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Scottish police investigate killing of Muslim shopkeeper


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Steely Dan isn't intersted in all facts, only those he and his pals can twist and cherry pick from to 'prove' they are right.

For example, he has yet again quoted the opinion of Maajid Nawaz, one Muslim he believes, whilst he constantly ignores the words of the many Muslim political leaders, religious leaders, organisations, spokespeople and ordinary Muslims not just in the UK and Europe but worldwide who regularly denounce Islamic fundamentalism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

Such as Murder in Glasgow: Muslim Council of Britain Condemns Religiously Aggravated Attack (Got that, F4UCorsair? One of many such condemnations by British Muslims of this attack. Just as Muslims worldwide regularly condemn such atrocities. Maybe you should widen your news sources.)

When Steely Dan and his pals can't ignore such statements, they resort to accusations that those making them are lying!

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The blowhards have understandably gone into damage limitation mode because Trevor Philips was the chairman of the U.K. Equalities and human rights commission from 2003-2012, so the fact he has issued the most comprehensive mea culpa regarding Muslim integration is quite devastating. At least 7by7 resisted calling the man who popularized the word an islamophobe. For our would be source policemen the game is up too. It's all over the Times and Telegraph and will be featured in a channel 4 documentary on Wednesday.

I can't recommend strongly enough reading the link in my previous post, one by one every single false equivalence and example of naive fanciful thinking has been recanted by Mr Phillips. Every one has been used by 7by7 or other posters who stop at nothing to cover for Islamic conservatives.

Here is one from the express where a South London Mosque is being used as a base by an extremist group advocating death for Ahmadi Muslims, who they believe are heretics.


The leaflets found in the building are said to have labelled Ahmadi Muslims apostates, claiming they deserved to die.

One allegedly said: “All possible efforts should be made to clarify the doubts of someone who abandons Islam, otherwise he should be given the punishment of capital punishment.”

It comes as tensions involving the Ahmadis in Britain grow after a Glasgow shopkeeper was allegedly stabbed to death by a Muslim.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Lots of "allegedly," " it is claimed" and "it is said that" in that Express article. Surely they checked one of these leaflets before printing the article and so know what is in the leaflets and can quote them directly?

Despite Steely Dan's best efforts to 'prove' otherwise, no one here has ever denied that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

That is the fact which Steely Dan and his colleagues at the Ministry of Truth are desperate to hide.

I will watch Trevor Philipps' programme with interest. I expect that it will contain a much more balanced view than the highly edited version provided so far.

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Lots of "allegedly," " it is claimed" and "it is said that" in that Express article. Surely they checked one of these leaflets before printing the article and so know what is in the leaflets and can quote them directly?

Despite Steely Dan's best efforts to 'prove' otherwise, no one here has ever denied that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

That is the fact which Steely Dan and his colleagues at the Ministry of Truth are desperate to hide.

I will watch Trevor Philipps' programme with interest. I expect that it will contain a much more balanced view than the highly edited version provided so far.

Unfortunately there are some well know Muslim "hot-spots" in the UK ( Luton, Tower Hamlets, Rotherham ect) where extremism and criminality has gone unchallenged by those who were too "PC" (or scared) to confront the issue(s).

Whilst I support your stand against "hatred" let us not be blind to reality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal

If Muslim people genuinely wish to be part of a multi-cultural society more effort is needed. A few weasel words from a "Community Spokesperson" is inadequate !

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Lots of "allegedly," " it is claimed" and "it is said that" in that Express article. Surely they checked one of these leaflets before printing the article and so know what is in the leaflets and can quote them directly?

Despite Steely Dan's best efforts to 'prove' otherwise, no one here has ever denied that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

That is the fact which Steely Dan and his colleagues at the Ministry of Truth are desperate to hide.

I will watch Trevor Philipps' programme with interest. I expect that it will contain a much more balanced view than the highly edited version provided so far.

Sorry to have to break this to you, but the Stockwell mosque leaflet story in on the BBC website. They mention the author of the leaflets and they were arranged in neat stacks, no allegedly either. Anyway I'm sure you will enjoy the documentary, here's but a small taster. Incidentally two thirds of Muslims surveyed would not inform the police if they suspected their relatives were engaged in terrorist activities, some tiny minority.

Phillips says his new data shows “a chasm” opening between Muslims and non-Muslims on fundamental issues such as marriage, relations between men and women, schooling, freedom of expression and even the validity of violence in defence of religion

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Lots of "allegedly," " it is claimed" and "it is said that" in that Express article. Surely they checked one of these leaflets before printing the article and so know what is in the leaflets and can quote them directly?

Despite Steely Dan's best efforts to 'prove' otherwise, no one here has ever denied that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

That is the fact which Steely Dan and his colleagues at the Ministry of Truth are desperate to hide.

I will watch Trevor Philipps' programme with interest. I expect that it will contain a much more balanced view than the highly edited version provided so far.

The last time you posted links to Muslims speaking out and protesting against terrorism, the links didn't bear scrutiny:


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I can't recommend strongly enough reading the link in my previous post, one by one every single false equivalence and example of naive fanciful thinking has been recanted by Mr Phillips. Every one has been used by 7by7 or other posters who stop at nothing to cover for Islamic conservatives.

Those who obfuscate, deny and deflect, are actually showing their tacit agreement.

LEADERS of two mosques have been accused of fostering a culture of fear to stop worshippers speaking out against extremists.

The claims are made by a Glaswegian Muslim in a radio documentary to be aired this week.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the man, a member of Glasgow Central Mosque, said: “People are scared to come forward.

“They are scared of being ostracised by the community. They wouldn’t be welcome in any mosque again.

These 2 Leaders are currently under investigation for their support of an extremist terrorist organisation.


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A Labour councillor has been suspended from the party over anti-Semitic comments on her Twitter account.

A message on Luton councillor Aysegul Gurbuz's Twitter feed claimed Hitler was the "greatest man in history".

Another tweet on Ms Gurbaz's account suggested Iran could develop a nuclear weapon to "wipe Israel off the map".


Obviously expressing the wishes of her constituents otherwise she would never have been elected.

This is the 4th in the space of a year.

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<snip>The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

That is the fact which Steely Dan and his colleagues at the Ministry of Truth are desperate to hide..

The last time you posted links to Muslims speaking out and protesting against terrorism, the links didn't bear scrutiny:


Actually; they did.

As I said to you in that topic in response to your absurd notion that they didn't;

"People like you complain that Muslims do not demonstrate against the terrorists of ISIS, yet when shown that they do, via marches, inside mosques or other buildings, via internet campaigns, statements from Imams and other Muslim spokespeople, etc.; you are desperate to find ways to dismiss them!"

Do you and Steely Dan share an office in the Ministry of Truth?

I repeat; no one is denying that that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

Using the fact that this minority exists to 'prove' that all British Muslims are the same is akin to using the fact that some British men go to Thailand to indulge in sex with children to 'prove' that all British men in Thailand are paedophiles!

Which is, of course, an absurd notion.

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The poll results to which Trevor Phillips refers is covered at the URL below.


7x7 I would be interested to read your thoughts / opinions regards his Channel 4 broadcast - perhaps in the Bedlam forum - thanks.

Edited by simple1
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<snip>The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

That is the fact which Steely Dan and his colleagues at the Ministry of Truth are desperate to hide..

The last time you posted links to Muslims speaking out and protesting against terrorism, the links didn't bear scrutiny:


Actually; they did.

As I said to you in that topic in response to your absurd notion that they didn't;

"People like you complain that Muslims do not demonstrate against the terrorists of ISIS, yet when shown that they do, via marches, inside mosques or other buildings, via internet campaigns, statements from Imams and other Muslim spokespeople, etc.; you are desperate to find ways to dismiss them!"

Do you and Steely Dan share an office in the Ministry of Truth?

I repeat; no one is denying that that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

Using the fact that this minority exists to 'prove' that all British Muslims are the same is akin to using the fact that some British men go to Thailand to indulge in sex with children to 'prove' that all British men in Thailand are paedophiles!

Which is, of course, an absurd notion.

Once again I agree with the general thrust of your argument.

However, it has been alleged that the "majority" are cowed into silence by fears of threatened retribution if they speak out or break ranks with the extremists.

There has been (at least to my knowledge) no mass condemnation of 'extremists' or Muslim criminals by the so called moderate majority.

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The poll results to which Trevor Phillips refers is covered at the URL below.


7x7 I would be interested to read your thoughts / opinions regards his Channel 4 broadcast - perhaps in the Bedlam forum - thanks.

Once I've watched; but probably wont have the time to do so until the week end when I'll watch it on catch up.

Agree: discussion of it would be better suited to the topic in Bedlam.

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There has been (at least to my knowledge) no mass condemnation of 'extremists' or Muslim criminals by the so called moderate majority.

Unfortunately, for some reason the British media seem somewhat reluctant to publicise such condemnation, maybe because it doesn't sell papers; but it exists.

I, and others, have provided many examples in the past; such as:

You'll find many more examples throughout the lengthy Britain's cultural problem (sic) topic and various topics in News; including those given in the quote from me in the post linked to by katana above; which are valid even though he has tried unsuccessfully to dismiss and debunk them.

Meanwhile, from yesterday's Metro: Here’s what you really need to know about British Muslims (BTW, the Metro is owned by DMG Media whose main paper is the Daily Mail; so they're hardly "wishy washy PC apologists!"

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Actually; they did.

As I said to you in that topic in response to your absurd notion that they didn't;

"People like you complain that Muslims do not demonstrate against the terrorists of ISIS, yet when shown that they do, via marches, inside mosques or other buildings, via internet campaigns, statements from Imams and other Muslim spokespeople, etc.; you are desperate to find ways to dismiss them!"

Do you and Steely Dan share an office in the Ministry of Truth?

I repeat; no one is denying that that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

Using the fact that this minority exists to 'prove' that all British Muslims are the same is akin to using the fact that some British men go to Thailand to indulge in sex with children to 'prove' that all British men in Thailand are paedophiles!

Which is, of course, an absurd notion.

Once again I agree with the general thrust of your argument.

However, it has been alleged that the "majority" are cowed into silence by fears of threatened retribution if they speak out or break ranks with the extremists.

There has been (at least to my knowledge) no mass condemnation of 'extremists' or Muslim criminals by the so called moderate majority.

This is a demonstration against cartoons.


Now show me the same against Muslim extremism

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Is it? Not evident from the photograph, and I note that you have carefully avoided giving the source of the photo and the location of the demonstration. But I'll take your word for it.

Here is a photo of a demonstration in London; taken from this Evening Standard article.


"But they're mainly Kurds so don't count" you'll probably say; so here's another one: UK Muslims hold rally against extremism (unfortunately, the photo wont reproduce here).

As I say above, many more examples have been given, including those katana desperately tried to debunk.

See Filming British Muslims' fight against extremism for yet more.

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You should have clicked on the link to this particular "Not in my name" I provided earlier; you'd have seen they are not the same and therefore avoided looking so stupid had you done so.

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<snip>The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

That is the fact which Steely Dan and his colleagues at the Ministry of Truth are desperate to hide..

The last time you posted links to Muslims speaking out and protesting against terrorism, the links didn't bear scrutiny:


Actually; they did.

As I said to you in that topic in response to your absurd notion that they didn't;

"People like you complain that Muslims do not demonstrate against the terrorists of ISIS, yet when shown that they do, via marches, inside mosques or other buildings, via internet campaigns, statements from Imams and other Muslim spokespeople, etc.; you are desperate to find ways to dismiss them!"

Do you and Steely Dan share an office in the Ministry of Truth?

I repeat; no one is denying that that there are British Muslims who are, or support, extremism, sectarian violence, terrorism etc.

But these are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of British Muslims do not support such views and acts; indeed regularly condemn and disown those who do.

Using the fact that this minority exists to 'prove' that all British Muslims are the same is akin to using the fact that some British men go to Thailand to indulge in sex with children to 'prove' that all British men in Thailand are paedophiles!

Which is, of course, an absurd notion.

You may claim the links support your thesis that Muslims are regularly and vociferously protesting against Islamic terrorism, but they don't. Did you actually read the links you quoted? The very first link you gave was actually a muslim march celebrating Ashura day. Two of the three comments in the first link:

"I would just like to point out this [a march against Islamic terrorism] was not the primary objective of the march. Tuesday was the day of Ashura, when our prophet, Imam Hussein along with his family and followers were martyred in Kerbala.

This march yesterday was to mourn the loss of our prophet.

As Shia Muslims all over the world are being persecuted and murdered by ISIS, we also took this opportunity to bring this to the public eye, but this was IN NO WAY the main reason for the march, at all." - Shafiq Pradhan

Hi Shafiq,

Thanks very much for your comment.

I have added a line to make it clear that the demonstration was part of the Day of Ashura." - Harry Cockburn (article author)


The remaining links, as I pointed out, offer scant or little evidence of muslims protesting against Islamic terrorism. They are however, quick to come out and protest against cartoons etc

Just admit it. The information you posted doesn't stand up, and move on.


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The poll results to which Trevor Phillips refers is covered at the URL below.


7x7 I would be interested to read your thoughts / opinions regards his Channel 4 broadcast - perhaps in the Bedlam forum - thanks.

The guardian piece was a perfect example of first last reporting. They emphasized all the supposed positive bits and washed over the inconvenient bits left to the end. Also the quite devastating conclusions Trevor Phillips reached were glossed over or omitted. Little wonder really as the guardian and independent have so much invested in the failed multicultural ideology.

Perhaps you should both save yourself the bother of watching and just wait for Loonwatch to do a hit piece on Mr Phillips.

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The poll results to which Trevor Phillips refers is covered at the URL below.


7x7 I would be interested to read your thoughts / opinions regards his Channel 4 broadcast - perhaps in the Bedlam forum - thanks.

The guardian piece was a perfect example of first last reporting. They emphasized all the supposed positive bits and washed over the inconvenient bits left to the end. Also the quite devastating conclusions Trevor Phillips reached were glossed over or omitted. Little wonder really as the guardian and independent have so much invested in the failed multicultural ideology.

Perhaps you should both save yourself the bother of watching and just wait for Loonwatch to do a hit piece on Mr Phillips.

IMO you have a particular political prism upon which you and others view media reporting, much of which spins every single incident of criminality and other crimes, and infers all Muslims are this or that. As the poll demonstrates this is not the case. The high level of analysis of the poll demonstrates targeting particular socio economic demographic groups and concentration on so called disadvantaged locations, not the general Muslim heritage community of the UK.


Numerous polls of Muslim opinion are carried out, those that do not support the tabloid / alarmist generalist view of the Muslim community are constantly denigrated by certain members of this forum.

The never ending attacks against 7x7 on this forum and others when they provide supporting links for their posts, to me, smack of desperation to find the minutest bit of criticism to support the overwhelming bigotry against all Muslims.

I do note you personally occasionally try to provide a bit of balance in some of your posts, but often revert to type.

BTW both the Guardian and the Independent have articles that are heavily critical of aspects of Islamic society e.g.


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Katana, you are saying that the anti Islamic terrorism march must be discounted as irrelevant, meaningless and worthless because it was part of the day of Ashura.

Totally ignoring the fact that the demonstration did take place; even though it was part of a wider event.

Tonight at Anfield there will be a ceremony to remember and show respect to those who died in the Hillsborough tragedy.

If one were to follow your logic, that ceremony will be irrelevant, meaningless and worthless because it will be part of a wider event; the Europa league quarter final second leg between Liverpool and Borussia Dortmund!

An attitude I sincerely hope most will find as shocking and reprehensible as I.

You can dismiss all the evidence showing that the majority of Muslims, not just in the UK but worldwide, do not support terrorism or extremism as much as you like; but facts are facts; no matter how much you and others attempt to deny it.

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The poll results to which Trevor Phillips refers is covered at the URL below.


7x7 I would be interested to read your thoughts / opinions regards his Channel 4 broadcast - perhaps in the Bedlam forum - thanks.

The guardian piece was a perfect example of first last reporting. They emphasized all the supposed positive bits and washed over the inconvenient bits left to the end. Also the quite devastating conclusions Trevor Phillips reached were glossed over or omitted. Little wonder really as the guardian and independent have so much invested in the failed multicultural ideology.

Perhaps you should both save yourself the bother of watching and just wait for Loonwatch to do a hit piece on Mr Phillips.

You seem to have missed the link I gave earlier to a very similar piece in the Metro which I posted earlier; so here it is again:-

Here’s what you really need to know about British Muslims

The Metro is owned and published by the same people who own and publish the Daily Mail and has the same political stance.

So you can't dismiss this as a "wishy washy, leftie PC apologist" piece from a paper which has "so much invested in the failed multicultural ideology!"

Have you actually seen the programme yet?

I haven't yet, but will watch it at the week end and then comment in the appropriate place; the Britain's cultural problem (sic) topic..

This topic is, after all, about the brutal murder of a kind and gentle man, not a critique on a particular TV programme.

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Leaflets calling for the killing of a sect of Muslims have been found in a south London mosque.

Piles of the flyers, which say Ahmadis should face death if they refuse to convert to mainstream Islam, were displayed in Stockwell Green mosque.


There is a problem with Muslims in the UK, particularly concerning Muslims of Pakistani heritage. This, unfortunately, is getting all Muslims a bad name.

There is a reason why Muslims of Pakistani heritage are over represented in the UK Prison population. Sadly, it is nothing to do with the Police or Legal system ganging up on them.

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There is a problem with a minority of British Muslims; yes. That, unfortunately, does give all British Muslims a bad name in the eyes of the prejudiced.

Just as finding hate literature in one mosque, which incidentally the mosque concerned has denied being involved with or even knowing about, means to some that all UK mosques support extremism, violence and hate.

But, of course, anyone who bothers to do any sort of research at all will find that opinions such as these are based upon prejudice not facts.

Just as doing even a tiny amount of research would have shown you that a North Carolina resident's Twitter account has nothing to do with the website isisnotinmyname.com!

Muslims, and those of Pakistani or Bangladeshi heritage in particular, are over represented in UK prisons; true. But the reasons are far more complex than you are trying to make out and due to mainly socio-economic factors: as born out by the fact that people who are black are also over represented in UK prisons.

Criminal Justice Statistics from the Institute of Race Relations

In 2014, black or Black British people made up 10 per cent of the total prison population, whilst making up just 3 per cent of the UK’s total population. Asian or Asian British people made up 6 per cent of the prison population.

Asian people make up 6.9% of the population, with 2.6% being of Pakistani or Bangladeshi heritage (source)

So even if every single Asian in prison was of Pakistani or Bangladeshi heritage, unlikely, they are not the most over represented group in relation to their numbers in the general population.

One very encouraging fact, often ignored by those with a 'point' they are trying to prove, is the lower than average reoffending rate of Muslim prisoners; Why the surge in Muslim prisoners?

the reoffending rates of Muslim prisoners are already substantially lower than others, at about 36% compared with 45% .

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The deflections and excuses are too numerous to list, so here is a link that lists most of them.


I will confine my comments to two points. Firstly the likes of the guardian see no problem mentioning the apparent positives to their viewpoint whist simultaneously questioning the validity of the poll to cast doubt on the areas that don't. The fact the sample was concentrated in areas of high Muslim population was in my view appropriate seeing as the rapid recent immigration will probably accumulate in such areas. The Ahmadis, who were the first Muslims to arrive in the UK would understandably be very different in views if surveyed.

Second point. Whatever ones personal interpretation of the poll the stand out point to me is the attitude change from the impeccably liberal Trevor Phillips. Hopefully more liberals will come to the same conclusion and thus become part of the effort to find a solution rather than prevent it being addressed.

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I see that you are still ignoring the fact that the Metro, part of the Daily Mail group, also questions the poll's validity!

So it's questioned both by the left wing Guardian and the right wing Metro.

If you have actually watched the programme, as I have, you will know that Trevor Phillips ends it on a positive note.

However, as said earlier, I will, in due course, make any further comments on the programme and it's poll in the appropriate place; which this isn't.

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The Ahmadis, who were the first Muslims to arrive in the UK

Ahmadiyya sect was founded in 1889. Coincidentally the first mosque built in the UK was in 1889 and Sunni; Muslims were resident in the UK way before that date.

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I see that you are still ignoring the fact that the Metro, part of the Daily Mail group, also questions the poll's validity!

So it's questioned both by the left wing Guardian and the right wing Metro.

If you have actually watched the programme, as I have, you will know that Trevor Phillips ends it on a positive note.

However, as said earlier, I will, in due course, make any further comments on the programme and it's poll in the appropriate place; which this isn't.

The metro being a Londonistan publication obviously has to be aware of that demographic. Every publication from time to time runs articles, particularly opinion pieces that seem contrary to the usual viewpoint. For example the Mehdi Hasan in the New Statesman wrote a piece about the UK Muslim community's 'dirty little secret', the secret being the mainstream antisemitism of British Muslims. I might add this is a direct contradiction of the sugar coated cherry picked item of the poll which you picked out.

As a side note if you fret obsessively about sources you are in danger of not seeing the wood for the trees.

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No wonder Muslims never protest against atrocities committed against non Muslims!

Except, of course. they do; frequently. As shown many times on this forum, but ignored by you and others because it doesn't fit your politics/prejudices.

Yes there was a shia march in London complaining of sunni violence against them. I remember that.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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The metro being a Londonistan publication obviously has to be aware of that demographic.

More research needed!

The Metro may have started out as a London paper, but is now, and has been for many years, available in, and at many commuter stations serving, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Derby, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Sheffield and Norwich.

Nice try, but like Sgt Rock and his absurd claim that the Not In My Name campaign was merely a Twitter account in North Carolina, had you done even a cursory Google search you'd have avoided looking like an ignorant fool.

BTW, The London Evening Standard, also owned by the same people as the Daily Mail, is also very similar to the Daily Mail in it's politics.

As a side note if you fret obsessively about sources you are in danger of not seeing the wood for the trees.

It is you who frets obsessively over sources, labelling as you do every source which proves you wrong as leftie PC apologists or similar!

I merely pointed out that both left wing and right wing sources have questioned the veracity of the poll used in Phillips' programme.

But for more on that, see my post in Britain's Cultural problem.

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