallen in love twice. One girl was a prostitute who didn't usually sleep with customers, but she worked in a go-go bar. The other was a student of mine who I just flipped out over, but I still don't really know why.

After months of trying, I got the bargirl to have sex with me a few times, but felt that I couldn't love someone who looked at me as nothing but "security".

I got over her quickly, she found another farang who she married and is still with today, about 10 years later. As far as I know, and I know all of her friends, she is a good faithful wife, and I often see her in restaurants with the farang's family and it is obvious that they adore her.

The student just had no interest in me and I had just started a new business, so I quit my teaching job because it hurt too much to see her everyday. Actually, I had tried just quitting teaching the class that she was in, but she transferred to my new class (because she liked me as a teacher), and I had to quit the whole school.

Anyway, the point that I want to make is that there might be all these wonderful "good girls" out there, but many people aren't pragmatic enough to just choose a partner for that reason.

Maybe they know a few "good girls"but don't fall in love with them; They fall for a hooker instead.

Should someone deny themselves that chance for love because some other people might look down on them?

I have seen just as many marriages that were successful with former bargirls as so-called "good girls". Why be judgmental about them?

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I have read recent posts regarding prostitutes and the hostility generated by the discussion.

So please tell me why a normal educated person would marry a prostitute.

Thai men will not have anything to do with prostitutes in public so the avenue of marriage is not there. The Prostitute therefore has the farang to relie upon a life. Thai men also will not take on women with children so again the thai women has the farang to relie upon a life.

These farang then give them money and motorbikes and houses and business's and keep the children and send money back to the parents home.

This is not normal so why do it, what are the benefits? Please tell me as I am at a loss to know why so many idiots fall into the trap. If you went with a prostitute from your home country would you send her money or buy her a motorbike after a 2 week visit.

There are so many nice normal girls out there, why settle for inferior goods???

I think you are saying Thai men of social standing will not marry prostitute.

Contrary to your belief there are regular Thai men marrying prostitutes.

Getting to your post, I don't think it's a matter of hostilities. It is just the way some people have post their reply that openly provoke hostilities towards them (much like how you are posting now). Your obvious distaste for prostitutes shows thus any reasonning someone may try to offer is just a total waste of effort on their part.

In my view, there is a human side to the prostitutes I've met...and some that I've would rather not have met. Basically there are every type no matter the social standing. You should really try to talk to some of them. But then again because of your moral high grounds, you should not be talking to any of them much less shagging them.

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G-P are you OK. A vice of reason. Good for you.

I have my moments. :o

Lambastard Posted: Sun 2004-04-18, 13:44:40 

QUOTE (Georgie-Porgie @ Sun 2004-04-18, 20:41:08)

One girl was a prostitute who didn't usually sleep with customers, but she worked in a go-go bar. 

Baw ha ha ha ha ah ahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahah!

Whew, that was a good one! 

Listen sonny-boy, it was 10 years ago, and I could care less anyway, but believe me, in this case, it was true. I know too many people who tried.

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Hopefully, they stop being prostitutes after they are married.

Reasons for marrying a prostitue:

She comes fully trained.

She comes again and again

She cooks well.

She can "suk pa" like a demon.

She is probably pretty hot.

She rarely has a headache.

She has a great family.

She has a heart of gold (2baht).

She's a wonderful person.

You love her.

The reason not to marry a prostitue is a bit longer.


PS: your information on Thai men is totally unfounded. Thai's roam the ins and outs of the dirty road probably more than 95% of farang here; but they won't marry here until she gets onto the TV.

Oh, and:

She doesn't read cosmopolitan.

She isn't a heifer.

She has long, black, luxurious hair.

She smells fantabulous.

She smiles all the time.

She smokes like the dickins.

She appreciates the exchange rate.

She eats bugs.

She shaves her beaver.

She is not high maintenence.

She will never say, "why can't you be more like Jesus."

Shall I go on?

Well, truth be told. They aren't all as sweet, but you know what I'm saying.


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So please tell me why a normal educated person would marry a prostitute.

.......its just a little thing called love.......

Something idiots like goosethai/erco couldn't fathom. Bet their old ladies are ex-BG's who still have them thinking they were/are "nice" girls...HA! :o

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Troll or not, it's the age-old subject.

Usually, guys who point their fingers at others for marrying a BG end up marrying the lowest educated, most penetrated and defenitely ugliest one can find.

And here comes the justification one hears than:

"Mine is different".

Give me a break and let people marry who they like to marry.

Once she is the GF or wife of my friend, she is the partner of my friend and nothing else.

No, I am not married to a BG, not even to a Thai. Would I have arrived here as a bachelor, perhaps I would be married now to a lovely nice Thai girl and would not care what she might have been before.

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its funny really, a lot of men who have this attitude that all (thai) prostitutes are some monstrous abberation of humanity would probably think nothing of spending 100 pounds on a good night out with a western girl with the express purpose of trying to impress and bed her at the end of the evening.

these same guys would also not think it strange or unusual to fall in love and marry a western girl who has made no secret, who in fact would openly boast of sleeping with dozens and dozens of men before him.

i think it has a lot to do with the western hypocritical attitude to prostitution.

having said that it you dont need to be einstein to see that a lot of the thai "demi-mondaines" would make thoroughly unsuitable partners for western men, but there are also some really good ones, i have pals who married them.

i think the point that erco was trying to make was that how can so many guys end up falling for the charms of the unsuitable ones and then before they know it they get two timed and three timed before being cleaned out by the wily little charmers.

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I can't say that I do not know any bar girls in thailand, I do have one for a "cousin"now, I know a couple of farang that are married to them and in the past I have had some dealings with them all over the far east.

But I haven't been in a bar for the purpose of them in over 20 years,so I can't say what goes on there now.

But in the past I have met a lot of really nice girls,both here and in other countrys,including US and canada,and generally speaking, A prostitute is a little more honest than some barfly that you would pickup.

I have seen some moral bastards in my life but this takes the cake.

Most here are doing it only for the economic reason and not because of the romance of the life.

And as has been said,Some do not sleep with everyone,They have to really like you,even on Tu Do street in Saigon I have seen BGs that were only there for the tea money and would not sleep with anyone there.

In fact I was deeply in love with a Tea girl at a bar in central south Viet nam and I was off on a job and when I returned she had been killed along with her son in a VC raid.We had an apartment in the village,and lived as husband and wife,she was true to me as far as I have ever heard.,Her husband[who was an officer in ARVN] and daughter had been killed in a previous VC raid on the village the year before.And she was a BG so she could support herself and son.

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i think the point that erco was trying to make was that how can  so many guys end up falling for the charms of the unsuitable ones and then before they know it they get two timed and three timed before being  cleaned out by the wily little charmers.

Yeah, but he went way over the top expounding on the same theme that goosethai went on about.

Bottom line is, who has the right to judge...period. :o

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i've just read some of erco's previous postings, he has a thing about bar girls just as goosethai did. not only that but he misspelt "course" as coarse, just as goosethai did in one of his posts. both from hua-hin/cha-am as well.

i reckon they are one and the same person. on the wind up.

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i've just read some of erco's previous postings, he has a thing about bar girls just as goosethai did. not only that but he misspelt "course" as coarse, just as goosethai did in one of his posts. both from hua-hin/cha-am as well.

i reckon they are one and the same person. on the wind up.

What is it about the Hua Hin/Cha Am area that produces this redneck attitude? Maybe in the water? :o

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