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US: A look at North Carolina's law on restrooms, discrimination


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A look at North Carolina's law on restrooms, discrimination

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina's new law limiting discrimination claims was approved in a special legislative session and signed by Gov. Pat McCrory later the same day to prevent a Charlotte City Council anti-discrimination ordinance from taking effect this Friday.

The measure goes well beyond stopping transgender people from using bathrooms matching their new gender identities, which McCrory called a "radical breach of trust and security." Here are more details about the law, which is now being challenged in federal court.



The law blocked a range of protections from taking effect in the state's largest city. Charlotte's ordinance would have covered gays and lesbians as well as bisexual and transgender people when they try to check into hotels, eat in restaurants or hail cabs; it also added marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression to the city's list of protected characteristics in public accommodations and commercial businesses.

The law instead created a new statewide public accommodations policy that prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, color, national origin or biological sex. But the law includes no specific LGBT protections, and says it does not create a right to sue in state courts alleging discrimination under the policy. Instead, any complaints could be investigated and mediated by the state Human Relations Commission.

It also forbids cities and counties throughout North Carolina from imposing any additional requirements on employers. A handful of local governments had made veterans a protected class, and this is no longer allowed.



Essentially, government agencies of all kinds must now direct men and boys to multi-stall restrooms and locker rooms designated for use by people born as male, and keep women and girls in those designated for the female biological sex.

This applies to public schools, state university and community college systems, state agencies and local government offices.

Single-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities are still allowed "upon a request due to special circumstances" to a local school board or by a person to a public agency. The decision on accommodating the request appears to rest with the school board or the agency.

There are exceptions, such as when preschoolers enter a restroom with their mother or father, or when a person with a disability needs assistance. Transgender people who have obtained a new birth certificate after a sex-change operation can enter the multi-occupancy bathroom that matches their new gender.

But just how individuals should apply and enforce the new rules is unaddressed in the law.

For example, will all transgender people need birth certificates with them, to avoid trespassing complaints? What happens when a female-to-male transgender person who hasn't had a sex-change operation complies with the law, and people complain about someone with outwardly masculine characteristics sharing the women's room?



The law also reaffirms that local governments can't require area businesses to pay a minimum wage higher than North Carolina's statewide minimum, currently set at $7.25 per hour. Cities and counties also can't enforce ordinances setting their own minimum standards for businesses for paid sick leave or other employee benefits, and can't require government contractors to meet public accommodations standards above those set in state law.

Cities and counties can continue to set higher wage and benefit minimums for their own workers, or for company workers when required as part of an economic recruitment and incentives agreement.



One sentence in the legislation explicitly prohibits employees of private businesses from filing lawsuits in state courts alleging workplace discrimination. The law's authors said these civil actions were never provided for in North Carolina's nearly 40-year-old Equal Employment Practices Act, but noted that the Human Relations Commission can handle such cases. A more robust federal worker discrimination and litigation process is available, but critics say it's harder to sue in federal court, and the process takes longer to resolve.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-01

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With the world going to hell in a hand basket...nuclear crazies threatening to unleash nuclear power...

We have to spend time describing in great detail who can go to which toilet...how did we come to this?

There was a time when men were men...women were women...and those that did not know what they were...kept it to themselves...

Some would say the world has progressed to this point...some would say it has digressed to its lowest point ever...

Bunch of sick puppies causing drama...

ISIS will change all this if they get the chance...

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With the world going to hell in a hand basket...nuclear crazies threatening to unleash nuclear power...

We have to spend time describing in great detail who can go to which toilet...how did we come to this?

There was a time when men were men...women were women...and those that did not know what they were...kept it to themselves...

Some would say the world has progressed to this point...some would say it has digressed to its lowest point ever...

Bunch of sick puppies causing drama...

ISIS will change all this if they get the chance...

Be of good cheer. Baseball season opening day is on Sunday

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With the world going to hell in a hand basket...nuclear crazies threatening to unleash nuclear power...

We have to spend time describing in great detail who can go to which toilet...how did we come to this?

There was a time when men were men...women were women...and those that did not know what they were...kept it to themselves...

Some would say the world has progressed to this point...some would say it has digressed to its lowest point ever...

Bunch of sick puppies causing drama...

ISIS will change all this if they get the chance...

Yeah...sure...except for the bunch of sick puppies causing drama, have been around since the dawn of men...or women!

It is a human condition and you hillbillies better learn to live with it!

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Stupid right wing Republican teabagging troglodyte dominionist faux religious wacko's passed this stupid law which will be shut down. I guess they'd freak out completely here where in many places men and women and ladyboys and gays all use the same toilet facilities. Who gives a damn? Oh and my oh my would would they ever do when they are trying to get their tiny little penis out to wee wee and the cleaning lady comes in, probably wee wee all over their pantalones...lol. Now what was that state just next door to them that folded under pressure? Could it be Georgia? Why yes it could be.

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Just more faux outrage by narrow minded 18th century intellects with nothing better to do than try to impose their morality on the rest of the world. Meanwhile, in the U. S., one in five children lives in poverty, our education system is rapidly becoming the butt of jokes, real incomes have declined over the last twenty years, the middle class is vanishing, our infrastructure is crumbling...and the rich keep getting richer. Why? BS like this, used to distract the weak minded. Keep them outraged about who's using which bathroom while you pick their pockets. As sgtsabai correctly notes, they'd likely have a coronary if they came over here and pointed their wee wee into the loo, only to have a pooying sweeping the floor around their feet while they stood there. With all of the actual problems facing the country, this is what they want to focus on? Give me a freakin' break.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some lessons learned from the North Carolina anti-LGBT bigot law:

Now that several weeks have gone by, the situation in North Carolina appears to have settled into a bloody stalemate. While Gov. Pat McCrory has issued an executive order that protects LGBT state employees, it has been widely seen as a bit of legerdemain that attempts to deflect criticism of the governor without actually addressing the real issues. As a result, local protections still remain overturned, no one can file a civil rights claim in state court (even non-LGBT-related claims), and localities cannot set a local minimum wage higher than the state and federal minimum.


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Trans female to male teen appeals to the N.C. governor:


I’ve dealt with bullying my whole life. And now I feel that my own state lawmakers and governor are bullying me as well. I face daily harassment for being myself, everything from dirty looks to physical assaults. I don’t report them because I know it will just make the other kids bully me more. In schools all over the place transgender kids go through the same thing every day. Because of the constant harassment, I have had more than one transgender friend attempt suicide.

HB2 just gives other students all the more reason to hate us.

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Duke University president trashes the bill:

“Duke University is committed to fostering an open, welcoming, inclusive community that respects each individual,” Brodhead wrote. “We deplore in the strongest possible terms the new state law, HB2, that prevents municipalities from establishing laws that protect members of the LGBTQ+ community and others from discrimination and eliminates some economic advancement opportunities for underrepresented communities.”

According to Brodhead, HB 2 has harmed North Carolina in numerous ways. “The economic and material impact is being felt across the state,” he wrote.


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Trans female to male teen appeals to the N.C. governor:


I’ve dealt with bullying my whole life. And now I feel that my own state lawmakers and governor are bullying me as well. I face daily harassment for being myself, everything from dirty looks to physical assaults. I don’t report them because I know it will just make the other kids bully me more. In schools all over the place transgender kids go through the same thing every day. Because of the constant harassment, I have had more than one transgender friend attempt suicide.

HB2 just gives other students all the more reason to hate us.

Transgender children?

They need psychiatric help, not to be encouraged to dress as the opposite sex.

Edited by pedro01
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The whole ridiculousness of this is highlighted well here

Best comment on the video

"went to the bank and tried to identify as someone who had 50000 in their account. They were completely close minded. No excuse. It must change!"

close second

"He didn't take it the final step. The final question should have been " So, as a 6'5" Chinese 7 year old girl enrolled in elementary can i use the little girl's room with all the other girls?""

Edited by pedro01
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The whole ridiculousness of this is highlighted well here

Best comment on the video

"went to the bank and tried to identify as someone who had 50000 in their account. They were completely close minded. No excuse. It must change!"

close second

"He didn't take it the final step. The final question should have been " So, as a 6'5" Chinese 7 year old girl enrolled in elementary can i use the little girl's room with all the other girls?""

Ouch, that one hurts. One of my daughters attends that school, which is one of the better universities in the country.

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Here comes a FEDERAL COURT to the rescue!

FEDERAL "trumps" state, "b"-itches!

With their ruling, the court has struck down part of North Carolina's House Bill 2, which mandated transgender people must use restrooms that correspond with the gender on their birth certificate.

"Today’s historic decision is not only a victory for Gavin, but for all transgender young people who are being targeted by discriminatory actions — including North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory’s anti-transgender HB2 law,” Human Rights Campaign legal director Sarah Warbelow said in a statement. "This ruling not only gives appropriate deference to the Department of Education’s interpretation of Title IX as allowing transgender students to use school restrooms consistent with their gender identity, it also is binding on the state of North Carolina. We therefore expect public schools, including those in North Carolina, to immediately comply, ensuring transgender students full protections under the law, which includes full access to the appropriate facilities."



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That's an amazing video that more people need to see. And think honestly about.

It presents a common sense point of view that certain political activists want to censor from the public square because it exposes the absurdity of their agenda.

The Family Policy Institute of Washington http://www.fpiw.org is a religious hate group whose public agenda is to oppose LGBT equality. They are particularly aligned with the Family Research Council's agenda on the eradication of all Transgender rights to equality and dignity.

Is it any wonder that they try to play the diversion game about toilets? Their stupid questioning of young University students exposes their complete and utter ignorance about LGBT people and the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity.

It is not surprising to see their hate propaganda spread on these toilet threats precisely reflecting the bigotry and need to promote hatred of LGBT people by bigots trolling social media.

Watch the VDO. Notice how generous and accepting America's youth are in response to rational questions. Notice how confused they get when the questions turn into bigoted nonsense. Compare these young Americans to the old homophobes trolling this and other related threads. The difference is as plain as night and day.

The public square is for the public to access and that includes LGBT people, it includes Black people, it includes physically and intellectually handicapped people. You know. The Public. Bigots not welcome.

Edited by lostboy
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With the world going to hell in a hand basket...nuclear crazies threatening to unleash nuclear power...

We have to spend time describing in great detail who can go to which toilet...how did we come to this?

There was a time when men were men...women were women...and those that did not know what they were...kept it to themselves...

Some would say the world has progressed to this point...some would say it has digressed to its lowest point ever...

Bunch of sick puppies causing drama...

ISIS will change all this if they get the chance...

I see such issues as NC Law as one of the straws that break the "hell in a hand basket" back (serve to destroy national comity). The previous poster notes the stunning value of such legal conflicts compared to the pressing threats in the world.

Each incremental, affirmative, progressive step toward equality and access for all has a (face value) valid premise, and an emotive appeal- it just seems fair and right, its argued. Some of these issues clearly are right, or long over due (or both). However, all combined, they conspire to create fractured constituencies of protected peoples, victims, each screaming for their protections from their Balkanized-islands- lesbians, gays, transgenders, plural marriage, gay marriage, muslim, jew, women, latinos, immigrants, etc, etc, ad naseum (always all except whites). Many have absolutely nothing in common with the other besides leveraging their cries to impose their will upon the many. Always... always, the majority is forced to accommodate the victims not on merit rather on the vociferousness of their cries.

Now the US is a fractured mess of victim, militants, the injured, the oppressed, the repressed, the downtrodden, and the increasingly abused religious corpus... and when we juxtapose these voices and their demands beside the terrorist and nuclear and state threats that now plague the world, they seem.. selfish, destructive, sometimes asinine. They really do seem like all the handiwork of the religious narrative that describes the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the reasons. Bork was right, America is Slouching toward Gomorrah. Remove the religious connotations and the facts remain true still- America is becoming an amoral cesspool. Its the relativity of all things that is the bread and butter of the progressive/leftist playbook.

Each issue variously has merit at some level, as a basic right, as an underdog appeal. But all together, they create the very stew that destroys our culture, every landmark, and is basically nihilist in the end! The final product of the stew of balkanized politics is a fracturing of the nation. Its not conjecture, its self-evident. In this context one begins to wonder whether the increasing threats facing the world are simply the result of forces beyond control are secondary to a nation self absorbed, fractured, ineffective, and dying.

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With the world going to hell in a hand basket...nuclear crazies threatening to unleash nuclear power...

We have to spend time describing in great detail who can go to which toilet...how did we come to this?

There was a time when men were men...women were women...and those that did not know what they were...kept it to themselves...

Some would say the world has progressed to this point...some would say it has digressed to its lowest point ever...

Bunch of sick puppies causing drama...

ISIS will change all this if they get the chance...

I see such issues as NC Law as one of the straws that break the "hell in a hand basket" back (serve to destroy national comity). The previous poster notes the stunning value of such legal conflicts compared to the pressing threats in the world.

Each incremental, affirmative, progressive step toward equality and access for all has a (face value) valid premise, and an emotive appeal- it just seems fair and right, its argued. Some of these issues clearly are right, or long over due (or both). However, all combined, they conspire to create fractured constituencies of protected peoples, victims, each screaming for their protections from their Balkanized-islands- lesbians, gays, transgenders, plural marriage, gay marriage, muslim, jew, women, latinos, immigrants, etc, etc, ad naseum (always all except whites). Many have absolutely nothing in common with the other besides leveraging their cries to impose their will upon the many. Always... always, the majority is forced to accommodate the victims not on merit rather on the vociferousness of their cries.

Now the US is a fractured mess of victim, militants, the injured, the oppressed, the repressed, the downtrodden, and the increasingly abused religious corpus... and when we juxtapose these voices and their demands beside the terrorist and nuclear and state threats that now plague the world, they seem.. selfish, destructive, sometimes asinine. They really do seem like all the handiwork of the religious narrative that describes the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the reasons. Bork was right, America is Slouching toward Gomorrah. Remove the religious connotations and the facts remain true still- America is becoming an amoral cesspool. Its the relativity of all things that is the bread and butter of the progressive/leftist playbook.

Each issue variously has merit at some level, as a basic right, as an underdog appeal. But all together, they create the very stew that destroys our culture, every landmark, and is basically nihilist in the end! The final product of the stew of balkanized politics is a fracturing of the nation. Its not conjecture, its self-evident. In this context one begins to wonder whether the increasing threats facing the world are simply the result of forces beyond control are secondary to a nation self absorbed, fractured, ineffective, and dying.

"A nationally representative study of adolescents in grades 7–12 found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were more than twice as likely to have attempted suicide as their heterosexual peers." http://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/youth.htm

And you make the pompous statement that America is becoming amoral. American amorality is engendered by religiosity. It is those with religion who create the environment for the bullying and discrimination that leads to LGBT people being at risk and LGBT teens being twice as likely to kill themselves than straight teens.

Straight white men have controlled the channels of power in western societies, including America. Straight white men used to define the melting pot. The melting pot did not apply to the slaves because they were legally un-human. They were property. But the straight white male melting pot started to crack as soon as the non white Europeans began emigrating in the late 19th Century in response to potlicial and nationalistic upheaval in Europe. The cracks widened with suffrage was extended to women and by the Civil Rights Act of the 1960's until it is essentially non existent in the 21st Century. But the memo never got to the old, straight white men who continue their patriotic duty to destroy non conformists, you know, the Commies and that lot.

Democracies are designed to cope with diversity. Your, quite frankly silly and alarmist references to Balkanisation is the cry of the loss of power and influence. It is the backward looking, reactionary howl of anguish that other people are demanding an equal slice of the pie of respect and that their voices be heard.

Bork and Sodom. Two words that wrap up your prophetic dystopia. Sorry to tell you that the reformation happened pretty much when America was only the 13 colonies. You may not realise that about 23% of all Americans affiliate with no religion http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/11/05/7-facts-about-atheists/ This includes self identified atheists and agnostics. Nearly a quarter of all Americans reject the whole Sodom opus unequivocally. It has no meaning in their lives.

The US barely survived with Scalia on the SCOTUS. God help them if Bork had received assent for his nomination.

What a gigantic leap. From transgenders using toilets to the destruction of America. Well, I guess it is true. It is the destruction of your America. Your lot really haven't done a very good job. Time to let the non whites, non males, non straights, anti religious and other non conformists into the room and start listening to them/us for a change. Or not. You can choose gracious defeat and stay out of everyone's way. The coming generations will trample all over your reactionary BS.

When you think about LGBT people screaming for protection, just cast your mind to those LGBT teens who are enduring bullying so horrific that it drives many of them to suicide. And then make some statements about morality because what you have said above is surely some of the most offensive reactionary amoral discrimination against LGBT people that I have heard for a while. America used to demonstrate that there was strength in diversity, equality of opportunity and participatory governance. Why did the Republic Party screw all that up?

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Despite all of the hysterical denouncements of this common sense legislation in North Carolina, these facts still remain:

1. The law provides for single occupancy facilities. Identifying as transgener today? These single occupancy bathrooms are open to you in North Carolina. Enjoy!

2. Those who have had their genitals altered via surgery and then changed their birth certificates, are free to use the opposite gender's bathroom.

It's worth noting that these people make up less than 1% of the adult population in the US. This tiny (yet vocal) minority can use single occupancy bathrooms until they "complete their journey". After that, the bathroom doors will swing wide open.

The good people of North Carolina are standing up to the agenda driven, political extortionists, and I hope they continue to do so.

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Despite all of the hysterical denouncements of this common sense legislation in North Carolina, these facts still remain:

1. The law provides for single occupancy facilities. Identifying as transgener today? These single occupancy bathrooms are open to you in North Carolina. Enjoy!

2. Those who have had their genitals altered via surgery and then changed their birth certificates, are free to use the opposite gender's bathroom.

It's worth noting that these people make up less than 1% of the adult population in the US. This tiny (yet vocal) minority can use single occupancy bathrooms until they "complete their journey". After that, the bathroom doors will swing wide open.

The good people of North Carolina are standing up to the agenda driven, political extortionists, and I hope they continue to do so.

Again with the toilets. Always with the toilets. You make it sound like this whole thing is about toilets and when it is not about toilets it is about people's genitals being present or absent. Toilet birthers with their minds in the toilet.

It is worth noting that the good people of Charlotte, North Carolina had passed an anti discrimination ordinance to protect LGBT people. This ordinance was overturned by State legislation promoted by anti Gay religious hate groups including advisors to Ted Cruz. It is also wroth noting that the ordinance passed by the good people of Charlotte protected LGBT residents from discrimination in public accommodations including restaurants, hotels, taxis (and bathrooms) http://www.towleroad.com/2016/03/nc-governor-pat-mccrory-signs-bill-banning-lgbt-rights-ordinances-statewide/

So perhaps those who are beating up the toilet issue, those who are persistently using claims of non existent dangers to women from trans people being allowed to pee, those people who demonstrate not one jot of understanding of any LGBT issue, perhaps those people can tell us about the relationship between genitalia and ordering a BLT without getting references to Leviticus on their receipts http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2016/04/waitress_from_alabama_gets_ant.html

Perhaps those people can tells about what sexual orientation and gender identity has to do with a person whose job it is to drive a damn taxi to where the customer wants to go http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/15/gay-couple-kissing-taxi_n_5983188.html

Not a word about these clearly extreme social experiments from the good people of Alabama, Houston and other parts of the US. No cries of who America will disintegrate if gays eat processed luncheon meat in main street diners. No, it is the toilets. Always the toilets.

LGBT people demanding to be treated with dignity and have the same rights as all other citizens. These people are described as agenda driven political extortionists who actually are accepted by the good people of North Carolina. The good people of North Carolina passed ordinances to protect LGBT rights. It was the Right Wing ideological crazies pushed by religious zealots and their hatred of LGBT people who clearly are not representing the good people of North Carolina who pushed this hate legislation. How do I know it is not the good people of North Carolina? Because the majority of American's overwhelmingly support LGBT equality. This has been demonstrated consistently in polls. The numbers continue to increase and they are extremely high among young people. VDO's of University of Washington students posted on this thread back up this statement. So no. It is not the good people of North Carolina. It is the bigotry and hatred of a putrid group of ignorant right wing wannabe power brokers. Supported internationally it seems by trolls on social media.

If people are going to present the contents of these laws to try and demonstrated their perceived 'reasonableness' then just focussing on details that are lurid, inflammatory or prurient is more than intellectual dishonesty, it is moral bankruptcy.

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Statement from Target

"we welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity." https://corporate.target.com/article/2016/04/target-stands-inclusivity

Is not Target a popular shopping choice for the type of people who push for hate legislation that discriminates against minorities? Well if it is good enough for Target ...

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The other day PayPal issued a statement that it would not build a global operations center in North Carolina due to the state's new religious freedom law. OK, fine. Up to them.

But just a few years ago PayPal opened a global operations center in Malaysia where homosexuality is punishable by whipping and 20 years in prison.

And you might not be aware that PayPal's International Headquarters in located in Singapore. Homosexuality is illegal in Singapore.



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Off Topic post Removed

the topic Title is Restrooms, so the discussion is about the topic title.

If you wish to open a new topic, debating the Pros and Cons of an issue you identify with, feel free to do so. Continued Off Topic / Bickering / Flaming posts will see the responsible party Suspended.

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The other day PayPal issued a statement that it would not build a global operations center in North Carolina due to the state's new religious freedom law. OK, fine. Up to them.

But just a few years ago PayPal opened a global operations center in Malaysia where homosexuality is punishable by whipping and 20 years in prison.

And you might not be aware that PayPal's International Headquarters in located in Singapore. Homosexuality is illegal in Singapore.



I think all right minded God botherers should immediately cancel their Paypal accounts in protest.

They do have that right.

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An thought provoking take on this contentious topic is below.

I've only copied the first 3 sentences of the article, and it's worth clicking through to read the entire thing.

The rules of bigotry, according to the left, represent a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of nonsense.

This week, we learned that if you don't want your small daughter sharing a restroom with a man who thinks he is a woman, you are a bigot; if you are a woman who is uncomfortable with a man who thinks he is a woman whipping out his male genitalia to urinate in front of you, you are a bigot; if you are a religious person who doesn't want to participate in an activity you consider sinful, you are a bigot.

Conversely, if you are a man who thinks he is a woman and you want to force a small girl to pee next to you, you are a freedom fighter; if you are a large man who thinks he is a woman and you want to be one of the girls, right down to hulking into a Macy's ladies room, you are a hero; if you are a gay man and you want to force a religious person to serve you, you are a hero.


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An thought provoking take on this contentious topic is below.

I've only copied the first 3 sentences of the article, and it's worth clicking through to read the entire thing.

The rules of bigotry, according to the left, represent a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of nonsense.

This week, we learned that if you don't want your small daughter sharing a restroom with a man who thinks he is a woman, you are a bigot; if you are a woman who is uncomfortable with a man who thinks he is a woman whipping out his male genitalia to urinate in front of you, you are a bigot; if you are a religious person who doesn't want to participate in an activity you consider sinful, you are a bigot.

Conversely, if you are a man who thinks he is a woman and you want to force a small girl to pee next to you, you are a freedom fighter; if you are a large man who thinks he is a woman and you want to be one of the girls, right down to hulking into a Macy's ladies room, you are a hero; if you are a gay man and you want to force a religious person to serve you, you are a hero.


Extremist, alarmist garbage from the Right Wing propaganda voices posing as 'news' services.

A transgender person is not a Man who thinks he is a Woman.

Gay men have every right to be treated as all other citizens without discrimination.

Just an anti-leftist, anti LGBT rant by some anonymous nobody. When will people get their minds out of the toilets and the bakeries? Are such people incapable of mature thought? it seems so.

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