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Ignored: Most Thais turn blind eye to domestic violence in social experiment


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I have seen this guy's sometimes funny, sometimes curious videos before. Apparently he feels stepping into social/domestic commentary/critique is the future of his videos. It does not matter whether he reaches stated conclusions or not- by what he includes and excludes in the video he makes a statement.

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My sister(now deceased) married a guy who was a football thug.We all knew he liked a drink and could sometimes get out of hand.We tolerated his behavior because we knew my sister loved him.When sober he was 100% my nice guy,but with a booze inside him he was a nasty bastard.

I think you'll find most women who associate with violent men actually enjoy the violence.

They don't want Mr. nice when sober, they want Mr. violent and drunk.

It often isn't a long term relationship, but it seems to fulfill a passing need for the woman.

As you discovered, your interference wasn't appreciated.

I put up with it for five years before leaving, before he killed me.

He moved onto another woman and supposedly beat her too.

I did not enjoy it one bit.

Why did you wait 5 years to leave (just interested).

I've faced domestic violence from women, when A Thai lady goes that route with me, I leave 10 minutes later, no need to wait years.

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When I stayed in Pattaya, I saw more than once a fighting couple turn on a farang who stepped in to help the woman.

The only thing Thais hate more than each other, is us.

These days I don't stop for accidents or domestic abuse. Just not worth the potential backfire of getting involved. They tell us to act according in "their" country, so I follow their lead.

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I have seen this guy's sometimes funny, sometimes curious videos before. Apparently he feels stepping into social/domestic commentary/critique is the future of his videos. It does not matter whether he reaches stated conclusions or not- by what he includes and excludes in the video he makes a statement.

Wonder what the videos would have been like if they staged a Thai lady beating a Thai man, or even better a white, elderly foreigner.

I can guess in the case of the foreigner, another 10 Thai men would have jumped him too.

Edited by BritManToo
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When I stayed in Pattaya, I saw more than once a fighting couple turn on a farang who stepped in to help the woman.

The only thing Thais hate more than each other, is us.

These days I don't stop for accidents or domestic abuse. Just not worth the potential backfire of getting involved. They tell us to act according in "their" country, so I follow their lead.

You can't compare Pattaya with the rest of Thailand mate.

And also the farang outside pattaya are here for different reasons.

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I too hate to see a man beating a woman BUT, remember where you're at(Thailand) and remember who you are(a Farang). That is a real big factor here. It doesn't make any difference if you have lived here for 1 week or a 100 years you will always be a Farang and most Thais take a big offense if you try to get involved in their personal business. The only way I would get involved in a domestic dispute is if it is immediate family and then as a last resort.

If we continue to turn a blind eye the situation will never change. We must raise awareness through videos such as this and teach people that domestic violence is never acceptable, whoever you are. If we don't put this in the news, nothing will ever change.

Newsflash...........It is NOT our country!!.....Change(good) must come from within.History is littered with foreign interventions gone terribly wrong.

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I too hate to see a man beating a woman BUT, remember where you're at(Thailand) and remember who you are(a Farang). That is a real big factor here. It doesn't make any difference if you have lived here for 1 week or a 100 years you will always be a Farang and most Thais take a big offense if you try to get involved in their personal business. The only way I would get involved in a domestic dispute is if it is immediate family and then as a last resort.

If we continue to turn a blind eye the situation will never change. We must raise awareness through videos such as this and teach people that domestic violence is never acceptable, whoever you are. If we don't put this in the news, nothing will ever change.

Newsflash...........It is NOT our country!!.....Change(good) must come from within.History is littered with foreign interventions gone terribly wrong.

But within the country they don't know any better. Who's going to inform them that abuse is not good?

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Thailand is not the only country that suffers from the locals turning a blind eye to domestic violence. There are plenty of other countries where women are mistreated in this way and much worse. Pakistan being a good example.

The video is being used to illustrate a point but shouldn't be taken literally. Who knows what footage ended up on the cutting room floor. I think most of us who have lived/live in Thailand will have seen domestic violence and also the total disregard of the locals. Very similar to the way that at serious road accidents people like to stand around and video the scene rather than help the victims.

What would be interesting would be to re-make the video with the man being a thief snatching the girls handbag and running off with it. Would more people be likely to chase after him or just pull out their phones and film it?

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I too hate to see a man beating a woman BUT, remember where you're at(Thailand) and remember who you are(a Farang). That is a real big factor here. It doesn't make any difference if you have lived here for 1 week or a 100 years you will always be a Farang and most Thais take a big offense if you try to get involved in their personal business. The only way I would get involved in a domestic dispute is if it is immediate family and then as a last resort.

If we continue to turn a blind eye the situation will never change. We must raise awareness through videos such as this and teach people that domestic violence is never acceptable, whoever you are. If we don't put this in the news, nothing will ever change.

Newsflash...........It is NOT our country!!.....Change(good) must come from within.History is littered with foreign interventions gone terribly wrong.

Not really a "newsflash" stating the obvious. I agree with you change has to come from within but don't see why foreigners who are living here, contributing to society and paying taxes should not have an opinion on current affairs here.

For me wrong is wrong and it doesn't matter that I am not Thai. A man beating up a woman is unacceptable behaviour and we should do all we can to make that point and boycott it.

Don't be brainwashed into thinking you have to leave your moral code and civilised standards at the boarder when you enter. Some things you have to respect of course but beating up a woman is wrong, on every level, everywhere. So, don't get sucked into the xenophobic attitude and assume your point is not valid because you are a foreigner, thats just not true.

For me, I would want to help every single time I see a woman taking a beating, and I will try but not with violence of course. Although the ladies welfare comes first when she is receiving a beating I will also consider my own safety which is pretty much what a lot of people are saying on here.

If you have lost all you backbone and moral fibre I would suggest that this country is not good for you and you should probably consider going home.

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If you have lost all you backbone and moral fibre I would suggest that this country is not good for you and you should probably consider going home.

I would say the opposite, in Thailand If you have 'backbone' (manly knight aggression), you will die quickly, if you have 'moral fibre' (Victorian Protestant quality), you will quickly go insane. But it's a good place for those of us who can mind our own business and not really care what the locals get up to with each other.

Thailand, land of 'mind your own business' (or else).

Just today, two Australians stabbed for not minding their own business.


One more thought, I bet your insurance won't pay out hospital bills, as you put yourself in danger.

Edited by BritManToo
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for Thais it's a part of normal life. So what?

During the civil war in Liberia it was a normal way of life to kill, rape, decapitate and eat people. So what?

Great line of reasoning...

And now you will tell me what Liberia has to do with Thailand and with this thread particularly.....

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for Thais it's a part of normal life. So what?

During the civil war in Liberia it was a normal way of life to kill, rape, decapitate and eat people. So what?

Great line of reasoning...

And now you will tell me what Liberia has to do with Thailand and with this thread particularly.....
Just because its considered normal it doesnt make it ok. That couldnt have been to hard to figure out?
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There is no protection for the would be person that intervenes in the fracas . Speaking from personal experience. I stepped in and set about a guy who glassed a girl in a bar. He got 4 years . I got 2 years suspended. I would seriously have to make a quick decision now before being a knight in shinning armor. And that's the problem with most good intentional person . Do I risk getting caught up in the situation. In my own Country I would not think twice. But in Thailand maybe.

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Just because its considered normal it doesnt make it ok. That couldnt have been to hard to figure out?

You hate men, but you expect men to step in and help protect you?

How exactly does that work?

Wouldn't it be more logical to expect other women to step in and help?

Edited by BritManToo
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for Thais it's a part of normal life. So what?

During the civil war in Liberia it was a normal way of life to kill, rape, decapitate and eat people. So what?

Great line of reasoning...

And now you will tell me what Liberia has to do with Thailand and with this thread particularly.....
Just because its considered normal it doesnt make it ok. That couldnt have been to hard to figure out?

It's the same as if I would tell a story about my grandma, which would be in no connection to the thread. Next time please think first and then again and then reply. Or ask somebody who is able to think if you don't mind. Enjoy your joint anyway.

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