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SURVEY: Should drunk drivers have license revoked and vehicle impounded?


SURVEY: Drunk drivers, what to do?  

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With the upcoming Songkran holiday, the issue of road accidents will again be making the news Which of the following do you feel should be done with people who are caught driving recklessly or drunk?

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I think any farang letting their kids get on the back of a pick up truck should be deported.

I think pick up truck should be banned during this holiday that had gone crazy. When I moved here in 1985 it was only crazy farang in Khao San Road that did the nonsense that happens today.

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Drunk drivers typically in any civilized country get arrested, car subsequently impounded and license is revoked and criminal complaints are filed. In most places in the world you risk a felony for doing so especially more than one time. So I have no idea

Scott, what is your opinion on the subject?

You can get more than ten years in prison for your third offense. Scott with all due respect makes a plethora of polls designed to make stupid people react.

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Where is the "No, of course not. It's not like taking away a DL suddenly makes you incapable of driving a vehicle and we know already know that many people either don't have one, won it in the lottery or shouldn't have gotten one in the first place, but that hasn't stopped people from driving. And because impounding will equal to not steep enough of a dent into the pocket, why bother because the lesson just won't stick. BUT....why don't you just ban alcohol sales on holidays, that sounds alot more sound and reasonable to the people in charge" option?

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I think any farang letting their kids get on the back of a pick up truck should be deported.

I think pick up truck should be banned during this holiday that had gone crazy. When I moved here in 1985 it was only crazy farang in Khao San Road that did the nonsense that happens today.

You propose jailing Thai parents for the same offence?

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A man I know well was arrested for drink driving last week, guess what.. he was banned from driving for 6 months, he was also fined and given a suspended sentence.

He did spend some time in a cell.

Its up to the judge what to do in such cases, its not up to voters on a forum.

Its also worth mentioning that initially the officer that stopped him suggested a 300 baht "tip" to let him go on his way, he declined to pay the tip and by the time a more senior officer was involved it was too late.

Edited by technologybytes
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Inpounding the vehicle and lose of legal driving previlege seems to have decreased the number of drunks behind the wheel in many countries. Of course the towing fee of 1 to 300 dollars, plus storage for vehicle can cost 3 to 500 dollar and then add the court cost, fine and lawyer charges which can approach 1000. dollars or more, plus other court ordered activity, community service, attend a AA meeting or two, etc. probably contributed as much as the first choice. Put standard fines in Thailand in ratio to wages earned, as other countries do, and make it hurt. Then see what the result is after a year, with no police involvment in the amounts that must be paid via court system.

Its like most behavior that the majority of the population diagree with, there is seldomn a 1 or 2 action solution. The actions I suggest will not work for all drunk drivers as some are habitual drunks on a every day basis, thus they have to be deprived of access to a vehicle.

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The survey is useless - since a no, respectively other alternatives are missing.

Impounding the vehicle sounds kind of funny, because in Thailand most cars and a lot of bikes are financed.

How about reporting recurring offenders to the financing companies and banning them from ever financing any vehicle again? Financing companies who still support offenders who were reported to them by the RTP (easy to do with a nation wide database) lose their license. In addition, recurring offenders are restricted from registering vehicles. That would hurt them the most and have serious, and long lasting impact.

I however fear that if the above would be implemented, more than half of Thailand would be on foot... smile.png

Edited by MockingJay
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There is no excuse for drinking and driving. If you can't have a good time and not drink then get a taxi or stay at home. Anyone who does and gets caught should face a lengthy ban and a large fine. End of story.

Edited by Dmaxdan
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I think they should spend some time in a jail cell.

Yes, drunk driving automatic jailtime say six months, car impounded and automatic loss of licence for life.

Causing death by drunk driving, ten years jailtime plus above.

Any official caught taking bribes, jailtime two years, plus very heavy fine.

Result. drunk driving offences, and deaths caused by drink driving massively reduced.

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A man I know well was arrested for drink driving last week, guess what.. he was banned from driving for 6 months, he was also fined and given a suspended sentence.

He did spend some time in a cell.

Its up to the judge what to do in such cases, its not up to voters on a forum.

Its also worth mentioning that initially the officer that stopped him suggested a 300 baht "tip" to let him go on his way, he declined to pay the tip and by the time a more senior officer was involved it was too late.

Must have been a foreigner most Thai's know how the system works and would eagerly pay and be on their way. Sadly if the full extent of the law was levied and the car impounded and the driver's license seized the owner of said car might have no means to pursue his lively hood and thus loose his job and his family and extended family might suffer. In a land where drinking and driving is a way of life the economy would be dealt a staggering blow so it boils down to a trade off. In the end the loss of some lives would seem to the powers that be a trade off against a collapsed economy complete with social losses as well. As in so many cases a few are sacrificed for the benefit of the majority. Overall though the opposite is true as the many are being sacrificed for the benefit of the few rich elite. 1% ers

Edited by elgordo38
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The survey is useless - since a no, respectively other alternatives are missing.

Impounding the vehicle sounds kind of funny, because in Thailand most cars and a lot of bikes are financed.

How about reporting recurring offenders to the financing companies and banning them from ever financing any vehicle again? Financing companies who still support offenders who were reported to them by the RTP (easy to do with a nation wide database) lose their license. In addition, recurring offenders are restricted from registering vehicles. That would hurt them the most and have serious, and long lasting impact.

I however fear that if the above would be implemented, more than half of Thailand would be on foot... smile.png

"Impounding the vehicle sounds kind of funny, because in Thailand most cars and a lot of bikes are financed"

So what? The drunk driver or Motorbike rider will have to pay all expenses.

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There is no excuse for drinking and driving. If you can't have a good time and not drink then get a taxi or stay at home. Anyone who does and gets caught should face a lengthy ban and a large fine. End of story.

You are correct for people of our age group we had done seen de light. However when one is young and reckless (thank God them years are over for me but I still remember them) its a different story. Its a case of trying to prove their fledgling manhood as they see it. I see this for hours every evening outside my condo as the BIB have rolled up the rug for the night and the testosterone fueled rice rocket junkies come out to strut their stuff burning rubber for hours. Huay Kaew becomes a virtual raceway after dark. Its a miracle come morning that the road is not littered with dead motorbike maniacs.

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The survey assumes that most drivers have a valid licence to revoke, whether Thai or farang.

Take their car away and the motorbike will be pressed into use; around here most families have both, sometimes the car, or pick-up, is only used occasionally, there will always be a motorbike available.

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If you drive an expensive car, say over 4 million baht then you should be allowed to drink and drive as your vehicle being impounded is just a small inconvenience. As for your licence revoked, again if you can afford a bribe each time the cops pull you over, which is unlikely if you drive an expensive car, another small inconvenience.

If you own a beat up motorcycle and use it to deliver noodles to your customers and drink. Then having your vehicle impounded takes away your only source of income. Your license is revoked, you are wary of driving on main roads due to constant police checkpoints, your business is ruined. You end up returning to the village and doing menial jobs such as rice cutting and construction work.

So my point is, drink driving punishment deters the poor from breaking the laws more than the rich. Suggestion, more expensive cars pulled over and their drivers breathalyzer tested, those tested positive are given a suspended jail and a 1 year ban on their licence. As for poor drivers, points on their license and after a certain amount of points, they're given a 1 year ban and suspended jail sentence. The poor have more to lose, so get less punishment, the rich can afford to lose, and need a stiffer sentence to encourage safer driving.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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For sure take away the drunk-drivers license. However, impounding the vehicle can be a severe hardship for the entire family, not just the drunk driver ... e.g., someone needs to get to work; doing food shopping; kids need to be taken to school; etc.

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The survey is useless - since a no, respectively other alternatives are missing.

Impounding the vehicle sounds kind of funny, because in Thailand most cars and a lot of bikes are financed.

How about reporting recurring offenders to the financing companies and banning them from ever financing any vehicle again? Financing companies who still support offenders who were reported to them by the RTP (easy to do with a nation wide database) lose their license. In addition, recurring offenders are restricted from registering vehicles. That would hurt them the most and have serious, and long lasting impact.

I however fear that if the above would be implemented, more than half of Thailand would be on foot... smile.png

"The survey is useless - since a no, respectively other alternatives are missing."

Most of these surveys are written poorly. They rarely correlate well to the implication of the heading. It's like asking "Do you still beat your wife" and then only accepting yes or no answers.

I don't suppose many people would vote for "no" in this case, but it should be an option or at least "other" should be available. Of course, most of these surveys don't purport to obtain useful information for any other purpose than to stir the pot.

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I think they should spend some time in a jail cell.

This forum would be very quiet if they enforced that rule, keep in mind that 2 beers in a hour considers you're drunk at an alcohol test.

Which means you shouldn't be driving.

I wouldn't even drive after one beer. Booze and cars don't mix.

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I think they should spend some time in a jail cell.

This forum would be very quiet if they enforced that rule, keep in mind that 2 beers in a hour considers you're drunk at an alcohol test.

Which means you shouldn't be driving.

I wouldn't even drive after one beer. Booze and cars don't mix.

Mum is very proud of you l am sure........rolleyes.gif

Hardly. She's been dead 25 years.

Anyone that drinks and drives is a dangerous idiot in my view.

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I was almost killed twice by people who were either drunk or under the influence of some kind of drugs. So taking license, car and may be jail time for highly intoxicated is a good idea

"I was almost killed twice by people who were either drunk or under the influence of some kind of drugs."

After two attempts did they give up?

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