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PM assures there won’t be a “nominee” prime minister after the election


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PM assures there won’t be a “nominee” prime minister after the election


BANGKOK: Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha told the Thai-language section of Voice of America Friday that there will not be a “nominee” prime minister after the election in the middle of next year in Thailand.

He said that he intended to wash his hands of politics and to be with his family after his term as the prime minister has ended.

In an interview with the Voice of America during his visit to the United States to participate in the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, the prime minister admitted that his main political concern was the problem that his government has been trying to resolve which, if not successful, will stage a comeback to haunt the country once again “because those people who caused damages to the country have never accepted their guilt”

“How these people can stage a comeback? Because there are people in the country who are ready to be misled and they have been doing this all along,” explained the prime minister without naming who they are.

Prime Minister Prayut said he had been trying to explain to foreign governments and foreign media of what the political problem in Thailand – about what actually happened which led to the military intervention.

However, he complained that some foreign governments and foreign media in particular were only interested in human rights issue and were inclined to listen to the voices of the runaway politicians and activists.

The prime minister insisted that he could not appoint any nominee to succeed him after the expiry of his term “because the MPs will elect the prime minister.”

He said what he and the National Council for Peace and Order has wanted is a fully-appointed Senate with five military top brass and the national police chief as ex-officio senators.

“They (senators) cannot overthrow the government. They will merely advise the prime minister or the cabinet,” said the prime minister.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/157920

-- Thai PBS 2016-04-02

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Chances are after any election that the proxy of Thaksin will win. Therefore there will definitely be a "nominee" PM after the election. Now a different scenario would have been if the junta had shown sincerity in their actions, and cracked down on corruption and dark influence in an open and transparent manner. Didn't happen, so the reds will win again, and I for one will be glad to see them do so. Prayuth really missed an opportunity, big disappointment really, but not entirely unexpected.

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So far all your promises haven't quite come true and the believers at the beginning are now disheartened, what the Junta started out and what they are now are two different issues and unfortunately the leader must take blame , if a school report was issued it would read, not to be trusted ,would shoot at first opportunity, out of step with public and international thinking.............................coffee1.gif ..

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An Honest, statement by the PM,

Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

debatable if the next one does any better,

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An Honest, statement by the PM,

Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

debatable if the next one does any better,

No one forced him to be the leader of t

he Coup and no one is forcing him to stay now.

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An Honest, statement by the PM,

Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

debatable if the next one does any better,

According to Mark Abhisit and Thaksin Shinawatra, he is not fit to lead or zilch as you put. This is a sort of reconciliation, but not what the good general had in mind. He has taken Thailand back 10 steps.

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An Honest, statement by the PM,

Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

debatable if the next one does any better,

Ohh boo hoo.

He had been planning to PM since 2011. He was happy to take the role for the elite her serves, so he should learn to suck it up.

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To be fair, there probably won't be any need for a nominee Prime Minister as under the system he has in mind the next government will find itself with less power than a parish council anyway.

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To be fair, there probably won't be any need for a nominee Prime Minister as under the system he has in mind the next government will find itself with less power than a parish council anyway.

From the grapevine, the next election will result in a coalition government and someone from a prominent party in the infamous army brokered government will be the PM.

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"PM assures there wont be a nominee prime minister after the election"

No need because the senate and a few choosen officers will be in command of the country. The next "elected" government and prime minster will just be puppets, with no power to make any decisions, laws, investments etc. The power will remain with the military, they will remain as judge, jury and executioner.

He can lie but he cannot hide what is happening in Thailand, the army are becoming more and more repressive, now with almost unlimited powers, all very Stalinistic.

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that's important but wealth holdings aren't. around one third or so of all SET closing trades, for certain listed companies more, will still be registered in the name of a nominee, automatically, without even for the asking... as long as all you do is use a non-Thai bank or broker. leaving many folks wondering why they clamp down everywhere on the use of nominees... except when it comes to Thai securities registered at the Thailand Securities Depositary in Bangrak. for about 2 seconds.

Edited by maewang99
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They [senators] will merely advise the prime minister or the cabinet

This statement is tragically and patently incorrect.

It may indicate Prayut's increasing desparation to see the Meechai draft constitution pass the referendum.

PM assures there won't be a nominee prime minister after the election

The accuracy of this statement is difficult for me to judge without seeing the unabridged draft constitution in english. But based on the government's proposals to the CDC, a nomineee may be unnecessary at best due to the creation of a shadow government and necessary at worst by direct substitution:

- the NCPO proposed sections 83 and 154 of the provisional chapter regarding the nomination of the prime minister by political parties eligible to submit three nominees for the premiership post should be put on hold during the transition period. The transition period has been suggested to be a five-year period! This would allow an outsider who is not a politician to become PM.

- appointed senators (200 directly appointed by the junta and 6 junta ex-officios) would be utilized during the transitional period away from the current government to ensure that ongoing reforms are maintained.

- the Constitutional Court will have the authority to declare the existence of an irreconcilable political conflict and appoint an interim PM.

Meechai's draft constitution is designed to maintain covert military control of the government with democratic window dressing. The military will allow new furniture and appliances in the house but the house itself remains a military outpost.

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An Honest, statement by the PM, Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit, being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and gover

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch. He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,debatable if the next one does any better,

Well educated military officers with a respect for the concepts of separation of duties and the independence of government institutions do not talk in this fashion. Please look closely at the conduct of the military in the UK, USA, Denmark, Australia, Israel, Netherlands, Germany etc. and you will understand.

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“because those people who caused damages to the country have never accepted their guilt”

well I do admire him for his honesty and he deserves credit and I assume that he will be trying to accept more in the future?

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An Honest, statement by the PM,

Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

debatable if the next one does any better,

Ohh boo hoo.

He had been planning to PM since 2011. He was happy to take the role for the elite her serves, so he should learn to suck it up.

How observant of you and I am sure you can back up what you have said.

You know, the usual way with links and reports, otherwise it is only your opinion which is worth as much as anybody elses opinion. To you it may be worth something but to Thais it is worth the same as mine. Nothing.

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An Honest, statement by the PM,

Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

debatable if the next one does any better,

Ohh boo hoo.

He had been planning to PM since 2011. He was happy to take the role for the elite her serves, so he should learn to suck it up.

How observant of you and I am sure you can back up what you have said.

You know, the usual way with links and reports, otherwise it is only your opinion which is worth as much as anybody elses opinion. To you it may be worth something but to Thais it is worth the same as mine. Nothing.


Oh I was wrong it was 2010 actually. Straight from old toad heads mouth.

Happy reading.

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An Honest, statement by the PM, Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit, being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and gover

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch. He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,debatable if the next one does any better,

Well educated military officers with a respect for the concepts of separation of duties and the independence of government institutions do not talk in this fashion. Please look closely at the conduct of the military in the UK, USA, Denmark, Australia, Israel, Netherlands, Germany etc. and you will understand.

Those countries have had more than a thousand years to develop democracy yet Thailand has had less than 100. Look back into history and see which of those countries have invaded the others an put in their version of "democracy" over the years.

In the UK in 1918 women got to vote, but ONLY if they were over 30 and house holders. It wasn't until 1928 that all women over 21 were allowed to vote.

How about the USA when women waited until 1920 to get the vote.


Australia 1902, Denmark 1903, Israel 1948, The Netherlands 1919, Thailand 1932.

Look at "democracy" as an on-going project worldwide by all the countries of the world. They are travelling to a roughly similar destination at differing speeds. Most western countries have achieved their main goal years and decades ago but in the last year or so have modified democracy due to both home grown and international terrorism.

Freedom of speech and freedom of movement are being restricted in Europe after being loosened for quite a few years. Is that democratic or not? The countries are still democratic but for example some social media websites are being shut down. The police and the army carrying live weapons are patrolling the streets and cities of Europe and the UK.

The police and the army carrying live weapons are patrolling the streets and cities of Israel where millions of Palestinians are disenfranchised, yet Israel claims to be a democratic country.

Many countries in the Arab Gulf claim to be "democratic" but according to some standards they are not.

The USA claims to be "democratic" yet still holds people from other countries in Guantanamo. Are they "democratic"?

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An Honest, statement by the PM, Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit, being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and gover

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch. He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,debatable if the next one does any better,

Well educated military officers with a respect for the concepts of separation of duties and the independence of government institutions do not talk in this fashion. Please look closely at the conduct of the military in the UK, USA, Denmark, Australia, Israel, Netherlands, Germany etc. and you will understand.

Those countries have had more than a thousand years to develop democracy yet Thailand has had less than 100. Look back into history and see which of those countries have invaded the others an put in their version of "democracy" over the years.

In the UK in 1918 women got to vote, but ONLY if they were over 30 and house holders. It wasn't until 1928 that all women over 21 were allowed to vote.

How about the USA when women waited until 1920 to get the vote.


Australia 1902, Denmark 1903, Israel 1948, The Netherlands 1919, Thailand 1932.

Look at "democracy" as an on-going project worldwide by all the countries of the world. They are travelling to a roughly similar destination at differing speeds. Most western countries have achieved their main goal years and decades ago but in the last year or so have modified democracy due to both home grown and international terrorism.

Freedom of speech and freedom of movement are being restricted in Europe after being loosened for quite a few years. Is that democratic or not? The countries are still democratic but for example some social media websites are being shut down. The police and the army carrying live weapons are patrolling the streets and cities of Europe and the UK.

The police and the army carrying live weapons are patrolling the streets and cities of Israel where millions of Palestinians are disenfranchised, yet Israel claims to be a democratic country.

Many countries in the Arab Gulf claim to be "democratic" but according to some standards they are not.

The USA claims to be "democratic" yet still holds people from other countries in Guantanamo. Are they "democratic"?

What has the USA holding people they believe to be dangerous criminals got to do with whether they are Democratic or not? The concept of democracy basically dictates that persons of a particular country have the opportunity to elect groups of individuals to represent them.

Now how has that got anything to do with the USA holding people in Guantanamo?

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Hasn't anybody told this little man that it is not all about him, that he isn't the centre of the universe or even Thailand for that matter. General, you are nothing more than a commissioned army clerk, your leadership skills within the military and your illegal government are poor, your PR skills are deplorable and please understand, a proxy is not needed because you were never meant to be anything more than you are now, the stand in ring master for this second rate circus. You will go down in history as a complete failure who pushed Thailand back into the dark ages. Now having said that, where do I report for attitude adjustment?

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To be fair, there probably won't be any need for a nominee Prime Minister as under the system he has in mind the next government will find itself with less power than a parish council anyway.

With a "stacked" senate with all encompassing powers not one person worthy of their "salt" will want to enter politics. These "senators" will have the power to jail any politician who is deemed to have stepped out of line. No one wants to be a politician under these circumstances. Its like the deal in Burma. The military would allow Aun San Suu Kyi to become president if she signed an agreement before hand to allow the crooked military to carry on with all their lucrative nefarious businesses and she would have to promise to never prosecute them for human rights violations. So much for Burma's so called "democracy"

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An Honest, statement by the PM,

Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

debatable if the next one does any better,

No one forced him to be the leader of t

he Coup and no one is forcing him to stay now.

He made a choice, stand by and watch the situation deteriorate more., or as he chose to do, once made ,

I think pressures from inside and outside pushed him into the role as the head,

Time limit i think he was sure would be short, until he has seen first hand the monumental problems with both sides of government,

I think of him as playing a referees role and being a longer game than he has wanted, the essence of his time is being able to walk away

and have the understanding of the people, and (all sides ) of the next potential government, ( act with integrity )

Unless you have been privy to what has been said to opposition peoples it is pure speculation.

Being accountable and i think he will be , pity we could not say the same for the previous 2 PM's

Denial is still their defence.

Being blunt and no idea about playing politics to the extent he has had to do , how would you have done?

Seeing through all the rhetoric is just a man who loves his country, acting in good faith for that country,

very easy standing on the outside throwing dispersions , but do you have all the information,? do you have the deep seated love for the country?

when did he intervene? when could he have intervened prior to when he did,? As you know he could have reacted many times earlier.

Many things i don't agree with, some of the advice he has been given has been shoddy to say the least.

Would you have done better doubtful , would i have ?doubtful , anyone on this site doubtful ? you play the hand you have. (guaranteed not to please them all)

Asian politics sure is no easy road.

I am but a (GUEST) in this country, still free to come and go.

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