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Rats in the ceiling

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Thanks for your answers! Leaving poison in a place is risky because they don't die immediately, die somewhere-else and are starting smelling like hell so I have to open all the roof to find them and second it is the ground floor. I experienced that once in Manila, a (big) rat died and the whole room was smelling like hell!

Yeah, glue traps! I have tried them, I destroyed a bit of the ceiling and they are working very well, but the animal isn't dying for days. Might be I can put poison in the middle of the trap with a (small) risk that they are escaping with the poison. My problem is I cannot kill them facepalm.gifblink.pngbah.gif

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I caught 6 above our kitchen ceiling in our old house. Used the old spring loaded traps. Very effective but you have to be very careful when setting them that you don't injure yourself. Death is almost instantaneous.

Edited by Denim
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I caught 6 above our kitchen ceiling in our old house. Used the old spring loaded traps. Very effective but you have to be very careful when setting them that you don't injure yourself. Death is almost instantaneous.

True! But in Thailand one has only the big traps where you can get them living! bah.gif I cannot find the spring loaded traps as you cannot (may not) kill in LOS! blink.png

Edited by antoniuni
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Using poison will ensure months of an extremely unpleasant odour. Use a glue tray as suggested. Find out how the rats are getting into the roof in the first place and deal with that.

as bp states find out where they are getting in,they can climb,a down pipe on the guttering and also if you have a balcony with a 1inch drainage down pipe they can climb up them as i found out when i spotted one. so i think it was home pro where i got a trap,a piece of raw meat[bloodied] will soon catch em.

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Using poison will ensure months of an extremely unpleasant odour. Use a glue tray as suggested. Find out how the rats are getting into the roof in the first place and deal with that.

as bp states find out where they are getting in,they can climb,a down pipe on the guttering and also if you have a balcony with a 1inch drainage down pipe they can climb up them as i found out when i spotted one. so i think it was home pro where i got a trap,a piece of raw meat[bloodied] will soon catch em.

TRUE! Thanks for your answer!

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Using poison will ensure months of an extremely unpleasant odour. Use a glue tray as suggested. Find out how the rats are getting into the roof in the first place and deal with that.

normally rats come up trees so if you have tree branches overhanging your roof cut those branches away.

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We have the same problem every year. We've never worked out where they get in. They pee in the corner of ceilings in rooms.

A builder can make you a roof access hatch in the ceiling of a bathroom inexpensively, then put in one of those old-fashioned square cage traps you can buy in any thai market, you hang a piece of banana (filed rates love banana) or apple in it, they go in and it snaps behind them (we hear it easily, often minutes after we've set it), then remove the trap and let the rat go miles from home. We once caught a rat and it had 3 babies in the trap with it.

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I have successfully used a rodent poison sold in pink pellet form by accessing the roof space and throwing pellets as far out onto the suspended gypsum ceiling (wear gloves and mask)

Most rodent poisons contain warfarin as the active agent. rodents which consume it develop a raging thirst and must have water so exit the roof the way they came in and find water, drink and die.

Alternatively put your cat up there at night.........

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Do NOT use poison.

You will have to live with the smell for months.

I buy the catch alive traps from any hardware shop.

Fry a bit of bacon & fit securely to the bait hook.

Run your greasy bacon along the trap to the door & set trap,,, They cannot resist it

Bingo, sometimes as little as 10 minutes Dispose of by drowning.

Wash the trap after disposal as they are smart & can smell the previous death

Go for it

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Lift a tile or roof sheet and drop some rat/mouse baits in. Do this once a year, making sure you use a different type each year (They learn!). Problem solved!

And go live in the hotel when they start decomposing for 3 weeks

imagine they are squirels convince yourself... or break the ceiling

Edited by jerome2
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I've used the rat bait - either pellet or wax square type - for years and can only remember two occasions when we have had a smell. As another post said quite accurately, the chemical causes internal hemorrhaging and a raging thirst, causing them to go outside looking for water. Those who say otherwise obviously have not tried it, I live amongst rice fields where rats are a very significant problem and this has proved to be an easy and effective solution - almost completely WITHOUT smells. As previously stated, you need to change the type of bait each year though, as they are tricky and learn not to touch it.

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.......Do NOT use poison.

You will have to live with the smell for months.......

Do you mean the smell of the poison or dead rats? If you use the warfarin type the rodents will eat then leave to find water and die elsewhere in my experience. Never had a smell problem. I treated my neighbours house too with success.

Which ever method the OP chooses to use he will need to cut an access into the roofspace by drilling a hole in the gypsum board suspended ceiling (assumed) mark out a square or rectangle with the hole in one corner then saw out a panel piece using a small handsaw available from DIY stores.

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The principle of a fish trap can also work here IF you can find the "door" they use.

The idea is to construct a wire mesh funnel with bands and springs that allow the creature to squeeze OUT ... but not be able to get back in.

Ideal if they are coming and going via a pipe. But really ... a bit of work there.

Or, as others have suggested .. go old school with traps you can easily recover. I hate to think of the stench this summer of rats who were poisoned and crept into the wall to die.

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My in laws had rats in the ceiling. It drove me insane and the rats were obviously peeing up there. No one seemed to notice the smell- I think they pretended not to smell it because they did not want to kill the rats. I explained to my wife that even animals do not sleep and eat where they pee. So, the in laws agreed to tackle the problem. They did not want to use glue, poison, snap traps, or the cheap, battery operated electrocution device I bought from china. They insisted on using a metal capture device with peanut butter as bait. They placed it in the most likely location of common traffic and checked each day. Within a few days they had a rat family cleared out and took them all to some field to release them. Their choice of compassion was admirable but the peculiar metal device worked well. Peanut butter. Who'da guessed?

(PS. its not just their presence; they are doing some damage up there for sure. Besides them destroying an entire ceiling section with piss, they had located a PVC pipe and gnawed through it until they released a steady, slow constant trickle of water. Suckers chewed thru inches of pvc.

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They get up somehow and they come out the same way! They need to eat.. Find out where they are entering around your house look for their dropping they are usually along the walk because Rats use their Whisker to find their way around so they usually run along the wall and corner. The larger the dropping the larger the rat.. Take those large glue traps with as noted peanut butter and place along their route. You can also buy metal box traps but I find the glue traps are best.

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I have successfully used a rodent poison sold in pink pellet form by accessing the roof space and throwing pellets as far out onto the suspended gypsum ceiling (wear gloves and mask)

Most rodent poisons contain warfarin as the active agent. rodents which consume it develop a raging thirst and must have water so exit the roof the way they came in and find water, drink and die.

Alternatively put your cat up there at night.........

Make sure you have a big aggressive cat!

Large rats, especially if there are more than one, will kill smaller cats.

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