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Man, I'm so glad I live here

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Whenever I see some gorgeous woman, I console myself with thinking that there is some poor, shmuck of a man that has to put up with her sh1t.

So, all gorgeous women are bitches? Some women can handle being gorgeous and nice.

Don't put words in my mouth.

Notice I said "see" not meet.

Besides, it makes me feel better.

Not putting anything in your mouth. You said, "Whenever I see some gorgeous woman . . . " That pretty much covers any gorgeous woman you have ever seen. However, I am sure you have not seen all gorgeous women.

So, I stand corrected, I should have said, "So, all gorgeous women you have seen are bitches? Some women can handle being gorgeous and nice."

Not sure how "meet" enters into it, but if it makes you feel better, go for it.

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I often why people on here mention the "crime" situation" so much in Thailand....It like peace and tranquility compared to most Western Cities I have been to....including my own country.....

Well, for most Canadians, and Australians and Nordic Country folks, Thailand is a crime ridden violent society compared to their home countries. I believe Bangkok alone has more murders in any given year than the combined total of the afore mentioned countries. Gun violence is exceptionally high in Thailand. Maybe, folks from the USA don't bat an eye since thailand resembles the USA in that regard, but for those of us who come from law abiding nations, Thailand is a land of violent crime.

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Women......find the right one and you are made

Find the wrong one and you are <deleted> !

I think some people like them to wear the trousers !

Many American men want their women to wear the trousers. I see it all the time. They leave their mommies, and immediately look for another woman to take control and care for them. Yes Honey this, Yes Honey that, Whatever you want Honey. Gag!!!

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I look back and remember some of the shit I put up with from my USA girlfriend and wonder why I put up with it too.

They can be tough and demanding, likely I contributed though!

Two benefits of being here, you don't have to put up with it, but better still, it just doesn't seem to happen.

I recall I similarly heard a Thai woman giving her farang better half a lot of lip once and did the same Thai thing of minding my own business.....I got an easier lady thankfully.

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My girl friend says "I don't have any tatoos for the same reason you don't put bumper stickers on your Ferrari." Just kidding as I drive a Nissan March! What other people do is not anyone else's problem, Need to lighten up a bit.

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Women......find the right one and you are made

Find the wrong one and you are <deleted> !

I think some people like them to wear the trousers !

Many American men want their women to wear the trousers. I see it all the time. They leave their mommies, and immediately look for another woman to take control and care for them. Yes Honey this, Yes Honey that, Whatever you want Honey. Gag!!!

??-What part of "America" are you from-??

Edited by pgrahmm
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Coming from one of those so called "law abiding" countries I must be the exception then, because on a personal level I have found Thailand and Bangkok in particular to be remarkably free of violence towards foreigners, although from what I read parts of Pattaya and Phucket have become dangerous for foreigners. I wouldn't even dream of walking through Kings Cross or Kings Street In Melbourne late at night or spending any time at all places like Alice Springs but even in different circumstances to my present situation I don't think I would venture near Patong or parts of Pattaya and would be very careful in regard to pickpockets around Hua Lamphong railway station. But even the violence in these places pales in comparison to Rio de Janeiro the area around Marseilles railway station, the ferry terminals in Manila much less failed states like Papua New Guinea and the incidence of pick pocketing in Barcelona, bag snatching in Italy and the wretched gypsy thieves in Paris

Thailand does have high rates of violent crimes when compared to selected developed countries, but the incidence is largely confined to Thais themselves, that is domestic disputes between Thais, violent bank robberies and petty crime. The area where there seems to be some violence is between foreigners and Thai women who are in some sort of relationship, particularly those of a commercial nature. So I am not sure that projecting overall national crime rates onto particular discrete groups such as tourists/ expats is very useful. I also suspect in the case of tourists, there would be a higher incidence of violence against violent drunks and drug users, and that drunken British "lager louts", bronzed Aussie heroes, would be over represented as victims and perpetrators of violence but usually occur when because of their loutish behavior, bite off more than they can chew and pay the price. I haven't forgotten the Russians who for other reasons figure prominently in reports of violence, but for different reasons and Russia cannot be considered a law abiding country by any fair measure.

Of course any violence against foreigners is likely to feature prominently on an expat/tourist forum and there have been some horrific crimes against tourists, but no worse than something like the the Charters Tower fires where a no hoper Australian killed a number of backpackers or the murder and rape of a young Japanese tourist in Brisbane. These are just two instances of Aussie violence and, like the Thai situation tend to distort the situation when viewed in isolation.

The reporting of of horrific violent crimes, which of course is essential, distorts perceptions in relation to the dangers posed to the average foreigner, both tourists and longer term stayers, given the huge number of tourists visiting Thailand each year the chance of being a victim of violence is minimal and for expats it is more likely that any violence, such as falling out of tall buildings, is self inflicted.

I often why people on here mention the "crime" situation" so much in Thailand....It like peace and tranquility compared to most Western Cities I have been to....including my own country.....

Well, for most Canadians, and Australians and Nordic Country folks, Thailand is a crime ridden violent society compared to their home countries. I believe Bangkok alone has more murders in any given year than the combined total of the afore mentioned countries. Gun violence is exceptionally high in Thailand. Maybe, folks from the USA don't bat an eye since thailand resembles the USA in that regard, but for those of us who come from law abiding nations, Thailand is a land of violent crime.

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Whenever I see some gorgeous woman, I console myself with thinking that there is some poor, shmuck of a man that has to put up with her sh1t.

Could be that most are not easy.

BUT that Khmer-Cambodian woman, in my life, she was possibly the best looking woman in my life, was, same time also a very humble one. Unbelievable, I let her go. whistling.gif


Edited by ALFREDO
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Whenever I see some gorgeous woman, I console myself with thinking that there is some poor, shmuck of a man that has to put up with her sh1t.

Could be that most are not easy. BUT that one in my life, she was possibly the best looking woman in my life, but same time also a very humble one. Unbelievable, I let her go. whistling.gif

Perhaps just as well, what with that knife she had to hand.

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I often why people on here mention the "crime" situation" so much in Thailand....It like peace and tranquility compared to most Western Cities I have been to....including my own country.....

Well, for most Canadians, and Australians and Nordic Country folks, Thailand is a crime ridden violent society compared to their home countries. I believe Bangkok alone has more murders in any given year than the combined total of the afore mentioned countries. Gun violence is exceptionally high in Thailand. Maybe, folks from the USA don't bat an eye since thailand resembles the USA in that regard, but for those of us who come from law abiding nations, Thailand is a land of violent crime.


Thailand Number 100 from 218 mcountries.

Not so bad, not so good.

And forget the Statistics in that regard From -Nation Master-, they are not only outdated, but for what ever reason, completely, even crazy wrong!!!

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Whenever I see some gorgeous woman, I console myself with thinking that there is some poor, shmuck of a man that has to put up with her sh1t.

Could be that most are not easy. BUT that one in my life, she was possibly the best looking woman in my life, but same time also a very humble one. Unbelievable, I let her go. whistling.gif

Perhaps just as well, what with that knife she had to hand.

Coincidence balcon at a friends apartment in Patong, he just started to prepare his meal there,

on the table. wink.png

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Thailand does have high rates of violent crimes when compared to selected developed countries, but the incidence is largely confined to Thais themselves, that is domestic disputes between Thais, violent bank robberies and petty crime. The area where there seems to be some violence is between foreigners and Thai women who are in some sort of relationship, particularly those of a commercial nature. So I am not sure that projecting overall national crime rates onto particular discrete groups such as tourists/ expats is very useful. I also suspect in the case of tourists, there would be a higher incidence of violence against violent drunks and drug users, and that drunken British "lager louts", bronzed Aussie heroes, would be over represented as victims and perpetrators of violence but usually occur when because of their loutish behavior, bite off more than they can chew and pay the price. I haven't forgotten the Russians who for other reasons figure prominently in reports of violence, but for different reasons and Russia cannot be considered a law abiding country by any fair measure.

Logical and may be wishful thinking on your part, but statistically not true.

Most violence against foreigners appears entirely random.

One example, the couple of Brits murdered on Koh Tao, neither appeared to fit into your theory.

Another example, the French diving instructor found dead in the jungle recently, disappeared from a mid-day ferry journey.

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Whenever I see some gorgeous woman, I console myself with thinking that there is some poor, shmuck of a man that has to put up with her sh1t.

Could be that most are not easy. BUT that one in my life, she was possibly the best looking woman in my life, but same time also a very humble one. Unbelievable, I let her go. whistling.gif

Perhaps just as well, what with that knife she had to hand.

Not to mention, dressed like a hooker.

Would have been nothing but trouble and expense.

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Not to mention, dressed like a hooker.

Would have been nothing but trouble and expense.

Reading your responses in this thread, I think you are telling us a lot more than you think you are.

I like hookers, but not as long term companions.

I can't tolerate the company of normal women for any period of time, I have little patience these days.

I don't want to listen to their inane chatter, I don't want to cater to their sensitivities.

In Europe, I have NO social interaction with women, way too much effort, I'm hanging with my mates, or on my own.

If you want to accuse me of Gynophobia (= aversion), no problem, but don't call me a Misogynist (= hatred), as I wish them no harm.

Now you know all there is to know.

And that's why 'I'm so glad I live here', short-time.

Edited by BritManToo
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Maybe she had an exceptionally bad day and this was a one off? What I find funny is the Thailand crowd viewing a female partner as some sort of accessory that should know its place and not make any problems and fit some sort of mold, because you take care of her, god forbid she has independence and integrity.

I understand your point completely.

However, this woman was going on about completely irrelevant stuff.... stuff that didn't make any sense. Guy was cheating? Ok, you throw (up) your breakfast at him. She has problems at her tattoo shop? Then what does no seats in the restaurant have to do anything with it (the place was literally 20% occupied). No, she was behaving like a 5 year old child. This is why Soi Biker's post was completely stupid. Yeah, I am the problem when the girl was acting like an ass in front of everyone. Suuureeeee........ everyone in the restaurant was so comfortable watching her.

And no... I have never seen a Thai woman throw a hissy fit like this. They usually save this for home... unless there is some loso street brawl or something.

To pick one couple out of the entire universe and make a post on it, you must have lots of free time?

You have never seen this behavior?

What do you think caused the 10,000 divorces written about on TV? Good behavior?

There are times people should just mind their own business and not be concerned with strangers.

There is never a guarantee when dealing with women in any country, Thailand included.

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Maybe she had an exceptionally bad day and this was a one off? What I find funny is the Thailand crowd viewing a female partner as some sort of accessory that should know its place and not make any problems and fit some sort of mold, because you take care of her, god forbid she has independence and integrity.

I understand your point completely.

However, this woman was going on about completely irrelevant stuff.... stuff that didn't make any sense. Guy was cheating? Ok, you throw (up) your breakfast at him. She has problems at her tattoo shop? Then what does no seats in the restaurant have to do anything with it (the place was literally 20% occupied). No, she was behaving like a 5 year old child. This is why Soi Biker's post was completely stupid. Yeah, I am the problem when the girl was acting like an ass in front of everyone. Suuureeeee........ everyone in the restaurant was so comfortable watching her.

And no... I have never seen a Thai woman throw a hissy fit like this. They usually save this for home... unless there is some loso street brawl or something.

To pick one couple out of the entire universe and make a post on it, you must have lots of free time?

You have never seen this behavior?

What do you think caused the 10,000 divorces written about on TV? Good behavior?

There are times people should just mind their own business and not be concerned with strangers.

There is never a guarantee when dealing with women in any country, Thailand included.

Aha. I do have a lot of time on my hands. On "another forum" I've got 12,000 posts.

What's your point?

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Thailand does have high rates of violent crimes when compared to selected developed countries, but the incidence is largely confined to Thais themselves, that is domestic disputes between Thais, violent bank robberies and petty crime. The area where there seems to be some violence is between foreigners and Thai women who are in some sort of relationship, particularly those of a commercial nature. So I am not sure that projecting overall national crime rates onto particular discrete groups such as tourists/ expats is very useful. I also suspect in the case of tourists, there would be a higher incidence of violence against violent drunks and drug users, and that drunken British "lager louts", bronzed Aussie heroes, would be over represented as victims and perpetrators of violence but usually occur when because of their loutish behavior, bite off more than they can chew and pay the price. I haven't forgotten the Russians who for other reasons figure prominently in reports of violence, but for different reasons and Russia cannot be considered a law abiding country by any fair measure.

Logical and may be wishful thinking on your part, but statistically not true.

Most violence against foreigners appears entirely random.

One example, the couple of Brits murdered on Koh Tao, neither appeared to fit into your theory.

Another example, the French diving instructor found dead in the jungle recently, disappeared from a mid-day ferry journey.

That ferry was actually late night, not mid-day, and there has been no suggestion Mr Louet met with violence. In fact he had some recent health issues as reported by his girlfriend and pictures of him with a swollen arm bear it out.

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"Aha. I do have a lot of time on my hands. On "another forum" I've got 12,000 posts."

No doubt you are regarded with the same high esteem on that forum too.

High esteem or not people do enjoy my posts..... because they are mostly honest.

So, are you regarded in high esteem here? What are your exemplary contributions... preferably the ones that don't bore people to death?

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