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Why Thailand over other Mekong countries?

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So I've been hearing from a number of expat friends how living in Cambodia and Vietnam is "better". Not a lot of details there but they do say that the people in general are nicer and friendlier. No one mentioned Laos or Myanmar though, which is understandable.

I haven't traveled as much to the rest of the Mekong countries, but I have been there on short trips. For those who've had more experiences than me and chose to stay in Thailand instead of the other places, what were your main reasons for choosing so?

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Better infrastructure, much better hospitals, transportation links to the rest of the world, more cosmopolitan, more things to do, not too "third world". Despite the change in government, it seems that other governments (Lao, Vietnam, Myanmar) are more xenophobic and place more limitations on where foreigners can go, what they can do and even seek to regulate things differently compared to locals where you don't have this in Thailand (different colored licence plates for vehicles in Laos compared to locals). Lack of transparency when things go wrong in those countries - more transparency in Thailand.


I like Vietnam, both Saigon (Ho Chi Minh) and Hanoi but felt that Cambodia was just too underdeveloped, too many people openly urinating in the street for my liking.

The post above is correct. Thailand has better infrastructure, medical care, accommodation options, food and shopping facilities than the others, although Vietnam is catching up fast.

I think Thailand is currently better than the alternatives.


Ive never been to either apart from one border run to Cambodia many years ago. I just had 2 friends from the UK staying with me and they went to Vietnam and Cambodia and they said they were way dirtier than Thailand..which i think is filthy but they said "No" way worse in those two countries.

They went to many places on the train on a 10 day trip so not just one location.


Better infrastructure, much better hospitals, transportation links to the rest of the world, more cosmopolitan, more things to do, not too "third world". Despite the change in government, it seems that other governments (Lao, Vietnam, Myanmar) are more xenophobic and place more limitations on where foreigners can go, what they can do and even seek to regulate things differently compared to locals where you don't have this in Thailand (different colored licence plates for vehicles in Laos compared to locals). Lack of transparency when things go wrong in those countries - more transparency in Thailand.

That sums it up very well for people who are comparing countries in this region.

Thailand Is a better place to live.


Depends what you are seeking! Advantages of Thailand already listed. Why a "Mekong Country"? China is a Mekong country; and then there's Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines. In spite of a multitude of moans, if you do your homework, keep your visas and paperwork in order, to live here is far from difficult.


Every advantage of Thailand that makes staying here preferential to me could be seen as a disadvantage by someone else. Thailand has better infrastructure, accommodation, medical care and shopping options than Cambodia yet other people will prefer Cambodia precisely because these things aren't as developed there. Many people love the 'less-developed' aspect to Cambodia and see it as more authentic and less 'Westernized'. To each their own.


cambodia and vietnam feel much more "real" then thailand. it feels like your living in asia (in a new strange place).

when i'm in thailand i hardly feel i have left the usa much these days.

vietnam and cambodia wears on me though, after 3-6 months i always want to get out. not as comfortable, people more needy, desperate, clingy etc. its harder to be left alone. the porrer the people are then you the more your going to get noticed and come into contact with peoples problems, and the people in vietnam and cambodia are much porrer then thailand at least where i was living.

for me its mostly the people that will set me off one way or another.

the environment, infrastructure, weather etc is a moot point for me. i could deal with almost anywhere.


Thank you for all your replies, they are very helpful.

Would you say internet connections are faster and more stable in Thailand as compared to Cambodia or Vietnam?


Mate left Thailand 3 years ago, Myanmar, Vietnam then Cambodia, now is back in Thailand, said he waisted 3 years trying to look for better, but failed.. He was a constant whiner, but then again he did with his home land of England..


Thank you for all your replies, they are very helpful.

Would you say internet connections are faster and more stable in Thailand as compared to Cambodia or Vietnam?

I think Thailand is better for the internet in general. I bought some shares in a small company online before I left for Ho Chi Minh. Luckily for me they posted a positive update and the share price climbed fairly rapidly. I decided to take a quick profit. My problem was that an undersea cable connecting Vietnam to another country had snapped and this affected their web connections. Apparently, they don't have that many pipes and when there is a problem it affects their web service. I couldn't sell when I wanted to because I couldn't make the connection work. So I had to delay for a few days and that cost me because the share price fell back during that period. Up until that point it was fine. Cambodia was okay, I don't recall any major problem.

From what I've read I think South Korea has the most advanced service in the region.


Thailand is the least worst option, IMHO. All the reports about Vietnam, Cambodia, et. al. are true. Singapore is essentially a large, soulless shopping mall - it's stable, if you're an expat with a Western family, but otherwise, dull and boring.

That should be TAT's new slogan - "Thailand, the Least Worst Option!"


I'm mildly curious about Laos and Cambodia but after 3 1/2 years living here full time, I've never been. Never needed to make a border run so apart from that, it's not enough of a draw. My sense of the immediate region is pretty much "Same same but different". JMHO. YMMV.


What most people forget is that in general all these countries suffer a much worse and long monsoon period ie 3 months plus of constant sheet rain.

And of course some of these countries have appalling medical treatment out of the capital cities.

I understand this time now is unusual because of the "el nino" effect but have you been in Cambodia or Vietnam in October / November !!


Mate left Thailand 3 years ago, Myanmar, Vietnam then Cambodia, now is back in Thailand, said he waisted 3 years trying to look for better, but failed.. He was a constant whiner, but then again he did with his home land of England..

...yes , you take yourself with you , wherever you go...


I lived in Vietnam for 5 years and would summarize my reasons for being here as others have above namely better infrastructure, weather, food, availability of retirement waiver and I wanted to sail. Also the lifestyle is way more relaxing here. Vietnam is 2/3 the size of Thailand with 50% more people and they're all on motorbikes honking their horns at the same time.

Again as another poster has said, Vietnam and Cambodia have definitely a more Asian feel, certainly more than Phuket. The only advantage Vietnam has in my view is that the women are way more beautiful and I respect the people and what they have achieved much more than I do here.

All that being said I think Vietnam is on the way up and could well pass Thailand on it's way down.


What I hate the most in Cambodia, all these ugly beggars. Need trump to clean the place!

Yeah, those annoying, dirty poor people. Just send them somewhere else so they won't impinge on the Western sensibilities of tourists and ex-pats, people apparently raised in a pristine environment of malls and suburban developments.

Many come to Asia because of a lower cost of living, and then bitch when people and places look impoverished...<deleted>? One is a function of the other, and the low cost quality of life you enjoy is from the sweat of those "poor" people.

Grow up, or go back to your bubble if you don't like it.


Vietnam : Noise, noise and more noise, I hate the f455ing horns. They drive like arrogant a5seholes. They are always, without exception, looking to overcharge. It becomes a constant grind. Food is boring. It's against the law to have a Viet in the bedroom unless you are married. This opens you to paying off the police. Pain to open a bank account, and if you do, then you are not allowed to pay Dongs into it. Have to take in forex and let the bank convert it first.

No fun after midnight.

Need I go on?


Every advantage of Thailand that makes staying here preferential to me could be seen as a disadvantage by someone else. Thailand has better infrastructure, accommodation, medical care and shopping options than Cambodia yet other people will prefer Cambodia precisely because these things aren't as developed there. Many people love the 'less-developed' aspect to Cambodia and see it as more authentic and less 'Westernized'. To each their own.

I've lived in Hong Kong,Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia. My longest stint is here in Phnom Penh, 10 years and counting. Each country has its good and bad points. In the end it's simply a matter of personal choice. Cambodia suits me fine. I enjoyed my time in each of the other countries, but this is where I will see out my days.

As always, one man's meat.......


While I have my retirement visa in Chiang Mai, I think there are some places in Vietnam which are definitely attractive. Danang's beaches are superb. As far as climate goes, Dalat (1500 m above sea level ) offers one of the best year-round climates in Asia. Vietnamese food and coffee is pretty good too.

For me, the interesting thing about Vietnam is that while it is a Communist country, it doesn't feel like one. Far more military and police presence in Thailand.

If the Vietnamese decide to liberalise their visa systems to allow retirement there, I think Thailand would be the loser.

Interesting comment from an English-speaking taxi driver in Hanoi. Amid the cacophony of horns, I said I didn't hear them often in Thailand. He said that's because in Vietnam, it simply means watch out, I'm coming. In Thailand, it means f##k you.


I look at Laos and Vietnam as very attractive places to live.

I would probably be there if it weren't for my Thai wife and her need to be close to her family and their need to have us close to them here in Thailand.

Life is not just about what you want, it is also about the people you love and their needs.

I love my wife.

That is why I married her almost 15 years ago.


Better infrastructure, much better hospitals, transportation links to the rest of the world, more cosmopolitan, more things to do, not too "third world". Despite the change in government, it seems that other governments (Lao, Vietnam, Myanmar) are more xenophobic and place more limitations on where foreigners can go, what they can do and even seek to regulate things differently compared to locals where you don't have this in Thailand (different colored licence plates for vehicles in Laos compared to locals). Lack of transparency when things go wrong in those countries - more transparency in Thailand.

What a heap of steaming bullsheet. I have lived in Vietnam for 10 years and there is absolutely no limitations on where I go and what I do. I expect your remarks about "cosmopolitan" and "more things to do" = sit at beer bars and chat to the girlies and eat in food halls? "Better infrastructure" like traffic jams, rail link breakdowns, inadequate airports. Same applies to your stupid remarks about "transportation" (read road deaths). "links to the rest of the world" - what do you think these people outside Thailand do to communicate - send up smoke signals. Xenophobic you say? A crass comment at best! Thailand has it's own xenophobia in abundance and it is certainly no less than neighbouring countries. Vietnam is half the cost of living compared to Thailand and a much safer place to live and that's a good start. The people do not constantly carry around a chip on their shoulder like those (read males) in the land of smiles. I enjoy being around the Thai people but I find the Vietnamese more friendly and sociable and cultured. I spent 70% of my time in Vietnam and 30% in Thailand for business reasons and I am able to compare, unlike you I suspect. I can't begin to contemplate what a boring cosmopolitan life you must lead.

I spend most of the year working in Vietnam. The people I think are friendlier than the Thais and I have made quite a few friends. I really enjoy going back to Thailand though, the food in my opinion is way better and the traffic less chaotic outside the city areas. The constant traffic noise in Vietnam does my head in so nice to arrive back in quiet Bangkok. Vietnam has yet to develop customer service skills, partly to do with the culture I think as Thais have a 'service mind' instilled into them. Some things better, some things worse, but I wold prefer to retire in Thailand.


I spend most of the year working in Vietnam. The people I think are friendlier than the Thais and I have made quite a few friends. I really enjoy going back to Thailand though, the food in my opinion is way better and the traffic less chaotic outside the city areas. The constant traffic noise in Vietnam does my head in so nice to arrive back in quiet Bangkok. Vietnam has yet to develop customer service skills, partly to do with the culture I think as Thais have a 'service mind' instilled into them. Some things better, some things worse, but I wold prefer to retire in Thailand.


I have visited and spent time in all of theses countries. Vietnam, I admire the way they have pulled themselves up after a100 years of war, also I admire the level of education and general culture they have, and how they strive to get on work wise.

Myanmar, beautiful country and people with no infrastructure for the moment, they ll get there soon!

Cambodia, unfortunately. a wrecked country with a crooked government that does not help its people.

Laos, can't say much except it's land logged and very poor.

Indonesia, obvious religious set backs, tho some beautiful places.Bali,once beautiful exotic Bali,where every other person is an artist, unfortunately over built to the extremes.

Malaysia,and Singapore, great education and good food , clever people. Orderly and mostly clean. Perfect English.

China, some spectacular sites, but, I didn't get on there at all, and don't want to go back.

Thailand. Good weather conditions. Some good hospitals, not all. Some nice areas that haven't been spoilt. Not Telling!

Good food at decent prices getting harder to find. Terrible hygiene !!!! Thailand and its beaches were once gorgeous.Sea water mostly dirty these days. Trash problem awful! Filthy streets.Cant say welcoming, from the moment you set foot in the airport.

Not very safe, awful accidents / muggings etc daily. Quite decent accommodation, condos etc, decent prices if you look. For me, the worse problem is the lack of education and manners ( ugh)

So, if I could take a little bit from all the neighbouring countries and put them in Thailand, I would probably retire there.A perfect world !


For me its just the women, and it is as simple as that. For me anyway, Thai women are the hottest on the planet.

And Im not just talking about the ones I might get naked with, just going out, a cute waitress here, a stunner at the mall there....just happens a lot more in Thailand, the ratio of hot ones seems to be far higher than back home in Australia thats for damn sure

Khmer and vietnames girls ok, but dont compare to Thais

Shallow, but whatever.

With Everything else, meh, its just for the most part, same shit, different country


Better infrastructure, much better hospitals, transportation links to the rest of the world, more cosmopolitan, more things to do, not too "third world". Despite the change in government, it seems that other governments (Lao, Vietnam, Myanmar) are more xenophobic and place more limitations on where foreigners can go, what they can do and even seek to regulate things differently compared to locals where you don't have this in Thailand (different colored licence plates for vehicles in Laos compared to locals). Lack of transparency when things go wrong in those countries - more transparency in Thailand.

(Lao, Vietnam, Myanmar) are more xenophobic and place more limitations on where foreigners can go, what they can do and even seek to regulate things differently compared to locals where you don't have this in Thailand (different colored licence plates for vehicles in Laos compared to locals). Lack of transparency when things go wrong in those countries - more transparency in Thailand.

i never read so much crap in my lifeblink.png

less xenophobic and transparency in thailand laugh.png what a load of...

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