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US primaries: Sanders challenges Clinton to debate on home turf


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US primaries: Sanders challenges Clinton to debate on home turf


NEW YORK -- We “do have a path to victory” Bernie Sanders declared fresh off the back of three west-coast triumphs.

The Democratic presidential hopeful admitted he was still the underdog on his side of the US campaign, but overwhelming wins in Alaska, Washington State and Hawaii have given him the political momentum to gain the backing of the party’s key players, he says.

Sanders is hoping his recent success will sway some of the super-delegates (officials within the party who can support either candidate) in his favour as polls suggest he has a better chance of beating a Republican candidate than the former Secretary of State.

“What we are trying to do in this campaign is to differentiate our positions from Secretary Clinton on the war in Iraq, on fracking, on how we raise money. That is what the American people want to hear. And by the way, one other point, Chuck: I would hope very much that as we go into New York State, Secretary Clinton’s home state, that we will have a debate.”

Sanders’ victories could also give his campaign a financial boost.

Rival Hillary Clinton has dominated the fundraising contest so far and is leading the race for the Democratic candidacy by some 268 delegates, according to the Associated Press

Following Saturday’s caucuses (March 26), the former Secretary of State leads Sanders by 1,243 to 975.

Including the support of super-delegates who have already pledged allegiance, Clinton is ahead by 1,712 to 1,004 in the quest to reach 2,383 delegates.

However, Sanders has vowed to stay in the race until all 50 states have voted.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-28

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Go Bernie. Best way to expose Clinton as the hack that she is is to get her into a venue where she has to think on her feet unrehearsed. He will still have the moderators trying to format questioning to cover her weaknesses but he at least has the opportunity to rebut her BS face to face

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Sanders could pull it off and get the nomination

A huge part of Hillary's lead right now comes from the "Super Delegates " everyone assumes she has.

Those super delegate are not committed to her and can change to support Bernie.

If Bernie continues to win with the large margins he has recently, many super delegated may change and that would change the game.

Yes, Hillary did take the conservative south,

But the big, progressive western states are yet to come and Bernie has a great chance of taking them.

He is doing very well for someone they media has deemed " unelectable"..

Hillary could lose her "sure thing",

She has lost it before.

Remember Obama?

She is not likeable and people do not trust her..

And most polls show Bernie has the best chance of beating Trump.

That fact alone should get a lot of additional support.


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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

Some years ago I skimmed an unauthorized biography of her, and if half of those things are true, she is truly a calculating person who has always played the long ball both with her husband and in orchestrating his career arc, as well as her own.

Even the strategy of the forgiveness of Bill over Lewinsky was carefully positioned for her political future.

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

Some years ago I skimmed an unauthorized biography of her, and if half of those things are true, she is truly a calculating person who has always played the long ball both with her husband and in orchestrating his career arc, as well as her own.

Even the strategy of the forgiveness of Bill over Lewinsky was carefully positioned for her political future.

Yeah, they're not people I would invite into my home.

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

Yeah, Americans are free to choose their home states.

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

Yeah, Americans are free to choose their home states.

No question, but in this case I think of it more as franchise rights to a good territory.

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

Yeah, Americans are free to choose their home states.

No question, but in this case I think of it more as franchise rights to a good territory.

Namely, Wall Street.

Oh, and NYC is home to other sources of big money as well.

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

Yeah, Americans are free to choose their home states.

No question, but in this case I think of it more as franchise rights to a good territory.

Whatever the rationale, Americans are free to choose home states. Certainly, a home state which would be more beneficial to you may be a better choice. She was, you know, a senator from NY; which tends to, politically at least, make it her home turf.

Consequently, I fail to see any point in your original statement. Why don't you complain she named her daughter Chelsea; it would make just as much sense.

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

Yeah, Americans are free to choose their home states.

No question, but in this case I think of it more as franchise rights to a good territory.

Whatever the rationale, Americans are free to choose home states. Certainly, a home state which would be more beneficial to you may be a better choice. She was, you know, a senator from NY; which tends to, politically at least, make it her home turf.

Consequently, I fail to see any point in your original statement. Why don't you complain she named her daughter Chelsea; it would make just as much sense.

One issue: Does a US citizen have the right to choose a new home state?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Different issue: Does a politician, who chooses a new home state just prior to running for an office within that state, do so for the purpose of getting the backing of big money and especially Wall Street, which is located within that new home state? Is this more obvious when said politician does get the backing of said big money, and gets to represent them in the US Senate and votes in their interests?

Answer: It sure looks that way.

And, your analogy to choosing her daughter's name fails. I cannot see how that choice can help HRC's career. Certainly, some choices are done for cynical reasons and others are not.

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helpisgood said, "One issue: Does a US citizen have the right to choose a new home state?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Different issue: Does a politician, who chooses a new home state just prior to running for an office within that state, do so for the purpose of getting the backing of big money and especially Wall Street, which is located within that new home state? Is this more obvious when said politician does get the backing of said big money, and gets to represent them in the US Senate and votes in their interests?

Answer: It sure looks that way.

And, your analogy to choosing her daughter's name fails. I cannot see how that choice can help HRC's career. Certainly, some choices are done for cynical reasons and others are not."

To which I must respond:

Gee, leally? I have to ask the same question of you, what is your point? Are you complaining that Hillary chose NY because it would benefit her? Duh?

Allow me to let you in on an apparent big secret; people often make the choices that benefit them most. How can that be justification for a complaint by anyone except the uninformed, the insecure, and those too inept to do the same thing?

And, your last conclusion is perhaps even more uninformed. Do you really think lannarebirth's criticism of NY as Hilary's home turf was intended to "help HRC's career" or to cast aspersions at the inference she was from NY?

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Election campaigns are a tough haul. Bernie is looking great and still 'pitching them up'. He's a tough old nut. He must have a good team around him. Good to see Bernie getting some media exposure. He has managed to get here basically ignored by the media. If a miracle occurs and he gets the nomination watch the establishment go after him. Koch, Wall Street, Corporate America the wealthy elite will throw every nickel they have at him. Forget about $1B they will spend $2B+ whatever it takes. Bernie is their worst nightmare. Give em hell Bernie.

Feel The Bern

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


And then they begin to like it a whole lot again when they get Medicare and social security, on cheques sent to them by the post office.

And please, spare me the howls of indignation that these aren't 'socialist'. Funny how things stop being socialist when you become a recipient of them. Just another hypocracy of the Der-cons.

Edited by samran
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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


And then they begin to like it a whole lot again when they get Medicare and social security, on cheques sent to them by the post office.

And please, spare me the howls of indignation that these aren't 'socialist'. Funny how things stop being socialist when you become a recipient of them. Just another hypocracy of the Der-cons.

Social Security in fact is not socialistic. It is based on contributions, just like an annuity or IRA. How else do you explain that higher income, higher contributors to Social Secruity get more in benefits than lower earners, lower contributors? BTW, you don't get checks (or even "cheques") from the post office. Everybody must have a direct deposit bank account to receive SS. Maybe you don't know as much about the system as you think you do.

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


Your theory would be fine if Bernie was a Socialist. He isn't

The Washington Post establishment media runs a non stop smear campaign on Bernie. Who would have thought. lol

Funny stuff Usernames

Establishment media, Wall Street, Corporate America, Health Industry fat cats, Big Pharma, Coal oil and gas, the wealthy elite they sure will come after Bernie and I am sure Usernames will post every biased media op-ed and gossip he can lay his hands on.

Will the American People buy establishment propaganda again or are they starting to realise they are being conned. Give em hell Bernie.

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


Your theory would be fine if Bernie was a Socialist. He isn't

The Washington Post establishment media runs a non stop smear campaign on Bernie. Who would have thought. lol

Funny stuff Usernames

Establishment media, Wall Street, Corporate America, Health Industry fat cats, Big Pharma, Coal oil and gas, the wealthy elite they sure will come after Bernie and I am sure Usernames will post every biased media op-ed and gossip he can lay his hands on.

Will the American People buy establishment propaganda again or are they starting to realise they are being conned. Give em hell Bernie.

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

It's a Gallup poll, not a conspiracy from the Freemasons.

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


And then they begin to like it a whole lot again when they get Medicare and social security, on cheques sent to them by the post office.

And please, spare me the howls of indignation that these aren't 'socialist'. Funny how things stop being socialist when you become a recipient of them. Just another hypocracy of the Der-cons.

Is a road 'Socialist'?

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


Your theory would be fine if Bernie was a Socialist. He isn't

The Washington Post establishment media runs a non stop smear campaign on Bernie. Who would have thought. lol

Funny stuff Usernames

Establishment media, Wall Street, Corporate America, Health Industry fat cats, Big Pharma, Coal oil and gas, the wealthy elite they sure will come after Bernie and I am sure Usernames will post every biased media op-ed and gossip he can lay his hands on.

Will the American People buy establishment propaganda again or are they starting to realise they are being conned. Give em hell Bernie.

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

It's a Gallup poll, not a conspiracy from the Freemasons.

There is going to be mountains of this type of 'Socialist boogie-man' propaganda from the establishment media. Bernie simply needs to stay 'on message' sell his policies over and over and over again. If the question is 'Bernie what do you think of the weather today'? Answer: 'I am glad you asked, a good question and an important question, Publicly funded healthcare provides the best patient outcomes at a fraction of the cost of a Private Health Care system, it is time the super rich and corporate America started paying their way, tuition free higher education is an investment in our best and brightest, instead of wasting trillions on wars to no where we need to start getting to work and repairing and building infrastructure".............. and on and on and on and on. No time for a second question, interview over.

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


Your theory would be fine if Bernie was a Socialist. He isn't

The Washington Post establishment media runs a non stop smear campaign on Bernie. Who would have thought. lol

Funny stuff Usernames

Establishment media, Wall Street, Corporate America, Health Industry fat cats, Big Pharma, Coal oil and gas, the wealthy elite they sure will come after Bernie and I am sure Usernames will post every biased media op-ed and gossip he can lay his hands on.

Will the American People buy establishment propaganda again or are they starting to realise they are being conned. Give em hell Bernie.

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

"Your theory would be fine if Bernie was a Socialist. He isn't"

In his own words...

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


And then they begin to like it a whole lot again when they get Medicare and social security, on cheques sent to them by the post office.

And please, spare me the howls of indignation that these aren't 'socialist'. Funny how things stop being socialist when you become a recipient of them. Just another hypocracy of the Der-cons.

Social Security in fact is not socialistic. It is based on contributions, just like an annuity or IRA. How else do you explain that higher income, higher contributors to Social Secruity get more in benefits than lower earners, lower contributors? BTW, you don't get checks (or even "cheques") from the post office. Everybody must have a direct deposit bank account to receive SS. Maybe you don't know as much about the system as you think you do.

They ain't fenced off individual accounts where your pot of money or contribution stays there and invested wisely just for little ole you. Fact is, your contributions paid for someone elses SS and right now, someone elses SS contributions is paying your retirement. All underwritten by the US taxpayer and the Treasury's bond printing presses.

Sounds like other peoples money to me....

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If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.

As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.


And then they begin to like it a whole lot again when they get Medicare and social security, on cheques sent to them by the post office.

And please, spare me the howls of indignation that these aren't 'socialist'. Funny how things stop being socialist when you become a recipient of them. Just another hypocracy of the Der-cons.

Is a road 'Socialist'?

Did you pay for the entire thing yourself?

Here's some terms you need to get your head around. Economics 101

- free rider problem

- externalities

- market failure

- public goods vs private goods

- barriers to entry

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Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

As a New Yorker, I remember her claims that she was NOT running for Senator of Bee York as a spring board to any other position or office

That she always loved NY and was her intention to make her permanent home in NY and could not think of any position better than being the Senator of NY

Then 2008.. Run for president

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