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Changing Address when re entering Thailand on extension of stay

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Hello, I am currently on an extension of stay based on retirement and reside in Chonburi. I am travelling to Malaysia in the near future and when I return to Thailand I will be staying in Koh Samui,where I have a plot of land and house on long term lease. My question is what, if any, documentation will I require when returning to Thailand for my new address, in Koh Samui, when submitting a TM6 upon arrival ( I have a registered lease agreement for the land and dwellings upon it but the blue house book is not in my name yet and still in the construction companies ) do I also have to submit a TM 28 form upon arrival. I will retain my house in Chonburi for the near future, the 90 day reporting is not a consideration as I travel with business frequently and I am never in Thailand for more than 90 days. Many thanks in advance for any advice and assistance from the forum members.

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On entry, your only responsibility is to put the correct, full address on the form. No supporting documentation is expected. Depending on whether you anticipate contact with the immigration office during your stay in Thailand, you may need to submit a TM-30 form (in theory within 24 hours of arrival). The immigration offices vary in what they want attached to a TM-30 notification.

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On entry you will need nothing more than putting your address on the TM6.

After you get to Samui you will to to file a TM28 change of address form at immigration there. This will be needed to do your 90 day reporting and for you next extension.

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I didn´t know that falang can be mentioned in thais blue house book!! never heard of that...

So when you wrote,,,,,

"but the blue house book is not in my name yet"

I must ask people here, Really? Can falang be in a blue house book?????


Edited by glegolo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn´t know that falang can be mentioned in thais blue house book!! never heard of that...

So when you wrote,,,,,

"but the blue house book is not in my name yet"

I must ask people here, Really? Can falang be in a blue house book?????


To my knowledge the answer is NO but they can be added to the yellow house book.


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