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Khmer Times / May Titthara

Suth Dina, Cambodia’s often–criticized Ambassador to South Korea, will face arrest after being questioned by the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) today, according to ACU President Om Yentieng. It is unknown at this point what Mr. Dina’s offense was.

Mr. Yentieng said Mr. Dina had been the subject of multiple complaints from workers in both South Korea and Cambodia, as well as from government officials from the ACU and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, whose officials had traveled to Seoul to inspect Mr. Dina’s case.

Early last month, the ACU sent a group of officials to Seoul to talk directly with witnesses, victims, embassy officials and Mr. Dina. ACU officials also visited five provinces in South Korea to meet Cambodian workers and gather evidence. On Sunday night, Mr. Dina flew to Phnom Penh and yesterday morning made his appearance at the ACU.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/23584/acu-to-arrest-ambassador-to-south-korea/

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